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I think about you all the time — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: @Astraeus - Going to be using the board-wide RE: "The sky is dark with storm clouds."

69° F, 20° C
Thunderstorm Nearby
6:18 PM

Ever since her talk with Gent, Rae had been growing more and more preoccupied with thoughts of Astraeus. The mahogany-eyed man had already begun eating up an increasing number of minutes of her idle time, and invading her idle thought the rest. Gent's concerns only served to increase those numbers, and now she was thinking about thinking about Astraeus. When did she start wondering about him so much? At first it had been merely a desire to see him again and again; to learn more about the friendly stranger. Without her really noticing, it had become a stream of inquiries about his personality, his life, his aspirations. She wanted to know it all. When the woman was alone she wondered about everything about him. Now she couldn't put her finger on why she wanted to pick him apart so badly. Of course she wanted to know about her friends and pack mates, but she didn't obsess this much over Gent, or Minka, or even the babies anymore. Eventually she was finding herself reminiscing; passively reliving their adventures and mischief, even their conversations in her head. Worse, she was finding that she liked it. She liked him.

But did she “love” him? All it had taken to send her down this confusing introspective path was her blue-eyed hunting partner's prying. He seemed to think she did, or at least suspect she did. The swirling maelstrom of confusion hadn't left the poor girl; it plagued her even now as she reclined beside a freshly-opened cache, licking her lips after a satisfying dinner. She was sprawled on her side; having decided to take a break from her duties and get a bite to eat. The russet-furred woman laid there thinking until a familiar spring scent graced her nostrils. Rain. Rolling lazily upright, her dandelion eyes managed to piece together the scraps of sky that managed to peek through the forest canopy. Somewhere off to the west, the sky was unusually foreboding. It was still some distance off; the sunlight still filtered in overhead and warmed her pelt on this delightfully mild day. Unfortunately a storm always meant either warmer or colder days were destined to follow, and at this point in the season it usually meant the former. 

Raela got to her feet, padding toward the mesa with interest. As she pulled through the treeline and onto the wide clearing, her eyes turned inevitably westward, drinking in the deep blue storm clouds with awe. Standing there, watching the ominous skies and taking note of the occasional distant lightning bolt, she felt an emptiness crawling toward her core. A brief gust of air told her of the coming downpour; whispering through her pelt as she closed her eyes. The wind before a storm was one of the girl's favorite things. At that moment her heart sunk and jumped at the same time. Raela's eyes opened, angled in the direction Aeus' scent had come. Thinking immediately that she should see him, the subordinate paused long enough to roll in the grass and wipe the dirt from her paws and face. She followed up with a few licks to unruly areas, suddenly aware of what she was actually doing. When did I start caring so much about how I look? The girl really was worried he wouldn't approve – why worry about what he thought and not the others? Perplexed but with no more hesitation she moved down the mountain, toward the stream on the Crest's most western border and straight toward the storm. He's probably just getting a drink or something, she mused as she moved through the foliage. Her excited and fearful heartbeat felt like it kept moving further and further up her throat as his form was brought nearer. She'd even gotten more nervous around him than before. “Aeus? I need to talk to you,” she spoke, her voice sounding far less worried than nervous. Rae's eyes spoke volumes of the girl's anxiety at this very moment. There was a lot she needed to ask him. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath

He stood below the mighty willows were drawn out over the water. The two babbling brooks met a little ways down, their foamy collision still in sight farther down. The air swirled around his body pleasantly, ruffling his fur into a messy blur of black. Today, he spent his day like any other. Waking up early, circling the territory twice and then settling at the rivers fork to maybe find some dinner. He didn't find any action at the borders, which wasn't a surprise since the war had dampened out a few weeks ago. It was nice to find tranquility with the surrounding packs again, it was always in his favor to have connections with the outside world. In business terms, he hoped Gent did well in the throne. He knew the man had a boiling temper and it would get him nowhere if he aimed to make a pact. A cool and confident head always won over in alliances. The thought of Gent ruling irked him greatly, if only he was king.. things would be different.

The wind picked up rapidly, dark storm clouds forming to the east and moving westward. His auds twitched slightly, picking up the sound of footsteps. He turned his head slowly to see Raela standing awkwardly under the shade of a Willow. He pulled his lips back to reveal a smirk. "How goes it m'lady?" He turned to face her, looking over her lithe form once again. His fur was windswept and untamed*, whist hers was silky and smooth. She looked beautiful as ever in the darkening day light- but she seemed on edge and her next words proved just that. "You have my ears darling.." He said in a lower tone, barley audible past the howling wind.

*fuckin' Jon Snow over here..”Speech”
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Just as it always did, the sight of his face forced an involuntary smile onto her's. The only control she had was enough to keep her teeth from showing. It didn't help in the slightest that he was already smirking at her and calling her “M'lady.” Raela dipped her head a bit, glancing to the side as her face grew hot. Even looking away she could feel his eyes tracing their way around her form. At least he seemed to be feeling perfectly fine. Raela managed to lift her eyes when his softer, lower tones came around her ears. There he was, calling her “darling” again. The way he spoke practically melted the girl, bringing her a few steps closer against the wind as she sought the comfort his soothing voice promised. She was beginning to find that no one in her life made her feel safer and more welcome than Aeus. After only a few seconds, the woman had accumulated enough of her thoughts to begin, and took a seat beside him and the crystalline creek. 

“Aeus, I know you want to be the Alpha, but I have to ask you,” her words were calm but soaked in curiosity. “If you did, what would you do?” She waited, looking up at him with unwavering yellow pools. “Gent came to speak to me the other day, before the meeting with Lugh. He's promised to protect Minka's throne, since it is her pack, and her children's. I guess after that we both got to wondering what your intentions were.” Again she stared at him with apprehension, as if she feared any one of her words would upset him. “Do you plan to rule beside her?” It was a gentle enough question and she hoped the fire-eyed male wouldn't feel cornered, but the answer would tell her nearly everything she needed to know; or so she hoped. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath

Even in a situation he would have deemed "serious", they found a way to make each other smile. Butterflies in his stomach subsided as they got their hands into the juicy stuff, her body coming up to sit next to him by the riverside. Her question came as a surprise, his voice taking a few seconds to find itself. "I.." He was cut off as she quickly followed up with an explanation, freeing him from answering the awkward question. From what he perceived, she was asking if he would completely take over The Crest. He aimed his eyes to hers with a lighthearted chuckle. "No Rae, I could never.." He felt bad for making her even think that. "Lady Lagina is an extremely powerful woman and she has just lost her husband. I could never take that away from her... I would like to rule beside a Queen of my own someday.." He trailed off, hoping she would understand the loaded comment. "But, until then, if I earn my place as king, I am perfectly pleased with being a half vote." He smiled through his lips, letting the silence seep in. They remained quiet for a few minutes, the wind blowing their fur in the current.

As they sat, he thought it was time to realize- he had something to apologize for. And in his mind, it seemed like an appropriate time to bring it up. "I also have something I've been meaning to say." He confessed, using a formal tone to address it like the topic of weather. "I wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. I see that you and Gent are friends.. and I assume you've realized my inappropriate comments and actions towards him." He took a moment to pause and let his information really sink in. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've been unjustly acting out on accords to my feelings towards you." The string of words were linked back to back, not allowing any air separate them. "Raela, I never want you feel like you are caught in the middle. I sincerely apologize for any pain or frustration I've caused you in the past few weeks, it was wrong and I should have been more respectful of my boundaries." He sighed and looked back out to the river, a few small rain drops falling into the water.

(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2015, 01:40 AM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: SQUEEE! -flails-

All the horrid tension that had hung in the air up until that moment faded swiftly with the relaxed chuckle of the Taranath man. Her pricked ears settled some, listening more calmly as he spoke of their matriarch. A sickening feeling filled her stomach as he mentioned a queen. She would have been overjoyed, and perhaps she should have been, but Gent's words only made her more nervous. So he did want her by his side. And if he would not depose Minka, then that left starting a new pack. Leaving Gent. She looked away. The worry wove itself around her brain, tightening with the silence as she fretted and tried to figure out what on earth to respond with. These were no mere butterflies. Did that comment, ...it means he likes me, doesn't it? Her thoughts crumpled into one another again and again, forming a mangled wreck for her to dig through if she ever hoped to speak to him again tonight. 

All of a sudden she was pulled back to the moment by the next sentence to leave his charcoal lips. The very implication made her panic, eyes widening before she realized it wasn't the “something” she'd thought. The girl's posture and expression paled; relenting as he spoke of his behavior toward Gent. She was deeply thankful that he was apologizing, and an appreciative smile nearly found its way onto her face before he uttered the words “...acting out on accords to my feelings towards you,” slipped through her eardrums. Again her pulse lifted. It was a near obvious confirmation; he liked her. The man finished his apology while Raela's eyes looked on in surprise. Gent had been right to worry; he was acting like he owned her, because he wanted to. The swarthy man's shifted attention was enough to draw the woman out of her own tumble of thoughts long enough to accept his apology. “Thank you Aeus,” she spoke sincerely. “Gent isn't a bad man; he doesn't want to be your enemy. He's been a good friend to me,” she added, looking up at the muddy-colored wolf for any hint of a reaction. Casting her orbs downward onto the water, her stomach turned with the rolling waves. 

How was she supposed to say this? Raela sat still, ears fallen with indecision as Gent's words echoed in her mind. “Aeus, Gent came to talk to me because he was scared that I was going to leave.” She stopped there, her tongue refusing to form the whole story in fear. The implication was serious; what if she scared him off? He couldn't possibly have considered puppies yet... “He was scared you and I were going to leave.” The silence filled every inch of un-closed space between them as she cringed, feeling the weight of how awkward this whole thing was. Somehow she managed to pull herself together; if only to move on and end it. “If you want a queen, you'd have to leave and start a pack, but I cant. The words were painful, and she could only hope that she wasn't breaking his heart with every passing syllable. “I can't leave, I'm in Minka's debt and Gent begged me not to.” Images of his desperate words and his pained expression fluttered before her eyes. Her voice dropped to be barely audible against the rustling trees. “You should have seen him,” she mumbled, eyes clouding with memory. He would know of how Minka had accepted her that winter morning. It was not something she'd have held back from the dark man she'd become so close to, and so it needed no further explanation. 

Slowly gaining awareness that she might have hurt him, the girl looked back, seeking his orange eyes desperately. She needed to make it right. All of it. “But as long as you and I are both here...” the implication wouldn't lift itself from her tongue. He would know. Raela was offering herself up to him on a silver platter so long as they were both wolves of the Crest. She was comfortable enough to start seeing the man as a potential mate; though it would likely never be consummated. Maybe it was love, maybe it wasn't quite there yet; but if they both felt it, there was no reason not to find out. The girl could only hope the deal wasn't already off in his mind.  

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
Okay, thats some quality shit XD

He hadn't realized that the entire time he had been waiting for her to say something- he had been holding his breath. When the words fell from her mouth as delicately as a butterfly, he felt the air deflate from him ever so slowly. She accepted his apology, and that was more than he could have asked for. He nodded and turned to the water, over thinking the fact that the inky black man didn't actually want to hate him. The fresh burn of previous jealousy was healing, but it still burned. He could feel his stomach tighten, then release, then tighten even stronger. Gent was smarter than Aeus originally thought he was, it was a possibility somewhere in his mind that he could start a new life... with Raela of course. But she couldn't. She had obligations to the Crest. It took a painful bite to his tongue to keep from saying anything. But what if the packs were allied.. He thought with an ear flick. But, that would be brought up another time... not in the heat of the moment.

Another long pause took place, filling the air that was accompanied by the cracks of thunder somewhere out west. He was too conflicted to speak anymore, all he could muster was a soft sigh. Raela's pleasant voice began softly, and then rose to a higher volume, taking an almost seductive tone. "But as long as were both here..." He replayed again and again, still casting his eyes down. Yes, as long as they were both there... love could grow. A sweltering wave of warmth overcame his body, starting at his ears and traveling to his toes. All at once, it felt as if their worlds collided. He stood up tall and met her eyes with his own, watching the honeyed orbs swirl with kindness and acceptance. He gave her a half smile before craning his body forward and planting a kiss on her cheek. His muzzle slid down to her neck and pressed forehead against her collar bone, breathing in her scent. It was like honeysuckle, wind and fresh rain on grass. The rain drops that were once small began to grow in size until it began to pour. The wind howled through the trees, their whispers filling the air. He loved loving love.

(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2015, 03:12 AM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

It was if everything that followed that string of words happened at a snail's pace. She was left sitting there, staring up at him with her emotions free and unprotected. She was so vulnerable here. Her appraisal of his face was harsh and focused; she wanted to know his answer so badly before he could even utter it. After ages of waiting his clear cedar eyes locked on her own. Adrenaline pooled in Raela's chest, swirling lethargically around her rapidly beating heart. It was a slow, growing sensation of excitement that stole all knowledge of words right from her lips. But there was no need for any. The girl managed to pull her eyes out to the contours of his face as the dark man rose; never before realizing just how much she did like his face. She liked it even more when an endearing smirk pulled at his mouth; filling his pools with more sheer happiness than she thought she'd ever seen them contain. 

The woman's own expression started to mirror his own, held back only with her usual apprehension. He was moving closer, except this time she wasn't truly afraid. Raela remained still and seated, accepting the touch of his muzzle while her heart fluttered helplessly. The girl's ears angled backward, eyes slowly closing as Aeus slid down along her neck. Her ribs were straining to contain her chest now; it was just to full of ...everything! The Crest woman's senses began to return as he rested against the source of all her emotion and excitement. The reality of what the man was doing seeped down into her – it was a “yes.” A wordless, compassionate “yes” spoken through their very skin as the subordinate brought her own muzzle up to caress his neck. She pushed her head into his short summer fur, perfectly content to relish in this feeling as the downpour began around them. Everything was so safe, so perfect. The approaching rumbles of the angry sky and its lightning could do nothing to move them from this spot. Wrapped in this embrace, Raela inhaled with a drawn out sigh. She took in his heavier, muskier scent; slowly exhaling all of the fear and tension from just moments before. Her very soul felt lighter now. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
UGH. Can my muse please get off its ass?

It was like someone had released hundreds of butterflies into his stomach. He couldn't believe he was still grounded- isn't that how gravity works? Relief washed over him, replacing his own anxiety. How had he not experienced anything like this? It felt so good to be with her, talk to her and be around her. It was purely intoxicating to have her close. Astraeus had never felt such strong emotions for someone else. He once had a taste of what he thought was love. But this was so much better, it was better because it was real.

He held her tightly, pressed against his chest. He almost wanted to laugh, it was so uplifting! Aeus pulled back a few inches, just to meet her eyes. They were so full of life and longing. He smiled and touched his nose with hers. "We should be getting back now," He didn't necessarily want to leave, but she might not want to be in the rain. He waited for her to either agree or pull him out deeper.

[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

All too soon the chocolate man was drawing back; pulling their worlds apart. Her sunshine eyes opened slowly, taking in his sweet face as his rain-soaked nose touched her own. Her lips kept up the constant, quiet smile they'd had before. She was happy, and he was happy. She had made him this happy. The woman was nearly lightheaded with the realization and the moment. It was all she really ever wanted – to be content and to make others feel the same joy. Her lazily tipped ears twitched forward, drinking in every rumbling syllable Aeus offered. The water was dripping from them now; their coats so soaked that not a hair could stand up to the typhoon of water falling from the sky. Another impatient rumble served to remind them that there would only be more where it came from. With little thought, her smile broke into a wide grin. A quiet laugh passed the subordinate's lips.

“We should, she toyed, bumping his nose once before pulling her muzzle away. The man's amber eyes dragged her in again; a tie she only managed to break so that she could look for an immediate shelter. They really ought to have been getting back to the communal den, but no part of her wanted to loose this time with him. Not yet. Raela got to her feet, beckoning her new beau to follow. There was a place just downstream she vaguely remembered from a previous patrol. The girl picked up her pace, giggling as they loped hurriedly through the downpour. The pine trees came into view in no time through wet, squinting eyes. Two were particularly close, layering their branches and providing a decent canopy overhead. She ducked down, slipping quickly beneath the lowest ones and huddling herself against the trunk. There was just enough space here for a couple wolves, and the pines were large enough to keep out the wind-driven precipitation. Her gaze sought him out, looking expectantly upwards. The woman wanted to share this secure, protected space with him, and she was sure Astraeus wouldn't argue.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]