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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
For @Rook
Late Afternoon. Overcast.

How long had it been since that awful day? Weeks, maybe months? Not that it mattered, for all concept of time had escaped the russet coated female. She reverted back to her old ways, focusing on living from a day to day existence. It was how she got by when she was forced to live alone, with only herself to look after. And in a way, a small part of her preferred it like that. Only now, carving out a living was made challenging. Not due to a lack of skill or knowledge; that she had plenty of. It was her very body itself, that was proving to be hindrance. Searing yellow eyes draped closed in a moment of remembrance, images of the recent past flashing behind her eyelids. It had been raining in torrents that day, so much that the keen eyed wolf could only see but a few inches in front of her nose. She remembered how she had gone out on a solitary hunt, to test a herd of mule deer for weaknesses. To see what both they, and she was made of. What she hadn't counted on, was how swiftly and suddenly the storm had rolled in, catching both predator and prey off guard. She had been in the thick of the hunt by the time the heavens opened up, thunderous growls emanating from the clouds. Alongside the herd of mule deer, which she had managed to panic, she had been running, hoping to separate an inexperienced yearling. Out of both foolishness and the inability to see through the sheets of rain, Jynx had not been able to spot the sharp, downward plummeting embankment until it was too late. The herd of mule deer had somehow been more instinctive, managing to avoid the drop off at the last second, while she had not. The terrain was muddy and slippery, already compromising her footing. With a panicked twist, her legs had given out beneath her, sending her body careening down the rocky slope, ending in a harsh landing below. For the most part, by some stroke of luck, the vital areas of her body had escaped injury. But during the fall, Jynx had somehow twisted her rear left ankle.

Thoroughly pissed off and ashamed at herself, she had gotten up to limp away. She had been a great deal of pain, a red hot flash searing up her leg whenever she tried to put any weight on it. With the storm refusing to let up, she wandered to the nearest source of shelter she could find, unable to distinguish one direction from the other. Unknowing that she was headed away from home. Now, back in the present, any signs of the rampaging storm were long gone. Save for that of her injury. Jynx had blindly found her way to the Fireweed Rise, a place she had visited once before. She considered it a sanctuary...a peaceful place, even if she was back in Southern Eden. Against the gentle slope of a hill, covered in the flame red flowers, she rested in the shallow recesses of a half heartedly attempted burrow. The cool soil was hardly enough to keep the heat of the sun at bay, but for the moment, the sky was merciful in providing a healthy layer of clouds, but no promise of rain. Curled up in a pathetic little ball, her fur still dirty with dried mud, her leg laid useless. The ankle swollen nastily around the crucial joints, even going as far as to affect her toes. Refusing to sleep or move, Jynx merely stared ahead with muted yellow eyes miserably. She would wait this out...allow her body time to heal. She snorted softly. She didn't need the help of no healer! She had gotten by just fine on her own before, who was to say she wouldn't pull through this as well? She was beginning to think that she really wasn't cut out for pack life after all. The River wolves probably hadn't even sent someone out to search for her.

With a healthy dose of bitterness and arrogance now running in her blood, Jynx's body posture itself told any passerby that she wanted to be left alone. Even if her injured leg insisted otherwise. The turned back ears on her head, and the cold glint in her eye was an indicator of her mood. She was not happy. Downright volatile was more like it, if the wrong wolf happened to come too close. But even she knew that she would have to get up sometime and attempt to catch what she could. And if that wouldn't work, then she would have to lower herself, resorting to stealing from others. Anything for survival. That was the name of this game. 
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
swept away, I'm stolen

Since his encounter with @Namid, the Leader of Grizzly Hollow had been restless. He still missed her, there was no denying it. For the week after their short meeting, he had carefully avoided @Veho and @Quil; soon after, he did his best in making his rounds, carrying on as he normally would to the best of his abilities. While he had thought to seek out the warmth of Veho's side, the sound of his son's laughter, or the soothing grace that had belonged only to his mate, today, he thought to venture off-territory and look for something he could bring back home. It could have been anything - a strange plant, a sun-bleached animal bone, or even an odd-shaped stone - as long as it held some interesting attribute to its appearance. It would make a decent gift for any of his loved ones; he just had to find it first.

After weaving his way through the trees, he found a familiar marker, rose up on his hind legs to mark the exposed bit of sapwood with his paws, then came to stand upright on his four limbs before regarding the tree with care. There was a Leader about these lands, one who still held its claim even when he was some ways' away. He would be back by nightfall and he would make sure of it if it was the last thing he did.

He bid his evergreens a silent goodbye and with a run that ate up the ground, he ran. He ran until his nose stung and his lungs burned. Then when the discomfort had worn away with a half-hour's worth of walking, he continued to run. He passed through the Marsh, skirted along the Lagoon, and headed east until his muddied paws were met with the soft grasses of Hush Meadow. Rook thought to stay and rest here beneath the overcast sky but as soon as he had reclined onto his stomach to relax, the memory came to him in his own whisper:

"O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, alone and palely loitering?"

An anguished whimper sounded from him and he quickly got up. As much as he longed to see @Beren, a part of him just knew he couldn't; and, to invite even the faintest chance at meeting him, would torment him further and put what he had with @Veho (and Quil) to shambles. Three was probably already a crowd. He walked through the grasses - ears back, head low, and tail level with his spine with a traveler's pace. The purpose of coming out so far from the Hollow was not to grieve over what had not come to fruition but to find something new.

Soon enough the grasses gave way to ground cover that was flecked with reds and purples. Upon closer inspection, their color had come from minuscule clusters of closely-gathered flowers. What was more, they covered the whole of the glade, expanding towards the mountain in the distance and the woodlands where he knew his royal aunt, uncle, and cousins remained in their stronghold of willows. Rook gave his head and coat a good shake, sweeping his nose through the flowers until he had a feeling that he was not alone. His limbs froze and his head and tail rose up. Instinctively he looked over his shoulder, but found no one there. The flaring of his nostrils cued him focus more on his right side and that was where he saw her, sprawled out in the blossoms.

His fur bristled as he gleaned the wariness from her posture and face. He had not intended to leave for the sake of looking for trouble and, yet, the good Samaritan in him reared his head, "He-hello. Nice day for a walk... Come here often?" He only wanted to be nice.

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Jynx is being such a meanie to poor Rook!

At first glance, one could almost assume the russet vixen was at peace, what with how she now held her head bowed down, eyes closed gently. But upon closer inspection, the dull unkempt fur, the thinness of her frame, and most of all, her injured leg, it was quite clear that she was exhausted. A faint, warm breeze brought the scent of a stranger to her dark nostrils. Just great. A sound of irritability bubbled at the back of her throat, but she stayed still like a rock, praying they would just move on and leave her be. But after a pause, there was no such luck. She wasn't going to get any peace today, was she?

Slowly those intense yellow eyes opened from the shields of their lids, fixated on the cream and brown wolf steadily. It was almost deceiving how calm she appeared, with no flicker of an expression save for that of the stone cold mask she wore. Only a fool would test their limits when Jynx was in this sort of mood. Yet she let him come, let him speak. While the Lyall may have once been a member of Cut Rock River, she knew him only by name and scent, not by sight. The fragrance he wore now was indeed rich with the smell of Cedars and pine, elevating a hint of suspicion. Maybe he had just recently passed through the forest, opting to stay a few nights. There was no need to jump to conclusions...yet. After a tense moment of silence since he first spoke, the woman at last came to life, and her greeting was anything but warm. The skin around her muzzle wrinkled, dark lips twitching, threatening to unsheathe her weapons. "A nice day?" She repeated bitterly, as if having swallowed a maggot. A growl rolled in her throat as she pulled herself to her legs, although her left hind limb remained splayed uselessly to the side.

"Does it look like I came here for a walk?" She snorted, looking down at him pointedly. "Even if I did, I am no shape for an afternoon stroll." She paused, and then continued for emphasis. "As you can see." She seemed to simmer down a little bit then, and dropped back onto her stomach on the grass. This time she made it a point to look away from him, out into the sea of purple and red. "If you came here to offer me assistance or aid, don't bother with it." Her voice was clipped, rich with arrogance. "I can take care of myself." Oh but she couldn't. Not in the state she was in now, with her ankle swollen and only getting worse. But don't tell her that. You'd have to prove it to her first.
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
Aww. That's alllll right. XD He'll live.

If Rook had been in much better spirits, he would have been able to make the assumptions that the woman was alone, that her fur told of her recent travels and that the growl that rumbled close by told of her desire to be left alone. Her head lifted as she regarded him; his tail gave a rather naive sort of wag. It wordless spoke of his want to find something of a conversation companion somewhere behind those vivid yellow eyes. What he got in return was something like a snap to the wrist. Her tone was acidic in his ears and a flash of her teeth warned him to keep his distance.

Again she growled and the Leader's tail lashed out behind him as he braced himself. He held no claim for dominance here; the best thing he could do if he truly dove off the deep end on this woman's bad side was run. Rook was much too stubborn to run, though, not even as she made the effort to stand up.

The rogue stared daggers at him, "Does it look like I came here for a walk?" His mismatched eyes seemed to comb over the unkempt patches in her coat as he looked her over again, his gaze remaining on her leg for a long moment when she mentioned that she was in no shape for a walk. He might have not been anything of a healer, but there was no mistaking that something had happened to her ankle. A part of him wished now that he had actually thought of bringing @Veho along. It could have been productive with two sets of jaws bringing the last of the late summer herbs back to the Cedarwood.

She settled back down onto the ground and looked away. Rook's ears fell back, wanting to have pity on her and to actually bring her back home to have @Titan and Veho take a look at her swollen limb. He took a step back, three of his limbs shifting while his left forepaw remained in place. When her voice came again it was still in that same curt and haughty tone. She didn't want his help; she could take care of herself... She sounded just like his father in that sense.

He thought back to how he had always pictured the story where his father had sprained his wrist. It had been years before Rook and Bishop had even been born, and a frustrated bear had gotten territorial over her part of the stream when Borden had accidentally encroached on her hunting grounds. He had been searching for Prosper and she had mistaken him as a fishing rival. A fight transpired, edging both parties into the water. All it had taken was one misstep and Borden's balance was lost when his left forepaw slipped off a partially submerged stone; he dashed his paw on another rock just beside it beneath the water. The bear had gotten a good hit on him with a swipe of her paw, leaving him with his now characteristic limp once he hightailed himself out of the river on the opposite bank.

Looking over her condition again, he wondered if he might consider continuing being kind. "I'm sure you can," he confided in her abilities of fending for herself. Sure, a three-legged wolf could still hunt, scavenge and seek out water but to properly heal such an injury, perhaps it was better to extend an offer to bring her to his medics' attention. "But are you sure?" He winced. "That looks pretty painful. I know someone who could expertly look at it where I come from not far from here." There was no want or need to introduce himself as Grizzly Hollow's Leader just yet. He didn't want to come across as bossy or too insistent. If he couldn't force her into his care, he would at the very least present her with a chance of going somewhere where she could mend with others to look after her. "They're rather nice. I just... It's against my code to ignore the hardships of others. After you've come 'round and can walk normally, you're welcome to leave or stay." He made a face, as if he could just imagine how her ankle felt, "My father hurt his paw once and kept walking on it. He limps now; not very precise with hunting anymore."

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Much to her displeasure, the pack wolf still did not leave. Even after she had made it crystal clear that she did not need, nor want him around. The flame coated female had no idea who she was dealing with, let alone a recently appointed Alpha. Even if she did, chances were that in her current state, she wouldn't have cared. Rooted to the ground, she remained poised and tense, much like a coiled viper ready to strike if provoked. The demeanor of this mismatched eyed wolf was unusual, given their present circumstances. Instead of being domineering and full of a no nonsense attitude like most others would respond with, he remained placid. Even friendly. Had Jynx been a meaner individual by nature, then she might have well used his own softness against him, making him out to be a fool. She debated about sending a sharp nip at one of his paws, in hopes that he might ABSQUATULATE, but then he backed off a few steps. With no indication that he would come closer, she was no longer quite so eager to drive him off.

He was a stubborn one, that was for sure, as  he was proving merely by sticking around. But at least now he had finally seemed to notice her easily spotted swollen ankle. Turning her front end to face him directly, those russet ears pricked forward as he at last found his tongue again. Oh, now he was questioning her ability to survive on her own! Wonderful! Searing yellow optics narrowed, pinned boldly to his face. Truth be told, Jynx was being just as stubborn as Rook was right now. Only he had good reason to, while hers were not exactly valid. A harsh snort forced a strong gust of air through her leathery nostrils. "Of course I am." Came her clipped reply. Sharply, she swung her head to one side, perhaps to disguise her uncertainty. "I am a natural born survivor, after all." Ah now here she went with her whole tough girl act, which was in fact, partially true. Rook was met with silence, his words falling on attentive ears as he went on to explain he knew a few wolves who could assist her. What's more, he even insisted that they were quite the amicable bunch. Perhaps to win her over.

Clenching her eyes shut in what could almost be mistaken as a pained wince, she considered her circumstances. Her thoughts flew back to the recent past, and even further back into her early childhood. Had she been naive the whole time when she first came to Relic Lore? Were her assumptions about pack life as known to be beneficial and enriching all misplaced? Or has she simply been childish, letting to influence of a single wolf blind her judgement? A wolf she no longer trusted, at that. Jynx was still quite young, even though she tried her best to act mature like a wannabe role model. She had a lot of soul searching to do, still. When the male mentioned his own father, and how he too, had hurt a paw, that was when something chipped away at the ice surrounding her heart. Her thoughts went back to Karrick, her mentor. He had been a wise, noble male. He would not want to see his beloved pupil failing so miserably. This was not how he had raised her. With a resigned sigh, she gave in and opened her eyes to face Rook again. "...Very well." She said grudgingly. "I will at the very least, let them have a look at it." Her demeanor had softened, but not by much. "Then I will decide what to do from there..." She thought quietly to herself. This time, Jynx was taking the whole process one step at a time. No more recklessness.
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

She agreed and, much to his relief, she also assented to have the Hollow medics look her over and make sure that she was all right. "Of course," he nodded to her, making it clear that she truly was allowed to make her own decisions in whether or not she would be staying. The pack had grown over the past few months; it wouldn't have made a difference if she decided to simply take advantage of him and his hospitality in the end (though, something told him that it was quite equally  possible that she would stay). Now, if he had been a little younger than he was now, he would have stumbled over his words, seeming stupid in asking if she was all right to walk the distance from here towards the heart of Cedarwood Forest. Instead, he waited for her to move, he could wait for whenever she was ready...

"Do... Would you like me to help you?" he offered next. A part of him was becoming unnerved, rendered more and more uncertain from her glares and obviously begrudged tone of voice. He supposed he could learn a thing or two from her here and there; Rook, in general, was not one to be known for his austerity or inflexibility... Sure, he was stubborn, but that was an entirely different matter.

"Should be there by nightfall and, if not, well, it'll be there when we get there. We can follow the creek northward after we head through the meadow; could take as many breaks as you need and let your ankle soak in the water on the way there." Like a newborn giraffe he merely stood in his place, already running around in his head about what ought to be done. Get home, call for Veho or Titan, assist if need be, help with anything else as she settles in... His tail waved in the air, though it was in a more amiable manner this time around. "My name's Gaheris," he introduced himself. "And you're...?"

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Almost done!

As her nerves began to settle down, so did her temper. Rook would be able to see a visible difference. Her body posture was no longer so tense, nor her bright eyes so harsh. But she still had her armor on, just in case. She could plainly see, just from his actions alone thus far, that he really wasn't much of a threat. Or hiding any dark intentions. Heck, he even seemed nervous and a small part of her felt for him. She hadn't meant to come off as so hostile. It wasn't like he was the one who had gotten her into this situation. At least though, he was willing to help her get out of it. When asked if she would like some assistance, she shook her head. "No, thank you. I have already been here resting for the past two hours, so I think I will be alright." This time her voice was a little warmer, but Jynx was still adamant about proving she could handle herself. "But if the going gets too tough, you may step in."

She had been planning on asking about how long the trip would take. He was already ahead of her though, and summarized it nicely. "By nightfall eh? I suppose that is not too bad." Moving forward, while keeping her left hind leg safely raised inches off the ground, she tested her mobility on three legs. It was less than graceful. More of an awkward hobble that her body was unaccustomed to moving in such a fashion. But it would do, as long as she took it easy. Stopping again as he introduced himself, she filed the name away for memory. Unaware that it was not his true title. Since he smelled of the cedars, and she too had once been a resident in that forest, she would not take any chances in giving away her name, in case he had heard of her during his short stay in Cut Rock River. "Thank you for the help...and your concern, Gaheris. My name is Wacipi." She let the fake alias roll off her tongue easily. It had been a name she had used while living as a lone wolf, when encounters with pack wolves or other loners was inevitable. "Let's get going...lead the way."

(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2015, 12:09 AM by Kjors. Edit Reason: Tags. )
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

The woman did not require his aid, at least for now. Fair enough; if she needed his help, he would gladly step in. As he watched her finally stand up once more, he merely observed, not saying anything in an effort as not to upset her or brush her fur the wrong way. He wouldn't intrude or force himself upon her; so long as he could rest assured that she would be on the mend soon was enough. In his mind, it meant that there was one less pained individual in the world... one more deed carried out.

"Thank you for the help...and your concern, Gaheris," It was here that Rook finally comprehended her gratitude and much more relaxed demeanor, a sentiment of appreciation in her voice. Wacipi. "Pretty," he complimented. Though, before he could run away with himself in asking what sort of tongue her name had originated from or what it meant, she suggested that they get going. Right. In giving her a once-over, he started their journey with a very slow, leisurely pace.

By evening they had reached the Marsh and not too long after the first stars had started to emerge, the edge of Cedarwood Forest where a wall of ancient evergreens rose up to the heavens. He had allowed Wacipi all the breaks she needed; hopefully she would be fine until they found the places where the streams of Heartleaf Creek branched off into deeper rivers throughout the forest. It shouldn't be long. He gave her a heartening nod before stepping past one of the rough-barked trees, beginning to lead her through the dark and taking care that he chose places where the roots wouldn't trip her up. They would finally meet Veho and Titan in a matter of minutes; thereafter, it was only a matter of time before she would be able to walk properly again and prove to him just what his aspiring medics were made of.

(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2015, 12:09 AM by Rook.)

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

She offered him a simple nod at the compliment. Unable to say anything more. She needed to focus on her balance...on walking properly on just three legs. She wondered how he'd react when he found out her real name. If he would think it was just as pretty. She followed behind him at a slow but steady pace. Hobbling awkwardly, her muscles burning in protest from all the extra use. Clenching her jaw firmly, she put up with the discomfort. This was only a short term inconvenience, until she could rest in the safety of a pack, tended to by their healers. Every once in a while, she was forced to stop and take a breather. Once, she had made the mistake of placing the tiniest bit of weight on her injured leg, which sent a spike of pain shooting through the limb. It was unbearable, and she of course, swiftly withdrew her leg back into it's raised position. The swelling didn't seem to be going down yet, and the scuffed flesh was a bright shade of pink. But, there were no open wounds, thankfully.

Jynx continued on with Rook in silence, trusting him to lead the way, as she had said. She was not entirely unfamiliar with southern Eden, having resided in the very same forest he called home before. But this made her think. He was a pack wolf, no doubt. And before she departed with the River wolves, there had been only two other packs in the region. Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge. Was he a member of either of these packs? Or could he be a part of the newly formed Grizzly Hollow, that she had heard would set up camp on Cut Rock Rivers doorstep? Well, she would find out soon enough. Her experience with the River wolves had not been a bad one, but it had not been great either. She had nothing against Kisla or Maksim. But Karpos, had earned a long term spot on her black list. She did not get a good vibe from Kjors either. As for everyone else and the children, she just felt too displaced. Ignored. Perhaps when she saw what this pack was like, and if they embraced her presence and made her feel welcome, then she would consider staying for good. Once Rook brought her close, to the edge of the CedarWood forest, she felt relief wash over her now tired body. It wouldn't be long now, until she could rest and get on the mend.

(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2015, 12:10 AM by Kjors. Edit Reason: Tags. )