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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
@Namid @Vespertio @Anthem @Angele

It had been a very long trip for Nathaniel. At times, he had gone off the road, taking reprieves with this pack or that loner, striking up friendships and sometimes even a little more. Each one had ultimately been left behind, however. It didn't matter how many bonds were forged, how beautiful the lands he traveled through were, how tranquil the packs; they couldn't distract him from his sole goal. Nathaniel wanted nothing more than to find his family once again.

He had been tracking them, sometimes via word of mouth, sometimes close enough to catch a scent. When he fell behind, it did not discourage him. With a great wealth of patience and dedication, Nathaniel simply kept the compass within his head finely tuned true North, seeking his siblings. Their small family had been torn apart by one woman, and each of them had responded very differently to the unfortunate situation befallen to Anthem. His brother had chosen to run, his sister had turned to violent vengeance. Nathaniel would have been at peace remaining with their pack and forgiving the woman and her ill-chosen mate, and this is what he tried to do. However, it wasn't long before he discovered that with his siblings gone from him, there was an unfillable hole within his chest.

It had kept him hollow, and had distracted him from finding any other purposes. Perhaps that was what had made it so easy for him to abandon countless others, simply slipping away at dusk and never looking back. Nathaniel knew that without Anthem and Angele, he would never be home.

Before him now spread a breathtaking expanse of water, glimmering like crushed diamond in the full sunlight. The pine boughs from the trees pinched between the lake and slates of mountain rock offered the perfect amount of shade on the banks, while geese skimmed the water's surface before landing. Their honking resounded off the bluff walls and into the clouds. With a deep breath, Nathaniel passed over the scents of nightshade and rotted wood, and once more took in the living scents of his siblings. They were together; how wonderfully lucky for him.

A grin spread evenly across his maw, Nathaniel threw back his great sleek head and sent out a long, joyful call. Home had been found.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Namid had finally been able to take some time to slip away from the den. She had left the children with a babysitter, for they certainly couldn’t be left alone. They had become extremely mobile, and she was sure that if they were left alone for too long they would end up much too far from the den for her comfort. She had opted to leave them with a sitter, more confident now that she was certain that most of the pack had become acquainted with them. The wraith woman had yet to show her ugly, single-eyed face around the site and the pale queen was in no complaint. Sooner or later she would chase her from her borders and be happy with it. When she finally decided to do so, she would be sure to inform the pack of the woman’s leave so that they would be sure to chase her as far from their lands and possible if she were to try and come back to the edges of their territory. But, for the moment she was still a member of their ranks and the matter would have to be dealt with later.

The rabbits had seemed to be plentiful this year and a few new pelts had been added to the floor, of course the center was the white pelt of the hare Anthem had caught for them. She had planned to do the same for the pelt of the rabbit she had just caught, its body dangling limply in her jaws. Though she hadn’t hunted for a good month or so, she found she still had it. What she would do with all the pelts once the children were moved was unknown to her, but she figured she might give them to her members to bed their nests within the communal den. She was sure that by the time that time came around she would have more than enough. However, their numbers seemed to be growing slowly but surely and she couldn’t be prouder of the fact. Soon, they would be one of the most powerful of packs in the lands. With this in mind, however, she knew that she would need to make some ties with other packs. Whisper Caverns was one pack that she wished to ally with, for she had called it home and was happy there for a few months. There was also a pack within the black berry bushes that she knew of from a previous encounter, and though it had not been a very pleasant first one the child was most likely at the least a yearling by this point and perhaps the alphaess, if she was still the lead female, would be able to come to an agreement with her.

Her thoughts were cut short by a calling howl, the names of Anthem and Angele slicing through the air. She couldn’t help but wonder what they could want with their subordinates, and while the call hadn’t been for her if someone was at their borders regardless of who they were searching for she felt the need to be there. Anthem could hold himself and, though she had yet to meet his sister, she was sure his sibling could too, but she had been away from her duties for a while and she longed to get back to them. It was because of this that she quickly buried the rabbit where she stood, mentally noting where it was so that she could come back to get it later before taking off at a trot toward the direction the sound had come. Upon approach she found a male only slightly larger than her at their borders, clad in dark coat and bright, intelligent eyes that seemed to gleam with a happy emotion. He bore nothing in offering to their lands, and again she was left to wonder what he could be here for. She came to stand just at the border, her tail raised and chin lifted to show exactly who he was dealing with. It wasn’t a threatening stance, but it showed that she wasn’t some mere subordinate and should be treated as such. “My name is Namid Vuesain, lead female of Fallen Tree Cove. Might I ask why you have come upon our borders and called for two of our pack mates, whom I am sure will be arriving soon?” she inquired.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
OOC: So terribly sorry about that wait on this.

He was out on patrol again. The act had first started off as a routine and now it had become a habit. He would wake up get something to drink and then go on patrol. Sometimes he would do it slowly and other days he did it faster. Today was one of the slow days. He didn't need to be anywhere so he took his time making sure that the border was well marked and that nothing had slipped over into the territory. He wasn't all that concerned to be hones though if he lingered too long in one spot an itching started along his spine and he moved on quick enough. Looking up at the mountain that stood above him he wondered what it would be like to climb to the very top. How much thinner would the air be up there he mused to himself. Shaking his head he continued on he didn't need to climb it. That was just him wanting to test himself somemore.

As he walked a vaguely familiar voice lifted into the air calling for him and his sister. A frown crossed his face briefly as he veered from the border to travel through the territory to reach the caller faster. His legs carried him swiftly through the trees a nagging sensation telling him that it was someone that he should know and know well at that. But he couldn't place it and it was starting to annoy him. Moving faster Anthem became aware of Namid's voice. His ears pricked as he heard her introduce herself and moving into sight he found himself looking at the sibling he thought he wouldn't see ever again. 

His eyes widened in surprise as he froze in place. Nathaniel? He breathed out looking over his brother making sure that this wasn't someone who just looked like him. His gaze and nose told him that this was his brother. As he got over his shock he found himself smiling and moving forward with a light laugh to bump shoulders with him. Did you come chasing after me too? He asked moving back some to give his brother some room to move. Looking over his shoulder at Namid with a grin he spoke happiness evident in his voice. Namid this is my brother, Nathaniel. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
His eyes eagerly scanned the scenery around him, muscles tense as they awaited the inevitable reunion. His mind wildly wondered what if any changes he would find in his siblings. How were they faring, had either of them started a family this spring? Had Anthem found love again? What did this pack mean to them? Would he be joining it today, if only to be with them? Or would they be leaving together, all three? Together. Yes, that was the only word that matter to Nathaniel.

Unfortunately for the overzealous man, it was not a sibling of his that first passed into his vision. Approaching him was the queen herself, a beautify packaged in pale colors and jeweled with two differing eyes. She spoke her name as well as the title given to this land, and he lost no time in answering her question.

"Miss Namid, I'm sorry to bother you," Nathaniel spoke, hooking his left forelimb and raising it to his chest as he lowered himself in a bow. "I am Nathaniel, and I've come in search of--"

His speech halted suddenly, ears swiveling slightly to the right to greet the sound of his brother's voice. He lifted his head in time to see the other man rushing forward, before he felt their shoulders clipping. The grin returned to his face, as he lifted his forelegs into the air to paw them at Anthem in excitement. "Anthem!" he yapped, barely able to contain himself. Finally, he was done with the wandering, done with the hunting.

"Of course," he answered his brother's question, knowing that the 'too' only proved further that Angele was here somewhere as well. When Anthem swung his head to face the queen again, Nathaniel returned his gaze to her as well, his smile much more sheepish as he realized he had completely forgotten that he'd been addressing her.

"Sorry about that, ma'am. Just a little excited to be with family again."
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

It seemed the man was quick to please, offering an almost immediate bow as well his name and what seemed to be the beginning of an explanation. Her ears were pitched forward intently and she stood, fully expecting a reason for him to be calling at their borders. The thud of paw steps alerted her to a presence and she turned, identifying the fast approach of Anthem himself. The look that was given was one of shock, and the pale queen’s gaze slid between the two men. Was this a good reaction, or a bad one? If it were to be the ladder, it would only make the situation all the more interesting. And dangerous. Her guard went up, preparing herself for anything other than the suddenly beaming look that seemed to radiate from the beta. He moved forward, encroaching the other man’s space without question and Nathaniel greeted him with much the same enthusiasm. It was clear that she was confused by the situation as she stood there, in the dark as to the relation between the two.

“Namid this is my brother, Nathaniel.” He sprung, and suddenly it made sense. A bemused grin took place on her lips and she couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled its way up her throat. A sheepish look was given on part of his sibling as he seemed to realize her presence again, apologizing for his actions. She gave him an understanding nod, for she expected she’d act much the same way if any of her family showed up. Her mismatched gaze traveled to Anthem, “If we are not careful it will be your family who takes over the cove before long,” she mused with a grin. First his sister had come, and now his brother. He was quickly making up for his failed outings the last winter, and she couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of him for his luck.

Her attention was drawn back to Nathaniel and she gave him a dip of her head, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Nathaniel. No need to apologize for your behavior, I suspect I would act much the same way in a similar situation. It is by great luck that you have met again, I am happy for you.” she said, and she meant it genuinely.

(This post was last modified: Jun 25, 2015, 11:12 PM by Namid.)
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
Apparently he wasn't the only one happy to see his brother who responded with enthusiasm that had Anthem laughing. He felt the others paws on him and the beta felt his tail wagging behind him as he bumped his brother again. A grin was plastered on his face as he heard the 'Of course'. What had he been thinking when he had left his siblings behind that fateful night? Apparently he hadn't as the joy he felt from inside told him how much he had missed the two of them. They were together again! He could have howled with joy but it wasn't the time to be going all out with the celebrating. 

He shook his head at his Queen's comment. I don't think anyone else from my family is going to be hunting me down. So you don't need to worry about that. He told her with a smile. If anyone else came for him he was going to be shocked and more or less concerned about why they had come. He had the strongest ties with his siblings so if he really thought about he should have realized that they would have come after him. He just had been too blinded with anger and a broken heart to realize it at the time. 

 Are you thinking of joining us? Anthem asked tipping his head a little as he watched his brother. There was no doubt in the beta's mind but he wasn't going to make any assumptions. Of course his brother could be thinking of dragging Angele and himself off on a merry goose chase. One never really knew. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
Nathaniel's ears tipped toward the queen once more, taking in her quip and warm welcome. He'd spent his time amongst quite a few packs during his travels, but she was certainly and swiftly earning a place amongst the most gracious hosts the man had had the pleasure to meet. The ColdHeart sibling couldn't help but maintain the stupidly happy smile that wound crookedly across his maw. He hadn't been sure what kind of circumstances he would find Anthem and Angele in, and as his personality commanded, the man had anticipated any number of fates. There was a sense of relief to know that they hadn't just avoided ill will, but seemed to have placed themselves into a rather pleasant situation.

"Thank you, miss," he answered her, with another dip of his head, before those moss green eyes found his brother once more. He felt that Anthem was right about he being the last one to rise up from the past; they had always been just a trio, and now that they had all found one another, the restlessness was done. Nathaniel hoped dearly that there would be no more surprises in store for the siblings.

Then, Anthem asked the most important question, the one that answered a few of Nathaniel's own. His brother wanted to stay here, then, he gathered, and the chocolate coated man couldn't blame him. From the beauty of the land to the grace of the queen, he could only see great benefit to living here amongst the pine and pristine waters.

"I came all this way to be with you again, brother. If this is your home," he determined, eyes traveling once more to Namid's pale form, "then I ask if I may be welcomed to make it mine, as well."
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Namid couldn’t help the chuckle at Anthem’s assurance that he had no other relatives coming to hunt him down. She still felt the faint twinge of jealousy, jealousy that he had been reunited with his family when she had spent and was still spending so much time still waiting for hers. Oh yes, she had looked and searched for many months before coming to Fallen Tree Cove and still kept a look out for them on her patrols but somewhere in her heart had told her that her search needed to stop. She needed to let go of her past to focus on the present, focus on making this family right in more ways than her own had been. Segregated, split, not quite a whole family even though they had been related by blood. No matter where things went she still wanted them to be a true unit, to be there for each other when it really counted and sometimes even when it didn’t. That was her one wish, and she would be damned if she didn’t have it.

”Are you thinking of joining us?” Anthem asked his brother, and this peaked Namid’s interest. They could always use more wolves in their ranks for there was always room to grow, especially when their territory was so vast and abundant in prey. Even when the winter came, they would still have the fish in the lake to keep them satisfied and animals would stay by the lake if they weren’t hibernating for the water source. She was sure they would be well off in the end, and surely Nathaniel would be as hard working as his siblings had proven to be. The dark man confirmed his thoughts to stay with his brother, and Namid gave a pleased nod. “Of course you are welcome with us. Your siblings have proven to be fine members within our ranks, and I will assume you harbor the same enthusiasm to prove yourself as they do. Welcome to Fallen Tree Cove, Nathaniel,” she stated, moving forward to rub her side along his and officially mark him as their own. Only time would truly tell whether or not he was of the same blood as the Coldheart pair, but she trusted Anthem enough to trust his siblings.

Backing away she looked between the pair, her smile reaching her mismatched gaze. “Now then, shall we be getting back? I am sure Angele would love to see him after whatever duty has kept her from his call, and I have my own family to attend to. Nathaniel, should you need anything please do not hesitate to seek me out.” the pale queen said, turning and giving a motion of her head for them to follow her back within their borders. After the heartfelt meeting, she was eager to get back to her own children and admonish them with the same affection she’d just witnessed.

Exit Namid.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Angele Coldheart
Word Count: 416

Angele had heard the call and twitched her ears in response, but didn't move.  The voice was faint and only slightly familiar, like a memory from a dream.  Whoever it was would be fine with Anthem to help, and she was sure one of the alphas would reply to the strange voice at their border.  What she was doing was far more important.

The water against her legs moved almost imperceptibly, and her back tensed.  Just a few more moments - 

The flash of silver in the water rewarded her patience as her head shot into the water and jaws clamped around the fish. She triumphantly drew her muzzle from the water and waded to shore, where the other three fish from that day waited.  This one was the biggest by far, and she knew she'd gathered enough to help refill their caches.  She had a hard time fitting all the meat in her mouth, though, and had to make trips, further delaying her from the cry that had summoned her.  Even so, she didn't feel a sense of urgency.  The call hadn't come again, so she assumed Anthem had gone.

But who would want the both of us? she wondered.  We aren't anything special.  Well, I'm not, anyhow.  

She shrugged as she scraped earth over the last of the fish and began trotting direction the summons had come from.  She stopped as a familiar scent wafted over her nose.  "It can't be..." She murmured, moving foreword once again to join Anthem, facing a wolf she thought she'd never see again.  She could smell Namid, whom she must have just missed.  "Nathaniel?" She asked incredulously.  "What are you doing here?"

Her first instinct was excitement; she'd been on her own for so long, and had just found Anthem.  Now their brother had in turn found them.  She held herself in check, however.  What if Silver Wind had sent him to find her?  What if they too were coming to rain their retribution on her for attacking a fellow member?  

She felt her hackles begin to rise and fought to keep them under control.  It was very possible that Nathaniel was there for the same reason she was: he felt alone without his family.

She forced a smile onto her face, though she couldn't keep her ears as upright as she would have liked.  She managed to keep them from plastering her head, at least, but not much more.  "How did you find us?"  She asked him. 

"Speech"  Thought
My brother is the Anthem we sing,
I am the Angele we follow,
My brother, Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.

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