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everlasting — Cut Rock River 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Pack hunt! First round ends Dec. 7th. @Maksim @Naia @Lachesis @Bastet @Karpos @Adsila @Jynx @Orren

Gentle snow fell from the sky – the world was blanketed in white, and despite her reservations on what this winter would be like in comparison to the last, the she-wolf wanted a more proactive approach. The cubs were seven months of age – long past the time they should have been introduced to hunting, but she had put this off to wait for Maksim to better heal. Soon, they would be at an expected age to even begin to hunt on their own – she could not deprive her children of this learning opportunity.

Now would be the time, and tipping her muzzle back, the Leader released a summoning call in to the afternoon sky, coaxing the wolves of the River forward. They would hunt, and they would feast – of this, she knew for certain. A small herd of roe deer were within the forests depths, and it was a prime opportunity for the pack to stock their caches and train their cubs.

As her song faded in to the cold winter sky, Kisla gracefully swept herself to a sit, her tail curling around her creamy forepaws. Her breath furled in the air like puffs of smoke from her lungs, and with perked ears, she waited for the members of the pack to arrive. Weather her mate would be up for a hunt or not, Naia had recently returned, and the pack held a steady number. Now was the time to prepare for what could be a very long and arduous winter.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2015, 03:34 AM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
While she was still the newest member of Cut Rock River, Jynx had already began thinking about what role would best suit her. Not that she was in any rush to gain one, of course. This was the very first time she had ever been apart of a true pack, so she would first have to prove her worth. She did that by keeping busy, and of course, opportunistic. At every chance she could, she was there to help out. Be it on her own, or by teaming up with others. She was quite determined to let the River wolves know that she was taking life seriously, and was here for the good of the pack as a whole. From her spot by the river, where she was taking a chilly but refreshing drink, the summoning howl of Kisla made her stop. Not one to ignore the demands of her Leaders, Jynx took off at a brisk trot to answer the call.

This would be her first hunt with the pack...with any pack. All the hunting she had ever done was either by her mentors side, or alone. And those hunts usually involved small prey such as rabbits, squirrels and beaver and the occasional deer fawn, if she was lucky. Now she would be able to put her skills to full use, to test the waters and see if taking down larger prey was something she could one day specialize in. She was eager to work with a team. Arriving where Kisla awaited, she was surprised (and a little nervous) to see that she was the first one here. Her shyness kicked in, ears folding back, tail tucked slightly. She liked the older woman of course, and could even see herself looking up to her eventually, but Jynx wasn't quite used to being the center of attention. Submissively, she bowed her head. "Kisla...good to see you again." She greeted softly, keeping an eye out for any of the children, who she had not met. This would be an important hunt for them, and while they waited for the others to show up, Jynx sat off to the side under the bare branches of a gnarled old tree, trying to contain herself.
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


”Sweetheart, I think it’s dead.” The River scout’s tone was gentle; she had no intention of discouraging the pup’s interests (whether she understood them or not) but Kisla had clearly howled for the pack to gather for a hunt. Naia took a curious step toward the pup, who was still scraping at the snow in an attempt to unearth a few dried-up plant shoots. Karina growled something at her through a mouthful of shoots—her jaws were stuffed but she still seemed intent on gathering as many as possible before mean auntie Naia dragged her off to the hunt. Naia’s tail flicked side to side, as it typically did when she was anxious. Her intention for this little outing had been to show Karina the northern border--perhaps hunt a critter or two they found along the way-- but the pair barely made it out of the den before Karina was off sniffing after plants. Naia was baffled. When she was a pup there was nothing that could have stopped her from witnessing a pack hunt, but Karina appeared entirely disinterested.

”If that’s medicine you’ve got, someone might need it during the hunt..” Naia changed her tactic, hoping to tempt the pup to the hunt at the prospect of helping someone in need. Despite Karina’s insistence, Naia seriously doubted that the plant was actually medicine, and even if it was medicinal it seemed unlikely that it would retain its properties when dried up and half-dead... but there were certainly worse things a pup could be doing than playing “healer” with her packmates. At least she wasn’t up to mischief like her brother Orren, who Naia had scented beyond the border marker once or twice. Karina raised her strange blue gaze from her task, seeming to ponder that prospect for a moment before dashing to Naia’s side. The scout sighed in relief.

As the pair made their entrance Naia greeted Kisla immediatly, ears pinned and tail sweeping the ground in a flurried motion. The scout licked her leader beneath her chin, whining an excited salutation to her leader. Once she had paid her respects to Kisla she turned to the young lady standing quietly off to the side. The Timber woman fixed her stance to one befitting a Second, her tail still waving eagerly. ”Jynx, I take it? It’s lovely to finally meet the young lady who’s been working so hard.” Naia had scented Jynx all over the territory, and the caches were filling more quickly than usual for this time of year. Clearly the sunny-eyed girl had gotten right to work once becoming a Cut Rock River wolf, and Naia wanted her to know that had not gone unnoticed. ”Naia Aegina, Scout and Second,” she introduced herself, flashing a grin before seating herself next to Kisla.

Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski

”It’s not dead!” Karina growled back at Naia, exasperated by her babysitter’s overly-gentle tone. What, did she think Karina was just some little baby playing at “healer”? She could scent a live plant from a dead one as easily as the scout could scent a border marker. The pup’s mouth was almost full, just few more shoots and they could leave for their mother’s hunt. The River princess didn’t really understand why Naia was so antsy anyway. They certainly wouldn’t start without the pups present, and what was really so fun about butchering a helpless creature? Karpos might be there, a voice in the back of her mind told her, and Karina paused her efforts for a moment to consider. She still thought that hunting down a defenseless plant-eating creature was barbaric.. but if it was tall, dark and handsome Karpos that was doing the hunting perhaps she could stand to watch.

Naia mentioned something about the possibility of a packmate getting hurt, and Karina’s blue eyes widened. What if Karpos needed her medicine?! Mind made up, the pup darted forward and remained at Naia’s heels until they reached her mother. Karina hung back as Naia energetically greeted the two females, eyeing the stranger nervously. The strange girl seemed as shy as Karina herself, and Karina’s brow furrowed when Naia directed her explosive energy toward the golden-eyed girl. Naia was nice and everything, but couldn’t she see that the girl—“Jynx” she called her—might not appreciate so much energy directed at her? Karina huffed her disapproval before trotting up to her mother and spitting the mouthful of plant shoots on the ground to speak. ”Look Mom! Medicine!” Karina couldn’t remember the specific name of the plant—it was easy to remember what smells were medicinal but hard to remember names—but she knew that once Lachesis got here he would confirm her find.

The plant is dried lavender hyssop.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Kisla called for a hunt and Maksim was quick to answer his mate's call with his own, signalling Aleksei and his own attendance. They had waited too long to introduce the cubs to the chase, and it was all Aleksei and Orren talked about. When and where and how and if they could join. Aleksei seemed to want to rush off ahead, but being an overly cautious father, he stopped his son regularly. "You won't be participating in the kill today, son. You and your siblings will be watching and studying. Soon, you shall join us." Their enthusiasm was endearing, but perhaps a bit grating ... Karina, on the other hand, was a gentle soul. She never really seemed to pick up on the excitement that was a hunt. Perhaps if she participated, if she felt the adrenaline and the instinct that drove a wolf to bring down a meal, her opinion would sway somewhat?

And yet, there stood the issue with her eyes. It was evident that hers were not as strong as her brothers, their pale blue colouration a clear indication that something wasn't quite on point. Would a hunt prove challenging for her? The thundering hooves of startled prey beasts, the potential injuries ... had Maksim himself not recently fallen victim to a furious bull? Karina was his daughter though, his first daughter, and he saw her as nothing but perfect.

The Mackenzie father arrived to a small group gathered. Kisla, Naia and ... the new member. Recruited by Lachesis himself. He had no name to the face, but knew her scent. She'd been pulling her weight thus far, something the Baranski was relieved about. Too many had come and left shortly after.

Approaching his mate first, Maksim brushed his muzzle against hers lovingly. A wordless greeting for his most cherished. Next, he turned to Naia, pressing his nose to her cheek with a gentle smile. "It is good to see you again, Naia." With his daughter, he swiped his tongue across her crown in a kiss and playfully nudging her tummy with his snout. Aleksei trotted up beside his sister with a grin and it was then that the River pack's founder turned his attention to the new member. "I don't believe I've introduced myself to you yet. Maksim Baranski, it is a pleasure to see a fresh face in our numbers."

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
kiss the ring and let them bow down

A call for a hunt and a change to kill prey alongside his packmates to store for the winter was too good an ideal to pass up. He eagerly went forward, seeking out the source of the call to come across a familiar group of wolves. Kisla and Maksim remained present as leaders but Jynx was there and so was Naia and finally Karina. He dipped his head to the leaders as he lowered his tail a respectful distance. He frowned to see @Adsila hadn't made it to the hunt yet. He thought hunting was kind of her thing just like being a guardian was his. He shrugged it off, figuring if she didn't show he could go find her and talk to her about it. He took a seat close to Jynx, giving he a comforting smile. She seemed so shy.

He looked towards both the leaders, hoping they could get started soon. He had halted his border patrol for the opportunity and he knew that if he didn't finish it, it would drive him crazy. He had a small grin on his face. He honestly loved being around all of his packmates from the stern and regal leaders to the pups and every wolf in between. Okay, his mind was getting lost from the task. They were there for a hunt and so hunting they would do. He sat up a little taller, noticing that Lachesis also was not present. Where had his dear uncle disappeared to? Was he hurt? Maybe Adsila had gotten hurt and Lachesis had to tend to her. Worries ate at his mind.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
Always late :( <3

It seemed as though Lachesis was always tardy to pack events.

He had been scouring the edge of the territory for both herbs for his inventory and possible recruits for the pack. Jynx was proving to be a productive member of the pack since their meeting – which made the alabaster male happy. While he had been wary at first, he had grown to like the russet-coloured yearling, and he knew that his nephew was particular fond of the girl as well. Karpos needed someone like Jynx in his life – someone to confide in and trade secrets with. He hoped, for his nephew’s sake, that it would last. Lachesis had already lost two friends over the past year; if he were to lose Bastet as well, XIX did not know if he would be able to recover.

The call from Kisla pulled him away from his search, causing the long-legged healer to immediately break out in a run. He knew that the majority of the pack would beat him, as he had been lingering near the borders, but he was determined not to be too late. Weaving effortlessly through the trees, XIX could smell his packmates arriving as he neared Kisla’s location. A smile fell onto his maw as he realized that Jynx had been the first to arrive, followed by Naia the pack’s exceptional scout and second. Karina, the pack’s princess, had arrived with Naia. The lanky healer was particularly fond of the River princess – she had taken a strong interest in plants and knowing their importance, and XIX wondered if she was interested in becoming a healer.

Arriving shortly after Karpos he nodded at his raven-coloured nephew, who was sitting awfully close to the River’s newest member. Giving Jynx a nod as well, XIX approached his leaders, his body low as he greeted them before taking a seat next to Naia and the pale Karina. “What do you have there?” He asked the little princess as he pressed a quick lick to her forward, his pale eyes studying the plant at her paws.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
ORREN'S HERE! Sorry for lateness ^^;

Today would be the day, he was sure of it! He had been tracking a squirrel since early morning, following its trail of nut shells and droppings through The Cedarwood. It was an act of unusual focus from the rust coated boy, spending several hours on one track, but it was his character stubbornness that had kept him going. The younger prince of Cut Rock River had decided that he could wait no longer to slay his first prey; Today is the day!

He had been after several critters before, every time sure that this would be the one, but so far, the closest he had come to a kill was the already dead scraps brought home by his parents. Today he would change that! His tracking had taken him close to the borders, but he didn't care, what was the harm really? The forest was the same on both sides of the line framing the territory, and he was so close! Then his mother's call sounded, making him jump in place, ears flattening back; How did she know?! It felt like every time he was about to have some fun lately, someone caught him; Come on!

But there was good news, because Kisla had not called only for him and his siblings, but for the whole pack; A hunt! Finally! Sprinting as fast as his puppy legs could carry him, Orren flew back through the territory, painfully aware of how long it was taking him to cross the distance; I'm coming, I'm coming! He just hoped they wouldn't start without him.

When he finally came upon the scene, most of the pack was already gathered. Even his siblings had made it before him, sitting on either side of his parents; Are they just waiting for me..? The boy felt a little shameful at his lateness, but it wasn't enough to overcome his excitement, and he ran up to his parents, tail wagging wildly, tongue hanging out of his gaping smile as he gasped for air. "I'm ready, let's go-let's go!" He barked impatiently, jumping up to put his front paws on his brother's back; "What are we hunting?!" The energetic lad could hardly contain himself; Today WILL be the day!

Word count: 371

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski

Questions spewed from his mouth, excitement all too obvious in his tones. Mother had called the pack for a hunt and Aleksei was all too eager to participate. He had grand ideas and fantasies about what it would feel like. For a moment, he imagined that it would feel like being a king before his time. He grinned at the thought. It would be incredible.

And yet, his father was swift to point out that they would not be participating in the hunt today. What?! They were just going to watch? Alek frowned, furrowing his brow. It just didn't seem fair. They had waited so long! It was true, though; he had little knowledge of how a pack works together in order to bring down prey larger than themselves ... but what better way to learn than to participate? Was that not why his father took him on patrols now and then, so that he could get a feel for things? That's why Karina had her nose stuffed in flowers all the time, and why Orren ... er, that was why Orren ... what did Orren do?

Aleksei snorted quietly. He shook off his responsibilities, that was for sure. His rusty brother never paid much attention in lessons when they were little, always more focused on having fun and play time. Of course, the eldest Baranski sibling enjoyed having fun too, but he knew that what his parents and superiors taught him was important--that he needed to listen. Orren's ears were stuffed with rocks and fur.

Closer and closer the father and son pair came to the source of their mother's call, 'til her peridot gaze was spied. Alek noticed that almost everyone was gathered! He'd never really seen the wolves of the River in such close proximity before. Or, rather, he simply didn't remember. His heart began to race, thundering against his rib cage, and his tail started wagging. River wolves were unstoppable on their own, but grouped up? This was going to be a spectacle! His father greeted everyone and the young prince was quick to follow in suit, licking chins and pressing his cold nose against cheeks. Trotting up to his sister, Aleksei grinned and nudged her happily. "Are you excited, Rina?"

Karina had never really been interested in hunting. There occasions where the brothers began chasing critters and invited her to join in, but she never agreed to it. He couldn't help but wonder why. It was then that their brother raced in, barking about how they were going to go. Leaping up and placing his paws onto Aleksei's back. The eldest flinched before attempting to wrestle his brother off him. "We aren't hunting today," he retorted, "we're watching! Unless ..." He eyed his mother. Perhaps she had different ideas to their father?

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Next round ends on the 15th.

Jynx and Naia – both faces of whom she trusted deeply were swift to arrive, and the honeyed she-wolf would move from her position, greeting each with a nudge to their cheek. Of course, the one to truly captivate her attention was her blue-eyed daughter, who pointed out a plant and drew a smile from the pack leader. A kiss was planted to the top of Karina’s head – though she was growing so quickly – and she gave a small nod, casting both Naia and Jynx a wink. “Very good, my baby,” he murmured in soft appraisal, though her focus was now upon her handsome mate as he found them – Aleksei at his side. Her son would receive a quick glance and smile as he regarded her with an air of mischief, and her muzzle would press firmly to the nape of Maksim before she pulled away – a brief embrace, but a lingering stolen moment that was treasured.

Her tail swept through the cold winter air as they continued to gather – Karpos and Lachesis – and finally, her little Orren, who was perhaps the most enthusiastic of them all. She withheld a chuckle, and instead, bent her muzzle only slightly (he was growing so tall now!) to graze the top of his head. “We can’t hunt with such noise,” she smiled in to his fur before pulling back, her bright gaze taking in those who had answered her call. It was a decent turnout – only Bastet and Adsila were missing, and she gave a curt nod.

“We hunt roe deer,” she finally answered the middle youth, her muzzle pointing to a direction they were now. They could not be seen yet – but the trace of winter wind told the tale of their presence. “Can you smell them, children?” She would allow them a moment – this was more than just a hunt between a pack, but the teachings of her children. “You three are not ready to partake in the hunt fully – but it is important you watch, and learn. The pack hunt is a delicate art.. and it is beautiful to see.”

With a nod, she began to trail toward the path that would take the pack to the roe deer. As they got closer, she tipped her muzzle closer to them, her voice hushing before giving a nod to the other members – they were welcome to take positions.. to move through the herd and test to find the weakest. “Your pack mates will walk out in the open amongst their prey – we do not do this to taunt them. We do this to test them – to see which one is most nervous.. and which one will throw a hoof our way.”

sparking up my heart