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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It had been hard leaving Des knowing and he hoped that he would be able to return soon to see her but he had to finish what he started.  Only then did he feel that he would be able to settle down in one place whether part of a pack or not.  While he was tired of the constant travel through the lands of Relic Lore as well as the constant hunting for food and water he needed a closure to his travels in order for him to not feel the need to wander so much.  Though he also knew that even if he did join a pack that wasn’t Des’s he would still travel to see her.  These thoughts passed through his mind as he made his way north in his search for what he was looking for which he hoped that he would find in the familiar places.

Kajika had chosen his current path North in hopes that it wouldn’t take as long as his trip south but as he approached the mountain he started to doubt his decision. When he finally reached the foot of the mountain he looked for a way over it and it seemed very rocky, maybe even impassable.  So he started a search for some sort of path that might lead in the direction he needed to go.  If only he had known when he was with Des that he was going to take this way he could have asked her if she knew of a quicker way.  As he made his way around he searched for the scent of other wolves in hopes that might help him.p>

~Table by Ace
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Slowly, the loner made his way northward. Choosing to avoid the remainder of the Oak Tree Bend pack's boarders, he'd trekked toward the Mountain of Dire instead. The mountain stood in the middle of the forest, and seemed like a fine place to find a vantage point. If he tracked above the tree line, he'd be to gaze as far as any bird might – it would allow him to make a plan, instead of wandering through the forest aimlessly. Unfortunately, he hadn't taken the feature's name into consideration. Dire was certainly an apt name. Idly, he wondered after the wolf who'd named it – what had they been thinking, as they first cut across it? What had driven them to such a point?

If they weren't the first, they were first to live and tell their pack about it, and thus the name was passed on. Veho was so deep in his thought he almost missed the sound of rocks scattering across the ground. Glancing upwards, he narrowed his eyes. There was another wolf further up the slope. Not the ram he'd been hoping for – but then again, any sort of mountain sheep would be in a much better position than he was, at the moment.

"Hello," he called out to the other lone wolf, wishing to make his presence known. The last thing he needed was a rock pushed atop his head – that was a quick way to end a canine's life, he thought wryly. "Careful, there. Things are a bit shaky, here. Are you doing alright?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The path that he had chosen to take to get through the Mountain of Dire seemed to be a rather precarious one.  Each step that he took Kajika had to choose carefully or else he could end up in a position where he could be injured or worse.  Turning back was an option but he did not want to waste the time to go back and take a different path.  He had a slight sense of urgency to get through the mountain by nightfall though he also thought that might be a very unattainable goal considering the sheer size of the mountain.  Not to mention the fact that he hadn’t ever been to this place which made everything a little more difficult and the possibility of getting lost very real.

Suddenly Kajika took a wrong step causing his paw to slip and him to lose his slightly lose his balance. a few small rocks from under his paw to scatter about.  Thoughts of his last conversation with Des ran through his mind which helped him to regain his balance quickly.  He didn’t want to be the cause of more worry and pain for his friend especially after making her a promise to return and tell her what came of his trip north.  He wanted to be able to return with good news that would make her smile.

The sound of a voice from below reached Kajika’s ears bringing his attention to the fact that there was another wolf on the mountain with him. “Hello there,” she called back, “I hope that you weren’t hit,” he stated in regards to the rocks that had fallen when he slipped. As far as if he was doing alright, “Not sure actually, I think I might be a little lost perhaps you could be of some assistance?” He hoped that this newcomer might know the area a little better and could point him in the right direction.p>

~Table by Ace
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"I managed to avoid the most of the gravel," Veho replied, glad he had chosen to alert the wolf perched above. It seemed the footing was even less stable at the slightly higher altitude. Falling seemed unfortunate enough – his desire to be pummeled and knocked off the side of the mount by falling rocks was even less. He remained where he stood, finding it easier to avoid being pelted by stones if he could actually watch them fall. He was not a wolf born to mountains, or even stones. The plains had offered him an ocean of tall grass to romp in, disguising him from friend and foe. When he remained with his human pack, things were flat and dry, but there were no rocks, no slippery stones sliding out beneath his paws and giving way to gravity.

How much use he could be, the grey wolf was unsure, but that would not stop him from trying to help the stranger. It was his nature, he knew – perhaps more compelling, he had been asked for assistance. "I will do my best. Why don't you come down here – it seems that the ground is a bit more stable. I'm not sure I could catch you, were you to fall."

Veho managed a soft laugh, tail swishing behind him once as he waited for the other loner to make a decision. Regardless of where he chose to stand, he would do his best to help the younger animal. "Do you know where you are trying to go, friend? Perhaps I could point you in the right direction."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

“Good, I would hate for you to get hurt because I wasn’t paying attention,” Kajika responded.  That was the case too.  He’d been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t paid attention to his footing.  I was something of a habit for him to get lost in his thoughts though with spending so much time alone.  He still hoped that would change soon either in the north or back at the lake with Des.  He would know for sure once he reached his destination and spent a few days there, it was getting there that was currently the problem.  That was the reason that he found running into the newcomer below to be such a fortuitous event.  He was also pleased that the other loner was agreeing to help.>/p>

“Brilliant, I will be down shortly and will be cautious to not drop anymore stones in your direction.  I wouldn’t want you to have to attempt it.” The newcomer having to attempt catching him would mean that he had fallen and that was not the way he wanted to end this endeavor. So he carefully picked his way down to where the lighter wolf was waiting for him, Kajika did hope that he could be of some help.

It didn’t take him too long to reach the other wolf, it was good to be on more ground that wasn’t as treacherous.  “You are right about it being more stable here,” he commented.  The other wanted to know where he was heading which would be helpful to know in order for help to be given, “Ah yes, I was heading north to Turtleback lake and am looking for a good path through or around this mountain that won’t take too long,” he explained, “Do you think you might be able to assist me?”

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: May 22, 2015, 11:36 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"Ah, yes. I don't know much about rocks, except where to find ones that won't move. I'm not a mountain boy, myself, but even I can manage simple navigation, I'd hope." It had taken a bit of quick thinking on his part, having been born to a much less variable terrain, but Veho prided himself on his excellent raising. Adaptability was only one trait a strong wolf should exhibit, and he'd not tumble down the side of the mountain come hell or high water. That being said, he offered the stranger a friendly tail wag as the darker wolf joined him further down the hillside, pleased to be out of any immediate danger.

Ears swiveling forward, he gave a short nod as he listened to the other loner's troubles. North. Tipping his nose towards the sky, he gave brief note of the sun's direction. He'd been traveling in the same order, though to no particular end. While he'd entered Relic Lore from the south, he could at least point the other wolf where he needed to go, even if he couldn't tell Kajika where to find the lake he sought.

"I will do what I can, friend. I was following the hillside north, myself, though only to explore the forest. I am aware of a pass somewhere around here, though I believe it travels east to west. Our best option may be to descend from such an altitude and travel where the forest and mountain meet?" he suggested, tipping his head as he studied the other wolf. "Ah! Where are my manners. My name is Veho Macieo, my friend, at your service."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

“I suppose now we know where to find ones that do move.  I’m not too familiar with mountains myself though I’m sure I could have found my way eventually.” Kajika was certain it probably would have taken more time than he was willing to spend trying to find his way through the mountain.  Perhaps with him and the newcomer putting their heads together they might be able to figure out a quicker way to get out of this predicament.  It was also nice that he had run into a wolf willing to help him find his way. It sort of bothered him that he was having such difficulty traversing this place since he was usually pretty good at finding his way.

Though he did have to admit lately aside from his visit with Des he had mostly been wandering and ending up where he ended up.  Since a lot of his travels hadn’t really had much of a purpose besides searching for whatever packs he could find he had to do a certain amount of wandering since he wasn’t exactly sure where they were.  After joining the loner and telling him where he wanted to end up he waited to see what he might suggest.

“Whatever you can offer will be greatly appreciated,” assured Kajika.  He was rather surprised to find that the loner was going the same direction as he was.  “Splendid! Perhaps we can travel together for as long as our paths continue in the same direction.  I do agree that we might be better off descending to travel where you’ve suggested.” A path that ran east and west wouldn’t get them to where they were headed and it would be nice to have a traveling companion for a little while.  Kajika chuckled, “It seems I have forgotten mine as well.  I’m Kajika Tallis, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: May 25, 2015, 04:55 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"Oh aye, I'm sure you'd have been able to find your way," the silvery male agreed amicably. "But I've always been told two heads are better than one, and I'm inclined to agree. It will be easier to spot a trail down the mountain, I think, with two sets of eyes on the lookout. Moreso, we'll be able to take care of ourselves, and avoid toppling down the hillside. While I fancy myself a bit of a healer, I've not dealt with a broken bone before. Not inclined to start now, I reckon."

Veho trailed off with a humorless chuckle, casting half a smile towards his newly acquired traveling companion. While he supposed he could help the younger wolf make his way to even ground if he injured a limb or joint, it was unlikely he could expedite any healing process. Ultimately, he knew, he'd not abandon the loner if he was indeed wounded – that settled that line of thought. Allowing his gaze to shift back towards the road ahead, he set out at a walk. It was a risk, traveling any faster. They would find their path safely, even if it took a bit longer.

Allowing Kajika to fall into line, he allowed the silence to thrive for several minutes before clearing his throat. "Are you a longtime resident of this forest, Kajika?" he wondered, flicking an ear back in the younger male's direction. Averting his steady stare from the rocky hillside was not a gamble he was willing to take. He did not want to eternize this moment as the day he crashed tail over tea kettle into a quivering heap, instructing a stranger to heal the healer. "I'm a newer addition, myself – but I have found it pleasant, so far. Are there plains nearby, do you know?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

“I appreciate your confidence in my abilities and I must agree two heads and sets of eyes are better than one.  That will most certainly help in deciding the right path.”  Since they would have their combined knowledge of the forest and with them both on the lookout they won’t miss a trail that could possibly get them to their destination more quickly.   “Yes, it’s more comforting having someone along to help prevent avoidable accidents from happening,” He agreed and was also surprised to find that his new companion was able to do some healing and was glad to have someone along even if only for a short time that was able to do such a thing. “Whether or not you can heal broken bones having the ability to do any sort of healing must come in handy, how did you get into it?” He asked curiously.

Kajika had considered having a specialty such as healing since he knew that those things were rather valuable to a pack but he hadn’t thought that he was especially good at anything.  In his birth pack his father had taught him the ins and outs of guarding the pack and he thought that he was pretty good at hunting but he wasn’t sure his skill in either was high enough to call it a specialty.  It was something that he thought he would have to figure out once he found a pack to join.  Having someone with him that was able to do some amount of healing was a comfort to Kajika in case something did happen especially in such a dangerous place he would have help available to him.  One of the things that he worried most about was becoming injured and not having someone there to help him or him being able to help himself.

Silence fell between them as they started their descent, Kajika fell in behind Veho and keep a close watch on where he was going. The lighter male was the first to speak asking about his residency on the forest, “No, I just came here a few weeks ago and have been exploring the forest since I arrived.”  Veho also hadn’t been in Relic Lore for a long time either so they could explore the forest together until it was time for them to part.  His companion had also asked about their being plains in this place, “I rather like it here as well though I haven’t come across any plains however there is a rather large Tundra further north, I hunted there once,” he told the other.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: May 26, 2015, 03:49 AM by Kajika.)
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