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he made a present of this silver — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Well since the new round hasn't started yet. I assume that Gent and Raela had already spoken with Kova about other pack topics sometime before this meeting..

The howl was one that Kova had heard many times before. Gent was calling everyone together, but this time the silver prince wasn't too keen on racing over. His leg was a bit knocked up from a slight stumble over some frozen boulders, so he wasn't going to be running to get to the meeting on time. Kova didn't want to further his slight injury, plus he wouldn't mind bearing the brunt of Gent's annoyance at his lateness. To be honest Kova didn't care at all if Gent was angry with him, he just wanted the lead to not be unhappy with the younger kids. They did not deserve the black wolf's anger.

With a little perseverance Kova eventually made it to the meeting place. Everyone else was already there, and to his disdain he spotted Gent and Raela at the head of the group. Kova hid this negative emotion well though, and instead outwardly showed a concerned look on his face. Among the wolves closest to the leading pair were Alphinaud, Cessair, and Zilas. Moraxia was not much farther away while Draven and Calanthe sat completing the semi circle a little farther from the other young female. Kino and Marianna sat by themselves, and Kova was much inclined to either join them or Draven and Calanthe. As he limped onto the scene with his head bowed respectfully low, the gray youth settled himself beside Kino and Marianna simply because out of the whole lot of wolves they still looked the most unhappy.  “Hey guys, sorry for my lateness..” Kova spoke softly to Kino and Ari before glancing up momentarily to Gent and Raela. The talk he had had with them still produced mixed feelings with the young man despite having plenty of time to think about the topics involved. He knew what they expected of him, and he also knew that at his current level of strength that Kova would not be able to do it. I need to learn some more about fighting, but with who? his thoughts often led to this question. For despite the odds being against him Kova did not want to give up his right to leadership without a fight. Even if he lost he would continue to try. Tokino and Minka had instilled a pride in him that would not die here.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
I'm so sorry about being so terribly late with this, everyone. Thank you for bearing with me.
Again, this meeting will be giving up a lot of information, and so Jen and I have broken it into 3 rounds of Raela and Gent covering all the necessary topics. After both Gent and Raela have posted, your characters are welcomed to speak up about the subjects presented each round. If you feel your wolf has nothing to say at the moment and would rather not post (as we understand that three rounds of just sitting and listening is tedious), then it is perfectly fine by us if you don't! If you do want to post, please make sure it is by the round deadline, or else we will be moving on with the assumption that your wolf remained silent. Please, do not post retroactively by interjecting conversation in a round that has already past as this confuses the natural flow of the thread and also does not give others a fair opportunity to respond to your wolf. If you have concerns about this, please PM myself or Jen and we will be happy to work with you.
If you miss a round, do not fret! There will be opportunity at the end for your wolf to speak up, or if preferred Raela and Gent will both be open to one on one threads after the meeting to discuss any concerns, questions or suggestions your character has. We do ask that at the end of this meeting, you post an exit for your wolf, and remember, to claim life points you must have at least three posts!
ROUND 1 - Entrances
ROUND 2 - Intro/Leadership Change (G), Restrictions/Children ®
ROUND 3 - Sparring/Rank Challenges (G), Hunting/Intrapack Relations/Coping with Grief ®
ROUND 4 - Alliances/Interpack Relations (G), Closing Comments/Opening the Floor ®, Exits
*I realize Gent's trip around the circle will not necessarily be written in the order that everyone is sitting, so please just pretend that it happened in proper order according to where exactly you envision your wolf to be in regards to others. xD;

As expected, @Raela was nearly immediately at his side, and her presence was a miracle cure to his nerves. Her smile was returned, though the curve of his lips could not hold back a certain tinge of sadness as she took her place beside him. She deserved this, every inch of it, but he could not help the tug at his heart as he was forced to face for the millionth time that it would never again be Minka taking her regal position at his side. As she touched his shoulder in an expression of assurance, he tilted his head to the side, leaning his temple against her forehead ever so briefly to return the sentiment. Despite the darkness that still clung to the air around them, there would be nothing mawkish about this day. He could feel it in the energy emanating from his friend, could almost taste the change upon the air. The rain cloud was breaking up.

 The first to arrive was @Zilas, and despite his novelty to the pack the man already held a large portion of the king's trust. His presence was met with a confident smile from the leviathan, and his greeting met with a firm nod. Swiftly after approached @Calanthe with Draven in a tow, an unexpected duo that had rapidly formed shortly after Minka's death. Seeing this brought up several emotions from the pit of Gent's stomach, none of which he allowed to play over his features. Calanthe had by now earned both her keep and the monarch's trust, and her exceptional care of the boy was appreciated. Yet Gent couldn't help but feel a sting that the boy would choose to cling to one of the newer of their additions rather than seek comfort from those who had been with him since his birth, his father most off all. In fact, the boy seemed to do all he could to avoid the king. A low chuff was thrown his way in greeting, though he tried to keep all tinges of hope out of the sound.

 When both @Marianna and @Kino also promptly joined the swiftly growing gathering, Gent felt a sprinkling of relief cool the fires of his nerves. It was a comfort to know both that they were still willing to heed him, as well as the clarity of the fact that they had been obeying the rules and had been well within the pack's borders. A smile was given to them as well, though he doubted it to be returned by either. As much as the children felt themselves to be utterly disowned by the pack, it was very clearly not so; however, it was painfully obvious that with Minka's passing, he had somehow been revoked the title of father. Even if it was just a temporary rejection amidst their grief, the sting of it could not be soothed away. One step at a time, he had to remind himself as he lifted his gaze to meet @Moraxia ‘s approaching form. Shortly after her was @Alphinaud, and they both were given nods of greeting as they took their seats without a word.

 Nearly the last of them all to be present was @Cessair , and the totality of her appearance caused Gent’s stomach to drop. She was gaunt, weakened, consumed, and this was the first he’d truly seen of it. How could he allow her to sink so low without seeing it, without stopping it? This was the final nail to the coffin of his grief as the man raised himself even taller, his purpose bolstered with this final reinforcing beam. As if to echo it, his eyes passed to @Kova as the boy too joined them, a limp in his gait and the king thirsted to know the cause of it all. He had neglected them, consumed by his own grief and self-perceived displacement, and they had been the ones to suffer for it. No more.

 The king rose to his paws, and without hesitation crossed the circle of gathered wolves to reach out to Cessair. There had been a time when touch was utterly off-putting to the man, when the notions of comfort and physical support were absurd to him. It was this very pack, this very family that had taught him otherwise, molding him from an arrogant yearling to the king he was today. The man stretched his muzzle forward to nuzzle Cessair’s cheek, before he passed along her side, brushing firmly against her in a show of solidarity and pure appreciation. She had been there from the start of it all, never turning away from the pack nor its needs. Passing the crown onto Raela was only the latest show of selflessness she displayed in regards to others, and Gent’s appreciation for her was endless.

 He went next to Zilas then, affectionately butting his head against the other man’s shoulder. Their promises had been made over a half a year previously, and yet here the tortured soul was, having fought his way back to the king so that he may keep every word. Moraxia received a light nip to her scruff and shoulder, a reflection of their playful yet competitive relationship. She was strong both physically and mentally, a steadfast guardian who had picked up the responsibility that had been abandoned by others without question nor complaint. To Alphinaud, he rested his muzzle atop the other man’s forehead for a brief moment, a clear sign of both trust and respect as his throat was made available to the other’s teeth. From the moment he’d met him, he’d known the man to be solid, level headed and dependable, and Gent had great faith that he would one day make for an irreplaceable source of counsel.

 Moving on swiftly through the circle, Gent pressed his cheek to Calanthe’s. She had been worth the temporary drain on their caches, the sleepless nights of her night terrors, the training sessions needed to whip her muscles back into shape. Of everything she had returned to the pack, Gent truly was most thankful that she was keeping her eyes on Draven. Draven, the most pitiful of the three children. They all had been extensively damaged by Minka’s passing, but it seemed that Draven’s young heart had been torn completely in half by it all. Scooping him in with a heavy black paw, Gent pulled him into brief hug before returning his space to him and moving on to Kova. The boy, who was the only one among them to know the true extent of pain rendered by losing both parents, was met with respect as Gent nosed the underside of his jaw, lowering his own head below that of the yearling’s momentarily to do so.

 Lastly were Marianna and Kino, sitting close by own another for solidarity. No expectations lie within the king’s head as he approached them, allowing them to pull away if they so wished without complication. Yet if permissible, he attempted to give them both a lick upon their crowns, as he always had before the tragedy of losing Minka. To them alone did he actually whisper his appreciation, a single “thank you,” not to be audible in anyone else’s ears. He knew how much they wanted to avoid the pack, to avoid their grief. In Kino’s case, Gent was under the impression that the ghostly boy felt he had no more reason to respect and obey the king. Yet they both were here, timely, attentive even if separate, and he wanted them to know that he was thankful for this. Wanted them to know that their efforts were acknowledged, that he did not see them as just their reactions to their mother’s death. They were still children in his care, to be encouraged and cared for, and he was still determined to repair the damage that had inexplicably been done between them.

 At last, with every one of them accounted for, Gent regained his positioned beside Raela, pale eyes passing over those gathered one last time before he eased into a reclined posture. It was time.

 ”Alright,” he began, voice strong and clear. ”We have a lot to discuss, so let’s get right to it. We all know the events of the past two weeks, but I’m going to take the opportunity now to clearly address them, no matter how obvious they may be, in order to clear up any miscommunications There’s quite a bit that needs to be addressed, actually, but this isn’t all just us talking at you all. We want feedback. We want to know what you are thinking, feeling, wanting, so if you feel compelled to speak up, do it. If you want to speak privately, well… don’t forget that each of us here is available to one another, always.”

 As he spoke, Gent’s gaze wandered the faces of those before him, monitoring reactions, ensuring that he was being understood. Every inflection was important, and was noted, filed within the monster’s mind. No longer would he be passive, no longer would he miss details. The Lieris monarch was determined that every single crack, no matter how small, would be sealed.

 ”Minka passed away after a seizure while she and I were talking alone together within the Glen. We don't know why this happened; all we can know is that she hadn't been feeling well for a few weeks. I think... she must of have something. Something that we couldn't know how bad it really was. Despite how bad it sounds, she went peacefully. She was gone before the tremors hit her, I promise you, and as you all saw... it seemed she merely went to sleep." Emotion he didn't want began to creep into his voice, but he steeled himself quickly as he moved on, refusing to allow grief to dominate this meeting, this moving on.

”Minka was buried in that Glen. It is as close to sacred ground as anything we’ll ever possess. It might lay outside of our territory, but I’m sure that the sentiment is shared that it must be protected. I ask that you all keep in mind that it is to be a sanctuary for all of us, and that no Crest wolf is to be forced within it or forced from it.”

 He would be damned if any of the wolves before him strove to covet the location and shut out others, or act disruptive or disrespectfully within the closed circle of pink-leaved crab trees. It was not expected that any of those present would commit such a sacrilege, yet still the king strove to make this clear with his words. It was also intended that outsiders not be allowed to trample upon the ground. The others might not see this as a crime, given that the grave lay outside of their jurisdiction, but the king for one would be willing to spill blood to keep Minka’s final resting place from being defiled.

 ”Raela has taken up Minka’s crown. Cessair peacefully and willfully declined her rightful ascent to this position in order to relay this privilege to her. This is not temporary. We are your leaders, and we will not waver. This you can trust. However, this does not displace our surviving royalty. This pack is still Minka’s, and it is her legacy that will continue to thrive. Kova and the children are not stripped of their titles as princes and princess, and are not to be treated in any way contrary to this. It is expected that when the time comes, should they choose to shoulder and earn the responsibility, that they will follow in their mother’s paw prints under the Lagina name.”

 It was an effort for the man not to point out another clear factor in the children retaining their birth rights, as that factor had been muddied by the children’s own actions. He had been there from their birth, claiming them as his own children. Even with their mother passed, their father was still king, continuing to solidify their royal rights. Yet given Draven’s avoidance, Kino’s blatant dismissal upon his mother’s death, and Ari’s confusing back and forth, Gent no longer felt comfortable claiming this fact to be true. In all reality, he was no longer sure that these were his children any more. Perhaps his tie to them had died along with Minka. Perhaps he had been fooling himself all along to think that he could truly be a father to them.

The notion was greatly upsetting, stealing from him both his control over the situation as well as the semblance of family that he had grown to cherish so much. Yet it was something he did not feel safe confiding to anyone, and so like many things it was simply avoided. His inner turmoil was not allowed to reflect upon his features, even as he so closely approached the subject. Instead, his ice cool eyes merely transferred to Raela’s, passing the baton over to her.
(This post was last modified: Oct 19, 2015, 09:26 PM by Gent.)
Played by Ace who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marianna Leigh

At first, only Kino came to sit with her – it was not surprising, but it still stung all the same. The girl drew her head upwards when her brother arrived, offering him but a nudge in greeting. She’d seen Raela and Gent when they were angry, and now was not the time she’d risk opening her mouth, not when the entire pack was there. They’d all sided against her and her brother, after all, and she saw no reason that they’d suddenly changed their mind. The child would have remained content to huddle with her litter mate when their older sibling arrived – late, but welcome. He was the only one who didn’t ostracize the pair he chose to sat with, perhaps illustrated then by the Lagina solidarity. It dawned on her, then, that it was almost as if the three of them had been pitted against Round Stone Crest on the whole.

“S’alright, Kova,” she mumbled, leaning over to pressed her nose into his side, too. The silver princes flanked her, and Marianna found herself feeling a bit safer with two brothers at her side instead of one. Settling comfortably between them, she tipped her head toward the lead pair. She had missed Gent’s smile, too busy avoiding the eyes of other wolves staring down at own feet.

As all the wolves finished gathering, the lord got to his feet, moving slowly to greet each member of the pack individually. Most of this was met with mild curiosity, if not uncertainty, as the older members of the group were addressed. When he got to Draven, her heart lurched into her throat, eyes going wide. That was her spot, she thought with a stab of jealousy, ears folding backwards as she watched the entire thing unfold. It made it hard to breathe, even and Gent moved on. Kova was treated like an adult, and the swarthy male leaned in for the pair of siblings…she only stared back up at him with a questioning gaze, uncertainty scrawled across her face. The lick was not turned away, and the ‘thank you’ did not go unheard, though it took the child several more moments to remember how one was supposed to respond.

“Welcome,” she whispered so softly, dropping her gaze back to her feet with a miserable sigh. Unfortunately, the anguish did not end there for the girl, for Minka’s death was to be discussed. Slowly, silently, Ari slid downwards, paws scraping through the dirt until her belly hit the ground. Ears folded against her head as she continued to study the earth, trying to count pebbles while toning out whatever it was Gent was saying – but she couldn’t. Raela had taken what was Minka’s, and the girl bit her tongue to bottle up the ache of her pounding heart. What did it matter, that they weren’t stripped of any titles? Her mother was gone now. Round Stone Crest meant so much less without Minka here, and all at once, Marianna wished she could vanish into thin air, no longer having any desire to be a part of this meeting.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
This round ends soon so Ima post Kova now before it does.

Kova shifted slightly nodding a bit when Ari answered him. He gave her a pained half smile, echoing the same want to not be at this meeting that she had. Then his face switched back to a solemn one as Kova noted Gent's movements around the group. Kova looked seriously to Gent's eyes for a second before forcing his eyes to the males body instead. He tilted his head in curiosity when Gent lowered his head below Kova's and nosed the underside of his jaw. Slightly confused at the signals Gent had given to him Kova tried to lower his head below that of the black male before the dark male pulled away. Gent was a fugleman right now, no matter what information Gent and Raela had spoken to Kova about future pack matters. It did not feel right to accept the respect Gent had just given him. Looking towards Kino now to keep his gaze away from Gent, Kova let a stuttering sigh float through his parted black rimmed lips. The young wolf had been very conflicted about what the alpha's had talked to him about. This only worsened it.

When Gent moved on to the head of the circle again Kova finally relaxed. Though as he see's Ari laying down Kova moves to do the same and lay his head over her wide developing shoulders. It was hard to believe that she, @Kino, and @Draven had grown so much from the little furrless beans that he'd seen in the birthing den so long ago now. The the lads blue orbs trailed along Gent and @Raela's forms as they began to give the pack information. Kova listened in greedily absorbing the information that they gave out. The Glen was being made sacred ground, which Kova wholly agreed with. He only wished that his father could have been brought to their territory. Brought to this new home, but nature was not kind to him. Though the thought of digging up a piece of Tokino's remains to bury him beside Minka did pass through Kova's mind. However he felt a thrill of freight pass over his frame. What if his fathers spirit did not want that? Would he be cursed? Though its sad, it may be safer to let things be... Kova thought bitterly before concentrating on what was being said by Gent again.

The bit about the pups still keeping their birthright despite everything that had happened was old news to Kova. However the lad did cast a sad look over to Cessair. The she wolf was looking even older, and ill as she sat on the chilled earth. A feeling of loss began to overcome Kova and he had to cut off a low whine as it began to form in his throat. Then he took his eyes off the elder female and looked at the ground unhappy with things in general. He had nothing else to say right now.

Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

Cessair had raised her sunken eyes to receive Gent's words as the meeting commenced, but instead she found herself receiving the man himself. Hardly did she know how to respond as her leader nuzzled her. A faint smile graced her lips as she accepted the touch; perhaps she would contemplate Gent's reasoning later. The contact was comforting, after all, so why question it? With empty eyes that saw without seeing, Cessair watched her king walk around greeting every gathered wolf. Surely, this was not the same youth from months past that she remembered; he had grown and matured, and despite all the pain in the gathering place at that moment, Gent's change was good to see.

At last, the meeting proper commenced. Cessair listened with determined attention. That is, she did until Gent began describing Minka's passing. An almost overwhelmingly painful hollow sensation bored into the grieving woman's being as she heard for the first time the exact circumstances of the death. It was terrible to think that for all the pack's efforts to protect its queen from threats without, Minka had succumbed to the one influence they could not prevent. It was terrible, but Cessair could not feel. Her expression was blank and her throat oh, so dry.

Then Gent's voice wavered. It was hardly perceptible, so skilled was he in hiding his emotions, but it was there. And suddenly Cessair couldn't concentrate on any other words her king spoke. She heard what he said, of course, and she knew she would remember it later, but now all she could think about was that pain that Gent was suppressing. He, of all the wolves there, he (and Raela, too) had to be strong and functioning when everyone else was falling apart. Gent always seemed so steady, but surely he was hurting too. Glimpsing that pain in the moment it was stifled -- how many times had the raven giant had to do that? -- awakened something in Cessair.

Suddenly, she was weeping quietly. This man to whom she had faithfully pledged her services was just as much a person as she was. Gent saw and said, acted and reacted just like anyone else, but he had to be the stone wall of defense for his pack. He couldn't allow himself to have moments of weakness. For the good of the pack, he couldn't afford them. Yet how much did he suffer? It was this thought that finally thawed the prevailing numbness in Cessair's heart, and so her tears fell. How odd she thought that it was not Minka for whom she cried at last, but Gent.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Others filed in after Kino arrived, though none of them seemed to pay any attention to the pair. The silver child hadn’t expected much else to be completely honest, and if anything it only made him a bit…relieved. He didn’t want to have another scene, and wanted much less to end up on the ground with a sore shoulder the next day. Then, a presence caught his eye and he turned his topaz gaze to find his eldest sibling moving toward them. He gave Kova a curious look as the yearling moved to sit down between him and Marianna. His sister seemed quite content to have the like-pelted male there, and so he didn’t give much more than a nod. It was likely that Kino would do little to no talking at this meeting.

Another movement caught his eye and he moved to find the large black wolf making his way from wolf to wolf. His brows rose at this in slight surprise, but it last long as he gave a huff. Slowly, the man came closer as closer and the boy’s pelt began to bristle. If he thought he was getting anywhere near the boy he was sorely mistaken. He had had enough of being yelled at, being treated as inferior and being disrespected, starting with the pair in charge. Finally, Gent reached them. First went Marianna, who seemed star struck to say the least, then Kova who seemed downright confused. Finally came the ‘prince’ himself. A low rumble began in his chest and his nose crinkled in distain as he went to lick the boy’s crown. He ducked his head below the man’s reach, topaz gaze flying to the side in refusal to look at him. He stayed like this until Gent left, then slowly righted himself and gave his pelt a shake. He had nothing to say to him.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2015, 03:37 AM by Kino.)
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven watched with only the barest interest as Gent made his way around the circle of wolves, greeting each one in a different way. The boy didn't react at all to anything he watched until the King came around towards him and Calanthe - then Draven flinched back, cringing down and away from Gent in an attempt to not be noticed. It didn't work, and the boy froze as Gent dragged him forward into a quick hug. The minute the giant moved on, Draven scrambled back into Calanthe's shadow, green eyes flashing from Gent to Marianna and Kino in anticipation of some sort of backlash from his litter mates for the display Gent had just put on. They hated seeing people do stuff like that - didn't Gent understand that?

He stayed pressed against Calanthe's side as Gent began to speak, listening but not looking up from his paws. Most of what the man said was a lie, and Draven knew it; only Calanthe or Raela could be trusted as confidants. Draven and his siblings couldn't possibly be princes and princess anymore, because Minka was their only royal relative and Draven didn't understand what royalty was but he knew how it worked out. Tokino was gone, and now Minka was gone, too, so how in the world could Draven still be a prince? Gent wasn't his father, and Raela could never be his mother...

He didn't listen to Gent tell them how Minka had gone away. He didn't care that the place where they'd buried his mother was to become a sanctuary for the pack. He was never, never going back there again, not as long as he lived on the mountain, and nobody could make him - that was the only thing Gent managed to get right.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Caroline who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Calanthe Quickfoot

Calanthe's attention shot between Gent, the two brats, and the little shadow by her side as the King made his rounds among the pack. She was so keen on blocking the line of sight between Draven and his litter mates that she did not realize Gent was approaching her until the man brushed his cheek against hers. She flinched back, startled by the show of... what had that even been? Surely not affection - gratitude, perhaps, for taking after Draven?

The pale woman wished Draven was less obviously dismayed to receive any attention from the King; watching the boy completely lock up and then rush to tuck himself against her side the moment he was released made her heart twist. She knew how close the two black-furred wolves had been before all this chaos and misery - everyone in the pack had known, surely, even if their bond had never been as close or as obvious as the one Gent once shared with Marianna. How could that bond have been so thoroughly broken? How could she help them to repair it? Could it be repaired?

She put the matter from her mind for the moment as Gent began to speak. She listened as Gent explained Minka's last few moments - how she had gone into convulsions, how she had died before they passed, how he was certain it had been a painless, fearless passing for the Queen. Tears burned at Calanthe's eyes, but she did not look away from Gent, did not bow her head under the grief she felt for Minka or Gent or for the children the Queen had left behind. She wanted to shield Draven from the explanation, but didn't dare do that, either. The boy deserved to know - he needed to know, needed to understand that even Gent could not have done anything to save the Queen. He could not live in ignorance forever.

She took Gent's words concerning Leigh Glen to heart, her eyes flaring with sudden steely resolve. As close to a sacred place as the pack had - a sanctuary for them and them alone, where no one could be attacked or forced to do or say anything. Her gaze flickered to Kino and Marianna for the briefest instant; no one could force them to go there or stay away, but neither could they force any of their own pack to stay away or to be silent and unmoved within its boundaries. Calanthe knew she would be by the Glen sooner or later, and she would likely keep close watch over it regardless of what she was up to. Having something to protect - being able to perform this final service to her former Queen - put some fire back into her spirit.

Gent's words continued to wind around them, bringing up another subject: Raela's promotion to Queen after Cessair's peaceful relinquishing of the title. AT this news, Calanthe smiled warmly at the agouti woman, dipping her head in acceptance of the Asurn as her new Queen. Raela would make a fine Alpha, able to balance Gent's ferocity and stern nature with her compassion and patience. Cessair would not have brought such an even match to the leadership of this pack, and Calanthe was glad that the other pale wolf had apparently accepted as much for herself. The Crest had its best chance of healing and growing strong again with Raeala taking the helm and Gent's side.

A final topic was brought up, and it was the first that Calanthe was not sure she could agree with. The Queen was dead, and her mate had gone before her; Draven and his siblings had no blood ties to the throne now, and by that logic they had no ties to it at all. In the Gambol they would have become the lowest members of the pack, treated as outcasts for being "false royalty" all along. She knew that wouldn't happen here - and would turn her teeth on any who tried to behave that way towards the children - but she couldn't completely pull herself away from what the Gambol had taught her. They were not royalty any more; was it really fair to pretend otherwise when three of them were too young to understand it was more of a promise not to cast them out or treat them with any less love or attention? Gent's failure to claim them as his own children by right of adoption seemed only to confirm that in the pale woman's mind. Surely, if they truly had any right to continue to claim their titles as princes and princess, he would make sure the rest of the pack had some tie to justify it.

Calanthe remained silent, however, content for the moment to wait and listen. The time for her opinion would come, and even when it did, not all thoughts were worth the effort of voicing, no matter what Gent said. Sometimes it was better to keep one's opinions out of sight rather than hurt another's feelings needlessly - and Calanthe would not be the one to argue that, no, the children could never be royalty again until they won it back from Gent and Raela... or created a following of their own.
[Image: jWoC23.png]
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-rsc.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: All of my apologies for holding this up for sooooo long. >.< - It should move along smoothly now. This post is a combination of Rae's 2nd and 3rd round topics, and @Gent will post next. Then you're free to respond. 

Gent reciprocated in kind; bringing a new vigor into the female's tail until her eyes caught sight of someone in the distance. Most punctual of all, it would seem, there was Zilas; sweeping up through the grass with a polite greeting. The interaction wasn't overly warm but his open respect did serve to ease the woman some. Her smile broadened and she nodded to him, almost entirely bowing her head despite her new position with relief in her eyes. That feeling only mounted as her friend and Subordinate Calanthe arrived with the dark child in tow. Raela's tail leapt into action like nervous laughter as she observed. "Calanthe," she dipped, grinning first at the woman and then at her new charge as his sullen parroting met with her red-backed ears. Her eyes softened considerably on him, and she would have reached out to the boy if there were not other greetings to be had. Instead the new Queen's honey orbs trailed faithfully behind as the pair seated themselves beside her. Now, at least, there was time enough to properly welcome Draven, and the Matriarch did. 

She broke from her position to take a step and lean down, nudging the top of her muzzle into his neck with a whispered, greeting whine. The poor child. Pulling back, Raela let her eyes meet with his; or at least attempt to, before drawing away to her official seat. Nothing bad would befall the prince today; so help her. Her pulse secretly quickened upon noticing the form of Minka's one remaining daughter. Rae dearly hoped there would be no trouble; but inside her body prepared for it. Strangely enough, her brother; the recipient of most of the woman's now withheld anger; was absent from her side. Still,  this was one of the arrivals she was nervous about. Skirting in without a sound, though, it appeared that the new Queen would get her wish. Raela offered little more than a cool glance to the girl. She had nothing to say, and it seemed that Marianna felt the same. So far so good. 

As luck would have it though, the child in question was not far behind. The fact that either had even showed up to the meeting wasn't exactly surprising, but then again their absence wouldn't have been either. The pups had not really been able to meld back into the ranks after their outbursts; seeing as though most of the adults weren't in favor of coddling whatever demons had surfaced that day. Raela herself had simply gone cold. She was no antagonist; but she was hardly a friend or a companion either. They had made their own beds. Kino behaved in much the same way as his counterpart, though his glare did not go unnoticed. Raela lifted her muzzle and watched him for a moment; only long enough to ascertain whether or not the cub's eyes were directed disrespectfully into her own or Gent's. It seemed this was not the case, and so her attention moved coldly away. She was no instigator.

The distraction of Moraxia's appearance was more than welcome. The usual smile-and-nod sufficed, for both her and Alphinaud when he next arrived. It was softer and kinder for Cessair; laced with concern for her well-being. As the eldest of the pack she was vital; and her self-sacrifice in allowing Raela the lead position still left the Queen brimming with gratitude and affection. The pale woman's physical and mental states shown for what they really were; and worry took precedence once again. She had to help this woman in return. She had to. Her concerned face met with the eldest Prince's next, only deepening at the sight of his gait. What had happened? The boy seemed relatively fine; displaying no obvious pain or distress, so she only watched with bright, nervous eyes as he moved in toward them. "It's alright," she blurted soothingly; dismissing his apology and instead focusing on the boy's leg. "Are you okay?" She prodded; still showing compassion for Minka's son despite some of the coolness he'd shown after the Leader's death. Kova had not yet done her any wrong; after all. The fact that he sat with his errant siblings was no surprise; though it irked her somewhere deep inside. The notion was brushed away as quick as it had come.

Gent rose beside her as the Matriarch's voice flickered to life, and her eyes broke from the Crest heir to follow. One ear was still cocked to catch the youth's answer, should he give it. When the King stopped to nuzzle Cessair she rose as well. There might have been hesitation and a bit of confusion as to why her cohort was leaving her side, but now it was clear. Raela was at his back the moment he turned from the Crest's second, watching the woman with an eagerness to comfort her that displayed itself in the way she stepped forward and offered her own touch of reassurance. Her shoulder met with Cessair's and the Queen dropped her head beside it, pressing sideways into her fur in something of an embrace. When she drew back, the black King had moved on; taking others to his side in turn. She watched, remaining by her subordinate. They all seemed to watch him in silence; and Raela felt a kind of pride in the way the man offered himself up to each and every one of them so freely; even the children that had so unrightfully scorned him. There was an awe about it; how different this wolf had become since their meeting. He more than deserved to lead them now. Kino's tiny growl hardened the female's expression instantly, but if all he was going to do was turn away and grumble, so be it. It only deepened the hole the little ghost was already in.

When she saw him returning to their spots; Raela dutifully followed. Finally, once everyone was back in place, the man's strong voice broke the dreadful silence. She was quiet and reserved as he went on; feeling some anxiety brim knowing it would be her voice that would be alone in the silence next. She'd never spoken to so many; never had so much expected of her before. She nodded as he explained their desire for response; reaffirming the statement by glancing around the group. They meant it. Then there was Minka, and her eyes fell. She felt the sadness again; but didn't allow it to consume her. It was done. It was over. The Glen was to be a sacred place, and her eyes passed swiftly over the siblings. They would behave on that ground. Period. She could already see them chasing Draven off, or god forbid trying to bully an adult into leaving. Moving on, there was the matter of her own ascension, and Raela's skin shivered at the mention of her name. It was coming. She would have to address them soon, and already she was the center of attention. She was certainly no logophile. Turning her gaze quickly to Cessair once more, Raela deeply bowed her head while the King spoke. As quick as she had bowed the woman's head rose to its full height upon her shoulders; ears pricked and dominant; attempting to take over the title she had earned as best she could in spite of her apprehension. Gent's words bolstered her nerve with their force and she breathed, easing a bit as the pups were mentioned.

Eyes of gold landed squarely on them all; the statements were meant, even if some of the subjects hadn't much acted like the Princes and Princesses they should have. They were by all rights Gent's children; as he had raised them. Kova however; despite being the more distant of the three before the incident; was now the most amiable; and certainly the most fit for his father's throne at the moment. They had made this known to him personally. He was still the Prince. And then, Gent's glacial stare moved toward her, and Raela felt as cold as the orbs' frozen color. Honey met winter, and she turned slowly to face the gathering. This had been rehearsed and she knew her lines. Now was the delivery. Suddenly a sound flicked her ear away, and the tone of it tore her eyes to Cessair. She was crying; ever so quietly but not quietly enough to slip past Rae's hearing. The matriarch was grateful for that. Without a word her expression solidified with determination, and she was on her paws. In a step or two she was with the woman; pressing her muzzle to her once again. It was the grief that brought the new Queen to her proper strength; she had someone to be strong for, and it was all of them.

Raela drew away slowly, moving to Cessair's side with her own pressed in tightly for comfort. Cessair had all the shoulder she needed to lean in on. Her voice was firm as her jaws parted. There was no need for a predetermined speech. "As a pack we can't stand by when someone's in pain," she began, directly referencing Cessair as she stared out at all of them. "I don't want this to drive everyone apart; it should bring us together," her head turned, muzzle falling closer to the paler, smaller woman. "Our meetings will never be us commanding you from some throne or higher place and sending you away. We're a family, and the only way we'll survive is by moving closer. We just want everyone to talk. Me and Gent have no higher purpose than to look out for you," she added sincerely, her voice growing softer and more somber. "I myself will meet with you any time at all, for anything," Honeyed eyes moved about the circle again. How she wished they would draw closer; mingle as informally as she had with Cessair. "And I hope you would all do the same for your pack mates. Minka wouldn't want this to weaken us, but to bring us together stronger than we have ever been. This is your family, no matter how long you've slept in these borders." There was a pause then as she waited to see if everyone had truly understood. She glanced back at Cessair once more; feeling a new assertion on her tongue, strong and clear.

"No one will feel shame for grieving, or for showing their pain. It is our job to comfort each other; never to lash out or to hurt," she purposefully avoided looking at Marianna and Kino; she really did mean it for all of them even if certain ones had already disobeyed. "I want everyone to feel safe here," the Queen continued, now even softer and more genuine as she met the pack's eyes one by one. She let the words settle; it was about time they moved on to other things, but she would never leave Cessair's side. Finally, Raela spoke again. "In other news, we want to encourage you all to ramp up hunting efforts now that Autumn is here; the more of you that group up the more food we can bring back. We need the caches to be as full as possible if this winter is to be anything like the last. They'll be a pack hunt soon as well," she added, now much calmer. "Adults and Yearlings can leave the territory now, but in regards to the children, no one is allowed out of the borders without an adult present; same as always," her eyes fell toward the youths, but avoided the two beside Kova during the next part. Almost robotically she relayed the information. "Draven is allowed out with anyone, but Kino and Marianna must leave with Gent or Kova." She looked to Gent; just in case there were any objections. This rule in particular, was not flexible, and she would rather he dealt with the pups' potential protests. It was his turn to speak, after all.  
(This post was last modified: Nov 10, 2015, 05:56 PM by Raela.)
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