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and, of all things, I love you — Secret Falls 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
May 15 2015, Late-night, Overcast 55F/13C (birth occurring just after mid-night on the 16th)

All BTP members may post, but only @Silentium will be allowed near and only @Koda will be allowed in.

It was very late now and Iopah was no closer to sleep than she had been hours ago. Every minor complaint in the past two weeks was hitting all at once; unexplained twinges, dull pain along her back, and recurring nausea. She shivered and climbed awkwardly to her feet once again. She had a vague idea of what was starting to happen, but no clue as to how to ease or hasten the process. The breath hitched in her chest and she started another circuit. Her tiny clearing, bordered by a fallen cedar and thick tangle of salmonberry was pitch-black. The sun had set, but no moon, no stars had come out to illuminate the night. Iopah drew reassurance from familiar sounds and brushed against the edges of her den site with her quivering flanks as she paced a small circle. The dark had unnerved her first, but now she valued the secrecy of it; though she suspected at least one pair of eyes was watching her now.

With a loud sigh she eased back down to pant for a moment. Pink tongue came out with a wave of nausea to hurriedly lick her lips, but there was nothing to vomit up now. Her last meal was already in a cold pile just beyond the clearing. It passed just enough for her to lay back fully and rest her head on the needle-strewn ground. For a moment laboring mother and forest were still. The first contraction was enough to send her scrambling back to her feet. She whined as pain tightened down on her belly, shutting gold eyes till it began to subside. The entrance to her den was nearby, a narrow tunnel leading to a small chamber that offered refuge. Her eyes snapped open and she shuffled forward even before the pain fully faded. She was vulnerable in the open, pale ears pinned back at the soft sound of another and a low growl pressed out in warning as she reached the entrance of the den. Her sides scuffed narrowly at the earth-packed side and then all outside noises faded into the background.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2015, 05:34 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Darkness concealed him as he stood watching the mouth of the birthing den. He had noticed her pain and how easily she slipped away from his side in seek of peace and knew that in any moment his children would be born--hours passed before she finally settled within the birthing den. He held his breath while watching her, wishing to quell the amount of pain she was feeling but knew that interrupting her could sent a few his wife snapping at him in anger from pain and fright. He stood just close enough to ensure that no danger would harm any of the loved ones inside the den but far enough that she could concentrate on passing the children that had been squirming inside of her all along.

As darkness overcame them he felt his legs grow tired and the rumble in his stomach reminded him that Iopah may be in need or nourishment after birthing their first litter. Casting a final glance behind him he went off in search of anything that would help with her queasiness, as he stepped carefully over her thrown up lunch in search of fresh berries to help ward her urge to puke. After ripping off two large branches full of ripe berries, the large male returned in hopes of hearing the soft meows of his children laying inside and he poked his head inside just long enough to see that Iopah was still laying in wait for the contractions to pass. He placed the berries down softly at his feet, watching her without word and wishing to relieve the pain she was feeling but there was nothing he could do now but wait until the future Reinier children finally made their grand entrance. "Do you need anything?" he dared to ask her as he lingered near the mouth of the den, her small frame curled into a ball near the back of the den.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
holy crap, was this sad to write

She could feel the change in her contractions now. Salmon tongue pressed hard to the roof of her mouth as she waited for the current wave to pass. It was still just as dark and it was still just as quiet; the change in intensity was the only indication that time had passed. They were regular now and far stronger than one that had sent her into the den. The pain spread, tightening and squeezing, till her whole belly was taut. It faded and paws, previously clenched to the pain, opened to pulled her upwards to shift about the small den. There was no position that felt comfortable. Bedding material, carefully collected and arranged over the past few days, was now kicked all over.

Now-familiar pain made her sink back down, curling into an uncomfortable ball around her stomach. There was something else in the quiet besides her, breaths were heard over her muffled ones. Someone else was here now, watching her. Ears went back and lips pulled to reveal teeth automatically, but she couldn't spare any more attention than that. Finally, the pain faded and she had a chance to look.

Her eyes traveled from his face to the berries and back again. Pale ears stayed folded in warning to stay away, but she didn't have the heart to actually snarl at him. Of course he was there, he was going to be a father again soon and he was anxious. She shook her head at the question; the one thing she wanted only time would grant. It was returning pain that finally turned her away with a growl to send Koda back.

Iopah was determined to be silent, an instinct inherited from countless generations born on a hostile mountain. When the contractions finally advanced to the point of pressure she made no noise as indication. She could think of nothing but to strain against the sensation, shivering and panting with each break her body gave her. The first pup emerged with strangled whine from it's mother. It was small and dark with moisture, Iopah pulled herself closer and drew her tongue along it to remove the afterbirth. The pup's reaction was immediate. A shrill squeal filled the den as the mother set about cleaning her and gently rolled her in a tender inspection. New-born and already voicing her own opinion. Iopah guided the daughter to her belly and waited for the next.

Nearly an hour passed before Iopah had to set her aside to concentrate on the next. A second child was born in the same manner and  Iopah turned around in the same way to clean him. But, when her tongue drew along his body, there was no reaction. It was her worried whine that filled the den as the child was cleaned. At it's end he was perfect, but cold and much too still. Obsessively she nosed the pup over, trying to wake him, and her whines grew higher and higher. She was oblivious to everything else, the continuing contractions and her first child were pushed to the back of her mind.

(This post was last modified: May 27, 2015, 08:57 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
I seriously love how you write <3<3<3! @Iopah

No sooner did the question leave his lips did his ears press tightly against his skull, a soft whine escaped his jaws as he watched from a distance the contractions once more take over her. He winced, not truly knowing the feeling but understanding that passing anything as foreign as cubs from the body could not feel as natural as it was intended to be, instead the pain was making him nervous as he watched his new wife squirm around. He feared for her, having known that birth could exhaust her the moment the contractions began to set in and yet he was certain his stubborn wife would barrel through the pain in an effort to get them out quickly--how many were in there was still a mystery.  He retreated only when she growled at him, a sign that she needed more privacy and for a moment he lingered near the mouth of the den and simply waited for the arrival of what could only take time and patience.

It would seem his children required a grand entrance as a shrill cry sent his head poking into the den with interest and awe, finally one had passed the birth canal, making  its first breath and he could no longer contain his excitement. He whined once more, his bushy tail swishing quick behind him as the sparse amount of light allowed him the ability to see that his wife had begun cleaning the small cub and free what afterbirth covered its nostrils. He looked similar to an excited dog waiting to go outside with perked ears and heavy panting as he paced the outside in wait of any good news--Iopah was silent, possibly in wait of the next contraction to pass before the second pup made its way out.

He could no longer wait, nearly 20 minutes had passed since their first daughter made her entrance and he was anxious to know if she was as beautiful as he expected it to be, "Is it a boy...or girl?" he questioned, his voice seemed hoarse in his throat as he dared to ask his wife, who seemed to be much too tired to stay awake let alone birth one more, what kind of child they had. He longed for a boy, if only to replace the two he had lost within the span of two years. He would ensure that they lived long enough to voice how special their father was--and their beautiful mother too. No answer came forth and he assumed that contractions had overtook her, and no sooner did he strain to look into the small den did he notice her licking the lifeless form of their second child, no squeal escaped him and no shrill cry met his ears, it was then that he realized something--he had lost a child before it had the opportunity to see the world for its true beauty and for a moment he felt his heart grow weak in his chest. He hadn't prepared to lose a child, but it should come as no surprise that the stress of moving had caused them to lose their prince in the process.  "Iopah, what's wrong?" he asked, hoping that her reply would contradict the negative thoughts in his mind. He had not failed them, and he had not lost his third son....
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2015, 08:40 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Ty! hope the PP of @Koda is ok to keep things moving?

What's wrong?

The question seemed to fill the small birthing chamber, but Iopah wasn't even aware that it been asked aloud. She turned the small body over again, running her tongue over every inch one more time. Minutes had passed since it's birth now and it's mother's frantic attempts had nearly completely dried the soft fur, but it had not take a breath and had not moved of his own will. A whine turned into a high-pitched growl as another contraction pressed the next child closer to the birth canal. It wasn't the pain she protested, but rather her current lack of control. By now it was very clear something was wrong, and she wanted to fix this child not birth another one. The contraction passed and she was back to worrying over the cold form, searching for a long since removed afterbirth to clean.

Eventually it dawned on her that Koda had come back in. Her eyes caught his for only a distracted moment. There was no warning growl this time, Iopah had more to deal with than her attentive mate right now. "I don't know what's wrong." She said by way of explanation, not realizing that Koda had asked that very question minutes ago. Another contraction made her body tense, toes curling into dirt as she fought the sensation away. It left and she returned single-minded attention back to the quiet body at her paws. "It looks fine," she said quietly, "and I don't know what to do." There was only time for a short inspection before another contraction bore down and her eyes shut in response. When they opened again the stillborn was gone and Koda's tail was disappearing up the tunnel. Following would have meant leaving the surviving pup.

Her head flopped onto the dirt as she took a much-needed breather. Finally there was nothing to occupy her worry and could rest. Iopah was exhausted and was hoping for another break before the next child, but her body had other ideas. The next contraction came with the familiar pressure and she was pushing the last pup out into the world. Just as soon as it was born she was reaching around for it. Iopah shook with dread and weariness as she drew her tongue along it. It was not a squeal, but a sudden flailing of limbs that greeted her. Encouraged nonetheless, she settled down to tend the newest child. Not once did it stop moving; either away or towards, she couldn't be sure. Despite her wildness, the pup settled quickly at her mother's side. The sensation of the two pups nursing was soothing and, without meaning to, she drifted asleep.

It could have been minutes or hours later when she awoke. The forest was still silent and the tunnel was still black, but she knew he would be nearby. "Koda?" She called out in a muffled voice as her muzzle dropped to nuzzle the squirming bodies of their children.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
It had never dawned on him, until the moment came, that watching Iopah give birth would cause him so much stress and anxiety--he had begun to pace at the mouth of the entrance once more. Her silence confused and frightened him, so much so that he took it upon himself to enter the den and inspect what had been keeping her so quiet, and as his golden eyes looked around the dark den he finally saw what had been quieting her for those agonizing minutes; they had lost him. He wasn't quite sure of the gender until his teeth wrapped around the loose fur of the dead pups neck and exposed his stomach, it was as if the heavens were mocking him for leaving Secret Woodlands behind and he would surely pay for it until his dying days.

In an effort to comfort his frantic wife he took the pup from her sight, his limp body wiggled with his quick movements as he sought for a suitable place to play his son to rest, it would hopefully be the last Renier male he would be forced to say goodbye to. Lying the male down softly he examined him, sniffing at the wet areas of his nose and stomach and realizing that the male was probably much smaller then his surviving girls and wouldn't have made it past a few days in his condition. It had been for the best and he would not allow his son's memory to be in vain,  "I will never forget you, ever." he whispered before burying the limp body in the deep grasses where scavengers would no doubt get their fill. He didn't have time to prepare a proper burial, he needed to get back to his wife and surviving daughter.

He left the area in hesitation, each step feeling heavier then the next as he returned to the mouth of the den with a metaphoric weight on his shoulders. He would not tell Iopah that he had not been able to bury their son, the truth would be too much for her to bare, he only hoped that the two could forget his moment and simply remember his very brief existence. Having returned he heard the cries of another child and felt his heart lurch at the sound of another healthy child being brought into the Pines pack, they would be strong and they would help to carry the legacy of the Renier's forever in their veins. "What should we name them?" he was never really good at names but he knew they should be strong and meaningful, something that everyone who met them would remember, "Ember" he blurted, noticing that though his daughters looked like twins, the color of their bigger daughter seemed rusty in hue, as if set ablaze, and she reminded him of the fire that burned in his wife's eyes. They were perfect.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
-squints- we're almost to 10 posts, think we can do it?

The silence lasted only moments. Iopah's gentle tending send up a volley of squealed protests as the pair roused and nosed deeper into the soft fur of her belly, even the smaller and quieter gray pup added her own thin wail. Their mother gave a relieved sigh and let her head flop down to wait. Certainly the newborns had made enough noise to beckon their newly-made father inside. She felt them nurse against her and let gold eyes rove over the interior of the den. It was warm and clean despite the birth that had just occurred. From the shadows that played faintly on the curved walls, Iopah knew it was nearly dawn. She'd been up all night but, as her eyes caught on a tucked bundle of herbs, she rose slightly to reach out for it. It was the gift @Aideen had brought and the tired mother did not hesitate in downing it. Pale ears flicked back with distaste, but at least there was no sharp ginger.

She gazed up fondly as Koda entered the den, but could not help the quick glance to both sides of him. The third pup had not been forgotten and her smile faltered somewhat as the man settled himself to gaze upon his daughters. They squirmed aimlessly, thoroughly unaware of the importance of the moment. Ember, he said decisively. Iopah followed the direction of his gaze to the older pup and made a noise of agreement. The girl certainly had a personality that burned brightly enough for her name.

The second pup continued her aimless wandering, somehow getting turned around and starting to crawl towards Koda. There was only a muffled squeak as the girl struggled to her father. Iopah did not know how to name pups either. She watched their small daughter -tiny limbs flailing- and thought of the natural world she knew. The girl was quiet and wild with movement, like the limbs of a sapling or fern in the breeze. "Bracken" She said quietly, followed by a searching look up to the newly-named girls father.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Iopah of course we can make it to 10 posts! :D

He could feel her eyes upon him and yet his gaze remained locked on the two bundles near her stomach as silence engulfed the new parents at the welcome of their newest litter. He did not know what to say, and no consoling would make the incident of having to be rid of one of his children any better but the aging male was confident that this was just a stepping stone for wonderful things to come. This land would be good to them, and it's members would remain loyal.

A faint squeal from one of his daughters broke his concentration and finally he glanced at Iopah with a weak smile along his face, she was his pillar and he couldn't thank her any more for giving him the gift of new life and for that he leaned into her and lick her cheek, stealing a nuzzle along her neck. His instinct to protect her was at full swing and he glanced behind him at the sound of movement near the mouth of the den--seeing nothing he turned back around to finally settle on his stomach. This was a cause for celebration and what ever nervousness and uncertainty he felt would not be sensed in her company, she didn't deserve to worry any further now that the hardest part was done. "Thank you." he whispered to her as his eyes fell once more on his daughter, lingering a moment or two longer on the newest that had been named Bracken, such a strange and fitting name that he immediately accepted.

"We should enjoy this moment for ourselves a day or two before allowing the others to see them." he was protective of them after all and couldn't fathom anything happening to them with so many members craning their necks to see both Ember and Bracken. They could wait, but then again it was Iopah's final call and he respected what ever wish she had, "what do you think?" he asked, leaning into her ever so slightly to lick at her cheek a second time.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
hehe, then I'll keep her awake for a bit longer then, and I couldn't resist the 'Hunger Games' quote at the end xD

A gentle caress was placed on the nursing pup at her belly, a tender glance was given to the darker pup now starting to search her father's side. Already she loved them so fiercely and so wildly, the new mother couldn't imagine a force strong enough to separate her from her children. Iopah heard his whispered words. There was a slow flick of her ears in the gray dawn and her gaze lifted, heavy with tiredness, but bright with joy. "You're welcome," She whispered back over the murmured squeaks of the two pups, "but you don't have to thank me." She had wanted these children as much as he had. Without Koda, she would still be living in the thicket; obedient and lonely. She had as much right to thank him.

She sighed contentedly at his touch, feeling her weary body sink down further. All the worries that had kept her awake and busy all night were fading as dawn reached thin fingers of daylight into the den. The birth was over and both mother and pups were fine. Their father was here to watch over them. Iopah made an inarticulate noise of agreement, folding pale ears back at the idea of others in the den... stepping all over and around her newborn pups. "No," She mumbled while shifting to curl up on the den floor, wrapping exhausted body around them. "I just want you here." They could see them later. As much as she cared for @Silentium and trusted Zia and Inkheart, they didn't need to see her girls just yet. An ivory muzzle rested on her out-stretched fore paws and gold eyes rolled up to Koda. "Stay with me?"