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Uproar — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
For @Rico

"Hey, come back!"

The mellifluous call had sounded from an excited cry of Rainbow. The childish tones and the enthusiastic voice had always been present wherever she was, and the lagoon wasn't an exception for today. Whether that was a good thing to have or not would be up for the spectators to decide, but it's always a good show for Rainbow's point of view, amongst everything else she does. With all the unnecessary yelps and stomps and noises she makes, one could already imagine her gathering up a bunch of watchers from the shadows. Even though these weren't exactly the type she'd be talking with, the birds and other critters that had grown wary of her were still appreciated.

Teeth snapped repeatedly in the air as they failed to catch the butterfly that had fluttered just a few inches above her. With every attempt comes with a small leap, and unfortunately, each try that she made to get her fangs on its wings all ended in a failure. Exhaustion from the monotonous activity had already crept up to her, but nothing could ever stop the great Rainbow Stripes from accomplishing anything that she wants. With one last ounce of strength, she reached for the insect only to see it fly away higher, to where she could not even think of reaching. Apparently, she was wrong with being unstoppable.

Her paws eventually landed on the shallow waters of the lagoon with a splash, which she had already remembered doing a few days before. It was all accidental this time though, as she suddenly jolted awake back to reality with the water hitting her face. "Curse you, butterfly!" she called, eyeing the tiny figure as it eventually blended with the background. From there, she sat her rump on the cold waters of the lagoon, staring at the empty space in front of her. It was one of those times where she had exhausted all good things to do in her list and she's now just waiting for things to happen instead of starting them herself. Now what?

(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2015, 05:30 PM by Rainbow. Edit Reason: word of the day )
Played by Ash who has 38 posts.
Rico Barreda
Tail seemed to moving on from one side to the other, anticipation was actually beckoning him in a way that could not be denied. Taking a longer walk, stretching his legs. It fixed some of the notion that he was feeling contained, and it was a good reason for him to think he was in a state of contentment. It was why ears swung back and forth on his head, but he found himself almost struggling with his thoughts.

As he balanced his paws lightly, he found the anticipation was actually beckoning him forward, wondering if @Nico was going to end up having a heart attack that Rico was so far without him. The notion was actually stealing him, but he knew he had to get away. The paranoia that his sister might have been in reach, well, that actually made her want to close her lips in a thin line.

Such was why he could not stop the pressure on his tongue, and the cry of another was enough to get him halting in his tracks. Who in the world cursed a butterfly? Out of all things, he found himself wanting to investigate - half worried it was some young puppy who had gotten utterly lost. To think, that would have been a nice entry. He could have joined her pack and she would have been able to dismiss it. For his head to tilt, he found himself unable to stop his lips from curving up at the edge.

"Well, this is quite the opportunity..." Cheeky grin seemed not to be able to stop itself, and the excitement seemed to swift through him easily. It was why he leaned his head forward, and he rumbled in his chest with the association, and his eyes lingered on her studiously. "Butterfly wars; I never thought I would see the day."

"This is speech."

Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
 She was wet once again, a predicament that she always seems to find herself in with the last few days. When it was not the bodies of water that she stumbles upon on or the small puddles on the ground that the rain leaves upon its stay, it was always the droplets of water from the sky that drenches her and her coat. She felt as if it was a mnemonic that she needed to realize if she were to try to avoid the stench of wet fur, but it was not needed for someone like her. Rainbow was not the most attentive individual there is anyways, and she could guess that she'll find moisture clinging on her skin regardless.

The temporary fit of anger had faded into neutrality in a heartbeat, and the idea of chasing butterflies were soon eliminated from her thoughts. With nothing else to spend her energy on, she grew excited with the voice of a male ringing on her ears. She twisted her head to let her eyes lay on him for a moment, before she gave a hearty chuckle. "Yeah, I think I'm winning against them." A large grin on her face reflected the males as she observed his physical features. He had orange eyes, a handsome face - basically someone she can approach. Everyone that looked normal was good for her, and everything that weren't was just as good.

"Say, may I know what's your business here? Chasing butterflies too, or was it something else?" Perhaps she can ask to join whatever the male was planning on spending his day on. After all, she did already deplete today's list of games to play. Besides, what was the worst that could happen with asking the question. Worst case scenario was that she dies and rests in peace, which isn't that bad cause that meant she can now spook others in her ghost form or something. Her best case scenario is that she gets to have an exciting adventure until the soles of her paws bleed, all while having a chaperon on her side.


Played by Ash who has 38 posts.
Rico Barreda
Considerate was not something to avoid describing the male as, but he found himself rather selfish. While she was an attractive woman, there was undoubtedly a few screws loose somewhere. As his eyes moved to start climbing toward the sky, and he found himself unable to stop the notion that was playing on his ears.This was not a game to be won, but be damned if Rico did not already feel like he had made the first move into making it so. For that reason, the excitement was all but suffocating him.

Rico was someone who was not about to deny the fact he was fascinated with the quipped words that were thrown his way, but ears twisted on his head and the consideration was not about to deny him his well being. As his ears swung on his head, he found himself almost laughing with merriment at the excitement that was plowing through his figure at the notion that she was such an easily allured specimen.

"I enjoy a woman who knows how to win," Smooth words addressed, not about to ignore her for the things she had to say. Even as his mind was twisting over the options that were available, he offered the faintest of smiles on the issue, and his tail lashed from one side to the other as he manged to hear her out, and offered the faintest of laughter. "I'm looking to mark some hide and seek points around pack grounds and eventually pillage their goods." Flat words told the utter truth, but somehow he figured she would not see him as so... concerning.

It was delightful! Checkmate so soon?

"This is speech."

Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
 Would she be able to get a playmate for now and help her enjoy every moment of her valuable and much appreciated life? It was the question that had repeated itself over and over in her head, genuinely curious and a bit hopeful that it would be the case upon the chance of her meeting the male by the lagoon. He did show that there would be a possibility as he was the one that initiated a conversation with her, and he wouldn't have done it if he did not want to play with her... or at least, that was how her logic follows. Regardless of what circumstance there will be, it would be certain that Rainbow wasn't leaving him so soon.

"I enjoy everything!" she chirped. While the message was true for the most part, she wasn't too sure of where the male was steering the conversation to. Instead of asking more direct questions to answer the things she was unsure of, she had decided to just roll with it. After all, she was sure that everything that seemed like a game would be fun. "I also enjoy some hide and seek regardless of where and when!" Her rump was raised as she lowered her chest to the ground, tail wagging as a measure of her excitement and playfulness. Her throat had tried concealing a puppy's yip that tried to rise up from her as well, though it was the best she could do to act mature.

Getting back up to all fours once again, she neared the stranger without trying to break any privacy, though it still ended with her face just a few inches off of his. "Say, you're going to take me to your little game, right? Should we do the introductions now?" She tilted her head as her blarney set off, stepping backwards after a few moments and sitting down the ground with her head on the clouds. "You can call me miss Rainbow Stripes, just like those up there." There weren't any though. Turning back to the stranger, she gave a smile and asked. "Looks like there aren't there anymore. What should I call you now?"

(This post was last modified: Sep 12, 2015, 07:25 PM by Rainbow.)
Played by Ash who has 38 posts.
Rico Barreda
The half smile seemed not as ready to abandon his features, although in some parts Rico mused that he should have been otherwise speaking on the tongue of proper etiquette. This woman was not what he would have expected, and her mind seemed to be bouncing from place to place. There was a primary moment where there was a swirl of disgust that seemed to coat itself over the face of the other, unsure of how to reply to such a bold statement.

Enjoyment of everything seemed a bit far fetched, but he was not about to correct her. There was some torment on the matter, and Rico was already pondering if she had no brain - or just a child's brain that had stopped forming. It was a question, but he tucked the information away. Hide and seek would be a good escape route as any for when it was required.

Laughing faintly, he managed to surge forward on his paws as she said the most reasonable things. "Rainbow, do you have another name? Another something tasty that you might have been given the calling of?" Words were probing, taking a question on the matter as he attempted to figure out what was the method in her madness. "Rico though, you can call me Rico."

"I'm not sure you're ready for an adventure I can offer though," The wolf baited jovially, his tail swishing from one side to the other. "Don't you think it's a bit risky to be putting yourself in danger? You're so cute, someone might gobble you up."

"This is speech."