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Mama We All Go To Hell
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
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It had begun to dawn on her that what she had done could have serious consequences. The yearling had been given the talk, but ignorantly ignored this warning thinking 'not me, no way'. Not to mention she had allowed her feelings for @Titan to overwhelm her knowledge and flood her senses. But...how could one resist him? He was handsome, kind, and his touch so great she couldn't word it. Was she in love? She wondered to herself with a soft sigh.

There was no time for foolishness now though as the girl walked through the eerie setting. Everything was odd, even the taste of the air. Her hackles stood on end as her tense body moved with great caution. This was all so odd, even Zonta moved alert and ready for an attack. The two growled softly in unison, uncomfortable with their surroundings. 

As eyes scanned the thickets suspiciously a delicate paw pressed down onto a sharp thorn. Danica bit her tounge refusing to let out a sheer cry of pain. It wasn't acceptable, not now not here, not with how things seemed. Sighing to calm her nerves some she bent towards her paw. Gently she used her front teeth to pluck the splinter from her soft pad before moving on. Her natural limp from her past leg injury was now accompanied by a temporary one as she stumbled along.

The pale furred figure moved closer and closer to the pack boarders till reaching a gradual stop. Allowing her voice to cut the silence she sang for her mom's presence. Her tone held no urgency, just the causal sound of a young wolf howling for it's mother's company. Danica's muzzle lowered as she finished her tune...

(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2015, 02:57 PM by Danica. Edit Reason: Tags didn't work. )
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

He was here...

He was there..

He was everywhere...

Anywhere there was something interesting occurring Unitas just so happens to creep in and watch. Like right now, Unitas was shifting through the trees towards the scent of another. Danica, again..... Why's she back and bothering mom. he wonders silently before pricking his ears upwards at her howl. Now she was howling for their shared mother which again irked him a little. Nina was hismother right now not Danica's. Why would a she wolf who wasn't really pack want Nina's attention? She had better things to worry about. Like Iopah and Koda's betrayal.

Disturbed by the creamy silver she wolf's presence, Tas trotted forward with his chin held up all high and mighty. He could sense that Danica was in a bad mood, but that didn't stop him from trying to look good in front of her. He set a slight smile upon his lips before approaching her from the front. His tail twitches once to the side in the beginnings of a wag, but then stills as the boy looks at his half sister.

"You stink of some other guy... "

He comments without thinking about what his words might do to her. Or what anger he might bring upon himself by mentioning this to Danica.

"What's got your fur all twisted up. You look like you need a friend."

He says these next words smoothly before lowering his head some and allowing his tail to wave slowly back and forth. He was acting friendly, that was it.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A bird drops to the ground nearby. Upon close inspection it appears to be dead.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Their absolute betrayal. It cut at her heard like a thorn, much like the ones that surrounded her now. The matriarch continued on her self-pity, only slightly pulling out of it now that Mirren and Kite had returned. Nina had no qualms with them and had welcomed them back with an open heart, eager to have some stability in her ever-changing life. No one had tried to interrupt her personal hell, being consumed with sorting and resorting the herbs that had already been collected. The bitter stench that usually accompanied herbs clung to her pelt like honey, not bothering to groom. If she was called away, she could briefly groom herself, but not enough to get herself out of her current spout of grief.

The woman had not been expecting to be called away, especially by a voice that she had not heard since he had left. Knowing that it would not bode well to appear frazzled in front of her daughter, the Hervok took the time in making herself presentable, her tongue working furiously against her matted coat. After she felt that she looked pleasant enough, the golden brown lady was quick to make her way to the borders. Fortunately, it seemed that she was not the first one to find the only princess of the Woodlands. Unitas had already arrived and Nina was quick to take in his form, much like his father's. The thought of Hollow made her heart ache, knowing that her current situation would have been more tolerable had he still remained at her side.

The first thing she noticed upon her arrival was the scent of blood, and while Nina could not pinpoint the exact cause of the smell, she deduced that it was from a thorn. It was a normal occurrence for the Woodland wolves to get the abominations caught in their pads. The second thing that became apparent was that her daughter was with child. A breath caught in Nina's throat as she flashed back to when Ashanti had returned home with Hollow, battered and broken. The thought caused her fur to rise upon her spine as her mouth opened to speak, "Dani...are you alright?" The mother's voice was gentle, soft, a tone she often used with her offspring. If someone had hurt her precious angel, it was possible that they would soon see their last day. The woman was sure that her brother would have no problem with a new mission.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
                            Danica's nose scrunched up some and she rolled her eyes, ears sliding back in annoyance. "Cocky much?" She asked under her breath, only calming when @Unitas wagged his tail. In return she offered a brief, fake, smile, "Hey, She greeted casually.

                           Groaning at the boy Dani explained, "Yes, I know, his name is Titan." Instantly she had become sheepish and awkward at the mention of his name. Titan was more than a best friend after the 'crime' they committed she felt, but wouldn't call him her mate.*He is mine though, * She thought possessively, feeling a sudden urge to make this known to all other females in his life. Her body even tensed up and this selfish expression contorted her cream face, a greed that said simply, 'mine', sprouting in her orbs. Then it vanished as she straightened herself up and swallowed her emotions to offer another fake grin. It wasn't that she was trying to be rude, she just wasn't that happy at the moment.

                          "Things and that,-" She pointed to the fallen bird with her paw, "and what I need is my mum." Her words were firm and gave no room for an argument. This whelp wouldn't satisfy what a mother could comfort and soothe. Not to mention she only truly knew a mom's love, sure Koda had tried, but he missed too much. Plus Titan's dad was missing....were all males just sucky? *No, because Titan isn't.* She reminded herself and felt hope for the opposite gender.

                      "Mom!" Dani shouted wagging her tail at the appearance of her beautiful one eyed mother. She smiled and rushed forward to embrace the other with a strong wolf hug. The prego girl wrapped her neck around Nina's neck and pressed her head into tan fur. At the question she stepped back, "I'm not sure...I think I made a huge mistake..." She trailed off looking ashamed, "And with Titan, too..." She added before looking down at her paws as they shifted on the ground. Her voice was  a whisper as she stood before the very woman who had brought her into this cruel world and loved her possibly more than anyone else.

                         "Anyways, how are you?" She asked to change the subject, emerald orbs glancing up to travel down her mother. Despite being well groomed, Danica noted that she was unhealthy looking. Worry caused her heart to clinch as she questioned her mom, "Have you been taking care of yourself?" The tone she used with her was intentionally sweet and innocent. Purposely aiming to cause guilt if the Queen had been neglecting her own need. "I understand that your pack needs you and all, but you can't..." She stopped herself, "I'm sorry...I should mind my manners..."
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2015, 12:07 AM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Titan? He wrinkles his nose a bit at the sound of the unfamiliar name. So why does she smell like this Titan guy? He wondered silently. He had not gotten "the talk" yet and did not know that the parts that made males and females different could be used for making pups. So of course the smell of Danica being pregnant was lost on him. Instead Unitas stood there watching the light colored she wolf quietly as she snottily answered back to him. He had to hold back a sneer from his half sister as she shot down his suggestion and spoke of needing her mother.

"I think "our mother" were the words you were looking for sissy."

He said quickly before she decided to ignore his entire existence. He sighed softly before shaking his head and mumbling, "where are my brothers when I need them.." as Nina entered the area. As the lead female padded into the area Tas lifted his head a bit to see who it was. He grumbled inaudibly before turning away form the two females and yawning. His white teeth glistened in the dappled sunlight before the yawn was finished. Then he closed his maw and turned three times around in a circle before laying himself down into a fuzzy black ball of yearling. The dark wolf was close enough to the other females to hear them and participate in the conversation if he so wished. However he had a feeling that he would once again be doing the bulk of the listening for both his mother and half sister.

Tas leaned in closer to the two woman keeping his ear on the very soft words Danica spoke. His impression of her was a sad one. It seemed to Unitas that Danica screwed up a lot, or at least things never went well for her to be in pain all the time. Then he heard her question to Nina which brought his dark brows forward into a thick furrow. Anger gripped him and unfortunately Unitas couldn't be quiet.

"Are you taking care of yourself.. That's a swell question to ask. It sounds like you are calling her sick or ugly looking you know!? She's beautiful and strong, there's nothing she can't take care of."

He said with a raised chin and a glare cast to Danica despite being on the ground.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It did not take Nina long upon her arrival to assess that Danica was still quite unstable. The way she spoke and the immature way she snapped at her brother only confirmed what the healer in her already knew. However, before Nina would speak to her daughter, the creamy girl was embracing her and it was then that the Hervok caught the scent that turned her blood cold. It was clear that before her arrival, as she had heard, Danica had been spending quite a bit of time with Titan. The scent of Danica’s pregnancy opened Nina’s mind to just how sick her daughter could become from this bad decision. With her already fragile state of mind her daughter could suffer through many ordeals before and after the pregnancy. Depression after birthing was common and the Hervok did not know how well her daughter would be able to take care of her child when all was said and done. The thought that Titan was so oblivious about the consequences of his actions and the fact that he was not here with Danica now pissed Nina off. As her daughter drew away from her, the rude comments thrown her way knocked her off guard. Not having a chance to respond, Unitas spoke from behind her, warming the matriarch’s heart with his kind words towards his mother. As he defended her, she was once again reminded of Hollow, but instead of the familiar ache that accompanied thoughts about him, she was filled with pride. Nevertheless, she was more concerned with her daughter than with herself right then.

So clearing her throat, she spoke, making it obvious that she knew what was going on, "I would be more concerned with yourself right now, young lady. It seems you have not been making some smart choices. Where is Titan?" Her voice was stern, much like she was talking to a child instead of her daughter, who was now much an adult. Out of all of her children, it seemed to Nina that the males were the only one that inherited common sense. Wherever Danica had gotten her brains from, Nina did not know, but it certainly did not come from her side of the family. It seemed that while Ashton was somewhere out in the world and Silentium had left, and the other two of her children were wonderfully loyal, Danica did not seem to know what she wanted to do with herself. It made the Hervok sad to know that all that the younger woman had endured had pushed her to the breaking point. Hopefully, one day, she would be able to regain her footing but with a child along the way, Nina was sure it was going to take a bit longer for anything to happen.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Pale towers snapped back at his words, and she took them in with thought, though clearly irritated. Turning to look at Unitas the wolf replied in a quitter voice, "You'll have to forgive me, I'm used to my brothers being gone or dead."{b} [/b]Dani was not harsh with the way she spoke, a monotone taking over as a stoic expression consumed her face. She wasn't trying to make him guilty, its just...she was a big sister? It was so odd and difficult to process...*Am I as bad as dad for not being there for @Unitas ?* She thought to herself slowly turning her glance back to their Queen.

When the dark boy snapped at her Danica's ears folded to the side and meekly she looked back at him,"I didn't mean it that way...I know she is, but I still worry about her. I grew up with her too, she's more than beautiful, and yes she is a strong wolf. However, I still have the right to worry about my only blood left." Her voice was saddened now, a whispering mummer hardly loud enough to hear. Crumpling to her belly she rested beneath her mom submissively, and did not rise, green orbs glued to the matriarch's paws. "Where is Koda and Iopah?" She piped up, but the question was lost as the regal one eyed woman begun to speak.

A whine left split dark lips, heavily weighed down with guilt, "He doesn't know." Was all she could manage in her humiliation and shame. Her heart beat picked up, beating loudly within her chest, "Smart choices? The situation was different than that...it wasn't smart, but...mom...please understand..." Her muzzle tucked into her cream fur. Her belly begun to do sumer salts and flips, her foolish choices had led up to this moment. How in the universe was she ever to straighten her life out?”Speech”

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
Kick me across the yard and back for this horribly horribly late and small post

Unitas's lips quivered as he simply looked over his sister in disdain. Her answer back to him and Nina though did quell a bit of the anger prodding at his heart. Especially the bit about her brothers being dead, that dampened Unitas's anger greatly. He tried to imagine a place where his own brothers were completely gone, not just out living somewhere else, but truly dead. The young Hervok felt a little uneasy thinking about this, but not as much as he thought he would if the scenario ever happened in real life. A tiny portion of respect for his sister glistened in his heart for a moment until Danica continued talking. She asked about Iopah and Koda, and that brought the fire of anger back into his heart while a silent snarled aimed at the ground appeared on the dark boys muzzle. He felt badly for Nina who would have to go over explaining the whole event over and over again to pack mates who weren't there to witness it.

Now he stayed silent. The boys ears stayed tuned into the two ladies talk, though right now he didn't quite understand what they were talking about. Something about smart choices relating to Danica's relation to Titan, but what relation Unitas didn't know. The dark wolf could only assume it had something to do with why she smelled so much like the stranger male. A dark thought crept into Unitas's mind. A picture of him catching Titan alone near their territory and tearing him to shreds. Unitas was of the opinion that no stranger male should be welcomed near his family's pack or the wolves within it. Little did Tas know that Titan would most likely be more than a match for him.

Now he kept quiet leashing the anger inside him and trying to smother the flames that burned in his heart. He lay his body into a circle upon the cold earth trying to slow down that fast breathing. It was Nina's turn to burst into anger or smolder quietly as he so often had seen her do recently. Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was really angry at all.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The mother’s body was tense as she looked at her daughter. She could not believe that she was actually having this conversation with her daughter, who was barely old enough to even consider children. Danica’s mental stability would only increase from here, with post-depression from the pregnancy and raised hormones. Nina had been through it twice, while she was leading a pack and had been stronger than ever. Not only was Danica’s decision wrong, it was also stupid. Sighing quietly to herself, the golden brown lady listened to her daughter’s words with an empty heart, her single eye pinned unmercifully on her only daughter. Her tail swayed high above her back as she waited for her daughter to stop making excuses for herself and admit to her mistake, but it never happened.

Nina was quick to scold her daughter, her mouth opening, not minding that Unitas was there to bear witness to what she was about to do.  "You need to stop making excuses for the decisions that you made," her voice came out in a soft growl, clearly displeased with the information she had gained, "You need to tell Titan about this and you need to start making better decisions in your life Danica. You can’t just throw you’re your life." She pointedly ignored the question about Iopah and Koda, not driving the topic away from Danica’s condition. Nina would not allow this to happen because it was important for the creamy girl to accept the consequences of what she had done.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.