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everlasting — Cut Rock River 
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Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
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Karina Baranski

Karina’s tail wagged in delight at her mother’s praise, though Kisla did seem distracted… Karina looked over her shoulder as her father and brother appeared, and she ran to greet them both. She giggled as Maksim swiped his tongue across her head and then yipped her laughter as he tickled her belly. He moved on to greet the rest of the pack and Karina turned to Aleksei, a rare smile on her face. His question brought her back to reality—this was not just a happy gathering of family, there was a brutal hunt looming ahead. ”I guess,” she said, face falling as she shifted nervously. Her strange blue gaze met her brother’s and she knew she didn’t have to say it out loud. Aleksei knew how much she despised this kind of thing. ”I like being with everyone,” she said instead, and to her own surprise the statement was mostly true. Perhaps there was hope yet for the shy little River princess.

Karpos’s quiet entrance seemed to go unnoticed by most of the pack, but not Karina. He kept his distance, looking dark and broody as usual. Now there was someone who needed help, who needed healing.. Karina told herself that was her reason for feeling drawn to him. It had nothing to do with his aura of mystery, his plush, dark fur or that bad-boy scar across his face..

Karina startled as Lachesis spoke. When did he get here? ”Medicine!” she chirped with pride, but her blue gaze dropped a little too quickly—a dead giveaway that she had forgotten everything else about the plant. She inhaled its faded scent once more, and something about the healer’s presence triggered a memory from a very, very long time ago. ”..Lilac?” she ventured. No, no.. not lilac, she knew lilac. The name of the plant was on the tip of her tongue, but a commotion behind her caused her to lose focus.

Orren came bowling in with even more energy than Naia. Karina caught Aleksei’s gaze once more and rolled her eyes. The girl shrank away as Orren bounced over to them, and he chose his brother as his victim instead, climbing all over him in an attempt to get eyelevel with his parents. ”Deer! Can’t you smell them?” She answered her brother’s question in exasperation at the same time that Kisla gave her more patient answer. Her mother gave the instruction for her family to begin, narrating the hunt for her children as the adult wolves fanned out around the pack. Karina would do her best to do as her mother said and focus on the intricacy and art of an entire pack cooperating… Hopefully that would distract her from the butchery of a peaceful creature.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naia’s tail thumped the ground in a dizzying motion as Maksim entered, looking healthy as a horse. This was the first pack event since his injury, and Naia knew it would do wonders for morale for the pack to see him on his feet, regal as he ever was. She licked his chin submissively as he greeted her. Lachesis’s elevation to lead in Maksim’s absence had dropped the Baranski down to Second, but he would never be anything but King in Naia’s eyes. ”You as well,” she murmured, though Maksim had already moved on to greeting someone else.

Orren made his entrance like a little orange firecracker—though he really wasn’t so little anymore. As he bounded over to his family Naia realized with a start that he very likely outweighed her. She grinned at his enthusiasm. This one was her favorite by far, though the rest of the pack seemed to show preference for dutiful Aleksei or shy, sweet Karina. Kisla spoke to put the hunt in motion and Naia moved to take her place. As she walked by Orren she nudged the boy and winked. He had only to ask, and the little scout would do her best to see that Orren got all the hunting practice he wanted. She had been wanting to spend time with him for months now, but the middle child was so difficult to find when you wanted him.

Naia approached the herd from the outside, darting in every now and then to test their reactions. Most stomped and snorted anxiously as she neared, but some of the larger beasts simply eyed her with loathing. One of the larger animals caught Naia’s sharp eye—it behaved as if it were unafraid, but unlike the other animals its gaze was not tracking any of the wolves’ movements. The animal’s pelt was graying and a piece of one antler was missing—a sure sign of age. Naia alerted Kisla and her packmates with a low bark. Though he was large, perhaps old One Horn would be a decent target if his vision was weakened as Naia suspected. She waited for Kisla’s command to begin separating One Horn from the herd.

Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski

He comfortably overheard his mother's mild chide, waving his tail excitedly as he waited for the hunt to start. Aleksei shifted under his paws, making him loose his balance and he had to sidestep, lowering his forelegs back to the ground, snapping out at his brother's ear as he did. He stopped mid-motion though, as he heard the paler boy's words; "What?!" He exclaimed, looking to his parents to be assured that it was a lie; Watching?! No way! His sister spoke up then, and he made a face at her in response to the exasperated tone; not everyone was as obsessed with scent as her! However the comment did make him breath in deeply, filling his nose with the scent of their prey.

Then his warm orange eyes met the emerald green of his mother's, and her answer gave him hope, tail again starting to wag high above his black-tinted back. He was about to taunt his brother for being wrong, when Kisla confirmed their role in the hunt; Watch?! LEARN?! Why was it always like this, 'you need to listen and watch', 'be still and look at what we do', 'pay attention!' It was very hard to pay attention when you weren't allowed to do anything; So BORING!

He knew better than to challenge his parents though, so he stayed quiet, tail falling behind him, and a distinct frown spreading on his face. He shot his brother a glance, knowing that, though they disagreed on many things, this disappointment was one thing they could share. Then they started moving, and the rust pelted boy fell in step with his siblings, skulking behind Aleksei, close to their parents. A nudge at his shoulder made him turn his head, eyes catching the honey gaze of Naia as she passed. A small smile made its way through his sulking, and his eyes trailed the nimble scout as she made her way out towards the deer in front of them.

The young Baranski's head lifted slightly, eyes widening with awe at the sight - sure he had seen the dead bodies of these beasts, their bones, hooves, flesh, but never had he seen them in their herds, majestic and full of life, and so many of them - it made his heart beat faster, excitement rushing through his veins. He listened with one ear as his mother explained, eyes captivated by the herd, and his pack mates slowly moving out among them; Test them... It sounded, smart, making sure your target was the best possible one.

He looked at the animals one at a time, trying to judge him the way the adults were doing. He considered turning to Aleksei - as always when subjected to a lesson he felt an impulse to rebel, entice his siblings to play or fight - but then his gaze fell on a particular animal, near the edge of the herd, one antler different from the other; Broken..? The normally so animated boy stayed deadly still, ears turned forwards, orange eyes studying the beast; his movements were different from the rest, smaller, stiffer, only a little, but enough for Orren to notice. He caught sight of Naia close to the old bull, a short bark leaving her jowls to attract the attention of the others; of course the scout's sharp eyes had seen the same as him; The best target!

Word count: 564

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Late, sorry. >.<

The russet colored female did not have to wait long until other members of the pack showed up, in response to Kisla's call. Ears pricking forwards ever so slightly in interest, she watched as a growing pup arrived alongside an agouti female. She clearly was a wolf of experience, and high ranking, as made evident by her posture. Yet she also seemed to be quite welcoming, much to Jynx's relief. "That's right. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Naia." She said with a polite smile, her bottle brushed tail beginning to stir up the leaf litter on the ground, from it's furious wagging. She had kept her response short but sweet, reason being she was distracted once more when Maksim himself, made his entrance. Ever since she had joined the ranks of Cut Rock River, the Alpha male had been absent. Healing from a traumatic injury, she had heard. Now as she saw him for the first time, she committed his image to memory. He appeared to have healed up nicely, back to his full strength. Otherwise he may not have shown up to participate in todays hunt.

As he turned to her, she automatically dipped her head down in submission, ears turned back. His greeting wasn't quite as warm as Naia's, but it made her feel welcomed nonetheless. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Maksim. I am Jynx Dirol, and I'm honored to be a part of your pack." These words were spoken softly, laced with honesty and humility. Jynx had no reason to be arrogant or standoffish...in fact, she felt in debt to these wolves. Taking in a former loner like her, with no prior experience at pack life. But, she would repay them. Moments later, much to her delight, Karpos and Lachesis arrived. Her tail wagged happily at the sight of the two young males, one of which she felt a stronger connection to than the other. As her dark friend sat by her side, she nudged his shoulder in a gentle, friendly greeting. Two more pups arrived, both of who were easily as large as she was, and seemingly impatient for the hunt to begin. Seeing no other wolves coming, she turned her yellow eyes to Kisla, who announced the start of the hunt.

While she instructed her children about what would happen during the hunt, Jynx moved off at a brisk trot with the others. The deer were easy to find, their musky scent prevalent in the cold air. With slightly narrowed eyes, Jynx looked over their potential targets. The herd was moderately sized, mostly with does and mature bulls. This wasn't the time of year when any young fawns would be around to easily pick off. Just before the attentive Naia shot out a low bark, she too, had spotted the old bull. With one antler and clouded eyesight, he was the perfect target. But, she also knew that his hindered vision would make him all the more likely to spook. They would have to go about this carefully. Shooting a glance over her shoulder, to whoever may be nearby, she spoke in a hushed voice. "I'll head around to the far side of the herd, to try and cut him off. I'll wait for your signal." Anyone else who wanted to help her block off the aging bulls exit was welcome to join her, but she offered no verbal invitation. She wasted no time in slipping off to the right, where she would stealthily creep around the watchful herd. Once there, she settled in a crouch, poised directly between the mid point of the herd, and the old deer. If all went smoothly, she would have to do little more than to bolt forward, sending the other animals into a panic.
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Super late, sorry guys!

The dark vixen had taken her duty as Scout rather serious, the temptation to break free of the borders in search of recruits, food or an adequate water source was always on her mind. She wanted to be prepared, and though winter was well upon them, it was never too late to prepare for the unknown; it would be wise to assume this year would be similar to the last. As a scout, she excelled in speed and used her agility to propel through fresh laid snow as made her way back home, this excursion had left her empty handed and yet she knew that eventually she would find something rewarding enough to bring back home.

No sooner did she cross back over the border did her ears perk to hear the beckoning call of Kisla and she tuned her ears to listen intently--a hunt was in order. It had been well over due that the rest of the Creek members had gathered to participate in bringing down a kill and though she'd wasted quite a bit of energy in her search for something, or someone, she still had plenty of energy to partake in a feast. Her plush paws pushed her closer to where the meeting was held and caught the tail end of Kisla's words.

Though she was one of the last to arrive, it was much better to be late than to have never turned up and she took a steady trot next to Naia, the packs other Scout. There was no denying that Naia was more experienced than the raven woman, and yet Bastet had plenty of fire, and determination to prove that she was just as good as the woman, within time she would strive to be better. Turning her nose to the ground, she sniffed at the scent of Roe Deer and imagined the thrill of the chase that would ensue--her legs yearned for another chase. Turning toward the attending youth, who stood nearly as tall as her, she expressed a smile before trailing behind the others, simply waiting for instruction and the permission to begin the chase.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Late, but was hoping for more responses. Oh, the holidays! <3 Round 3 ends Jan. 10th. @Maksim @Naia @Orren @Lachesis @Bastet @Jynx @Karpos

The young ones took her words seriously, though her eyes lingered upon Orren, debating if she should once more reiterate that he was to watch and nothing more. An alerted noise escaped Naia, which drew the mother's attention upward and her own peridot eyes glanced over the formidable beast. He was large upon first inspection, but the missing antler and the glaze in his eyes were sign of his age -- the honeyed female held no doubt that if she were to get closer to his ruddy fur, there would be greying within the intricate hairs. He was a prime example, and raising upward, the regal Leader cast one more warning glare to the children. Stay -- if the herd moves toward you, you move out of their way, she warned lowly, feeling a clench in her heart. Loping forward then, she noted that Jynx and Bastet were already there -- the swarthy female late, but still a welcome sight.

Lachesis, Karpos and Maksim's whereabouts were unknown to her, and she chuffed once more to alert them, hoping to draw them forward. If they waited too long, their target would flee -- this was proven when an unsteady hoof lifted, pausing mid-air as the beast seemed to realize the intentions the pack was beginning to form.

Without time to waste, and hopeful that the three males would join them swiftly, the Baranski woman ushered a harsh bark to proceed, her own lithe form coming up swiftly to the beast's rump just before it began to quake. The herd began to scatter - distracting the mother as she looked to her children to reassure herself they were in a zone of safety, and relieved to see the stampede was instead moving to an opposite end of the forest.

As their prey lurched forward in flight, her own creamy paws thrummed the ground, her jaws gaping to aim a bite at the animal's rear left haunch, to which she hoped would tear -- if not catch hold and help weigh him down.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2015, 03:51 AM by Phineas.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Roughing this a bit <3
i've got the eye of the tiger

Karpos was sure about many things but where he was supposed to be in the hunt was not one of them. Karpos focused and did his best to jump in where he thought he would best fit. He had worked his way around through the forest in order to position himself on the other side in order to be a part of the take down. He grinned as the wolves raced after the deer, he watched carefully so that the swarthy young fallen prince could leap in to be an attacker. They moved towards him... closer and closer they got before the chocolate colored boy lurched into action, falling in towards the side of the prey in order to start nipping towards it's neck. He'd help in the only way he knew how, by being productive.

His dark brown eyes focused on the form of the prey, keeping his nipping up while trying to sink a successful bite down on the animal to take it down. His paws fell into a steady rhythm to match the other wolves in the hunt. Success was the only option. Part of him let his mind wander (only slightly) to the fact that his sister did not show for the hunt. Where was she? Perhaps she had gone to visit Ace over in Magnolia Glen? He would have to find out after the hunt as he let his mind focus once more on what was truly important at the moment - the hunt for prey.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2015, 04:04 AM by Karpos.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Close,” he said with a wink as Karina announced that what she had found was ‘lilac’. His attention was stolen from the pack’s princess as Kisla spoke, announcing that her children were to observe the hunt. He could not help but wonder where his spitfire was – he worried that something had happened to her while she had been out on a scouting mission.

Almost as if the female had read his mind Bastet appeared, causing a large smile to fall onto his maw as she joined the small group. With her arrival the hunt began with Kisla at the lead. He observed her through narrowed brows, his long legs dragging his body from his perch as he followed her lead. XIX listened absently to the pup’s mumble to each other, trying to decipher which of the deer would be ideal for the attack. He couldn’t wait until they were old enough to join the hunt – he could feel their excitement as they watched the rest of the pack close in on the herd.

With a quick shake of his head his attention returned back to the task at hand. Kisla had located a deer and was attempting the first attack with Karpos hot on her heels. His long legs quickly pushed him past his packmates and the deer, his slender body darting forward in an attempt to cut the deer off and drive it toward his packmates. The deer could not escape – they needed food, and the pups could not observe an unsuccessful hunt. His lips were drawn back into a snarl as feinted at the deer, his bright eyes focused on Kisla as she lunged at its flank.

(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2015, 07:11 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Hit me, I'm terrible for taking so long!

Jynx seemed a respectable wolf, if first encounters truly meant anything any more, and he offered the girl a nod. Lachesis had a good eye for potential recruits, it seemed, and he hoped that it would result in doubled efforts by all members to draw in loners to their ranks. "Well then, Jynx Dirol. I'll add my welcome to the introduction that I'm certain Lachesis gave you." With a smile, he turned away, circling behind his children. He watched as Naia gave the little troublemaker of the group, Orren, a wink and smiled to himself. The scout was a warm-hearted woman, and proved to be a hit with the Baranski triplets.

As Kisla began to explain to their children what the wolves of the River were doing, Maksim stood ready. It was not so long ago that he suffered an injury from an elk that charged without warning, and a desire for revenge mixed dangerously with the adrenaline that began to course through his veins. "Watch," he whispered to the mesmerized cubs, "and memorise. The hunt can seem brutal, perhaps even cruel, but we never take what we do not need." His explanation was extended mostly to his daughter, who was not so keen on the idea of bringing down her food it seemed. As if on queue, Naia gave a bark and the agouti titan eyed the selected target. Old, with one horn instead of two. "We always chose a weaker member of the herd. Older, sick, injured. We do not take what is healthy where possible." He gave his daughter a gentle smile. "We take those that would soon fall in far more pain."

The others began to move forward, his mate giving a low chuff, and Maksim raised his head. "Heed your mothers words," he began, "and keep alert." With a slow jog, he began to approach his pack mates, and the one-horned deer was soon in the midst of being separated from his herd. The River king's jog became a gallop, his paws thundering against the ground as he charged towards the beast that had be chosen for the take down. Snapping his teeth and giving a low snarl, he lurched forward, much like Kisla had, with the hopes of grabbing onto flesh. Skin was all he caught, which torn betwixt his jaws, leaving a cut on the flank of the deer.

But now, with the scent of blood in his nose, the Mackenzie giant would give no quarter. Pushing forward, he aimed another bite at the soft underbelly. If all he found was skin this time, at least it would cause greater injury.