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down to one last breath — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

Erebos was beginning to hate the body that he occupied. While he was a few years away from a natural death, his lifestyle had worn on his bones so thoroughly that he felt his age far more than he should. He had come a far ways from his previous temporary home, nearly able to enter the Relic Lore that he knew and so very close to the beloved Magnolia orchard that his brother had laid claim to years ago. It should have given him energy, but he knew better by now than to push his limits. If he kept pressing on, he'd wear himself far too thin and risk never making it back to Phineas' pack.

As it was, he chose to take up residence among the bristled grass and valiant wildflowers, laying out in the open and absorbing the sun which bore down on the vast tundra. The heat felt wonderful against his thick skin, soaking deep into his aching, arthritic bones. His grizzled face was angle upward, and blazing eyes were softly closed in pure contentment as the pain slowly retreated. When it was once more bearable to the point that Erebos might consider moving again, another kind of ache crept up on him.

A gurgle came from his stomach, and the man realized that he hadn't eaten in a few days. Now the hunger was attacking, demanding that he immediately fill his near-empty stomach. He opened his eyes to survey the area without moving his limbs, wondering what sort of little beasts might be scampering around that he could even catch in his state. A whimper escaped his maw as he realized he might have to travel farther just to find something that was enough of a guarantee to make it worth expending his energy.

"I can't wait to be home and have all this self-sufficient bullshit behind me," the man grumbled, forcing his tired legs to left his thinning body once more. As much as Erebos hated pushing himself so, for at his core he was a rather lazy soul, he was determined that he would not die amongst strangers, much less alone. He had to make it back to his brothers. There wasn't a choice.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

This new place that he found after leaving his birth pack was turning out to be a very nice place to live.  There seemed to plenty of things to eat and a lot of different places to explore.  Kajika thought that this might most certainly be a place that he could make his home.  In his explorations he had come across a place like that was similar to where he had grown up. There was the grass though it seemed to be a little more bristled than what he had seen in his home.  This he could tell as he bent his head to sniff at one of the blades that was in front of him.  There were also wildflowers of all colors poking up above the grass.  Which made the Tundra that he was now facing much more colorful than the Tundra that he had grown up on.

As he made his way through the grass he kept his ears perked and alert for any sounds that might indicate prey that he could chase down for dinner.  Being on his own meant eating when he had the opportunity since he didn’t know if he would always be able to find food when he was hungry.  After traveling a little ways on top the Tundra he came unexpectedly, though it shouldn’t have been, across the scent of another wolf, a male.  For a moment Kajika paused in his travels to decide what to do.  Perhaps this wolf could tell him a little more about the place he now found himself in and about what packs might exist.  There was also the possibility that the wolf wasn’t very nice and would cause him harm.

In the end Kajika decided that he needed to take the risk or else he wouldn’t get anywhere and leaving is pack to find another would have been pointless. So he followed the trail that he had come upon till he reached the wolf.  Over the grass he could see him lifting himself from the ground, the way he looked and moved led Kajika to think that he was much older than himself.  He approached cautiously so as to not upset the other male.  “Excuse me,” he said when he had gotten closer to the wolf but giving him some space as well since he didn’t want to seem a threat.  “I don’t mean to bother you but perhaps you wouldn’t mind a little company?” he asked.  It would be nice to talk with another wolf since he hadn’t had any contact with others of his kind for quite sometime.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2015, 11:09 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
Consumed in expanding out each achy limb one by one, eyes pinched shut against the sunlight, he wasn't very much aware of his surroundings, and therefore the yearling was a lot closer to him before Erebos noticed than should make the older man feel comfortable. A muffled cracking was heard as he arched his back and shifted the worn bones within, but the stretching of his muscles and ligaments had injected a small burst of energy into his body and he felt a bit better. Kajika's words were faced only be the Argyris brother's ears as they swiveled to capture the sound. Meanwhile, those vibrant ruddy orange eyes continued to scan the tundra in search for any signs of prey.

Yes, Kajika's approach should have concerned Erebos, but he was past posturing and fear in his advanced age. Really, he didn't give much of a damn what anyone did anymore, and somehow had still retained a sense of invincibility from his youth; not from his own body, for that he had already concluded would be his ruin. No, he felt impervious to the aggressions of others. After all, who would bother with a feeble old man?

The boy seemed benign enough, requesting his company of all things. Finally, Erebos turned his dial to face this young man, appraising his health and demeanor. It took him a moment to decide whether or not he was worth expending what little energy it took to speak.

"I don't make good company, boy," he leveled, only being completely honest with the stranger. "However, I could use yer help hunting if you'd like to split the gains."
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2015, 09:09 PM by Erebos.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika watched the other try to rise from the position he’d held on the ground.  It was very clear that this wolf that he had run across was much older than himself.  He waited patiently for the older wolf to speak to him not wanting to seem too impatient.  Perhaps this wolf might offer some wise words to young man for life in this new place that would help him in whatever he might run into in the future.  Kajika held a certain respect for the older wolves because they had lived life and they held a wisdom about it that he could not possibly know because he did not have the years that they had to make their mistakes and learn from them.

At the same time while he continued to watch the elder he felt a sadness for the wolf in front of him.  To be his age and out her on the tundra all alone…Kajika hoped to never be in that position.  He hoped that he would be the elder of a pack one day, to offer his wisdom to the youngsters.  Being able to lounge in in the sun and watch the puppies, perhaps his children or grandchildren play in front of their den.  That though he felt was a long way off but he did hope all the same that it was in his future.  He did wonder if this older wolf’d had the opportunity to experience that or if life had gone completely wrong for him and that was why he was here on the tundra alone.  The young male wondered about the stories that the elder could tell.

The older male had spoken stating that he was not good company, Kajika shook his head, “Good or bad some company is better than no company,” he stated.  After such a long journey as he’d had alone he was pleased to have someone to talk to.  Then the older male asked for some help with hunting, “It would be my pleasure to help you out with a little hunting. What do you suggest?”

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2015, 12:41 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
i just want to let you know that your writing is very calming
also i'm sorry you have the bad luck of meeting my unpleasant wolves rather than the nice ones xD;

Erebos looked to the ground, a single paw rooting through the dirt as he focused on his sense of smell. There was hare around, though recently the varmints were proving far too alert and far too fast for him to snag. With their young they were increasingly vigilant, and often sounded the alarm before Erebos could even think of chasing. Perhaps though, he could lie in wait and Kajika could sneak up on some of the rascals, herding them straight into Erebos' jaws...

The kid tittered something about any company being acceptable, and the older man had to disguise a scoff as a cough. If he were younger, he might've just made it his aim to prove the dirt-colored lad wrong. As the situation was, youthful and naive was exactly what he needed, so Erebos wasn't complaining... much. Looking over the kid once more, he settled on the plan that had been outlined in his previous thoughts.

"Hare's 'bout all I c'n help ya with, but I think I've got a strategy. How 'bout you be the sneak, and I'll be the thief?" It really wasn't much of a question, for Erebos wasn't really giving Kajika an option. This was what he had decided on, and so the kid would either follow him or get left behind as the older man took off toward the smell of rabbit. His body hung low, legs bent so that he could crouch. It was an uncomfortable position, though not quite as insufferable as starving to death.

"You get the jump on 'em, an' bring 'em to me," he instructed, speaking in a whisper now. "That's 'bout the best I'll be able ta do ta help ya."
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Thanks and no worries, it makes Kajika's life interesting.

The older male needed help with hunting which by the observation he'd made Kajika could understand. He had no problems in assisting the male in catching something to eat.  It would be nice to do something good for another after all the bad he'd done before leaving his pack. After all that was what he'd come to this place for, to do good things in whatever way he could. Kajika felt he was an adequate hunter so what better way to help the elder to get himself a meal.

Being that he was new to this place he felt the elder might know a little more about the prey that might be around. He could smell various scents of deer, rabbits, and the like but he did not know their habits like his new companion might. The older male voiced what he thought to be the best strategy, Kajika took a moment to consider it. "It seems like a sound plan," he agreed. A plan that made the most sense in this situation.

When the elder started off in the direction Kajika suspected the hare to be. He followed keeping his body low to the ground he moved quickly to keep up with the male. Kajika nodded at his companions words, "Don't worry I'll bring them right to you," he told.  Kajika did have a slight worry this could turn out badly for him but he chose not to voice it he could smell the hare from his position so could pinpoint their location.  "I'll go around so I can come up from behind," he stated before starting off on the direction he needed to get behind the creatures.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 21, 2015, 10:05 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
NTS: 3/8 hunting posts, 7/15 total posts

Erebos gave little notice as to actually having heard Kajika's words. After all, assurance was no longer needed he thought, now that they had their plan of action properly bolted down. What little portion of his focus had been attending to the other male now consolidated with the rest of his sense's cynosure; that bustling warren. Continuing to creep along, Erebos chose each and every paw step carefully, angling his body this way and that so that the thick patches of scrub brush would shield his body from the warrens' many watchful eyes. They would only get one shot at this, and so the Arygyris was determined that they would be successful. Not only was his aching stomach urging him to hurry, but he simply did not have the patience for failure and the resulting time it would take to locate and pursue another hunt opportunity.

Once he believed himself to be settled into the most prime position, he lowered himself completely to the ground to give his easily-exhausted muscles a break. If Kajika struck with the right amount of precision, they should funnel toward him. His fiery eyes watched for his hunting partner now, not wanting to miss his chance. When Kajika lunged from cover, he would tense his muscles once more and be prepared to snap up as much as he could. Hopefully, there would be enough to fill his belly as well as his own. While the younger man seemed exceptionally giving, Erebos didn't want to chance any arguments over portions.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika knew how fast a hare could travel when being chase by a wolf and he knew that they could make turns in an instant which meant that he had to time his movements and do his best to force the animal into range of the older male.  As he moved around the warren trying to keep out of sight as best he could he also watched and listened for any sign that he might have been noticed.  He knew that the battle wasn’t won until they had what they had come here for.  He crept slowly through the grass careful to not make any sound or move the grass too much that might draw attention to him.  Hares were alert creatures and the slightest wrong movement could set them on alert and they would have to find something else.

It took him a little longer than he would have liked but he reached the back side of the warren and there he paused poking his head above the grass.  He wanted to observed the creatures for a moment before running them down.  He also wanted to see where exactly the elder had placed himself so there wouldn’t be any chance that he might chase the hare in the wrong direction and they lose their meal that way.  This had to be perfectly planned if he was going to be successful in this hunt for himself and the older male.  Finally when he felt that he had not been noticed he crawled on his belly a little closer.  He felt that might give the hare less chance to get away from him.  When he was as close as he was hoping the get he burst from the grass alerting a few of the animals to his presence and them bolting off him the direction of the older male just as he had hoped, ‘so far so good,’ he thought.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jul 09, 2015, 01:32 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
Patience wore thin fast within the Argyris man, and as he lay in wait for Kajika to make his calculated move, he found himself growing irritated. It wasn't the boy's fault, of course. He was only doing as he should. Yet to an old man with a sour disposition and aching body, time seemed to slip by far too easily and this hunt of theirs was taking far too much of it. The ebbing flames that were his eyes had been focused ahead, scanning in only short intervals for the other wolf's movements. Now, they took broad sweeps, his mind almost bored by the waiting.

Then, suddenly, everything was moving at once. Erebos nearly lept to his paws right then, but caught this mistake before it could be made and remained low to the ground. Now, however, his muscles were once again tensed, prepared for the action that would be needed of them at any moment. Eyes ablaze once more, they watched as the vermin were herded, unwittingly falling prey to their trap. When the timing was best, or at least as perceived by his weary mind, Erebos lashed out.

His jaws closed around the hare that had been at the head of the fluffle, quickly ended its fast-sprinting life. He then immediately released the animal and struck out at another, but this time his fangs missed completely and to his horror they were all scattering and bounding away from him. Angered by this small failure, Erebos sprinted forward, chasing a group of three. Running was not something he really did anymore these days, yet he found himself pushing his weak legs to pump as fast as they would. Slowly but somewhat surely, he began to close the distance, determined that they would have, at the very least, two hares to split amongst themselves.