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stillness — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Pack meeting. Round 1 ends October 11th. @Vitani @Erebos @Datura @Gilligan @Celandine @Mahle @Kyna @Wren @Maeve

Aesire was dead. Aponi was gone. And Phineas found himself the sole guardian of a child who had been terrified of him only a moon before. Vitani now reigned as the lead female – and in truth, the only adult female within the pack, given Celandine and her friend were still yearlings. It took everything the male had to not simply corral Kyna, Takis and Celandine away – to steal down the mountain and find Narime or Elettra and request to join them.

And he still wasn’t convinced he would not, one night, do this. His desire to reign over a land had long since dwindled.

But for now, the morning light filtered through the cloudy but blue sky, and an autumn chill clung to the air. Tipping his muzzle back, the alabaster wolf called for his pack mates – those that remained. He beckoned them to him, for the Plateau needed to have a meeting. Far too much had happened over the past month, and to move forward, he needed to solidify the pack bonds they shared between them.. or, at least, what they should have shared. As his call quieted, the large male made to take a seat, awaiting his members to return once more.

Played by Rachel who has 38 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Takis Argyris

He had not been home for long when his father called a meeting. Takis had heard of Aesire’s demise, and Aponi’s rise to leadership.. before relinquishing her title and leaving the pack once more. The youth had been trying to track Celandine down – uncertain of how she would receive the return of her brother. Before he could trace her, Phineas’ howl had rung out across the Plateau, and pausing, Takis gave a small wince at the realization that Celandine would see his return through this, rather than him finding her. Yet he could not ignore the demand of his leader, and so the boy remained resolute.

Releasing a soft sigh, the boy made his way to where the meeting was called. Phineas was waiting, his large form regal as he sat – and yet Takis could see age practically blanket his father’s weary form. The boy dipped his muzzle lower in deference to the leader as he came in, his bright eyes drifting around the small clearing before settling a respectful distance away. His eyes sought out his sister – wondering if she would show.. and hoping that once she did, he could sidle up beside her and try to talk to her.. if not before, then after the meeting.

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer


Often sleepless nights plagued the girl – it was not an inability to fall asleep, but the ability to stay asleep in the dead of night that kept her mind racing.  A dream would startle her awake, and Kyna would lay still at her father’s side for hours as she tried to make sense of the pictures and sounds her mind had shown her.  This went on until the very wee hours, and only then did she find herself exhausted enough to drift back off.  Fortunately, the alpha had left her to nap in the den undisturbed, for which she’d become accustomed to.  The ground was still thick with his musk, and the princess did not fear eminent abandonment just then.

Phineas’ summons stirred the girl from her sleep, flame-licked eyes blinking slowly as she tried to register the location.  Pink tongue curled from her jaws as she yawned and stretched her feet before her, allowing herself a moment to adjust before climbing out of her safe spot.  Into an easy trot she broke, navigating the territory with more confidence than she had in the past.  Excursions outside of Silent Moon Plateau had instilled a small ounce of self-reliance inside the girl, and as she sleepily rumbled along, she did not stumble or trip.  Perhaps Kyna was starting to grow into herself.

Or perhaps not.  Navigating towards the white male, the princess sat her rump down beside the man, leaning into his forelimb.  “Da--” she began as she glanced up, realizing quickly that despite the sunset orange eyes, this wolf was not her father.  Her own eyes going as wide as dish plates, she stared up at @Takis blankly for a moment before scurrying to her feet, realizing her father was actually a bit further.  Quickly scrambling to @Phineas, she peered around him carefully at the other wolf, glancing between the pair several times as she tried to assess their similarity.  “What’s wrong?” she finally inquired quietly, leaning into the correct wolf this time.

(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2015, 02:55 PM by Kyna.)
Played by Namara who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The child hadn’t been sleeping well, truthfully, being plagued with nightmares that made sleeping difficult for him. So, instead, he was looking for treasures like he always did. He tried to bring one to his mother every day, though it was proving more difficult than it should be, because only the truly special things would work for her. It was while he was searching through the rocky terrain that he heard a howl summoning him and the rest of the pack together. His tail dropped and his maw found a frown on it. He needed to go to the meeting, yes, but he didn’t particularly want to. He weighed his options and considered what would happen if he didn’t go to the meeting – would they think he ran away?

Unenthusiastically, he started his venture towards the source of the howl – Phineas. He found a few bright side - @Maeve and @Kyna were going to be there, or at least he hoped he would see them both, so maybe the meeting wouldn’t be so bad after all. He arrived, not a smile nor a frown on his face by the time he reached the gathering crowd as he sat down away from the others, feeling somewhat displaced compared to Takis, who looked so similarly to Phineas, and Kyna who looked towards her father. He didn't make a sound, and he simply sat there, curious eyes gazing at the leader.

[Image: h2SdTgd.png]
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Aside from the occasional visit from Celandine, Maeve's lifestyle had formed a rather distinct routine. With the first glimpse of sunlight peeking it's way through the plateau's den, the pudgy girl would prop herself up and simply find a new place to sleep. A place far away from the other members of her pack, somewhere where the girl wouldn't have to trouble herself over the next unwanted conversation. From that point, the last remaining female of the Destine-Caravello bloodline would make motions toward eating and small talk with her brother Wren, but only when absolutely necessary. Her kin worried for her, no harm in that, though she wished that just for a day she could live in complete solitude. Isolate herself from the boy who'd seemingly found pastimes that eased his pain whist she had nothing. Perhaps a bitter statement, though the monochrome pup had not yet found a coping strategy that suited her fancy. Perhaps she had the wrong idea when it came to her sibling, but a conversation like that was far out of her reach. Today she'd planned to stick with her usual script, but of course nothing can ever just go as planned.

A howl interrupted Maeve's melancholic state, and a rather distinct one at that. Truth be told a pack meeting was just about as undesirable as anything else that had ever interrupted her plans since her mothers death, though particularly this was something she was groomed to believe an important event that couldn't just simply go ignored.With a heavy sigh, the colorless youth dragged her paws toward the noises location, and refused to acknowledged any familiar faces as she angrily took her seat next to Wren. 'Makes no sense why I gotta be here anyways. Jus' wanna go back to bed is all.'

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

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[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Her father's call still held the same deepness it always had, the same authority she remembered. For a moment, she could have told herself that nothing had changed. Evy's irritating voice might have spilled into the air, Takis' might have exchanged a knowing glance with the former youngest Argyris, but in truth, everything had changed.

Aponi's disappearance had been such a relief, but for what? Celandine could hardly call herself a princess anymore. She didn't look, or sound the part, and in a world such as theirs, that was half the battle. Who would follow her now? Especially with her closest adviser gone. With a sigh, the pale girl turned, to head toward the heart of Silent Moon. 

As her small steps neared the meeting, she caught a scent on the air. It was not the faint traces that had once lingered upon the rocks after his departure, but a strong musk that was undeniable. Takis had returned. She felt her heart jump-start, before it caught in her throat. The youth had almost let her emotions get the best of her. Almost. Placing a cool mask upon her sharp features, the soon-to-be woman kept her amber eyes forward, unable to even glance at her brother. Instead, she chose a spot next to Maeve, and let her rear fall to the soil below.

Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

Authority called, and the youth supposed it behooved him to answer.  Giving his scent trail one last, mournful look, Gilligan sighed heavily and turned away from the squirrel he’d been tracking.  With much more time on his own, the yearling had taken it upon himself to actually improve his survival skills – now, whether or not he was actually teaching himself anything worth while was debatable, but how did that bromide go?  Nothing ventured, nothing gained?

At least he was giving it an honest effort, and if nothing else, the slender male was slowly increasing his stamina and strength while spending hours jogging the borders and tracking small animals.  When he got close enough to spring, the lad often spent some time on the hunt, and was finally starting to fill out to more appropriate portions after several moons among his pack. 

Loping easily towards the sound of the call, the yearling slowed once he reached the gathering.  Phineas was offered the bow of his head, tail sweeping low as the yearling glanced around the other wolves.  All three children were here (and not an extra one, he thought with a wry grin), and two yearlings.  The lad, he knew not at all, but he smelled like Silent Moon and looked like the alpha’s doppelganger.  Accepting this easily, the redhead swung his head to look at the female, whom he recognized, but only on sight.  After a moment, he trotted towards her and settled down right next to Celadine, his tail swinging behind his haunches as he leaned over.  “Hello,” he chirped, ears pressing forward.  “I’m Gil.  Don’t think we’ve met, yo.  Properly.”

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
/slinks in with tail between legs

Datura had been keeping to the fringes since that night two months ago. Things had been complicated. And as things began to crumble away from him, he was abandoned by both his sisters. Belladonna would have none of him. Aponi was unstable and concerned more with the death of someone long dead than the blood on her paws and the cubs she had made orphans of. He did not wish to be implicated in this mess --not anymore. It was too dangerous. It was madness.

He just hoped no one had noticed his scent on the ledge. Certainly no one had said anything to him, save for Gilligan.

The golden man followed his son to the gathering, feeling in his gut that there was no reason for calling this meeting that would favor him. His eyes roamed over the assembled, noting the lack of his grey opponent and eventually settling onto the orphans. A white woman he had not seen was sitting with them, and he eyed her uncertainly. Was she the one taking care of them now? His son, on the other hand, appeared to be entertaining decidedly different ideas about the young female. His lip curled. What was he doing?

Datura took a seat apart from the two different groups of caretakers and pups. "Gilligan," he barked gruffly, "Over here." He gestured with his nose to the open ground beside him.
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Played by Becca who has 43 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Vitani Lieris
Feel free to slap me :x

She had been further than she wished to be when the call came out. While she set out at a pace slower than she should have it was evident on her pale face that she was nervous. A light whine crawled up her throat out her mouth, a sound only to be heard by herself. It was time to face her nightmare. Every judgement would surely be thrown towards her if there would be one to have.

Picking up the pace with anxiety she came upon the scene. Faces already there. Phineas, Wren, and Maeve. The only familiar faces about. Taking in a deep breath she threw a smile at the Destine children, a soft nod at everyone else before taking a place closer towards Phineas. Looking at the ivory regal next to her she nodded to him composing herself physically and mentally. "Phineas." It was a one word greeting. The only thing she could truly muster up.

Looking around her eyes grazed everyone softly. Another child, three younger yearlings, and one man. Her mind start to think to Erebos, where could the silver male be? Biting her tongue she decided it would be better to let everyone else compose the beginning of a meeting. The Lieris woman had never been much of a social person. She also assumed that this was the last thing she'd consider to be a crowd. Perhaps the lingering feeling of anxiety kept her overly worried.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
A hare swung from his jaws as Erebos descended from the mountain's heights to heed his brother's call. Pride welled within his chest, but he hid the notion, knowing that it would be silly in the eyes of others. Yet months ago, when he had been on his own without purpose or direction, this feat would have been impossible. Had been, until a certain stranger had been kind enough to lend a paw and help the man chasing a few down. Now, with muscles rebuilt and a new lease on life, Erebos did not need @Kajika nor anyone else to assist him. Not in hunting, not in defending himself, not in anything. Yet still he was here, a good subordinate to Phineas, keeping the borders daily, helping with the caches, occasionally herding the children. For it to no longer be a need but rather a choice made it the flavor all the more succulent upon his tongue. Finally, within his seventh year, Erebos had come into himself.

When finally he arrived to the gathering, it had seemed he was the last to join the party. His burning eyes swept over those present, noticing a theme of disinterest evident upon all of their faces, even glimmering within @Phineas' features. The pack was not connected in any sense, and Erebos himself had not be present enough in the social aspect to recognize this until that very moment. He'd thought it to be just him, avoiding the others lest they test his sour disposition, but it would seem this might be wrong. Concern became present within his mind, but he would make no display of such a thing. Without hesitation he approached his brother's side, dropping the hare and rolling it to him before nudging his jaw in a show of deference. A small smile was given to @Wren (the kid decidedly wasn't so bad now that he was deemed a non-threat) and a wink tossed to @Vitani as he settled in. Keeping his head low in regards to his king, he reclined and awaited what was to be discussed.
(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2015, 05:26 AM by Erebos.)