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The danger is I'm dangerous — Riddle Heights 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Salmon tongue rolled out like a pink carpet between parted jowls to allow heavy panting to release small vapor clouds into the chilly morning air. Snowy pads that had gradually grown acquainted to the mountainous terrain traversing over the slick granite slopes that made up the heights near the lost lake. Nails scratching at their sun bleached surface wherever weed like plants hadn't began to grown yet between the cracks as an unmatched pair of brown and green optics constantly scanned over the next set of rocks for the proper foothold before taking a step further away from the lost lake. A lake the white she-devil had come to call home, if only temporary. A place she now found herself wanting to put as much distance between herself as 'the pack' deemed allowable. Not like she actually gave a rat's ass about following the rules. But yet to reach her goals of returning to complete health for long distance traveling to who knew where the wraith woman grudgingly abides by the pathetic rules. All in due time though. Soon she could pick up her old hunt for her precious.    

Hitting a sparse expanse of trees Hexamora brings herself to a slow halt. Allowing her sides to heave in the effort of bringing enough air into her gasping lungs. 'Damn shortness of breath.' That was something she was going to need work on. With the gradually increasing weight and muscle building back to her once skeletal embodiment they would need to be trained back into prime shape. To become fluid movements and not so gaspy and weak with the slightest bit of exercise. Hexamora Beauvau was not a weakling. Stealing a glance over her shoulder at the dwindled speck of blue indicating the resting place of the lake the wraith woman mentally saw the distance fit enough for the time being. Nobody from the pack would dare follow her out here, especially that pregnant and snarl invoking silvery lead female. That brought a smug smirk to her dark tinted lips. Finally alone time. Lowering dirt clad haunches the plushness of her tail thumped lazily at her side, pink tongue still dangling out of slightly parted jaws. A juicy hare suddenly sounded good to the starved woman.

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2015, 08:10 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
LOL so much for them being friends xD sorry Aponi is a butt

Aponi spent most of her waking hours outside of the borders, even if she didn't wander too far. The pregnancy she had once been so proud of now made her moods more of a landslide threatening to crush anyone she interacted with. Even seeing others with their sleek sides and normal appetite and normal bodies caused the Aquila to feel fury. So she avoided them, the only expectation being of course @Phineas, but he had things to do and was often too busy. The girl knew better than to laze about all day of course adventuring, she wanted to lead this pack one day and that meant winning the support of the other members. This meant her days were filled with marking the borders and searching for food or other useful bits to return with when darkness forced her back within the territory.

The woman she was eyeing now was not a member of their pack however and that meant the Aponi didn't have to force niceties with her. The yearling had claimed a place upon one of the outcroppings so she could survey the surroundings without being seen from below. This was when she had spotted the white stranger making her way up the slope, or struggling her way up the slope. Smirking the silver woman removed herself from her vantage point to move closer, close enough to hear the way the other gasped for air. The blue eyes sparkled as she took in the sight, "Perhaps you shouldn't be so far from home if you can barely climb a hill." The words were a sneer, this white fae had smelled of others and obviously had a home and in Aponi's mind she should go back to where she came from.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Hex just doesn't know how to be nice, I swear. xD @Aponi

Not long into her resting and the sound of pebbles scattering their way down the slope to tumble to the bottom, partially gathering against her rump caught the attention of the wraith woman. Ears pricking forward at the commotion before a young, sneering voice interjected with speak of how one shouldn't be so far from home if climbing was not their expertise. Immediately an exasperated look adorned the features of Hexamora's colorless face while the mismatched marbles situated where eyes should be maneuvered with the rotation of her head to catch a glimpse of the nuisance that dared interrupt her alone time. Before the woman stood a silver coated fae whom couldn't possibly be anything shy of a freshly turned adult by the smell that lofted off her pelt mingled with the all too familiar pack scent. It was clearly not of her own pack by the lack of prominent pine and musky earth of water drenched soil mirroring that of the lakeside..and another smell mixed within caught her attention for the briefest of seconds. Stupid bitch got herself knocked up. Ha! A snort of bemusement uttering from the nostrils atop her muzzle. 'Aw, did honey have fantasies of playing den with papa and baby growin' up?' came the snide comment within the quietness of her mind.  

Rising to her feet the look of exasperation dissipated into an utterly vexed expression, giving her ivory pelt a solid shake to rid any pebbles that had thoughts of hitching a free ride on her rump thank to this little girl. Meeting sparkling blue eyes with the green and brown tint of her own the left forepaw lifted to curl in on itself against her chest to mimic the act of being hurt, a pitiful and dramatic whine leaving her white furred lips to add extra effect to her acting. "Ouch, I'm hurt. However will I recover from such hurtful words?" Another snort leaving Hex followed by the slightest of laughs as her body stood upright on all fours again, tail swinging disinterestedly behind her. "I'm shaking in my little paws." A dramatic eye roll following suit. It would take a lot more than some words to get the woman to budge from her spot and head back up to the lost lake where her family according to Vespertio; the agouti patriarch, awaited her. Not exactly the best company in her mind.  

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The smirking and snorting and over the top acting did nothing to soothe the yearlings already aggravated mood. If anything it just cemented an instant hatred for the bitch in front of her. Snorting herself the blue eyes didn't falter as they stared back unblinkingly, no way she was going to back down. Flicking her silver tail in annoyance she raised her brows, "Oh but perhaps you should be, after all you're on the doorstep of my pack and from what I've seen you're just an old hag who can barely climb a hill." The rolling eyes irritated Aponi to no end, this woman was over confident given the situation and suddenly she wished dearly the swelling at her sides wasn't present. If it wasn't she would surely teach the ghostly figure before her a thing or two about manners, not that Aponi had any herself.

The growl that idled in her throat wasn't forced, the yearling had never been able to reign in her pride or her anger when it was damaged. Smiling now her ice were ice cold, the look on her face one of joy but joy of being malicious, "You can laugh now, but I'll be sure that your vocal chords are the first thing to be cut if you don't get out of here. My mate and pack mates wouldn't stand for you to come any closer, to me or the borders." It was an exaggeration, Phineas was far from her mate and Aponi wasn't foolish enough to think they ever would be, not anymore. Her pack mates were practically strangers to top it off, but she knew if she called for help her pups father wouldn't leave her stranded, he was a lot of thing but a bad father wasn't one of them. Even if these children weren't born yet.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
I have no idea what just happened here.. @Aponi  

Little by little the wraith white woman was watching the silver counterpart unravel before her eyes. The effects of a one night stand pregnancy making themselves known. Or was that just how the bitch was? Overly angered and quick to snap in your face verbally. A flick of a silver tipped tail in clear annoyance and a warning of sorts soon were dished out to the older of the two. At the mentioning of Hexamora being an old hag, though, it took what little self control she had to keep from bristling her fur and lifting the sheath like curtain of her lips over her stained daggers. Inside she knew that was exactly the sort of reaction the girl was aiming to achieve, but Hexamora was just as good at playing this game of the mind. Instead she let the comment roll off her like water on a duck's back, giving the statement a lassitude shrug. Playing around as if she had not heard the words at all.

The sound of a low growl did happen to catch her interest in the slightest. Pearly audits pivoted forward to catch the low hum in the pregnant girl's throat before it was cut short. A new look contorting the features of her face with a sickening smile of..joy? adorning the young wolf's features as the ice blue pools of her eyes took on the same temperature as their shade indicated. Another bout of word vomit leaving her lips. "Are you referring to the one that knocked you up? Your.." pausing to stifle a laughter threatening to erupt from her throat. "Honey how delusional are you? You were nothing but a good screwing, you little harlot. If he was your mate then why isn't he at your side right now, hm?" Rising a brow, her heterochromic gaze swept over her opponent to gauge the reaction and possible shit storm she just unleashed. Oh what fun it was causing havoc.  

Hexamora was calling her out on her bluff if it was a bluff to begin wit. What did she know of this woman and the status she may have actually shared with the man she now proclaimed to be her mate. It would take a lot more than threatening words to make the old hag budge from her post. She wasn't intruding on their territory nor had she emptied one of their chaches. A thought that did happen to cross her mind. This so called mate of hers would have to physically chase her back to the lake if they wanted her pest like presence to be exterminated.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Perhaps if Aponi was still harbouring the delusional crush she had once held for Phineas the words would have had their desired effect. As it was the yearling still knew that it was she who held the upper paw in this situation. While she was pregnant she was obviously in better physical shape than this bitch and even if she wasn't the pack was just moments behind her. The other was unwise to be attempting to be pushing her buttons so, but perhaps she didn't know this. Well no matter, she would show her, if she couldn't phase her with wits and words as she could most wolves she would show her with brute force. 

Smirking once more she didn't hesitate to roll her blue orbs back at the words. Taking a single step forward her words held venom, "Perhaps because he has a pack to run. Just because we're mates does not mean we need to spend every second of every day together." Another step forward her silver paws carried her, her instincts begging for a fight. She wanted to taste this woman's flesh in her jaws and wouldn't hesitate to pounce if she continued to push her. Your move old hag, you had best choose wisely. Aponi had never been maternal enough to think of the lives growing inside of her before her own needs. Now her needs screamed at her to put this woman back in her place, no matter what the cost. It was clear if the ivory woman kept pushing her so the yearling wouldn't have the slightest problem making this altercation physical.

(This post was last modified: May 10, 2015, 04:01 AM by Aponi.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Holding steady as the silver female approached with two slowly taken steps the points of her audits pivoted with mild interest at the words meant to hold a venomous sting. Refusing to back down from a more physical display than the verbal one used previously as the muscles in her weary limbs tightened in preparation for any pinch of skin Aponi planned on making with her teeth. Mirroring the rolling of the icy blue eyes with the brown and green of her own an exhausted huff left her lips. So he had a pack to run and others to boss around, big deal. Didn't paint him any prettier at being a shining example of a father, or mate.

All the while Hexamora had noted the desire for a fight burning behind those icy blue eyes. Amused at the notion this foolish girl was more willing to put the old hag in the dirt than protect the precious bundles carried in her stomach. A snort wanted to rise up through her nostrils at this. 'Clearly you're no better a mother than the bastard father that knocked you up.' Inside her mind was on the ground rolling in fits of laughter at the poor girl. Would it be a fun adventure to see just how far this girl would go? Perhaps she could do the pack a favor and spare the bitch from bringing forth another generation of idiots into the world. All it would take was some strategic blows to the stomach right? Surely she can manage that even being as tired as she was from the exhausting trek up the hill. "I'm sure he misses you oh so much at the end of a busy day." she spat back with an equal amount of venom tied to her words. Fool.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
I....don't know what happened here xD It's your choice whether your next post is your exit or if this continues, but if it does Aponi will be calling for backup so Hex might end up outnumbered  Ps. This would perfectly explain why Aponi only had one cub xD Physical stress or trauma can cause vanishing twin syndrome.

The point of no return was hurtling towards the pair of them at light speed now, it would take barely a twitch in the wrong direction before they couldn't turn around. Then the pale woman rolled her eyes and huffed and then they were well past it. Instantly Aponi's hackles stood on end, her whole pelt suddenly rippling with movement and a snarl uttered from her own maw echoed around them. Taking another step forward much quicker this time her teeth were barred, "Do not come to the doorstep of our pack and disrespect me. Roll your eyes one more time and I'll gladly rip them both from their sockets for chew toys for my young. Perhaps you forget that you are less than a minute or two away from the rest of the pack who at my call would skin you alive to protect what I harbour inside of me."  The words slid between clenched teeth, lips pulled back so their full length was exposed to the air.

Another step forward and now they were less than a wolf length apart, "And he misses me more than anyone is going to miss you once I'm done with you." Then she leapt, there had been no warning other than a subtle bunching of her hind muscles and then she was in the air. She aimed for exactly what she had promised, her jaws salivating at the thought of the bitch's eyes in her teeth. All thoughts of her young were gone now, this woman had insulted her and for that she must be punished, there was no other way.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

What happened next came without warning. The world around the duo began to slow dramatically before her mismatched eyes. A single paw lifted in a feeble attempt at eluding the unavoidable attack only to be met with utter darkness and a sickening pop like sound in her eardrums. Darkness that seemed to last forever as the pain of what had just happened set in. Like an uncontrollable inferno the section of skull and flesh around Hexamora's right eye socket began to burn and throb unbearably, Unbeknownst to the Beauvau woman that the visual organ had been ripped from its home and now dangled limply from between the teeth of her enemy. Stream after stream of crimson liquid trickling down from the gaping wound to stain the once white fur of her right cheek. Dribbling heavily enough to begin forming small pools on the rocky surface beneath her paws.

Agony wracked her body as a shrill cry of pain erupted from her ebony lips. Head now lowered to press into the cold stone and dirt of her paw attempting to extinguish the fire dancing behind her now eyeless socket. "MY EYE! YOU FUCKING BITCH! MY EYE!" she screamed out like a banshee fresh out of hell all the while her body writhed against the ground smearing her blood everywhere. Nearly convulsing from the degree of pain coursing through her recently shredded sinew. The world around her grew darker as the sound of Aponi's snarls grew hushed under the thunderous pumping of her blood in her ears. Making the woman become discombobulated enough to stumble backwards. The lack of sight making it even harder to tell which way was up as each step made her paws trip over the other. Sending her body tumbling back down towards the lake. More cries of pain sounding out onto the air with each sharp jab to her hips, back and head on the way down from colliding with minor rock clusters and tree trunks. Eventually giving the old hag a break as her body found leveled ground. Her body nothing more than a heap of battered flesh and blood now. The faint rising of her sides and harrowing whines the only indication that she was still breathing and alive.  

Some form of luck had to have been on her side that day. Allowing her to escape with her life although her brown tinted optic had to remain behind. Still dangling from Aponi's jaws as her body tumbled down..down..down. It was the price she had to pay for messing with the wrong wolf. Now left blind in her right eye. What challenges the pearly woman now faced.
