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A mirage of our own — Lost Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis
Sorry this is so short.

"Not long," he answered returning his attention to the newcomer. "It's best to wait till they are feeding," he offered. Not to mention his stomach seemed to be waking up telling him that it was time to eat. He would not deny it for long but choosing to wait till the fish were feeding would ensure that he and his new friend would not go hungry that morning. Having fished in this lake before he was already sure of the approach they would need to take so he had no concerns regarding the fishing they would be doing.

His thoughts were drawn back to why he was on the shore of the lake in the first place, the decision that he had to make. "No, I did not but that is certainly good to know," he replied when his new friend spoke of the pack at fireweed rise. The question that followed was a much heavier subject. "It's true living with a pack does have its advantages but I want to be sure for everyone involved that I am making the right decision," he explained. Des's well being was of course at the top of his list but she was not the only one to consider.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2015, 06:42 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
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Alphinaud Lothaire
Alphinaud nodded with enthusiasm. He could wholeheartedly agree with Kajika. He too, wished to join a pack but not only to reap the benefits. He wished to protect, he wanted a family he could care about and someone to worry over. Not to forget the puppy season where he would be able to dote on all the little balls of fur. He missed the closeness of warm bodies when he went to sleep and in general the family feel. ‘I understand and agree with you, Kajika. After all a pack is something that falls and succeeds with the members. I hope I will find a home somewhere in the near future, I miss the pack life.’ The white male smiled ruefully as he thought about his old pack. He really missed the order and life but he never regretted his choice to leave. Now he had experienced moons of new wolves, places and even several new foods. Lizards were odd but quite tasty. And now he had made a new friend, a possible new family in the future and this realm was without exception stunning. Not for any world he would change his choice from the past. He would have been happy with his sister and mother, might have worked himself up to Alpha and found himself a nice female. But now he actually felt he had lived, he took risks because that was one of the things he loathed. In such matters someone could say he was a bit of a coward, but Phin always thought he would rather choose wisely rather than rashly.

265 words

{ ooc notes Shall we do the fishing and end it after that?
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Sounds good

Kajika could not disagree with Phin’s statement about a pack falling and succeeding with its members.  He felt that for a pack to succeed it needed not only strong members but also ones that were willing to put in the work that the pack required.  He felt that each member should feel like part of the family so that they would want to work harder for the well being of the whole pack.  That was what he wanted to be able to offer Fallen Tree Cove if he did decide to join. “You are very right in that statement.  Without everyone doing their part things can go very badly for the pack.  I’m sure that you will and I hope that it is the right place for you when you do find it.” Kajika nodded at the last part, “It does get lonely out here on your own.”  Kajika had almost forgotten what it was like to live among a pack where everything was good and the members truly cared for each other.  In the end his pack hadn’t been like what he thought a pack should be like, what he remembered it as a young pup.  He did hope that he would find that again but as always it was so hard to know if he would without knowing the future.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2015, 05:56 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
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Alphinaud Lothaire
‘It sure does, loneliness is not exactly my favorite mood.’ He smiled ruefully as he looked at the mountain tops. Yes, he could imagine this place to be quite lonely without companion. High above the ground, far away from everyone else. Not his cup of tea for a long stay that is. He was sure whatever pack or group Kajika would join, they would have a good one on the dark male. It was never bad to have a friendly face in your midst, and he didn’t think that just because he also quite friendly compared to others. Kajika seemed to know his fair share of knowledge, definitely not a simple leech on your pack. He wondered how long the two of them would stay alone. Considering they both started to feel the presence of loneliness, it was often the first signs to find a place and settle down. But Kajika had been in this realm longer than himself, honestly the white male thought he would find a place to call home very soon. Otherwise he could always offer the man a home when he found one himself.

The lake rippled, breaking the consistent mirror that had been next to the two wolves. His eyes wandered as he saw an occasional air bubble ripple the water. Curiously he tilted his head. His eyes went to Kajika as he spoke silently with his eyes. Was this the right time? The water was still bloody dark but he almost swore to see a flash of silver on the surface. His ears perked up as he stared at the water surface. He wouldn’t mind a little fish in his stomach.

278 words

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

“Mine either, it does start to take its toll after a while,” he said in response to Alphinaud’s statement about loneliness.  Kajika felt that it wasn’t a good feeling for a lone wolf to have as it brought the spirits down.  He thought that in order to make it as a lone wolf one had to keep their spirits up so that they had the will to go on.  Staying a loner had become more difficult after meeting Des because he was always drawn back to where she was.  Now he had the chance to stay with his friend and part of him felt that it wasn’t an opportunity that he should let by.  Though he did still have his worries he was starting to think that whatever risk might be involved in joining Fallen Tree Cove might be worth it if he had his friend and home that he cared a lot for.

Kajika’s attention was brought to the water as one of the fish that was hidden in the lakes depths caused ripples to spread across the surface.  Alphinaud’s unspoken question didn’t go unnoticed as he glanced up at the sky.  “It’s seems feeding time is upon us,” he stated, “Would you like to go first and I can give you some tips or would you like me to go first?  You can watch how I do it and then you can try,” he said giving the white male a chance to decide how he wanted to use the help that Kajika had agreed to give.  He thought his new friend would know which way would work better for him.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2015, 11:51 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
Kajika spoke, finally it would be fishing time. ‘I would like to give it a try, when I miserably fail you can save me from my misery.’ He said jokingly but a few swishes of his white tail expressed the man’s enthusiasm as he padded to the liquid. His eyes patiently looked at the light colored fish that swum close to the surface. He slightly remembered his old fishing days. His younger self that splashed into the water like a mad wolf. Of course scaring all the fish in the pond to the frustration of his sister. He would have to be fast in order to get any fish from its habitat. In his mind he recalled the image of a bear fishing in a river. This situation was slightly different but the white artic guessed it would be the same principle. One white paw slowly lifted from the ground as his eyes followed one silvery fish in particular. As a thunder he swooped his paw down in a hook manner, splashing the water in several drops. Of course there was no silvery fish splashing on the solid surface. Instead the fish jumped up into the water but soon found its way back into the water. Scurrying away deeper into the lake, where it was safe and sound. A soft huff came from the male as he looked at the rippling water. He hadn’t expected success on the first try but seriously he felt a little pathetic right now. His eyes wandered to Kajika, silently asking what the heck he had done wrong.

250 words

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

  Kajika nodded when the white male said that he wanted to give it a try first, “That might be best then I can see where you’re at and what you might need advice on.”  It would be better if he could see where the male was in his skills when it came to fishing.  He didn’t want to tell him something that he already knew when he could be spending valuable time on something that was unknown to the white male. He waited patiently watching Alphinaud’s movements as he made his way into the water and went about catching his fish.  AS he did so Kajika mentally made notes about what he thought his new friend could change in order to help him be more successful.  However as he watched from the shore he became rather confused about the young man’s methods when it came to catching fish.  Kajika hadn’t ever seen another wolf fish in the way that his companion was and he wondered where he had learned to fish from.  When the white male was unsuccessful Kajika wasn’t surprised but being the sort of man that he was he wouldn’t say anything that would discourage his friend.  The look that was given him by the white male told Kajika that he was in that moment seeking the help that had been promised.  “Perhaps you should try catching them with your mouth?  It would make it easier to keep a hold on them once you have one,” he suggested hoping that might help the male in developing a technique that would work for him.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2015, 10:04 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
Phin chuckled as Kajika made a slightly confused expression. It seemed likely they both had different ways of doing things. Since his bear mimic wasn’t exactly successful he wondered what Kajika would say. The other male proposed to fish with his maw. Alphinaud licked his lips and looked back at the fish filled lake. Hmm, he never did that before. Eating water seemed a bit silly but if it worked he wouldn’t mind splashing water in his eyes. The wolf stepped in the water, if he had to catch stuff between his jaws he would need a bit more room, he wasn’t a snake after all. As he stood frozen for several moments, eyeing the fish like a hawk, he wondered where Kajika had learned to fish. Where the man came from, but there was a time for everything. And right now it was fishing time. He was sure he would meet the dark brown male again, if not to simply visit him after some time. Slowly the fish eased after his rash attack on the scaled little snacks. Looming over the water he picked a target before he launched down, dropping his head open jaws ready to bite into anything, something. He felt something, in between his jaws he got the side of a fish. The thing was spassing between his jaws and Alphinaud looked slightly crazed as he tried to keep the tail from slapping between his eyes. Well at least this worked… but it was dangerously close to his face. Anyhow, the white mail swished his tail in victory as he stepped back on the dry soil. ‘Hey it worked, good tip!’ He grinned as he plopped the fish out of his maw. The thing splashed more on the ground but soon lay still, probably due the lack of air but it had to die anyway. ‘Your turn.’ He said with a grin as he looked at the brown male.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika supposed that everyone had their own way of catching fish but when the white male came up with an empty paw as it was he’d made the suggestion of trying to snatch a fish with his jaws.  The dark male waited patiently on the shore as he watched Alphinaud try out the method that had been suggested.  Once his companions head disappeared under the water though he could not tell what was happening but he was pleased when after a few moments the males head appeared once more and with it a fish trying it’s best to escape the grasp that held it.  “I’m glad that it helped,” he stated when told that he’ given a good tip.  As stated by his friend it was now his turn so as he had done in the past when fishing with Des he stepped through the water to where he knew the fish would be.  Each step was placed carefully so he did not disturb them and when he was in exactly the position he wanted to be he waited as motionless as possible till he picked his target.  Once he had decided on the fish that he wanted he let his eyes follow it for a moment before he struck his head disappearing under the water open jawed and as he felt the sides of the fish graze his canines he clamped his jaws closed and brought his head from the water with the fish wriggling between his teeth.  Satisfied with his catch he made his way back to shore. When he reached he dropped the fish that had now stopped moving, “Now that we both have breakfast shall we take them to a better spot to enjoy them?  There’s a sandy spot right over there,” he indicated with a tilt of his head, “That’s a bit softer than the bank here.”

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2015, 12:56 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
Watching Kajika hunt was a fascinating sight, it might be because he never someone really fish like him before. Either way the white male observed carefully every cautious step his new friend made. His jaws set in a lock around his own little victory of today. He decided he would spend the day in Kajikas company. Unfortunately life would ask him to leave the next afternoon, to taste the adventures behind the lake. His set on the lake and the lands beyond. He should remember this place for when he was settled. There was no doubt he would visit his fishing friend if he had the chance. Kajika’s head went under and Alphinaud looked as he went up with a fat fish wriggling between his jaws. A grin, which was mostly covered by his own fish, spread as they now had both food for the day.

His head bobbed up and down in a nod as he moved over to the preferred spot. He could feel the sand sticking to the wet parts of his fur. It would be a mess to clean later as it stained his white coat. But he couldn’t be bothered with right now. As he spit his fish on the ground he waited for Kajika to join him on the ground. ‘Good catch, let’s eat as we both deserved it.’ And with that he took a ceremonial first bite. Fish tasted very different from fresh meat and he missed the bloody metal flavour. Yet the squishy fish was a good meal and he chewed on it with joy. ‘You mind if we spend the day together? I bet you can show me some beautiful sights from this mountain.’ Alphinaud smiled bashfully at his new friend. The day had blessed him with Kajika and whatever they did for the rest of the day would be spend in good favor.

313 words

{ ooc notes Ending it here ^^ It was a joy sorry for the endless long wait
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