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the night's just right for love — Swift River 
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Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander

With the night falling quickly down on them, Tobius and @Laurel needed to find someplace to settle down for the night. However, he wasn't taking off to scout ahead. The last time he left Laurel's side, he was caught in a landslide and was involuntarily thrown into the water where he was knocked out and couldn't swim, even if he could that is. He hoped that Laurel just thought he couldn't swim because he was knocked out, which was truly part of the problem, but even if he was conscious, it wouldn't have been very different. Tobius wasn't a overly proud man, but that part of him was something he was equally embarrassed and shamed about. So, he hoped she wouldn't question it, however, she was a curious woman and he doubted she'd keep that to herself. But there was no harm in hoping.

As they made their way through the Sacred Grove, he couldn't resist his lingering suspicion that someone once owned these lands. The worn down paths that they constantly passed , spoke of one thing, something lived here and walked these paths regularly or at least used to. Given that the paths were starting to overgrow, he settled on the later idea, but they still stuck out like a sore thumb in the forest. Glancing over at his companion, he spoke his thoughts to her, "I think someone once lived here, but it doesn't look like they've visited lately. But, keep a look out." Unknowing to him, he was right, a pack once ruled these lands. Swift River inhabited these lands for many years, until heartache led the legendary matriarch, Corinna, to pack up and lead her pack over the mountain to find a new home for a new beginning. That's why Tobius was here in Relic Lore, to find a new home for a new beginning. Glancing over to Laurel, he couldn't help but smile slightly. Perhaps, she was his new beginning.

As they went further into the abandoned lands, they came upon a clearing and that was when he saw the dug out den where he and Laurel could take shelter for the night. Well, Laurel at least. Tobius planned on spending the night outside the den, guarding them from anything that planned to lurk towards them. He didn't want to make his companion uncomfortable by invading her space. He was gentleman first and would put his wants aside. Besides, he's slept outside many times, so what's one more time? "There's a den right over there. Let me go check it out first. Stay right here." He told her, before trotting off towards what looked like an abandoned den. As he got closer, he slowed and paused to smell the area for any fresh scents. All that littered the area were the scents of small rodents and a few rabbits, but no wolves. Glancing back at Laurel, "All clear!" He called, before settling down onto his hunches until she got to him.

(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2014, 02:28 AM by Tobius.)
Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
She was back in the strange Grove- this time, with a new companion. Laurel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his smile, mysterious in it's meaning. "That certainly adds information to my theories." She took her time, picking her way through the undergrowth threatening to overtake any signs of civilization. And for a moment, she was sore this evidence was overlooked. Of course, Laurel admitted to herself, she would have never found herself this deep in the curiously empowered forest if she and her companion didn't need to make their way south. "I don't think other wolves would travel this far in, but I'll keep a look out."

She watched, amused at his gallantry, as Jaime secured a den- a den already dug out, adding evidence to the swirling thoughts in her mind. Who had lived here? Where did they go? What forced them away? Laurel almost considered re-checking the area around their location, but she didn't want to offend Jaime, thankful for his thoughtfulness. She trotted up to his sitting figure, tail relaxed and happy.

"Thank you." Laurel's eyes shifted up to check the progress of the evening sky. "Are you hungry? Now is just about the right time for catfish..." Her eyes shifted back at him, though she tried not to make her gaze pointed. That fall he took had taken a toll on him, however small, and Laurel was determined to see him eat regularly to keep strong. Doubly so, since, when they first met, he wasn't exactly the picture of health. She diverted a look at his torn foot towards the river- "You could join me, if you'd like."
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander

As he spoke of his worries about the possibility of others inhabiting the area, Laurel was right on top of his theories and had the same thoughts. Nodding at her words, he took her words into consideration. Perhaps she was right. The forest was certainly getting overgrown. There might not be anyone out here in these parts anymore, but that wouldn't stop him from making sure. For Laurel's sake and his as well. He was determined to keep her safe as she had risked her life for his, so he was in her debt. If it wasn't for her or the stranger female, he wouldn't be here today. And he was certainly thankful for his companion and wasn't about to let her get hurt under his watch.

Once she approached him at the abandoned den, she mentioned dinner. On queue, his stomach growled hungrily at the thought of catfish. Smiling a devilish smile, "Gladly, he answered with a chuckle before turning toward where he last heard the rush of water. Together they made their way towards the riverbank. Glancing over at Laurel, he made sure she wasn't close to the edge, where she would fall in to the swift current. Perhaps, he was being overprotective, but he hasn't realized that yet. Looking at the water before them, gave him chills, but he wasn't completely afraid of the river. The river was not too deep for him and the banks seemed easily assesible, but he took care in only going in so far as to not slip and go completely into the water. "I haven't been fishing in while, so don't be surprised if I fail a couple times," he joked, a wolfish grin and wink towards her before he stepped closer to the waters edge to peer into the water for any signs of fish.

As he peered into the river, the fish seemed to be vacant from the area, but the more he stood there, the more he began to see the dark shadows darting underwater. Taking a few careful steps into the water, he parted his jaws and lowered his muzzle towards the water. Lowering half his mouth into the water, he waited until an unsuspecting fish crossed his path. Like a cheetah, he acted quick, snapping his jaws around the fleshy body of the catfish, but what he didn't expect was the wiggly motion from his captured prey, as this was one of few times he's actually been fishing since his accident. Before he knew it, the fish was flying though the air towards the bank, but also aimed right towards Laurel.

(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2014, 04:38 AM by Tobius.)
Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
Laurel laughed a little at his joke, then set about her task of getting dinner. She was a little surprised, seeing Jaime step willingly into water after his abrupt flight from it at the Falls, but she didn't let it distract her too long from successfully petering out her method of raining down destruction upon the evening wraiths of the fish community. Step lightly, move purposefully, the Boughinn reminded herself. Where her paws rested, fish regained the courage to swim and go about their business.

Yes. Laurel mused. Let yourselves be fooled into complacency. So focused was she on the fish underwater, she didn't notice the fish in the air. Until it landed on her head, that is. Slightly alarmed at the eye staring into hers, Laurel forced herself to stay still. Chancing a look at Jaime, she instead made pleasantries, as any ravenous monster should- "Well, hello there. Having a nice evening, are we? I'm afraid it's going to be cut a bit short, seeing as you are our dinner and all. Terribly sorry." And she tossed it onto the bank with a playful smile and a flick of her head.

Laurel decided to snatch a few more- Ahahahaha!- before chancing a very important question towards the other wolf in the river. "Jaime," she started off slow and pleasant- "To be honest, I'm sort of surprised, seeing you here fishing with me, after the way you took off from the Falls. Is there anything that you might have against that particular spot? I wouldn't mind if you told me." Internally, she dared him to a game of truth or dare- there was no way he could answer this without giving himself away.
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander
occ: Feel free to interrogate and get it from him(; and I literally just got your warning pm just after I posted with Athena... I really should be shot :c

With horror in his blue eyes, he watched the slimy, black catfish fly through the air right for Laurel's head. Taking a step towards her, he realized he was too late to do anything to help her or the fish. Holding his breath until the moment of impact, he hoped she wouldn't be mad at him or worse, get hurt. His eyes wide, he watched their stand-off and had to stifle back his laughter when Laurel began having a conversation with the fish that sat comfortably on her head. As soon as the fish was safely on the bank, did he release his laughter. "Oh, Mighty Laurel, the fish whisperer!" He joked, a wide, goofy grin upon his face as he looked over at her. Then they both went back to fishing. Tobius was careful to only keep two feet in the river and was able to keep his nervousness at bay. He only minded going into water to get something easy to eat or something to drink, but other than that he tried to stay away from water. It just wasn't his thing.

Though he hoped she wouldn't notice or become suspicious, but her curious self crushed his hopes. At first, he didn't know where she was gong when she said his taken alias. Then she made her suspicions made and Tobius froze. Of course, she was going to get curious. He didn't act that smooth in his rushed departure, but this was the one thing, besides his past with his abusive father, that he has never told anyone. He was embarrassed about this. What wolf didn't know how to swim? It was weird and Tobius was ashamed about this flaw that he had. He was usually a very honest man, but part of him dearly wanted to keep this to himself.

Keeping his eyes away from hers, he spoke part of the truth, but not at all what she wanted to hear. "It looked like it was going to storm, so I wanted us to get out of there before it hit us," he explained, keeping his eyes everted from her gaze. He knew if she saw his his and he saw hers, he would end up spilling his secret. He was treading on thin ice and he could feel it. She wasn't going to accept his answer, he just kew t, but there was no harm in hoping that there was a chance that she would.

Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
Laurel suddenly felt a bit like her mother, facing off against a pup who so desperately tried to keep the truth away from her. A significant clue was there- he didn't meet her eyes. Only Nightshade could ever meet the Boughinn mother's eyes and lie through his teeth. Ignoring the fish for a moment- there was enough on the bank to feed a bear, anyways- she craned her neck to try and make contact with the blue orbs that evaded her sight.

"Jaaaaaaimmeeeeee..." Her maw dragged out his name, hoping for a reaction to it's mangling. "Suuurely there was enough time to at least talk to that other wolf- storms don't move that fast after all. We didn't even get to know her name, and she jumped a great distance to save you." She allowed her legs to take her closer to the bigger wolf, still trying to make contact with his eyes. "Besiiiiides, don't you think I would have accounted for a storm? I had a place safe enough if there had been- and there wasn't one all day. Do you doooouuubt meeee?"

This tactic was tried and true against her family members and pack mates. Her elders simply couldn't resist it. After all, the best way to get what you want without resorting to violence was a guilt trip. Laurel cocked her head slightly, allowing her eyes form in a position that said 'I'm about to burst into tears'. "Jaime-" her voice was soft this time, yet firm in it's meaning."You know you can trust me, right?"
(This post was last modified: Oct 09, 2014, 02:34 AM by Laurel.)
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander

He kept his eyes away from hers and even tried to act like he was merely looking for fish in the water. But he could surely hear her, trying to get the truth out of him with her sweet tone. What she was saying was perfectly true. He didn't even stop to ask for her name. However, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have even been in that situation. Though, he harbored no hard feelings for the unknown woman, he was only getting mad at himself for not being able to cover it up effectively like he has in the past. As she chastised him and questioned him in a motherly voice, his anger rose higher because he knew she was getting inside his head. He had never lashed out on a woman before, but there was a first time for everything.

"FINE!" He yelled out first and foremost, his blue eyes hard with anger as he glared at her. "I'm afraid of deep water. Okay? Are You happy now?" He asked angrily before he turned on a dime and away from her and back towards the abandoned den. Swiftly picking up a fish before he left, he traveled away from her at a brisk run for only a few yards. Tobius had never yelled at a woman like that and what he just did, truly ashamed him. He has alway tried to be the opposite of his father. His father yelled at women, not him. He was a gentleman, not a jerk that got stuck on a silly flaw. As he grew less angry and more calm, he ate his fish and started to go back to the den site to apologize.

He knew he shouldn't have acted that way and he should have never yelled at her like that. As she was not at the den site when he arrived, he lied down on the ground and patiently waited for her to appear, when she wanted to see his face again.

Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
She was a bit stunned at his out burst- her ears swung back, and she shied from the loud tone. And then he left. Abruptly. Again.

Laurel stared after him, a bit put off- it wasn't like she hadn't gotten yelled at before. In fact, she had often heard the Are you happy now? line after pulling her little sister tactics. She simply didn't see any reason to leave. It was okay to admit to something, and then talk about it- or at least, that what she was taught. Heaving a big sigh- he's gonna laugh at me for sure... Laurel made her way out of the river, leaving the remains of her rampage behind.

Methodically shaking water off each of her paws, she grabbed the tail fins of two fish, and trotted over to the den at a pace that would allow her to keep her catch and move quickly at the same time. The Boughinn didn't want her friend to think that she was mad at him. If he was afraid of deep water, did this mean he couldn't swim?

When she did catch up to him, Laurel gave him a fish- "That's yours."- and then lay down beside him. "I'm afraid of beavers." She said it nonchalantly, hoping to keep the mood calm, and then dug into the sacrificial offering for her belly. Because it demanded food and would not let her mind focus otherwise.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander

As she appeared from the bank, he put his head closer to the ground like a pup ready to feel the wrath from his mother. His blue eyes followed her as she made her way towards him with two fish hanging from her mouth. He was ready for her wrath and this time he would not be the one raising his voice. She was in charge right now, so if she wanted to return the anger that he gave her, so be it and he will sit and listen to her without a peep from his mouth. Though, he had no idea what was in store for him or how she was going to react, all he knew was that he was in her paws now.

The fish suddenly dropped from her mouth and landed at his feet. Lifting his head up in surprise, was she not mad? He looked up at her steel grey eyes, searching for any sign of what she was thinking or feeling. That was when she spoke, her voice calm and relaxed. So, she wasn't mad? He would have put anything on her lashing out on him like he had on her. Perhaps, she was showing him that she was better than that, she was better than anger. "I'm afraid of beavers." He took a moment to let her words sink in. Beavers? Beavers did have freaky front teeth that look like they could suck the blood out of you. Though, he didn't judge her fears, like she didn't judge his.

Lying his head down on her paws, he looked up at her with a blue eyes. "I can't swim," he admitted quietly before sneaking in a small smile. "I mean, come on who isn't afraid of those brown little suckers and their giant teeth?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood and try to make her feel better. "I'm sorry for getting angry. That was very childish and not very gentlemen like of me. I'm sorry, Laurel, it won't happen again." He finished, giving her a lick upon her cheek, before lying his head back down on her legs.