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will you still love me the same? — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
For @Vespertio <333

Her home. Her world. Gone in split second. The kill that she had that day had been laying in a patch of mushrooms that was unknown to her. Before she knew it, her head was spinning and her momentum was slowed and wobbly. Visions and hallucinations raided her brain. She was seeing her father every place she looked and she just couldn’t get away from him. He was nipping at her heels though she was running as fast as she could. Miles flew past as well as hours. She couldn’t stop or he’d kill her. When she thought she lost him, he’d appear out of thin air. Her uncoordinated running soon became steady and her head became clear again. But, oh was she far from home. No more were the sandy shores of her lake or the rocky slopes of her mountain. Athena was in the vast plains miles and miles away from Lore. Her heart pounded against her chest and the worst migraine came over her. Her legs trembled and she had to lie down before she collapsed. “Where am I,” she wondered, her fiery eye looking around at the endlessgrassland that she had found herself in.

That was right before the Swiftland Clan healer had found her. He had watched herenter the grassland and continued until Athena had settled in the grass from exhaustion. Weeks passed before the healer would let her leave, though she thought she’d be fine to travel back to Vesper. The healer kept a tight watch on her, guards posted outside her den at all times to prevent her escape. Despite the seeming prison atmosphere, she had made friends in Swiftland while she recuperated from her overdose of mushrooms and extraneous travel that left her barely able to walk. Then Winter came. The worst winter the grassland she was in had ever seen. When the snow melted and travels would be safe for her, a hunting accident left her hurt and in the healers paws once again. She swore on the Heavens that they wouldn’t let her get back to her pack or more importantly Vespertio. The Heavens were cruel to her, but eventually time went by and she was healed once again. It was tough to leave the grassland as they had treated her so well, but sheneeded to get back to the Lore. That was where her home and heart was.

A couple weeks travel and she could feel the rocky slope of the Dire under her paws. Taking a deep breath, she entered the Lore from the north and headed straight for her lake. Athena didn’t know what would face her when she arrived. Surely her pack thought she abandoned them, but once again the Heavens ripped away what she held dear. Shecouldn’t imagine what Vesper thought or how he was going to react to her coming back. Athena dreaded the thought of what could have happened while she was gone. Hours went by as she climbed through the rocky passes until she finally came upon her rockyledge. Only a few knew of this place and it seemed nobody has passed by here in a long time either. Settling onto her hunches, she gazed out at the horizon. The chilly wind combed through her fur as the sun began to make its decent beneath the horizon line.Her favorite time of day. The colors and sights always managed to take her breath awayno matter how many times she saw this view.

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2015, 06:54 PM by Athena.)
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Sunset had come to descend upon the world once more as golden hued optics watched the fading light transform the glass like surface of the lake from shades of aquamarine to those of pastel pinks and purples. The sandy shoreline delicately being lapped at with each wave that attempted to place a wet kiss to the toes of Vespertio's paws. Yet, such affection seemed unregistered to the patriarch as eyes seemed unfocused glancing towards the horizon ahead with the sinking sun at his back. A million different thoughts taking their turn in rampaging across the forefront of his mind. He needed space to clear his thoughts and such serenity couldn't be found on his lakeside estate. No, he needed to go further, higher.

A single glance towards the silently looming mountain was the only consolation Vespertio needed to set his creamy limbs into motion, aimed for those specific rocky slopes behind the nightshade flowers that had been untouched since his sunset rendezvous with the ivory woman that once held his heart captive. Inside his chest he felt a calling that didn't need to reach his ears to beckon him forth, urging him to follow the path skyward to that tiny outcropping they shared a special moment with. The Vuesain male couldn't place his paw on why he had an inquisitional feeling that he would find the answers he sought up there, but the strength behind the invisible tug was too much to ignore. Thus he began the climb.

Loose rocks tumbled down the mountainside as well trained muscles scaled the craggy heights. Lungs accustomed to the thinned air lifestyle bringing the needed oxygen easily to his muscles and flowing blood. It didn't take long for him to reach the tucked away overhand that as expected, but what wasn't expected was the colorless form that he found sitting upon this special spot. Shivers coursed along the length of his spine in the form of a chill far too cold to be caused by the decreasing temperature associated with the coming of night. 'I'm dreaming this..' His mind tried to make an acceptable excuse for this obvious hallucination, eyelids closing and squeezing tightly to give his optics time to correct the sight he couldn't possibly be seeing. It was far too long ago that she deserted them, him, for it to be plausible for her to be here now.

But when they slowly lifted open the ghostly form of Athena didn't disappear, if anything she seemed more real then ever. Inhaling deeply he could smell her unique perfume, the memory of her aroma during their time together flooding over him in drowning waves. "Athena.." He whispered slowly, unsure how real this dream could truly be.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Her mind wandered as she sat on her ledge. Athena has shown the most important in her life this ledge, but she barely knew where any of them where or if they were still alive. All of them weren’t in her life because of her careless mistakes. Every time shefound happiness or had a glimpse of it, it was ripped away from. And every time she’d get back to her life in the Lore, somehow she’s mess up once again and ruin everything she worked so hard for. Athena never got a break. Her heart couldn’t take much more of this. She needed salvation and to have her happiness back. Where she once strived for power and leadership, she no longer can pursue that. Athena needed happiness, not power. Happiness was what her soul needed and longed for. She needed to find her Vespertio and make things right. She also needed to find her children, if any happened to be in the Lore, as well as Ash. She needed to right the wrong she caused all of them. No more was she the evil White Witch. Today was a new day for Athena.

A singular fiery orb watched as the horizon flooded with the soft pinks, purples, and wild oranges of the sunset. Oh, how she missed this view and this land that she truly called home. The only thing she was missing were the ones she loved and longed for. Though, she wasn’t sure if any of them would welcome her with open arms anymore. All she ever did was destroy every life she touched. Anyone that came in contact with her somehow felt heartbreak, hurt, or anger. It was a curse, a disease she could never get rid of. Wasit gone? What if she had the chance to be with Vespertio once again? Would she hurthim once more and cause more heartbreak? Athena couldn’t do that to him again. She had caused enough pain here at the Lake. She shouldn’t have even come back.

As if the Heavens wanted to be even more cruel to Athena, they wouldn’t allow her to disappear in the night and not disturb Vespertio’s life anymore. Her intense power struggle in her head made her unaware of the approach of the man that held her heart still. It was only when he warily breathed her name that she became aware of his presence. She met his gold eyes with a single burning orb, her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t speak for a moment as she gazed over his figure, her body standing and reaching out for him. However, she was wary of the unknown within him and didn’tapproach him completely. “Vesper,” she breathed, catching his earthy scent. There were many other scents on him that she didn’t recognize and one female scent stood out profoundly. “I can explain,” Athena stated, her eye falling to the rocky surface between them before looking back up at him, hoping he would find forgiveness in him.

(This post was last modified: Oct 01, 2015, 03:30 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Like a slow motion picture her skull turned to face him upon the whispering of her name, his irises taking in the now fully exposed features of her marred face and milky single eye. Single, fiery orange eye burning into his gold with such familiarity his stomach twitched as if a pinch was far to weak to wake him from this dream state. Tawny body remained frozen as Vesper watched her rise and hesitantly approach, the muscles beneath his gradually thickening coat in preparation for winter tensing for the physical contact he half expected to feel as if nothing had happened between them on her behalf. 

However the touch did not come. No coal black nose nuzzled its way into his undercoat upon his chest or shoulder in search of the warmth his body radiated as it had so long ago. Ivory limbs halted half way from where he stood and white fur lined lips parted to allow her ghostly voice that once registered as the most angelic song in the world to speak his name. Vocal chords tightened to suppress the whine that would begrudgingly reveal the weakest, sliver like portion of himself he fought so hard to lock away all those days ago as her voice threatened to bring it back to the light. Body aching for the familiarity it knew her body against his could fill with ease, but those days were gone. Submerged under layer by layer of cemented heart after succumbing to the fact Phineas had been right about the woman that now stood before him. She had abandoned him at his most vulnerable moment.

With this realization the dream shattered and the pieces of their history together fell around him like broken glass. Where Vespertio's throat once tightened in weakness it now tightened in anger. The pain of her desertion fueling his body with an exponential amount of adrenaline. 'I can explain.' Her words rolled off his shoulders, ears refusing to hear whatever excuse the female could have conjured up on the journey here. Steeling himself for what was to come, leathery lips pulled back in full force as his gaze hardened in a flash. Ebony licked tail steadily rising to begin flagging above the curl of his spine. "Please do because I would love to know why you are foolish enough to step foot near my home again." Vesper gave Athena no time to answer as he dove right in with his verbal assault. "Do you know how many days and nights I spent pushing my body to the limit in search of you and the entirety of the pack?" How could she though?

A low growl interrupted his words, settling on the electrified air between them. "Kassander, Andromache, Ren, Rayne, you all gone in the blink of an eye.  What little was left to come home to was the only thing that kept me going. Do you even care the amount of pain you brought me in the process?" There was no going back now as wave after wave of suppressed pain and anger fought and scratched its way to the surface, voice as sharp as daggers with every intent of inflicting this woman with the pain she dealt to him. An eye for an eye, a wound for a wound.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
And I still dream he'll come to me
that we will live the years together

Her heart ached for his touch and warmth, but she just knew things weren’t right between them and he deserved an explanation before she had the right to embrace him. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for any response from him. What if he truly moved on without her and never even thought about her again after she got lost? She feared all the unknown. But she had to take everything a step at a time. Athena could see his eyes harden as he looked upon her, his tail rose over his back and she cowered beneath him. Her gaze dropped to the ground and pale ears folding against her skull as he began his assault on her. She deserved every bit of his angered words. Dread filled her at the thought of him searching for her every night, pushing his body tothe breaking point just to try to find her. The thought of his anguish when he couldn’t find her anywhere. It killed her inside.

Flinching at his rumbling chest, her body sunk closer to the ground. Her curves sunken in from the harsh travel. Athena was no match against him. She felt helpless, but she deserved this. She had hurt him, made him feel heartbreak and anger. Everything she did to everyone she touched lives with. Athena didn’t even have the heart to look up at him. Hearing that her sister had also disappeared, dampened her spirits. Though she was never too keen on Vespertio, so she must have left when she knew she had disappeared. Causing Vesper, once again, more pain with the lose of another able body. She couldn’t grasp at the thought of how much pain she put him through, but oh how she wished she could take it all away.

“Vesper, please...” She whined, her eye glancing up at his steel gaze. “I wish I could take it all away. It was all a mistake.” She began, her gaze leaving his and settling once again on the surface beneath his feet. “Whatever I had eaten that day gave mehallucinations that I couldn’t get away from and I had gotten lost miles away from here. A healer found me collapsed in exhaustion and sick.” Athena could remember clearing how terribly real those hallucinations seemed and made her travel so far away from home. “He wouldn’t let me leave until I was completely healed, then the snow made it impossible for me to travel through the grassland and mountain ridge. Then when spring came, I was making my leave when I got into a hunting accident and the healer once again wouldn’t let me leave. I tried so hard, Vesper and each time I failed you,” shecried, her eye pleaded with his as she looked up to gaze at him.

“I’m so so-rry,” she pleaded, her body moving closer to him to feel any forgiveness from him. Her body ached for his love and warmth it hurt. She was such poison toeveryone. Killing them slowly and painfully with every breath she took. Athena was just acurse for everyone that only caused pain in their lives. “They were just so real,” she mumbled about the hallucinations of seeing her father trying to kill her at every turn. Maybe she just should have let him take away her misery then.

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2015, 01:36 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Mood Setting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOFAJjrGCrs

Satisfaction began to trickle into his veins as Athena began to cower beneath his shadow and the weight of his words. The flinch her body portrayed in response to his onslaught stroking that scarred wound over his heart. Oh how badly he had wanted to bombard her ears with these words, how badly he wanted to make her feel as  helpless as she had him those following lonely mornings. The struggles he endured to keep a hold on what they created together and now ultimately belonged solely to Vespertio. This was no longer their lake, but his and now with this unexpected encounter the tawny man could find the closure his heart desperately needed.

Muscles tensed further as the woman at his feet whined his name, the opening line to her fictional story that would make everything she had done suddenly okay because a sob story was always the answer to ones problem. Golden optics refused to meet her single orb as she spoke, shifting their attention to the view just over the ledge of their secret ledge to watch the canopy of the forest below being cast aglow with the fading light of sunset. Although eyes refused to see, rust tinged ears did perk forward to catch the assumed lies that slithered off her treacherous tongue. Apparently her excuse was due to hallucinations and a healer that refused to let her leave until healthy once more. It took an extensive amount of self control to keep from snorting his disbelief in her face. Did she really expect him to believe anything he heard come out of her mouth?

It was the sound of crying, though, the finally brought his vision back to her marred face. The tears that began to roll down the fur of her cheeks and the sincerity he saw behind that burning orange optic cracking the steeled resolve he spent so long building around his heart in the aspects of Athena. Instantly once aggressively pivoted ears swung back to nestle against the back of his skull, a part of him wanting to reach out and console the hurt behind her iris. To touch the woman he loved so long ago to fill the emptiness she left behind, but flashes of Namid and their children filled the cracks in his foundation. Eyelids closed once more as the world around him began to spin. Thoughts of both woman that had come to take precedence  in his life swimming across his mind. Here Vespertio had come for answers, yet found himself drowning in more questions.

A whimper was the only clue to his internal struggle as he backed up slowly, dark masked face shaking from side to side as if the action could rid the numerous thoughts clogging his mind. How could he still feel something for a woman that left him in pieces? How could he let another woman slip into his mind when a wife and family waited for him at home? More confusion ensnared the Vuesain than clarity. What was he to do?

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
And I still dream he'll come to me
that we will live the years together

She could remember her determination to create a new home on the Lost Lake. Recruiting her founding members and having her sister bring Vesper to her. Instantly, the two of them had a connection. Each wanted something and they were each able to give the other what they desired. Vespertio had desired power and leadership, while Athena needed an able-bodied member and a suitable alpha male. Both delivered and what seemed to be only a business relationship, flourished into much more. Athena loved him and she knew he had loved her. But was that all gone now? Could they even try to fix this and start again? She could feel his pain as he refused to meet her sorrow filled gaze. Athena desperately wanted to ease his pain, to take it away and have himnever feel it again.

Marred face wet with tears as she met his golden gaze, a whimper escaping his throat as he began to retreat away from her. Whimpering, she followed his steps, “Vesper, please. Let me show you I’ve changed. I can take it away,” she pleaded. She had no other place to turn to. Athena had to right the wrongs, but would he let her in? Remembering the time they had together, becoming closer and falling for each other as they founded their own legacy on the Lake. Her showing him the very place they stood, she had let him capture her heart and she had captured his, but had lost it. She wished to the Heavens everyday that she could reverse back time and change all the wrongs she has done to so many.

Athena was a changed woman since being within the Swiftland Clan. They had taught her many things. She now had compassion and forgiveness in her heart that she wished to give to everyone that she has wronged her. “Let me earn your forgiveness back,” she whined, stepping closer to him, her body rising off the ground. “Please, and if I can’t then you never have to see me again.” She stated, her fiery orb on his blackened mask, praying that he would somehow give her a chance.

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2015, 01:40 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Depending how she reacts to this will determine if he takes her back to FTC or no. Should be just about wrapped up now.

Golden eyes remained sealed tightly as Athena's words danced around the velveteen fur lining the inner workings of his audits. How pleasant her words sounded promising to take away all the pain and heartache she had caused to begin with, pleading her defense that Athena Moon was now a changed woman. Gradually his tear slicked eyelids began to lift and reveal those tormented iris below, body remaining tense as they watched the blurred, ivory form before them inch closer and closer. Audits flicked mildly upon the sound of her whimpers that echoed his own that continued to fall from his swarthy lips. Could Vespertio truly come to ever forgive this woman, his vixen as he had nicknamed her so long ago?

Silence settled between the duo, his goldenrod gaze shakily meeting that of her single burning orange optic. Their extended time apart had come to change the agouti man as well. No longer was he the power hungry brute of yesterday, but a wise and justified leader. No longer was he a man beaten by the memories of a love not meant to last, but a man lavished in never ending adoration from both a wife and three beautiful children whom he never would have had had life not followed the path they did. Could he bring himself to merge his past with his future? What possible thoughts would run through Namid's head if the man she loved so unconditionally brought home the woman of his past?

A growl of confusion rumbled within the confines of his chest, each and every different type of scenario playing out across the forefront of his mind. "Athena things are different now that you need to know.." His voice fell tenderly as if speaking had become a task in itself. "I have a wife and children now. If you stay, you will have to accept that she is at my side." Deep down he could feel the pain his words would cause to the woman before him, like a fresh lashing to an already open wound. Yet, could she truly be all that upset considering the time that had come to past? The pack still needed a leader, their legacy needed to thrive. Regardless of her absence life moved on, refusing to pause for any one person. 

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
And I still dream he'll come to me
that we will live the years together

The howling of the wind, whipping through her snowy fur, the sunset only a sliver on the horizon now. The colors she lived to see, replaced by the chill of the night. Darkness began to surround them as well as the silence that followed her words. Her heart trembled and ached to be in his embrace, though the emotion in the once steel hardened eyes spoke of all the pain that she had inflicted with her absence. Was there anyway to take away that pain? Would he even let her get close to him ever again? The cold wrapped around her as his golden eyes trembled to meet hers. She couldn’t find the words to explain the pain in her heart to see him like this. When all that she could see were broken memories, he was always the light that was in the dark and she couldn’t see losing him. He was her hope. The hope that she needed. All she wished was to be his heart and his light like he was her’s.

His words were shaky as she looked upon his bronze orbs, her heartbeat pounding against her chest. They were tender in delivering the news, but her heart wasn’t tender in breaking. Her breath caught in her throat as she turned her gaze away from his eyes and to the distance behind the man she loved. He had moved on from her. There was another in his embrace and children to call his own. Nothing was in her thoughts while the shock rendered her speechless. Could she even blame him? She had been gone for half a year with no words spoken. This had to be a dream. Her heart ached at the thought of his love falling to another. But no matter how much pain filled her heart, anger couldn’t rise. This was all on her. Her mistake which led to this. Vespertio provided for the pack she had dreams of creating once again on her lake. Her Vesper kept her dreams alive. But without her.

The flame in her eye didn’t shine was bright as her gaze lifted to meet his. The reality of him moving on, broke her deep inside. However, she needed to keep her promise to him. Even if it meant their live together could no longer be. He had moved on, she should to. The thought of moving on from him without doing what she promised could never be an option. Athena had to do this, even if it meant living with the one that replaced her. "I understand," was all she could manage from her tightened throat. Athena never imagined it this way, for her life to forever take away her happiness. Every time she was one step closer to getting her happiness, the Heavens ripped it away. She never imagined it to hurt this much. It hurt to understand that she could not have the embraces that she dreamt of in the grasslands. It hurt to realize that she could not have his heart like he had hers.

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