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everybody goes — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux
Ooc:  So sorry for my lateness!

A blurry lattice of blue and brown greeted Cessair's eyes before she closed them again.  Her nap under a blackberry bush had been so pleasant that she did not want to get up.  So she lay blissfully half-asleep, her mind wandering from one shadow of a dream to the next as a breeze rattled the blackberry thorns above her head.  Despite the calm, the shaggy woman could not shake a feeling of unease and was unable to fall back asleep.  She groggily pulled herself up onto her paws, attempting but failing to avoid getting tangled in the twisted branches of the bush.  Why were these blackberry bush dens so much easier to crawl into than out of?  Once she was free, Cessair sat down to pull the thorns from her shoulder, squinting in the sunlight.  Idle curiosity then pulled her further into pack territory.

After a minute or two of strolling, Cessiar identified the source of her earlier unease.  She could hear and scent that a pack gathering was taking place.  The summons must have roused her, but not enough for her to follow it.  And now she would be late!  The pulse of her legs shifted into a gallop.  She slowed as she approached, then, panting, planted herself at the back of the group.  Though she was certain it would be obvious to all that she had arrived so late, she did not wish to attract any further attention by trying to find a spot closer to her leaders.

The gathering made Cessair uncomfortable.  She knew very few of the wolves here, and she wasn't quite sure how to hold herself.  Somehow, she found herself higher in rank than she had ever expected to be, but she had a hard time shaking the urge to submit to any wolf she encountered.  An old habit from her loner days, probably, but for the good of the pack, Cessair knew she must learn to be comfortable in claiming the rank given to her.  Even if she felt she did not deserve it.  Especially since she nearly slept through a pack meeting.  This napping habit was becoming a problem, and Cessair was eager to be on her paws and working again.  Perhaps she could learn a skill and serve a more official position in the pack than mere "subordinate."

Cessair shook these thoughts from her head -- they could wait for now -- and flicked her ears forward to hear what her leaders had to say.

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2015, 03:16 AM by Cessair.)
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Sorry for my delay <3
No posting order, have your next replies in by the 16th of April

To her surprise the first to arrive was not her mate but instead one of their newest members Gabriel. Giving him a swift smile at his greeting she nodded her head, "I'll fill everyone in once they arrive, unfortunately this meeting isn't going to be pleasant.” It didn't take long, Tokino was next and she licked his cheek in turn before watching the scene that unfolded before her. As always, especially now in the spring her mate had to assert himself over the other brutes if he was to keep his place. Her attention was quickly diverted however as the others arrived and Minka greeted them all individually. Offering a sad smile to Bane as he came around her the mother's heart ached, she knew out of all of them this was going to affect the yearling the most. The Woodlands after all had been his home before he came here and now he would be forced to choose a side. Using her chin she nuzzled her son in close to her chest for a moment before letting him go so he could find a place. Nuzzling Inali back warmly she flashed a brief smile to Raela and Gent as he appeared carrying Lugh's dinner before greeting the injured man himself. Leaving her spot at the top of the circle for a moment she nuzzled Lugh's cheek affectionately before returning to her place.

The only person who was still missing was Cessair and the alpha made a mental note to seek her out later, both to find out where he had been but also to fill her in. Golden eyes swept around the circle taking in those who surrounded her, her family, her pack and one of them had fallen. It wasn't something that Minka could ignore. Clearing her throat she tucked in, "This is not a happy meeting and I don't believe that anything we talk about today will be going away anytime soon." She paused to gauge the reaction of those around her before continuing, "As many of you know Lugh has been severely injured, but what you may not know is the culprit. It was wolves of Secret Woodlands, we had a tense relationship at best before this but now, now this is outright war." Raising her muzzle the woman fought back against the rage that burned in her gut, it wasn't a familiar feeling but it also wasn't one that she could ignore.

Kneading her blunt claws against the soft earth below her Minka fought to keep her thoughts straight against the anger that threatened to turn her vision red. Taking a deep breath she steadied herself, "It means drastic changes here in the Downs. First and foremost the search parties have to cease immediately, it is no longer safe for any of our members to be that far from the territory. Secondly no wolf is to leave the territory alone, go in pairs or groups for safety, if you should happen upon one of the Woodlands members they are to be attacked on sight." Minka paused once more, choosing to bite her tongue on some of the harsher things she wished to utter as her eyes sought out Bane. The woman knew this had to be hard on him but she also knew they couldn't take this attack laying down, this was her family that had been harmed.

Tearing her eyes away she looked to her mate for support, the golden eyes meeting the blue for reassurance that this was what was best. Looking back to her members Minka forged on, "As soon as Lugh is able we will be moving the pack farther north, if they don't know where we are they can't attack our territory. I will be going south tonight to seek out our allies at Cut Rock River and ask for reinforcement, if they're able we ourselves will begin to plan an attack of our own." Minka stopped once more, this time turning her whole body so she could properly address the dark man by her side. Waiting until he met her gaze, or at least looked to her muzzle she spoke once more, "Bane I want to apologize for this, I know that this can't be easy on you. If you want it the official position of guardian is yours, you have completed your training with Tokino and I'm more than confident that you're able." She stopped then, for the last time until she heard the reaction of her pack members. It was their time to speak, but none more than Bane.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Many were strangers to him, wolves that he could identify by name, sight and scent, though could not say he truly knew. It was Kova and Inali's arrival, back to back, which lightened his heart in the rather tense grouping. Though his Leader's daughter had not returned, he was overjoyed that Kova had, the boy he had been protecting and partially teaching since he was a pup and Bane himself was still rather young. Though shorter, already Kova was not far from his own stature and the small whines and lick to his chin was offered with a heavy waving of Bane's tail and a few jutting bumps of his nose against Kova's muzzle and cheek. After Kova moved to sit down beside him (between Bane and Minka) Inali quickly showed, nuzzling both Kova and Bane, nipping even at him playfully. Bane's return is a lick to her cheek, sincere and affectionate for one of his dearest friends. Actually, other then Nina (his mother) Inali and Kova were really his only friends. Of course, there was others he cared for, enjoyed, but none who he spent personal time with other then the pair settled at both his sides. 

Happy with their embrace, it was only to be shattered at the news the meeting presented. Of course, Bane knew that tensions were high between the two packs, being so close together, fighting for territory, hunting grounds, herbs and newly potential members. Though knowing it had turned to attacking one another sure heightened things, to which as Minka turned her attention to him, Bane turned his attention to Lugh with a frown. Had Nina actually been a part of this, or were her members simply acting out of paw? 

Suddenly, everything seemed to fall upon his shoulders. Minka had fully turned her attention upon him now and likely, the whole of the pack would follow. He felt out in the open, obviously uncomfortable with the amount of attention which was being placed on him. He takes as much comfort he can get being at Inali and Kova's side and even finds himself leaning closer to Inali for silent and secret support. She would understand, he was certain. "I want to be a Guardian... But I can't fight them. Nina, her children... thats my family too." His throat tightens, holding back the whine and looking briefly into Minka's eyes for true reaction before letting his gaze fall. He could not even think to go in, charging at the very woman he considered a mother, charging at her pups he had guarded from their birth. "I can stay behind. I can protect the lands - Kova, Lugh." His eyes shift to Kova at his side, to the broken Lugh with a hope that this idea would work. And then a whisper... "...Y-You wont kill them, will you...?" He could not even look to his Leader when he asked, fearful of her answer.

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Her leader's cordial smile did help to ease some of Raela's tense nerves. As she listened to the speech, however, she grew even more riled than she had been before. The rage that was so clearly building in Minka's voice left the girl unsettled as she continued. Raela had never seen Minka angry, and her sharp tone was beginning to remind the russet girl of her own mother. It was a disturbing thought – she had avoided thinking of the horrid woman as much as possible since her banishment. It caused her jaw to clench uncomfortably as Minka spoke of war. Her pack had always been at war. They were aggressive, highly territorial, and had no tolerance for anything. Many times she had been punished for failing to attack a loner or stray who had come too close. The girl simply could not bring herself to attack without question. Thankfully this time it was different, and their rivals had made the first, unmistakable move.

The search parties were to be ended, and Raela found herself both relieved and concerned. She was thankful for the chance to finally recover fully from her ordeal, but she knew this decision must not have come lightly to the mother. Her daughter was out there and she could no longer afford to look for her. Then, a restriction. She understood immediately why this had to be the case – she didn't really want to leave the territory without protection anyway. Minka's own declaration of war swiftly followed, causing a chill to run down the girl's spine. Could she attack on sight? In defense of her pack and land she could, and she could do it for revenge, but not without question. Her ears folded back with apprehension. She would have to speak with the enemy, find out if they specifically had been part of the attack, or if they even agreed with it, before she could attack. If they insisted on pressuring her, or would not respond to her words, then she would have no trouble going on the offense. She hoped Minka would understand, but was not nearly brave enough to voice this concern. Especially not here. Minka would find out when the incident occurred, if it did at all. 

The plans to move were sound and perfectly reasonable to her, though she worried that they wouldn't find favorable territory. It was a worry she pushed away, though, as the Alphess continued. She made a mental note of the name Cut Rock River, and was thankful that the pack had allies. It made her feel much more secure with her new family, though she could not know that their rivals had far more backing them. An army was to be raised. Her ears pricked at the idea; she was thoroughly impressed that the pack would fight so fiercely for one of their own. Her's would have killed Lugh when they found him injured. Yellow eyes glinted with respect for the older woman, and she felt a spark of unity and determination light in her chest. Yes, she could fight for their family. She could put herself in harms way for those she felt would do the same. Lugh could not have deserved this – not if Minka looked on him so affectionately.

Suddenly, all attention was redirected to the dark yearling beside Inali. “Bane” he was called. She instantly felt sympathy for the boy, who was obviously uncomfortable with their stare. She looked down, to the side, any direction she thought would not threaten him but still allow her to view the exchange. What about this is so hard for him in particular? she wondered. She hadn't the faintest idea who “Nina” was, but context clues allowed her to infer that that was the leader of “Secret Woodlands,” the enemy Minka had mentioned earlier.  Was the boy a deserter of his old pack? He must have originally been a Woodlands wolf. She nearly whined, her ears slipping downward as he spoke. The poor boy had been ordered to attack his old family. He would not fight, offering instead to guard. Her heart ached at the words he whispered. Was this pack the kind that would openly and easily kill? Did they accept surrender? It was then that Rae looked to Minka – surely this kind mother and Alpha would understand, and allow Bane to remain behind. She wanted an answer to her burning questions.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

Gent listened attentively, and with each word Minka supplied them he realized more and more about the tangled mess he'd signed up for when he enlisted with Black Thorn Downs. Several faces from his past drifted around in his mind, impossible to fit together properly with each of his alpha's commandments. His brow furrowed, a hint to the troubles brewing behind those blue eyes. It seemed he would need to have his private chat with Minka a lot sooner than he planned...

Secret Woodlands was declared to be the enemy, and he immediately thought of Danica. She was not only his friend, but one of the few investments he'd made as a yearling that had lasted since his disappearance from the Lore. It was extremely important to him to protect that, and thus the conflict was crystal clear. However, with her memory drifted that of the rest of the Woodlands wolves; specifically Iopah. The chain of triggered memories caused something to click within his head; that faint scent upon Lugh's wounds, he was now certain, belonged to Iopah, the woman who Gent had hunted with on several occasions as a Keep wolf. His link with her was far less important, and therefore if could find a way to sacrifice her to save Danica, he would do so in a heart beat.

Minka also spoke of approaching Cut Rock River, who Gent had previously had no idea was the pack's ally. This presented a problem as well, though not as complicated as the one involving Danica; it simply involved his pride. He thought back to his defeat at Naia's jaws, and how he and Sagacity had been run off from a kill by the woman and Maksim. Surely, the River alpha would not be too happy to see Gent again, and to avoid losing grace with Minka, the man might be called to make amends. This wasn't something he wished to do, but as he lay in thought he knew that it was the only reasonable choice.

Another was speaking now, the boy named Bane. Gent cared little for his own internal conflict; he didn't know the kid and therefore had no reason to give a shit. Thus he only half listened to his pleas, mainly to get more a taste for Minka's personality as a leader. Part of him hoped the yearling would drop out from the back, giving Gent one less rung to climb in the hierarchy.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

As she sat between Bane and Kova, Inali realized she was content. It seemed, even with tensions between the wolves of the Downs and the Woodlands, she had finally found a semblance of peace in her life. Nothing drastic would occur, she was certain. Minka would wish revenge, but the Woodland wolves had countless of allies. If they did rush into war, it would only lead to bloodshed and death. But it seemed the fates were not on her side any longer. The words from Minka's maw made her blood turn cold. What was she thinking? The idea of war was ludicrous to the small woman. She felt Bane's form press closer to her own, and she lightly brished her tail against him, to show him that she was there for him. Oh, to think, what was going on his mind? His soft words tore at her. This was hurting him more than it could ever hurt her. Nina had been her friend, but Nina was the one who raised the black lad. She was his mother, for gods sake!

Inali looked at her pack mates. None of them were saying one single word against this. She shook her head. Were they all feeling the tug of bloodlust already? She opened her maw to speak her thoughts. ”What if this is all a big misunderstanding?," she questioned Minka in her soft tone. In no way was she trying to disrespect Minka for she was her very best friend and her Leader, but the woman had to get her point across. Her blue gaze flickered to Lugh. ”What did your attackers look like Lugh? Why did they attack you?" Her gaze returned to Minka, her blue orbs silently pleading to her queen to open her eyes and listen. ”Maybe Nina had no part in this. We can't just declare war against them." She briefly went to her memories of Whisper Caverns, how she had scouted for Nari and how her ex leader had sent her to their allies. ”Secret Woodlands are allied with Willow Ridge and Whisper Caverns, and who knows who else, while we only have one ally - the River wolves." They were only heading to a funeral. Did they not see?

Sed-rah-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
Holy shit guys, I'm sorry I'm so late. Won't happen again, and if does, message me constantly so I can get up off my ass. My apologies <3

Astraeus lapped up the cool water from the sparkling spring. The birds were singing in perfect chorus on this fine day, their cries and chirps collaborating together like a grand symphony. He breathed in the fresh mountain air, planting his large paws into the soil. His pleasant morning was about to be tainted by the howl that erupted from the west. He had heard that two toned cry before, and so far it had never brought good news to the Downs. Lady Lagina had something to say. He leapt up from his relaxed slouch and loped off to were the meeting would be held.

He took lengthy strides out of the forest and into the light. He was late. His stomach sunk as he proceeded to slip through the cracks of other pack mates. His ember eyes caught Raela in the crowd. He stepped towards her, trying not to disturb the already started meeting. Once he reached her side, he nudged her shoulder apologetically, then turning his focus to Minka. The woman had begun speaking about the Secret Woodlands. He flicked his ears forward. The lady must be referring to that poor man Lugh. What a shame.. He thought with a frown. Aeus was lost in his thoughts until the word "war" tumbled into his ears. You must be insane dearest, pulling a full out war on an entire pack? He stood the slightest bit straighter, as if he was expressing small amounts of disbelief.

The woman began laying out rules, which meant less and less adventuring. It wasn't a huge let down, but still made the corners of his lips to frown. But, the movement of the pack would allow him to have a bit more rein. This was also new made land, nobody had stepped upon it yet. For a while, the farthest you could go was the Palisade. Now, they would be moving right up into the unclaimed lands. Oh what an eventful next few months it would be.

Being the fiery man he was, he had questions and a few protests- mainly concerning the all out war she was planning. He opened his mouth, to let a few words slip out. "Lady Lagin-" As if a dam's walls collapsed, responses filled in. One man, presumably named "Bane" from the words she had finished with last. Ah, he must have family there.. Oh that must be rough.. He sighed in empathy. Another woman spoke up, voicing his thoughts exactly. He nodded. "I agree. If we are really planning on launching an attack, I purpose we evaluate our options with extreme care. This is of course with no disrespect, Mrs. Lagina." He bowed his head and let his tail fall to his ankles with a polite smile.

[Image: GaeusA.png]
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Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

From the moment she sat down, Cessair focused on being attentive.  Her leader had been in mid-sentence when she arrived, but it did not take long for her to gather that Minka intended to announce a decision on what should be done about the recent attack on Lugh.  Recalling the extremity of his condition made the tawny woman wince.  As the pack herbalist, it was Lugh who had nursed Cessair from starvation back to health, and her heart ached that she lacked the knowledge to return the favor and attend to him when he was most in need.

Cessair's mind went blank as Minka's voice grew more and more tense, more angry.  Then her leader declared war.  The unease among her packmates was palpable, but Cessair could only stare in stunned silence as Minka continued to explain some changes in the pack.  It wasn't until It wasn't until her distraught leader turned and addressed the boy next to her that thoughts began to trickle back into Cessair's mind.  Attack on sight?  Never had Cessair made any attempt to fight with another wolf -- not to mention initiate an attack -- and the very idea of doing so now made her stiffen.  But she did not yet recognize the scent of a Secret Woodlands wolf, and she was certain she wouldn't recognize any by sight either.  Perhaps she wouldn't even have to leave pack borders.

Her ears flattened as Cessair recalled with guilt that she had just been ruminating on how useless she felt.  If she was needed, she decided, she would leave the pack borders without protest.  No wolf was to leave the territory alone, so there was a good chance whatever packmate she was traveling with would recognize a Secret Woodlands wolf even if she herself didn't, and then she would be obligated to attack.  That settled it:  Cessair did not like it, but she would fight for the good of the pack that had already done so much for her.  She was only grateful that she did not know enough wolves outside of her pack to be concerned about attacking someone she knew.

And then there was the news about moving the pack.  The search parties, however unfortunate in their necessity, had quieted Cessair's chronic wanderlust.  When Minka declared that no more search parties would go out, Cessair was at once worried for the pup who was still missing and fearful that the new restrictions would permit her itch to travel to resurface.  But moving the pack -- even the anticipation of doing so -- would hopefully be enough excitement to dampen that worry.  Obviously, Lugh would have to heal more first.  Maybe she could be of some service to him, somehow.  Cessair resolved to find him later and ask if she could help him in any way.  It was certainly the least she could do, and Cessair was eager to make herself useful.

(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2015, 01:27 AM by Cessair.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Will post Kova after Tokino

Tokino had finished up dominating Loki, and now he was greeting all of their other pack mates. He was warm and genial to the females, not pushing his dominance over them like he often did on the male side of the hierarchy. To those he was closest with Tokino gave licks and hugs to, which included Inali, Lugh, Kova, and Bane. To the others more simple greetings had sufficed. Though he did muzzle grab the other male who arrived before heading over to sit next to Minka. From that point on he took on a calm and thoughtful appearance while listening to the others chat before the meeting.

It wasn't until Minka began to speak that Tokino glance sideways at her. Her words were full of anger, despite the woman trying to look a little more calm in front of her pack mates. He could pick out the little features on her face that spoke of how tense Minka was.

Silently he listened all the while thinking about what war would mean for his pack. He only let out a small growl at her mention of stopping the search parties. She would rather go to war than search for our child? He thought quietly. Kino's growl might have gone unnoticed with the racket his other pack mates were producing. Many had complaints about the topic of war itself, and this Tokino could understand as he listened to each members words silently.

Then all of the sudden another male arrived extremely late to the meeting. Tokino's lips raised revealing all of his pointed teeth while he stared down the dark wolf named Astraeus from afar. It was a silent warning that said punishment would come later to the careless boy. Then Kino smoothed out his muzzle as the meeting continued virtually unaffected by the lateness of their pack mate.

Tokino lifts his head a little as Minka brings up the topic of moving. That was something he agreed with greatly; not only to get away from Secret Woodlands, but to find their own slice of heaven where no packs lie nearby. There was also the fact that they would be distancing themselves from Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge which was always a good thing. Especially since those two packs were allied with the woodland wolves.

When Bane spoke up Tokino could only feel pity for his student. Bane had been making long strides in his training, and there wasn't much that Tokino could teach him anymore.  He had hoped to proclaim him as a guardian during this meeting, though that may have to be after talking about this business of war was over.  It might be good to end on a high note instead of bad news.

Looking to Bane then to Minka, Tokino finally adds his voice in once the others all had their own input. Minka.. You will head up with a small group firstly to find and claim this new territory. I want you to stay there where its safe. The rest of us will follow shortly after someone from your group comes back to lead us there. He speaks gruffly almost daring Minka to argue with him. To Tokino her safety as well as Kova's was first and foremost his priority. War could come after they successfully moved.

Inali, I recognize the one scent that cloaks Lugh's coat and covers his wounds. It's not their leader Nina I'm sure, but that doesn't mean Nina didn't tell her pack to attack our wolves if they come too close to their territory. Tokino sighed. He would love to meet up with that female again. Oh the torturous things he could do with her before ending her life. Then he thought of what Bane had said.

To answer you Bane... I do not kill pups. However they will be as good as dead once with no one to take care of them when we're finished with their pack. Tokino looked to Bane now watching his reaction closely. He recalled the time when he himself had rescued Aphrodite from wandering alone in the forest. Narime he knew had a soft spot for pups, and Ash too despite his fiery temper. One option was to bring the pups to them. However, Tokino would never risk bringing Ash's temper down on one of his pack. Though he wouldn't stop Bane if he wanted to do it himself. The gray wolf didn't want their pups in his pack though, as they would compete for food with his own. Then again he could always enforce that rule he'd put into effect when Anstice and Abadeer was in their land. Food goes to his young firstly then to the other pups.

It was too much to think about all at once, and Kino couldn't help but to glance over to Minka to see what her take on his words would be.  Then he glanced back to Bane.

I want you watching Minka and the pups when all this is happening anyway. You I trust most out of our guard, and it would keep you away from fighting the woodlands wolves. He spoke less harshly now while allowing a look of understanding pass across his gaze. He looked to Lugh hoping to hear what he already knew. That Lugh had indeed been attacked by the Woodland wolves. Tokino had met Iopah already and knew that it was her scent specifically that laced his pelt. The Lagina male felt anger ripple through his chest at the thought of her smugness. What Tokino wouldn't give to bring her down one day. Forcing himself to be calm, Tokino then looked to his other pack mates.

I also agree with them Minka. War is not something to sprint into. We must plan firstly, maybe even decide whether war is correct in this situation before our planning. Tokino waited for her answer and glanced to the rest of the wolves watching below. His gaze rests on Bane, then settles onto Kova, before lastly falling to Inali. His own eyes mirrored the worry she felt at the notion of war and fighting.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

Kova was not at all expecting this meeting to be an actual pack business meeting. He had thought it was a hunting meeting. However as the other wolves trickled in Kova greeted each in turn with a wagging tail and happy licks to their chins. He was still oblivious to the dangerous nature of the topics that would soon be mentioned here. The gray boy spots Inali leaning close to Bane and feels a strange sensation wiggle through his frame. He didn't want her that close to Bane for some reason. Acting on this little feeling and trying to attract Inali's attention, Kova wiggles around then playfully falls onto his back. He lands with his rear near Bane's paws while his front end was over Inali's paws. Looking up at Inali cutely, Kova then reaches to lick at her chin again while pawing at her chest gently.

Then the meeting started as Minka began to speak about very serious topics. Kova rolls to his belly before looking to Minka and Tokino. War? What is war? He wonders as more information is given. New rules about heading out to search for Noble were placed, and Kova couldn't help but feel sorry for his sister. The pack had been searching for them this whole time, but now they would no longer. If Noble got home, it would have to be like how he had. She would have to find her own way home. What was worst was the information that the pack was leaving... Kova began to panic as Noble might get back to the Downs after they had left. He could imagine her freaking out about it.  “B..but what if we move and Noble comes back when we're gone?” Kova voiced his main concern not knowing that war was a far greater problem then Noble still being on her own. 

The others called out above his own voice, and Kova wasn't sure if anybody had heard him. He was really scared now, for Noble's sake. Plus he was totally confused as to what war meant. The boy was gathering from Bane's words that war had something to do with killing wolves. But why would they kill other wolves? was the thought that echoed through his skull before Kova hears his father speak. He spoke about Lugh and how he had been attacked by another pack of wolves. As he listened further Kova realized that they were talking about the woodland wolves. 

Those were the wolves that those two boys must have come from. What were their names again.. Silentium and Unitas Hervok? No wonder they were mean, their pack made them that way. Kova mulled over those thoughts in his mind making a silent promise to never visit the thickets again. I don't want anything to do with the woodland wolves. Besides, if they had hurt Lugh then they should be punished. He looked up to the others wondering why they weren't all agreeing to attack the others. They had to show the woodland pack that attacking others wasn't nice right?