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No time for sleeping
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
There are so few of us I figured it would be a whole pack affair. @Ash, Yuka, @Deacon, @Alexynik, and I know Vaeta hasn't come back yet. For now pups can be PPed as they are not playable for another two weeks. NO POSTING ORDER
Darkness had swallowed the landscape long ago. However, morning was not far off for the wolves who dwell within the meadow. A slight chill was in the air as the dark clouds hidden by night swept over the moon. The meadow was very quiet, but the hushed noise of the wind scraping over grass could be heard if one listened closely. Closer to the trees a light continuous scraping noise of stems and leaves shifting against one another could be heard when the wind pushes into the woods.

For an entire month Narimé had been preparing the small birthing den located outside of the main caverns for the arrival of her newest pups. This den had been used just about two years prior when Nari had given birth to Titan, Malia, and Yuka. Many happy memories were scraped into the walls of the earthen tunnel where she spent much of her time as of late. In fact, most days she could be found near the entrance or inside of this little dugout den eating to her hearts content. Especially since this time around the womans pregnancy did not leave her ill. She could eat as much as she wanted whenever she felt hungry (which was always) and not have to worry about puking up the meal an hour or so later.

The gray woman had gone to bed early this night, however for much of the evening she had not been able to go to sleep. The silver wolf was restless, and it wasn't until the early morning hours that she figured out why.

The first pains came at exactly 3AM in the morning. It was then that Nari's eyes widened as she looked about her nest. Much of her belly fur had been pulled out to line the nest and make it more warm for her young. Taking deep breaths the silver crowned queen steadied herself against the pains.

About two hours later a small wet creature slipped into the nest and began crying. Narimé quickly cleaned the young pup making sure to get the childs nose and mouth clear of mucus. Then she dried its fur while waiting for the next set of contractions to arrive. The grayish ball of fur became quiet as it settled in near Nari's belly. However the woman didn't get to admire her first jewel for long before the next cub was on its way. Only twenty minutes later another tiny wet infant lay upon the fur covered nest crying much like its older sibling had previously. Once Narime gave the tawny child a bath she nuzzled it closer to the gray fluff ball already sleeping at her belly. Both pups were beautiful like gems in the mothers glittering blue eyes. Her loving gaze didn't leave their pelts until the last pup began to make its way into the world.

The last cub arrived an hour after its sibling had entered the world. Its sleek fur was moist with afterbirth as Nari took a moment to catch her breath. Hearing the final pup's screams, which were much more loud than her first two children, Nari knew that it was healthy and so had no problem taking a break for a few moments. As she began to feel a little more normal the gray she wolf then turns to the final born in order to clean off the little one.

Nari noticed that this child had a very red pelt compared to the other two. Even compared to Yuka, this pup was definitely the most colorful she had birthed thus far. Almost like the red flowers in the fireweed rise... She thought quietly before nudging the third pup towards her belly.

For a while after this Narime drifted back into sleep again. Even with the pains plaguing her abdomen, the woman fell into a deep sleep. It was impossible for her to keep her eyes open having had no sleep. It wasn't until the sun had begun to rise before Narimé woke back up to the sound of a wailing pup.

Blinking back tiredness, Nari licked at the red coated pup. It was the one who had woken her, with loud cries that could quite possibly be heard from the caverns. Nari looked over the child for a long time finally noting its gender. A little drama queen eh? She chuckled while giving the wailing child attention. The red girl quieted down as she moved closer to Nari's belly and began to suckle. Then the Lagina wolf looked to the other pups seeing what their genders were.

The first one was also a girl, and she looks a lot like me. Nari smiles gleefully before nosing the gray pup closer to the tawny brown child. Then she switches her attention to the middle child. Sniffing him all over, Nari grins as she notes his gender. A Hervok king like his daddy. She muses while attempting to lick the boy down.

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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

While Ash had been father to many youngsters, he had never truly had any children of his own. He had almost had the chance with Namara, though it was never confirmed whether she was pregnant before she disappeared, or even if she were still alive, but now that he had Narimé, he found that he did not actually mind. She was his light at the end of the dark path he had chosen. Of course, ever since his attempted and successful murder, Ash had been twitchy, wanting to get his paws on something else he could kill. Though, he would never put his family's life at risk and remind himself that he was no longer an assassin. Nari needed him to be her husband and a good father to their children. While he was sure his queen needed space and quiet, it did not deter Ash from constantly watching over her. If he wasn't there, Yuka would be there, keeping watch over his mate to ensure that everything was fine.

Eventually, the day had finally arrived, leaving Ash in anticipation as he waited further away from the den, his paws digging into the ground nervously. Was everything alright? Why had she not called for him? Was she alright? He waited and waited and continued to wait, his skin itching with anticipation. He wanted desperately to see their children but knew that it was never a good idea to interrupt his lover, especially at this monumental moment. She was probably exhausted and needed sleep before she was greeted by the rest of the pack.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2015, 10:02 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Melorama who has 9 posts.
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Alexynik Cryfton
Alex had been sleeping in the caverns, slightly away from where the rest of the pack slept (or at least where she thought they slept. So far she had yet to really meet any of the other Whisper Caverns members) when the nearly muted cry of a wailing pup woke her from her slumber. Quickly stretching out her limbs, the Cryfton Girl made her way to the source of the wail, her interest peaked. She knew that Narimé was due to give birth soon, but she had no idea when. It didn't take her long to come across a particularly large male who sported a dark brown coat and mossy green eyes. She could tell from the way he waited somewhat nervously by the mouth of the birthing den that he was the father of the pups, and therefore the lead male of the pack.

Automatically her body lowered down to the ground until she was practically crawling towards the den. "Don't get too close Alex," Asaparael reminded her. The Cryfton Girl listened to the advice and stopped a respectful distance away, her stomach now firmly on the ground as she waited in anticipation. The birth of cubs was always a special time, and even though she was not related, she still wanted everything to go down smoothly. Her ears swiveled forward to catch every sound that escaped from the mouth of the den, letting her nose tell her what her eyes couldn't. She could pick up the scent of the male by the entrance, as well as Narimé's, but there was also two or three others which must belong to the pups. It was only after a few minutes that she moved her gaze to the brown male, a low whine escaping from her muzzle, hoping that he didn't mind her being there. If not, she could always go and hunt something for her leader as she must surely be hungry.

322 words
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
I'M SO SORRY GUYS.. @Ash @Alexynik

Nari was too preoccupied with her gleeful thoughts to realize that not one but two of her pack mates had come closer to the den. It wasn't until she started thinking about Ash while bathing the rusty brown male that Nari scented the air. Her wet black nose twitched twice as the she wolf evaluated the scents drifting in from outside. She smiled as Ash's familiar smell wafted into the den. He must be just outside.. the woman thinks quietly while noting Alexynik's scent as well. Alexy had taken an oath that bound her to Nari, but the silver wolf was unsure about letting Alexynik see the pups just yet. Ash on the other paw Nari had no problem with.

Nari let out a low welcoming growl to Ash inviting him closer. The gray scale woman was more than happy to show off the healthy little pups to their father. Pride shown on her face as she lowered her head once more and finished bathing the brownish pup. He started to whimper and cry as she fussed over him. Then the child began to worm his way under the paw that she was using to trap him close to her. Another cry from her belly had Nari's head yank sideways to look for the source of the wail. The one reddish female fought against her gray sister who was trying to suckle off of her tiny flat ear. Nari left the one boy to his own devices for a moment to separate the two girls from each other. Nari smoothed down the gray girls coat first and gently nudged her to the lower end of her belly. Then Nari smoothed down the fluffy coat of the red coated gal before gently nudging her to the highest end of her belly. Once the two sisters were happier Nari then turned to the single boy who was squirming away from her front end trying to get to her belly where the milk was. Nari very gently picked him up and placed him between the two girls. Then she drew back to watch the boy latch on and begin nursing alongside the gray pup.

To Nari's dismay the red pup continued to whine and whimper even after the mother pressed her close to her breast. The rusty girl didn't seem to want to eat at the moment, and by her crying something else was annoying her. Something that Narime couldn't seem to figure out.


”What's wrong little one? Hush now my baby, be still love don't cry...” Nari cooed softly before glancing towards wherever Ash was. She had a smile on her face, but Nari wasn't sure how else to help the little red girl. With her first litter they had been pretty easy to care for much like the gray and brownish pups were with this litter. Malia hadn't been near as fussy as this little red girl.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

He waited anxiously outside of the birth den, the fur along his spine tall. At the entrance of another wolf, his eyes narrowed and lips drew back slightly in warning, not wanting to have to deal with anyone else except for his wife and his children. Waiting quite a bit for Nari to call for him, he felt his shoulders relax when the signal finally came. Giving one last warning look to their new pack mate, an order to watch over and guard them, Ash entered the birthing den, his mossy green eyes moving over to his lover. He moved slightly closer but a comfortable distance away knowing that mothers generally wanted their space for the long run. After assessing the condition of Nari, his attention was drawn to the three small forms against her belly, suckling away at what nutrients they would be able to gather. His heart swelled and breath stopped at the sight of them. They were gorgeous and more than he could have ever wished for. Wagging his tail, he assessed each one with eager eyes, moving over his son, who was quite handsome, inheriting both his father and mother’s coat, while one of the female’s inherited her mother’s coat. Instantly, Ash knew that she would be quite the beauty.

However, it was neither of them that stole his attention the most as his eyes landed on the smallest of the children and the last one born. He could not tear his eyes away from her as his eyes furrowed, confused as to what he was seeing. His jaw went slack as he stared at the little girl before him, his heart constricting in his chest. Immediately, he was reminded of his first love, Treena, and he guiltily felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of his lost love. Biting his cheek softly, he looked towards Narimè, his mossy green eyes betraying the slight guilt he had within himself as he looked at his gorgeous mate, knowing that she still held his heart within her jaws and had the power to break him a million times over. Swallowing the guilt that he could, he spoke to her, his voice soft, ”They are beautiful, my dear. Have you thought of names?” His head tilted to the side in question, wanting her to get her suggestions out before he would add in his own.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Tiredness still made the she wolfs eyelids droop as she nuzzled the children at her belly. Ash being there made her all the more ready to take a nap once more, but until the children had names she would force herself to stay awake. The alpha's question Made Nari tilt her head inquisitively looking at the three fuzzy balls of wolf pups nestling into her gray fur. She had no idea what to name them. During her pregnancy this time around the gray woman had not thought of names prior to giving birth. She shook her head gently "no" to answer Ash's question before staring at the pups with soft blue eyes.


Lets see... How about we name the little boy first.. She thought quietly while pointing her nose to Korrin's cute little bronze rump. What to name him... His fathers name is Ash Hervok.. Maybe Hervok backwards? Kovreh...Hmm.. Her brows furrowed as the she wolf went deep into thought. She wanted the little boy to be special because he was the only male. Plus she didn't have any male ancestors worth naming him after.

Kovrin maybe..Kovrin Kovrin.. Noo.. Leave out the v sound.. Korin? Korrin? Korrin Hervok? I think I like that one. She brightened up immediately letting a smile touch her previously serious looking face.

”What about Korrin Hervok for the brownish boy?” She asked quickly looking to Ash then glancing back down to the little fuzzy creatures eating from her belly. Her body was a little stiff from laying in the same position for such a long time, but Nari didn't want to move to bother them.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

His mossy green eyes were pinned on his wife, his mind acknowledging that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. Her sparkling blue eyes were something to be jealous of and Ash was so proud that he was able to call her his. Their family was what was most important now and he would do well to remember that in the future. He was pleased that she was actually pondering his question and that they both had not thought of names for their little ones. Ash truly believed that a name could not be placed until the arrival of the children, it just didn’t seem right to now have an inkling as to what they looked like, or the genders until the moment. It was then that he knew they were right. It had been what happened the first time when he had been there with Athena and it was happening now with his stunning mate. He could tell that she was exhausted and he wanted to make sure that she got the proper rest that she deserved. After they named their children, he would be sure to watch over her until she requested that he leave. When her voice interrupted his thoughts, he looked towards the pup that she was mentioning towards. The name made his eyes light up and he nodded his head in agreement, his mossy green eyes turning back towards Narimè, ”That is a perfect name for a handsome prince.” His eyes then reverted back to the girls. Immediately his eyes pinned on the girl that did not remind him of his lost lover, the one who was still missing and never turned to him. She, however, no longer mattered. It was just him, his wife, and his three wonderful children, along with Yuka and Titan.

As he looked at the child, his eyebrows creased as if he were concentrating. Something reminded Ash quite a bit about his sisters, both of them actually, and he couldn’t help but speak, his tongue working before his mind truly caught up with him, ”Nineva…” He owed both of his sisters quite a bit, especially after he almost killed Nina trying to fulfil a foolish oath that he had made to his father. Never did he ever want to have to do that again. Luckily, he had been able to get away and was able to live peacefully within the lore for the past years. Looking towards Nari and wanting to know her input on the matter, he waited silently, not daring to move a muscle.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina

Narime snuggled into a ball with her children softly whining in protest. They wiggled themselves into her belly fur as the gray wolf gets herself more comfortable in the nest. She stretches each of her limbs then settles them against her chest before wiggling each of the toes on her paws. Her silver banner lay in a heap behind her before the queen pulls it close to her hind legs. Then her ruffled mane lifts and flattens to smooth out some of the unkempt fur behind her head and ears. A little growl of love echoed softly from her maw as Nari looks tenderly towards Ash.

She was seeing a very soft side of him, a side that she wished she could hold to herself. However the woman kept herself from trying knowing that he did not like when others tried to claim or dominate him. Still, she was glad that he would show that side to their pups. It was a mor raw emotion and look that she felt from Ash compared to when Sloane had looked upon their first litter. He had been a smooth kind of love and kindness, but Ash's was a passionate fiery love. For some reason Nari couldn't choose which kind of love-like emotions she liked better. Am I dumb? The passionate fiery love with a male who stays with me is the kind I should cherish... her thoughts turned dark before her gaze turned back upon the children.

Then he muttered something. She twisted her head to catch the name spoken from his red rimmed lips. Nineva? she thought quietly while looking to the child that held his attention. It was the gray worm of a pup suckling at her breast. The one whom she assumed look liked she had when she was but a pup. Unfortunately her father Sibo wasn't here to see his new grandchildren, but Nari hoped that he was watching from wherever he was. She never did believe that death was the end of everything, but perhaps a new beginning.

The name was very familiar, but Nari couldn't place it until she thought of family. Ash's family, his sisters in particular, were the ones Nari had encountered in Lore during her travels. Nina was now her ally, and Eva... Well, Eva was somewhere in the world, a possible friend and new sister to Narimé herself.


”Nineva for your two sisters. It's a beautiful combination Ash.” She spoke warmly before looking over to the red furred pup. This child was even more red in color than Malia had been. The thought of her dearly departed eldest daughter made Nari's stomach sicken. Already stressed from birth, the image of Malia's body in her head caused the mother to close her eyes trying to ward away the nausea. She couldn't think of a name for the poor red coated girl right this moment.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

The father was pleased that his lover agreed with his words, a spark of happiness alight in his eyes. However, when their attention turned towards their last child, he could see a certain darkness fill Narimé, one he had experienced quite a bit himself. Luckily, he had been able to read the woman better throughout his time leading, finding in himself to trust in her and confide in her when he felt like he was losing himself again. His mossy green gaze was also on the pup, his mind flashing back to a time when he had felt young and very much in love. Flashes of him running with another woman, laughing, and enjoying the life that was around him was what consumed his mind. She had defended him without question and never doubted him. The memory made him ache. Treena Rose had been the first wolf to place absolute faith in him and had shown him what unconditional love was. He would be a fool to deny that he still did not think about her and miss her with every inch of his core.

Returning his attention back to his mate guiltily, Ash growled softly, not wanting to approach her while she was in such an emotional state. He could only imagine what she was thinking about. The only thing that mattered to him was bringing her back from whatever place she was in. When he felt like he held her attention, his eyes cast towards their unnamed pup, his lips parting. Before his mind could catch up with what he was saying, the words had already left his lips. ”How about Rose?” His throat clenched as soon as the words left his mouth. He did not turn his head to meet the blue gaze of his mate, not wanting her to see the guilt and turmoil behind his jade eyes. Even if the name brought back hard memories for him, he could not help but think that the name just fit.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.