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still waters run deep — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
@Darrah -- Sunny, 82F

Hunger was beginning to gnaw upon his innards.  A few days past, he and Kajika had safely navigated their way down the side of the Mountain of Dire.  He'd found the youngling's presence to be very congenial, and he was sorry to see the other male go.  Unlike some, he was not opposed to the notion of traveling for some time with another bloke – a band of bachelors, or a band of brothers, seemed just as feasible as a nuclear pack.  As far as he was concerned, he sought no challenge with others of his make and type.  Leadership was not his ultimate goal.  He instead sought harmony and livelihood, atonement for the life he was unable to save – war and conflict had little place in his master plan.  Kajika, he thought, would have fit into such a company nicely.  Alas, the lad wished to travel northward, and it would have been selfish to try and convince him otherwise.  With only good fortune did he send his acquaintance off, back towards Turtleback Lake to seek whatever it was the future held in store for the dark male.

Perhaps, he thought, he would investigate the much sought after lake after he finished exploring the western half of Relic Lore.  If the young loner sought it so eagerly, it must be a location ripe with resources.  Fresh water was hard to come by – and something Veho found himself missing just then.  The male licked at his dry lips, realizing how parched he'd become in his travels.  As the days wore on, so did the heat.  While the forest provided much appreciated shade, it did not shelter him from the fact that spring was almost at an end.  Soon enough, the true heat of summer would be upon him, making travel during the day much more unpleasant.  He best seize it while he could.

Turning deeper into the ferns, the vagrant set his nose to the ground.  It was obvious this part of Relic Lore was teaming with life, unlike the fen he'd trodden before.  Unfortunately, it was also much less damp.  While he relished the fact that his paws no longer felt swampy and raw, it also meant there was no water available to him at his every whim.  He would have to seek it out – and fresh, running water was much more difficult to detect than any manner of prey.  It would be easier, he realized, if he had a local wolf to direct him to the nearest unclaimed source.  (He had no desire to start any sort of turf war, nor be accused of stealing from a pack's guarded supplies.)  

Perhaps the residents still could, he realized.  Pressing his nose down to the earth again, he inhaled deeply.  If he could find a game trail, or the track of a fellow canine, he might be able to trace their movements.  Hopefully, if they were any clever sort of creature, they would trek to a water source within the movement of a day.  "Yes," he breathed to himself softly, "we'll start here."

Note to self: 505 words
(This post was last modified: May 26, 2015, 02:01 AM by Veho.)
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Today was particularly hotter than others had been, a mark that summer was without a doubt approaching quite rapidly. Darrah, sporting a raven-black pelt, knew well more than most the true effects of the sun's wrath, though today there just wouldn't be time to retreat into the comforts of shade. The heir was a year old now, and that meant it was well over-due to contemplate his place in the pack. Of course the long term goal resided in ruler, but what to do meanwhile? The boy shared no interest in the workings of plants and herbs, therefor making him quite a lackluster medicine wolf. A scout was already present, did the bend really need another whilst other roles went unfilled? It was out of the question for the lad to be a teacher, obviously Beren sought the position. What did that even leave? Hunter? Guardian? Both seemed unimaginable. He couldn't just lie around as another subordinate, could he?

Darrah, letting out quite the hefty sigh, trotted along the red fern forest. He'd let his mind trouble him with thoughts of the future, perhaps even grieve on his remarkable disappointments throughout the past. The boy had a lot of advancing to do, but exposed too much pride to ask how he'd even go about doing it. "Agh, I forgot why I even came here!" he grumbled. There originally was purpose, but it seemed to have been lost in his dwellings. "Something to do with..." at a loss, the boy halted his travels. "What.. was I..?" for a brief moment the Tainn shook his head vigorously, trying with all his might to regain his concentration. "Filling the caches? Maybe?" Unaware of whether this were really true, it'd have to settle until he thought otherwise.

Taking his nose to the earthy floor below him, it wasn't prey that the boy smelt, but another wolf. His first note was that they weren't from around here. In fact, the dim perfume smelt of quite a few places. Instinct told him to back away, but Darrah wasn't always one to follow on natural tendencies. He sought after the wolf, preparing a new greeting. 'Sure have been meeting a lot of strangers recently..' Whether that was good or bad laid completely unknown to the prince, but it excited him nonetheless. Having come close enough, he inspected the traveler thoroughly.

"Hello, and who might you be?" This new greeting didn't feel as native as his old one had, but it sure made him sound a lot less acclaimed. Raising his head in fulfillment, Darrah tolerantly awaited his companies response.

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
The sound of a young voice caught his ears, causing Veho to raise his head. He hadn't caught the actual words, but it was definitely the sound of another wolf. Standing up straight, he tipped his head, listening for another sound when he realized the sound of paws was right behind him. Turning about, he spotted a young wolf watching him and offered a gentle wag of his tail. Ears remained forward, clearly interested, and his banner remained at half mast as he was greeted. "Hello," he replied, pale eyes bright as he dipped his head. "I am Veho Macieo, a wayward traveler in these parts. I hope haven't intruded."

The other wolf seemed harmless enough, but he did not wish to trespass all the same. It was not right. Silver eyes studied the dark wolf, tail swishing behind him one more time. Patience generally came easy for him – after all, he was one of four siblings. One mother only had so much devotion to split among her litter. What's more, he was a medicine man, and if he was unable to be understanding with those he sought to aid, he'd have no right to consider himself a healer. Alas, he was not as long-suffering as was usual for the grey wolf.

"I hate to be a burden, but do you know where I might find water about these ferns? I've been rambling down from the mountaintop, and haven't found a stream or pool around since," he asked, ears pressed back sheepishly.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Noting the male's body posture, Darrah allowed previously tensed muscles to relax. His tail began to sway gently, and his ears perked up in curiosity. "Nope, You're alright. Don't think there's many packs around here other than mine, and even that's a bit of away's from here." bowing his head in return, the boy decided it a good idea to give his name as well. "I'm Darrah Tainn. Pleasure to meet you, Veho!"

Shortly after their brief introduction, the stranger inquired about surrounding sources of water. Darrah momentarily fell silent, allowing time to recall the streams and lakes residing on this half of the lore. While true there were quite a few, he couldn't seem to pinpoint the fastest route to one. "Well, there's..." almost frustrating himself over the thought, the yearling had to sit himself down. "North of here.. There's turtleback lake but..." He knew that was quite a distance away, and he was almost positive the man wanted something a bit more urgent. "Actually, no.. South of here!" almost repulsed with his horrible sense of memory, the boy rolled his eyes as to say 'Duh!'. "Sorry, I can't seem to straighten out my thoughts well enough today. There are plenty of streams south of here, closer to my home!" He wanted to offer navigational assistance, but had to figure a gentle way of doing such, just in case it didn't sit well with the stranger. "I was gonna start heading back.. If you wanted to tag along...?" awkwardly smiling at the man, the prince gently stood himself back up.

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"It is my honor, Darrah," the male replied, dipping his head as his ears pricked forward. It was of great relief to know he hadn't come close to trespassing on a pack's territory. Not only was it unwise for a lone wolf to wander where he wasn't welcome, but the older wolf saw it as disrespect. It was a matter of pack pride. Veho would not show blatant contempt for any such group, even if he did not seek to form an alliance, or join the group. The law of wolves was the law of wolves – it was as simple at that.

However, that was not the only thing he realized. While he thought the yearling looked familiar, it wasn't until he introduced himself that the medicine man understood why the strange sense of déjà vu was upon him. It was not jiggery-pokery of the mind – he'd met one of the male's relatives upon his first arrival to Relic Lore. The memory of the youth brought a smile to his face – but before he inquired, the matter of water had to be solved.

Bobbing his head, he fell in step behind the young prince. "I would be deeply indebted to you, Darrah, if you'd be so kind to show me the way. As I said, I am but a traveler new to the region, and unfortunately wandered far enough away from the water to be unwise." His expression was a sheepish one, tail hung low as he waited for the younger wolf to lead the way. Whatever the male asked for in exchange, he'd be happy to uphold (morality withstanding).

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Sorry he talks so much! xD.

Quite pleased with the thought of helping a traveler, Darrah couldn't help but grin. "No need for all that, I'm just happy to be of assistance." Globetrotter's had always piqued the boy's interest, he'd even consider becoming one himself had his dreams not already been set on becoming king. At the very least he was assisting one, that would just have to suffice for the time being.

"It might please you to know that this specific stream journeys quite a distance." he spoke in hushed tones, as though it were some huge secret. "In fact, I can't think of many places it doesn't touch.." though he hadn't really been to enough locations to verify that information for sure, he was almost positive he'd heard someone talking about it before. "Might help you with further travels a little."

Redirecting his torso south, the prince slowly decided to make pace with the journey. "S'pose we should get going if you don't want to grow thirstier." taking a few steps ahead, Darrah looked over his shoulder to ensure Veho was ready to follow. "It's really not a long trip, shouldn't take more than a few moments to arrive.." If the wolf's thirst hadn't been so apparent, the prince might of thought to take them a longer way, if only for more time to converse. It saddened him a bit to think they'd be departing from one another soon, though he supposed that was just life.

"So, where'd you come from before wandering out here?" the yearling questioned, eager to learn everything he could about the stranger in the little time they had together.

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2015, 02:28 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
What a kind yearling. There were plenty of wolves, Veho was keenly aware, that would simply send him away with a snarl an a harsh warning nipping on his heels for daring to venture so close to pack lands. He was aware there was a high probability he was speaking with an alpha's child – most packs did not allow subordinates to breed. Ultimately, it was possible that the lad had dispersed from his birthing place and joined this pack of his own free will. He seemed old enough to travel, and he understood the land well enough to know where to find water. There was a chance. Thus, the gray wolf wouldn't think to assume he knew where his new friend stood among the ranks of his clan.

He followed after Darrah easily, having no reason to mistrust the young lad. "On the contrary, I think it quite important to thank those who aid us, and give back if we possibly can," he replied with a small smile, tail swishing behind him as he moved to keep pace with his new acquaintance. "There are very few willing to assist a perfect stranger, and I am grateful the ancestors led me to you in my time of need."

When he had a bit of private time, he would be sure to thank them properly for the divine intervention. But for the time being, he would bestow his gratitude happily upon the lad, and to his best to reinforce such kind behavior. "But to answer your question, I came a ways from here. I lived upon open plains, and among a reservation with man. They were our companions, until the man's pack was forced from their territory, and dispersed. I have wandered, since. Have you lived in Relic Lore, all your life? Do you like it here?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Darrah hated to think there were wolves out there who would't help someone in need of assistance, but he had no reason to doubt the strangers words and would accept them as truth until prove otherwise. "Hmm." he sighed, keeping up with the pace he'd set. Whilst going unsaid, the Tainn decided that from this day forth he'd help anyone who needed it, if circumstances allowed of course. 'Preferably I'd like to be a kind king, this is just one of many ways I can show that..' mirroring his company's slight smile, he wondered just how many unkind wolves he'd previously encountered. "Very well, I'll accept your gratitude then."

"Man..?" The prince had never heard the word before, and desperately wanted to delve deeper into the topic. "What is... Man? An animal?" Conceivably a subspecies of bear? Some sort of reptilian beast? Forced from their territory,  another form of canine? In all honesty the word sounded a bit made-up, but definitely prodded his curiosity.  Why would a wolf want to live with this... Man? Of what importance did they bring to the table? Whilst he wouldn't doubt his company's judgement, the prince still needed to be exposed to some sort of explanation.

Taking a small detour to answer Veho's questions, the yearling decided to keep it short and sweet. Troubling strangers with his pitiful life story was beginning to sound like Darrah's forte, and that was the farthest thing from what he wanted. "I've lived in the lore all my life, yes. I do quite enjoy it, especially the scenery.. How far about have you been so far? Actually wait!" shaking his head from all distraction, the boy quickly averted the topic back to where it was meant to be. "Tell me more about that bird you lived with... Man?"

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
It was a strange notion that the yearling had never heard of man before in all their vast packs and territories, but Veho supposed he was still young yet. Young enough to remain with his natal pack, without dispersal set into his bones. Curious that his parents or instructors had never explain men to him – they could be dangerous if not understood, dangerous when startled or if they felt threatened with their firesticks and roaring beasts, but the medic was also aware it wasn't his place to educate the prince. If his parents wanted him to know—

Well, how could he deny Darrah? There was no harm in explaining what he knew, especially as they continued to travel towards the water source the black wolf had previously spoken of. "I'll do my best, friend. Man…is an animal, I suppose, though the queerest one I have ever laid eyes upon. They stand on their hind legs, always. They have hair only on the top of their heads, which varies in color like yours or mine. The rest of their body is skin, so they protect it with the pelts of other animals. They hunt these animals in packs, like we would. They have their alpha pair, but anyone who wants to is allowed to breed. There are so many of them south of here, with so many packs and territories, it is hard to avoid. They have firesticks, which they can use to kill people, and firewater, which is horrid to drink. They have tamed fire, as well, and have great, roaring beasts.

My pack…they were good to us. But many of the other packs are very hostile towards anything that isn't theirs…and I suppose that is a great difference. Most man feels entitled to everything, even if not on their territory or if it's living. They are a very queer animal, but they are not all bad. Like wolves. You might meet a few cruel ones, but the majority are good souls."

"…he is not a bird, though. Did you have any other questions about man?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]