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if only, if only, the woodpecker cried — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
For @Namid

Her stay with the Fallen Tree Cove pack thus far had been less than…enjoyable. The encounter with Anthem and Hexamora had left a bitter taste in the female's mouth, causing her to seek shelter outside the pack den. Her desire to run into any others was low – it lead her to doubt her decision to take up Namid's offer and seek out her pack. Unfortunately, she'd already sealed herself to the group, and her regret was something she had to deal with. Scrooping, she decided to seek out the one wolf she actually got along with among the group.

But first, she had to catch a fish. It seemed wrong to approach the alpha without an offering. While it took an hour or so (and a few failed attempts), eventually Desideria surfaced with a small brook trout. It was no where near as impressive as Kajika's fish, but it was fresh and nice, and she hoped the expectant mother would like the prey item all the same. The woman took her time wandering through the pack lands until she came upon the leader's birthing den. At the mouth, she set the fish, and took a few steps back before laying her belly down on the ground.

Peering inwards, she cleared her throat. "Namid? Are you in there?" she asked, voice soft as her ears swiveled, straining to detect any sort sound coming from inside the den, or nearby. "…I brought you if a fish, if you wanted it? Just in case."

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Shortly after accepting Dezzy to the pack, Namid had felt a pull within her to travel to the den she’d designated as her birthing den. She knew her time was nearing, faint cramps had started within her belly and her children were moving like crazy. Often she could feel their small paws rubbing against her stomach, and had even on occasion seen the small bulges they made as they pushed. Her nausea had also increased because of the movement, and quite often she’d had to make a trip out of the rocky crevice to vomit up her last meal. Thankfully, her packmates and lover had brought her plenty of food daily to keep her well-nourished, which was vital to the health of the heirs to Fallen Tree Cove.

She’d been den-ridden, taking to pacing only a few feet from the entrance to the Cave. She’d been lucky to find it, as she’d almost missed it herself. It was located just a little ways away from her favorite spot that looked out upon the lake and their kingdom. The dark little nook it was in was tucked away carefully, covered partially in grasses and mosses that grew just outside of it. The inside was cozy but spacious, large enough to fit perhaps three wolves if they hunched their shoulders. The floor was coated in her fine silver hairs, along with mosses, soft fern leaves, a bit of sand, and the white pelt of the hare that Anthem had brought them. This day she was inside picking around, adjusting then readjusting the way everything laid to make it just perfect. This was another way she passed the time, rearranging the den so that it would be absolutely perfect for her children to be born and grow in.

The sound of approaching pawsteps was heard by the expecting queen and she turned to look up and out the opening of the den. Pair of unmistakable red tawny legs were seen before the female spoke, offering a fish which Namid would happily oblige to taking with her now empty stomach. Moving one more tuft of downy fur, she headed out of the den and into the open. “Thank you,” She replied, giving a small smile to her subordinate. Picking the fish up in her maw she headed away from the den, weary of having anyone close to it inhabited or not. It was a special place, a place that needed to be protected and kept secret and perfect at all costs. The Star Dancer beckoned for her friend to follow her to lay beneath a fragrant pine tree, upon the soft needles that created a blanket of sorts on the forest floor. Taking a bite of the fish she chewed then swallowed, then took another. Wiping her tongue across her maw she turned her mismatches gaze to the woman whom she hadn’t yet truly gotten the chance to speak to as of her joining. “So, Desideria, how has the pack been to you?” She inquired, truly curious. She hoped they were treating her well, and if she found otherwise she’d have to have a strong conversation with anyone who was misbehaving within her borders.

(This post was last modified: May 16, 2015, 10:57 PM by Namid.)
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Her amber eyes flickered for a moment, something brighter behind them as the alpha accepted her fish.  It was not a great or glorious fish – she'd scene much larger animals where the lake got deeper – but she hoped the lake trout would be an acceptable snack for an expectant mother.  To be honest, she used to scrape up whatever she could for her own dam when the wolf was expecting the twins, and she often gobbled it down without a second thought.  Namid seemed a bit more delicate, actually tasting what she ate, but the tawny timber wolf kept her thoughts to herself.As the alpha began to move away from her birthing den, it dawned on Desideria that she would not want her to rubberneck.  Respecting the other female's privacy, she got back to her feet and trotted a few paces away to the pine tree without even a furtive glance.  It held little wonder to her – her brothers had no father, and she'd been the one crawling in with her mother to bring food when she needed it.  Once the pups were old enough to leave, she would watch them when Desdemona went out in search of water or her own meal.  It was unlikely this one was much different, save for personal touches, and whatever those were held little intrigue to the former thief.  

She was content enough to settle under the lush pine and enjoy the companionable silence when Namid's curiosity was turned upon her.  Here, the female swallowed, ears sweeping back.  She took no issue with not revealing the truth – but then, who would that serve but the witch who'd slithered out in the middle of the night?  She had no loyal to that wolf.  "Unkind," she answered bluntly.  "The white woman, maybe even smaller than I – didn't like my general presence.  And the stormy male was nice, at first, 'til I had the sense to tell the wraith to come off it."

It occurred to her that perhaps she should not admit mouthing off to the alpha, for Desideria was clearly the lowest ranked female, but it had slipped out of her muzzle before she could think the better of it.  Hexamora had been most unpleasant and, truth be told, had she met that particular member beforehand, she might not have been so eager to take up Namid's offer.  After all, she hardly seemed willing to make good on the alpha's promise, and keep an eye out for her missing siblings.  The male had been pleasant to begin with, but perhaps a bit to rooted in tradition for her liking.  All she did was stand up for herself – it wasn't a direct challenge, not in her mind – and he'd taken offense like she'd spoken poorly of the alphas' themselves.  The female sighed heavily at the thought, lowering herself to her belly as her amber eyes shifted back towards the lead female.  Her tail was pressed flat against the ground as she made herself smaller, trying to present little threat.

What else was there to say?  "I've only met them, though.  None of the other wolves."  Hopefully the others weren't the same.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

After her question was given, a sense of apprehension was given from the woman in the form of lowering ears and the shrinking posture, reproach evident in her gaze as if she were trying to carefully pick and choose her words in her mind. A frown marred her maw and she wondered what could have happened already to her subordinate within her borders to cause such a reaction. It was then that a single wolf rose from the back of her mind, whispering a name into her ears and she suspected at that moment that the wraith woman could be a reason. "The white woman, maybe even smaller than I – didn't like my general presence.  And the stormy male was nice, at first, 'til I had the sense to tell the wraith to come off it." Dezzy revealed, proving Namid’s suspicions. There was no surprise shown in her mismatched gaze when she mentioned the unpleasant female, only a bad taste in the back of her mouth. This woman had taken from their caches and left them empty to her packmates, hardly a scent of hers could be smelt along the borders hinting that she was far from pulling her weight within them, and now she was found to be being a downright bitch to their members. In that moment, Namid decided that enough was enough. Once she was able, she would seek out their freeloader and promptly throw her from her lands, whether it be by tooth and nail or otherwise. She had already gotten into a squabble with Primrose, proving her best in the end.

At the mention of the stormy second Anthem, Namid was a bit surprised at her admission of unpleasantly from him. However, Anthem was a rather law set man that she knew of. He saw things as black and white, right and wrong, and likely didn’t appeal to Desideria’s right to defend herself. She couldn’t blame him for doing his job, trying to keep the peace, but she suspected their member had no knowledge of his personality. The alphaess shifted into a more comfortable position before speaking. “I am not surprised to hear that Primrose was unkind. She has been a bur in our pelts from the day she was accepted into our lands on the false promise that she would aid us. Pay no mind to her, she will soon be brought to justice for her crimes and likely you will see no more of her. Anthem, the male you mentioned, is our beloved second in command and one of the oldest members here. Older than I, even. He is a law abiding man and tries his best to keep the peace within our ranks, which may be a reason he apprehended you. While I do not condone you speaking in such a way to any of our other members, you were right in defending yourself against that woman.” Namid explained. Respect was demanded of all members to their packmates, but if Primrose refused to follow that rule to any of her pack they would not be forced to return the same courtesy to her.

At the mention that she didn’t know any of their other members, even their own king, she figured she might enlighten her as to their personalities. “We are a growing pack, much to my pleasure, and our land is vast. The other members that do reside here do their best to keep up with their duties to us, meaning that they are usually scattered about. We have a total of 8 wolves under the claim of Fallen Tree Cove, you, Anthem, Primrose, and I being 4 of those 8. Vespertio is our male alpha and my mate, and he can be quite intimidating when first approached. Do not worry though, he is very kind at heart as long as you are doing as you are supposed to. We have a set of yearling siblings that joined not a week before you did, named Asphodel and Hemlock, who seem sweet enough. Finally, there is a male of which even I have yet to meet but did see at our last meeting. He seemed like good enough character, though I cannot be certain.” The Star Dancer listed to the woman. After a moment’s pause, she added “The wolves within our lands are not bad, many have joined for redemption for their past. They seek to right the wrongs they may have committed in days ago, but that bond we share is what keeps us together. You may find someone of like mind in the ones you have yet to meet, do not let one unimportant woman discourage you from all that you may become. I am you friend here, you may come to me with whatever you may need,” she expressed, reaching out to press her nose against the shoulder of her member in a show of friendship.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Though perhaps unexpected, it was a relief to know that she was not the only one the wicked white witch took great offense to.  With her exhale, some of the tension dissolved into the ground.  Her ears pressed forward again, listening intently as Namid took to explaining some of their packmates.  "Primrose.  Such a pretty name, for such an ugly wolf," she grumbled under her breath, watching the alpha for a moment.  The woman was quite adamant in her respect and care for Anthem, as the stormy male was called (not that he'd had the decency to introduce himself when she'd offered a name, mind you), though the timber wolf was yet to be convinced for his character.

"She was cruel," Desideria felt the need to clarify, her ears rotating backwards again.  "Law is not everything.  I had nothing against him, only her, that would—"

But she shook her head, protest dying on her lips as she sunk back down.  Law was so black and white – what in this world existed in such stark contrasts?  Everyone was a shade of grey.  Perhaps Anthem simply couldn't see her from the noise.  She would not speak against him, even if her initial meeting was soured.  The mention of a pair of sibling was enough to get her attention again, and she looked intrigued.  "I would like to meet them, these siblings," she hummed, mind swimming with the possibilities.  Perhaps they would help her.

She might have wondered onwards, if Namid had not continued to speak, instead explaining the bond between the lot.  Her tail swept behind her once, jaw resting upon her forelimbs as she studied the alpha.  "I was a thief, once," she explained, suddenly compelled.  "My mum, that's all she taught me.  Yearling isn't much good hunting food in a desert, especially for two pups.  So she made me a thief – a good thief.  I used to work, for a pack."  She rolled her shoulder in a small shrug, tail sweeping behind her still.  She had trusted Kajika with that secret – and if they all had pasts, perhaps Namid would understand, as well.  "I haven't, you know.  Stolen.  Since I've come to the forest.  I caught those fish – those birds.  But that…is what I used to do.  What I can do, if someone needed me to."  It was an offer, delicately placed in the open as she studied Namid's face.  "But I also…quite like scouting the boarders, now.  I'm small.  Quick.  I can do that, too."

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2015, 12:52 AM by Desideria.)
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The queen watched Dezzy with interest and slight concern. She was disappointed that the woman had already been dealt a bad hand by the members within her ranks, and she hoped that it wouldn’t deter the new member from their ranks. Truly, Namid hadn’t felt this comfortable around one of her subordinates in some time, especially not a female. Rift had been somewhat of a hope for her to have a friend, but the girl had left in the night much like Haine and the medic Vali had. It had been a disappointment to her, as she truly wished to have a like-minded she-wolf beneath her as her second.

Namid barely caught the grumble that she said, and she knew she should reprimand her for it but instead chose not to. If she were to do so she would be much the hypocrite, for she couldn’t say she didn’t think much the same thing. Next, she seemed to try and justify her actions and Anthem’s reprimanding her but her words died out before she could finish. A sigh escaped her maw as she shifted her weight, “Law is not everything, that is true. Family, in my perspective, is sometimes considered before law. However, the pack is my family, whether by blood or not, and to keep them safe law is needed. Law is what is used to keep order, to keep those you care for safe. Law is what lets us know that it is not okay for an unknown wolf to cross our borders, it is what keeps chaos from ensuing within the ranks. Law is not everything, but to some it means everything. For me, law and family go hand in hand which is why I must uphold it.” she explained gently, hoping her tone showed to her friend that she wasn’t telling her she was wrong but simply giving her a reason for the views of another.

The female seemed to contemplate her following words, moving to a more relaxed position before a decision was made in her gaze. The information she gave Namid was something she hadn’t been expecting, true. She didn’t seem like someone who would do something like steal, but truthfully did they not all steal at some point? As wolves they stole of the lives of others, they stole the remaining carcasses of dead animals, they stole the land around them to claim as their own. Were they not all, in a sense, thieves? The hanging note of offer Desideria’s voice to her skills left Namid thinking, something of which she’d have to think over. It didn’t misplace her trust in the fae, for she’d done nothing to expel it. However, she hoped that she wouldn’t feel the need to act on these whims unless ordered to, though she suspected she wouldn’t. "But I also…quite like scouting the boarders, now.  I'm small.  Quick.  I can do that, too." she expressed, and that was something that really peaked her interest. A scout was something that they sorely needed, and though Anthem had acted as one of sorts for a while she knew he much preferred to stay within their borders. A scout, though, was something that required a great amount of trust from both leaders. A scout was a liaison, a go between for a pack when the leaders couldn’t make a trip themselves. They kept track of news within the land and reported any suspicious behavior to their superiors and needed to be able to act accordingly. It was something that couldn’t just be given, but in time Namid thought that Dezzy could make a good member or scout.

“A scout is indeed something that we need within our ranks, and I can see you as a fine member to become one. However, you are still new to our lands and though I see no reason to not trust you it is still a hefty rank to hold. It requires the trust of both alphas and pack members, and a knowledge of the ins and outs of pack life. It will require training and time to earn the part, but I hope that you will try to go for it anyways. Your past does not matter unless you give it a reason to, here you have the chance to make it something or make something of yourself, I do hope you choose the latter,”

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
I'm digging this budding bromance, lol. I felt immediately compelled to reply -- guess Namid just got to that inner soft part of Dezzy. She wants so much to impress lol.

"For me, family railed against law. They were constantly at war – but, my mother raised a thief. Guess that goes without saying. And I'm here – they're not. Maybe that's something."

It was clear the matter was not settled in Desideria's mind, though she was of no position to actually argue the matter with the younger she-wolf. Despite being unable to filter her thoughts before they came words and often having a very unflattering opinion of most, she disliked confrontation. As was made evident by her torn ear, she didn't fare well in contests of brawn. Her true strength laid in speed and the strength of will – her bones were her own, and she'd be damned if anyone stole those away.

While not taken up on her offer, it seemed Namid hadn't dismissed her altogether. Shuffling uncomfortably, she lifted her head and studied the queen for a brief moment. Her argument was fair – still, her ears pressed back, unable to mask the brief flicker of disappointment in her eyes. "I want-- I want a job," she sighed, tail brushing against the ground. "I don't want to be like Primrose. I certainly can't guard, I well know that. I don't-- Training is fine, you know? Had to do that plenty before. Didn't become a sticky paws overnight. There's nothing…nothing I can do, while training to be a scout? I just. Want to be useful."

Dezzy allowed herself to trail off, realizing she was rambling on. She wanted to get it right this time, whatever right happened to mean for the wolves of Fallen Tree Cove. "I can keep bringing you fish? Would that work? And-- What I said before – just know I'm your girl if you need someone for that, yeah?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I love them so much ;u; Namid needs a female friend. Literally crying at this post because Namid is so cute and so is Dezzy and all the feels

A curious tilt of her head was given at the disappointment given in response to her, and she supposed it could be a letdown to not be given a placement one might have hoped for. "I don't want to be like Primrose. I certainly can't guard, I well know that. I don't-- Training is fine, you know? Had to do that plenty before. Didn't become a sticky paws overnight. There's nothing…nothing I can do, while training to be a scout? I just. Want to be useful." she expressed to herself, and suddenly there was a better understanding there. When the silver female had first joined the back it had been under the presence of injury, suffering from a sprained paw after a nasty fall down the mountain. She hadn’t been able to do much for weeks as she’d healed, having to have the other members bring her food while she’d been healing. While she’d made up for it in more ways than one, she’d still felt guilty and useless in the process.

A smile and a nod was given to the tawny woman, “Please, keep bringing me food and company as much as you wish. I enjoy it, though do forgive me if I am snappish sometimes. Though, Desideria, you coming and telling me things at all already proves you are worth more than that woman. A scout is a very important job, as they act as the liaison between the packs as well a sentinel for any strange happenings. They are our first line of defense against invasions or danger. If you would like a job, I will give you a job. Prove to us that you are not who your past made you. Fill our caches, learn our territory like the back of your own paw then learn the areas around our territory. Watch our borders, protect us and protect the lives of my children and I by doing so. That is your job, and it is the most important job I can give you. I expect you to do it well,” She said, a firmness finally settling into her tone. Dezzy needed to do this if she wanted to be a scout, if she truly wanted to do what was best for her new family.

(This post was last modified: May 21, 2015, 02:40 AM by Namid.)
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Hnnng. I love it. I love them. This is adorable and I demand more threads with them later. Des isn't even supposed to be into pack life, Namid what are you doing to my rogue???

Namid's reassurance allowed something to spring free in her chest, the smile returning to her amber eyes – already better than that woman. She could have sung for the joy of it. Being useless was one of her greatest fears – a useless wolf was only a mouth to feed, and even her mother was quick to shove those off. If she couldn't have fed the twins, she had little doubt her dam would have disposed of her, as well. Earning her keep was something the desert dweller understood, even if her previous methods had been slightly unorthodox.

She gave an enthusiastic nod, her tail sweeping the ground behind her. "I can do that," she rumbled, ears swiveling forward. If she caught a fish for the queen once, she could certainly do it again. As long as the star dancer wanted nourishment of both the body and mind, the dusky female was have to provide it. In the meantime, she'd have to start training herself – an onerous task, she reckoned, considering she'd never studied under a scout before.

"I'll do my best, Namid," she rumbled, wiggling forward on her belly. Desideria did not get so close as to threaten the expectant mother, wishing only to show gratitude and loyalty. Crooning softly, she rested her chin against her paws, tail beating furiously behind her. "I will learn the territory, mark the boarders. I can bring fish for the cache. I won't let you down. Promise."

The final word left her with a gasp – a promise. She'd offered her oath freely – never before had anyone been able to extract it, even under threat of physical harm. August eyes widened as her tail began to still. "Promise," she whispered. "We're friends, right?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]