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he made a present of this silver — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
@Alphinaud @Cessair @Ainashi @Calanthe
@Kova @Moraxia @Marianna @Draven
REMINDER: If you feel your wolf has nothing to say at the moment and would rather not post (as we understand that three rounds of just sitting and listening is tedious), then it is perfectly fine by us if you don't! If you do want to post, please make sure it is by the round deadline, or else we will be moving on with the assumption that your wolf remained silent. Please, do not post retroactively by interjecting conversation in a round that has already past as this confuses the natural flow of the thread and also does not give others a fair opportunity to respond to your wolf. If you have concerns about this, please PM myself or Jen and we will be happy to work with you.
If you miss a round, do not fret! There will be opportunity at the end for your wolf to speak up, or if preferred Raela and Gent will both be open to one on one threads after the meeting to discuss any concerns, questions or suggestions your character has. We do ask that at the end of this meeting, you post an exit for your wolf, and remember, to claim life points you must have at least three posts!
ROUND 1 - Entrances
ROUND 2 - Intro/Leadership Change (G), Restrictions/Children ®
ROUND 3 - Sparring/Rank Challenges (G), Hunting/Intrapack Relations/Coping with Grief ®
ROUND 4 - Alliances/Interpack Relations (G), Closing Comments/Opening the Floor ®, Exits

None of their reactions were lost upon him, but most notable of all was Marianna's defeated slump and Cessair's near-silent tears. His gaze transferred from the smaller of them to the eldest, thinking perhaps it had been reflection upon Minka's death that had triggered such emotion to break through. Yet there was a light to her metallic eyes, and he found himself at a loss as to what truly was the cause of it all. That focused gaze of his was broken as Raela moved once more beside him, crossing the circle a second time, planting herself firmly beside the female beta on this second occasion. Her words lifted, and the sentiment was heartily felt by the man, despite his aversion to such a flood of emotions. Perhaps he was fine with swallowing things down, and maybe he had unintentionally passed that down to Marianna and Kino through his fathering them, but he knew full well that expression was absolutely necessary to some of the wolves gathered, and he thus he was willing to enable it; whatever it took to move them past this tragedy, to make them strong and cohesive once again.

Taking his partner's lead, he allowed himself to sit where he truly wanted, at Marianna's side. Kova had already taken steps to attempt to comfort the princess, prompting Gent to sit at a v with the young girl. His flank pressed firmly against hers while his forequarters were a step away, so as not to crowd the eldest brother. Yet the king could not be kept from reaching forward and tenderly nuzzling her ruff and offering her a warm smile before turning his attention back onto those gathered. He hated seeing his baby girl look so miserable, but knew that little could help. Of course what he had said about Minka would put her in such a state, yet it had needed to be said all the same. Hopefully, his presence could serve as some sort of comfort to her, and the continuance of the rest of the meeting would serve as a beneficial distraction for her.

As Raela closed with the restrictions that remained, he offered only a small addition, looking upon the two children closest to him with a thin smile. He knew that they would not be happy with what had been said, specifically that Draven was being treated differently. Yet Draven had obeyed the rules from the start, and even as they were all suffering equally, Kino had already proven that Gent could not be lenient for fear of the two taking advantage, intentionally or not.

"Which we will gladly do, any time you guys want, okay?" he assured them, before pressing on, lifting his glacial gaze to the circle of wolves.

"As an addition to winter preparations, I want us to continue focusing on our strength. You're all aware of the training requirements for new recruits, but the sparring shouldn't end there. We need to be able to not only defend ourselves, but each other, and we all have the ability to do so. You can't manage what you don't practice, though, so I encourage you guys to engage and challenge each other, and remember: if you feel that there might be any danger, whether it be a trespasser or even an odd, call out. Let us know what's going on, where you are. You're never on your own here; you've got the whole pack behind you, so use that."

"We also need to focus on the framework within our pack, in optimizing it. I know that most of you have a role in mind that you want to work toward, which is wonderful. I encourage you all to find your niche, as well as to help others find theirs. The same goes for ranking. I feel as though most of you have been placid about this, sitting comfortably at whatever rank you fell into. If that's where you feel you belong, alright. If you feel you should be higher, challenge. Remember the natural purposes of hierarchy. It is not an insult to be ranked below others, everyone is vital and your importance is not dictated by your rank, but it is a shame to squander your own promise. We should be comfortable enough with each other to accept challenges from one another, to be able to work such matters out between us without bitter feelings, and to find your place in the chain as well as to feel comfortable with your level of authority."

He remembered his own challenges, how personal it had been taken by several of his opponents. In the end, it had been their own insecurities stepping in their way, detaching them from the natural order of a pack. Gent did not want this for his subordinates.

"The structure of our pack should be dependable, honest, functional, but can only be so if you seek out a place for yourselves amongst it all and are true to your own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses."
(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2015, 11:13 PM by Gent.)
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kino had thought that things couldn’t have gotten any more annoying. He was wrong. After Gent’s little spiel, of which he wasn’t buying any of, Raela began to speak. Right off the bat, her words hit him like a slap in the face. She just had to get her last word in, had to grind it into his bones the disappointment that she felt in him. How much she quite obviously despised him. His very being began to set fire, body physically beginning to tremble with anger as he fought to stay in his seat. His breathing was pinched and a pitchy below a faint keening as she continued to verbally assault him. How he wanted to do so many things. He wanted to attack her, make her take back those petty words that she emitted from her lying jaws. He wanted to turn back time, prevent Minka from dying and prevent Tokino from dying as well. He wanted to run away, he wanted to be anywhere but there. But he couldn’t, he was forced to stay there. To endure the mental abuse that was her words until he eventually retreated into himself, forced the angry lump in his throat down his esophagus and push down the pin pricks of tears in his topaz gaze. He stared hard into the ground, body as rigid as a rock. Tuned her out completely, not hearing her words of forbidding him, not even noticing when Gent went over to sit next to his sister. The husk simply sat there, his shell present from his consciousness off in a land far, far away. Floating somewhere that he wanted…no, needed to be.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2015, 03:50 AM by Kino.)
Played by Caroline who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Calanthe Quickfoot
ooc: I'm basically using this thread to develop Cal's character at this post. Apologies for the novel. Draven may or may not post this round; if he doesn't, feel free to assume he's sitting and listening without really reacting to anything.

It was harder to keep her attention on the King and Queen once they began to mingle with the rest of the pack, each of them choosing a position near wolves Calanthe had been trying not to look at too much, though admittedly for very different reasons. Still, the pale woman hung on their every word, taking everything in and using every pause and stretch of silence to let the information truly soak in.

Her attention swung hard to Cessair as Raela spoke; the older woman was weeping quietly, but Calanthe couldn't find it in her to follow Raela's example and move away from Draven. She... Raela had it well in hand. Surely. There wasn't anything there for Calanthe to contribute. Draven needed her presence more - needed somebody to hide behind, somebody to stand between him and the two who had helped turn him into this lifeless shell beside her. Cessair was stronger, and she had Raela. There was nothing there for Calanthe to do.

The Queen's words concerning the pack's status as a large family and how they should all look after each other registered with Calanthe, but did not spark any anger or grim pleasure in her chest towards the pair of children whose actions had spurred such a reminder in the first place. She had nothing to say to either of them, and doubted she ever would again; she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of goading her into starting another argument. Instead she turned her gaze down towards Draven and leaned over to nuzzle the boy reassuringly. The message was born from the attack he had endured, and she hoped he knew that it was meant most of all to address the wrong that had been done there.

Her quiet resolve quickly morphed into steel again at Raela's words concerning an increase in hunting efforts - particularly at the promise of an upcoming pack hunt. Calanthe herself knew she had been neglecting her duty to the pack - to her family - in that regard. She could not continue to do so. She didn't know how cruel the last winter had been in these lands, but she remembered how cold and thin it had become in the Gambol, and while they had never starved outright, Calanthe had had the sense that the strongest among them had gone without so that the youngest and the weakest would survive to see the spring. She could not allow the same to happen to the Crest, not while there was anything at all that she could do to prevent it. She would not.

She took to heart the news that the borders were reopened now, and that Draven could travel beyond them with any adult escort of his choosing, but again she refused to acknowledge the harder restrictions on Kino or Ari's movements. It didn't concern Calanthe, and while she was relieved that she could continue to never interact with them again, she also honestly did not care where they went or with whom - so long as they stayed the hell away from Draven and kept their little fangs tucked away.

"If you ever want to cross the borders for a little while," she murmured to Draven, "let me know, okay? I'll drop whatever I'm doing to go with you."

Gent's voice was the next to ring out through the gathering, and Calanthe felt herself straighten as he urged the pack not only to continue their battle training and their pursuits of their chosen roles, but also to begin streamlining the hierarchy of the pack, challenging for what standing they deemed they deserved. What he said made a great deal of sense, and his hortatory speech put a bit of fire into Calanthe's belly - and then her eyes travelled back to Cessair, the only wolf Calanthe could still challenge without directly interfering with the leadership of the pack.

Calanthe was third now. Third, when she had been fourth all the time before Minka's passing, and while she might have taken the opportunity to challenge Cessair before, she couldn't bring herself to do it now. Cessair was broken by the loss of the old Queen, and Calanthe... had no place claiming the second's title for herself. She did not have nearly enough time or experience with her new family to belong there, and third... third was a good place for her to be, for now. Third carried authority and submission in equal measure, and Calanthe doubted she would need any authority unless it was to defend someone as she should have defended Draven.

She was up and crossing the circle towards Cessair and Raela before she quite realized that she had gotten to her feet. Whether Draven came along with her or didn't would have to wait for a moment; the hunter-in-training was focused now on Cessair, and on what she felt was necessary for her to say - now before she could come up with an excuse not to later on. Halting before the other pale wolf, Calanthe lowered her head and tail in submission to Cessair, her eyes on the ground between their paws.

"I don't want to challenge any higher than where I stand now," she said, the words meant for Cessair and Raela but loud enough that at least those wolves who sat nearest to the trio would be able to hear them, as well. "I think I can serve the pack best from where I stand now. I won't challenge you for second." Raising herself again, Calanthe offered Cessair a quick shoulder-bump as a sign of comfort, then turned and made her way back to Draven's side again. She didn't care how the display had looked, though she could guess at least two wolves who might think she had only meant to make a scene of herself. She wanted Cessair and at least Raela - if not Gent, as well - to know where she stood with rank challenges. If Cessair stepped down a second time and gave Calanthe the position on her own, fine. Calanthe would not be the one to take that position from her by force.
[Image: jWoC23.png]
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-rsc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
sorrysorrysorry i am forever sorry
@Ainashi @Cessair @Calanthe @Moraxia @Marianna
REMINDER: This is the round for exits if your wolf has nothing to say. Please post this round in order to give the thread a concrete ending. If you still need a post before your wolf can exit in order to achieve the three posts necessary to claim LP, I will be undergoing Gent's exit after this round ends, opening up one final chance for you to get the necessary posts in. Remember, completing this thread and claiming LP for it will help toward winning pack of the month! @Raela is next, please allow her to post first.
ROUND 1 - Entrances
ROUND 2 - Intro/Leadership Change (G), Restrictions/Children ®
ROUND 3 - Sparring/Rank Challenges (G), Hunting/Intrapack Relations/Coping with Grief ®
ROUND 4 - Alliances/Interpack Relations (G), Closing Comments/Opening the Floor ®, Exits

Despite their opening the floor and welcoming commentary, it seemed none of their subordinates had anything to say. Perhaps they all would rather speak about such matters privately, but Gent hoped deeply that this was indication of their agreeance with what was being dictated to them. He allowed a brief moment of silence to pass over the group, pale eyes scanning those gathered for their reactions. His jaws parted to speak again, but before a single syllable could escape him, Calanthe was on her paws and moving across the circle. Curiously he watched her, and while he could not catch her murmurings, he could guess that she was speaking to Cessair either about her silent tears or about the prospect of a challenge between them. Given the subtly submissive posture she displayed, he guessed the woman was content with her position in the ranks.

Once she had returned to her place beside Draven, (he couldn't help but feel some exasperation that Draven had clung so thoroughly to someone so new to their ranks rather than finding proper comfort with, say, his father), Gent continued.

"We need also consider where we stand in relation to the many other packs who call this region home. It's been common knowledge for a while now that our relationship with our allies Hearthwood River is tense, but I'd like to take the opportunity now to be frank with you all about the situation. They've a member among their ranks who knows the story firsthand of what happened to Tokino," he informed them, picking his way around the words for the children's sakes. "but refuses to share with us unless we pay him for the information. The anger and hurt this caused Minka was great, for understandable reasons," and it simply matter on each wolf's relationship with the fallen queen whether or not they would know this for themselves, but as his words continued on it was clear that Minka's displeasure was a source of ire for the king. "When I informed the River of this, I was met coldly and dismissively. They promised to come to us with answers, but it has been months and now..." his words had been building with force, a tinge of anger seeping into them, and he took a breath and shook his head to clear the emotions. He didn't need to finish the sentence. Minka would never know what had become of her mate, would never have the opportunity to right the wrong that had been dealt to her family, hindered by those who had claimed to be her allies, her friends.

"I don't trust them, and I'm not keen on being tied to and responsible for wolves who don't give a damn about us. This is... certainly something I'd appreciate hearing thoughts on. We can't just let this loose end lie about. Something needs to be done."

His gaze shifted momentarily to Kova, and then Cessair, and finally Raela, perhaps the only ones present who would have any knowledge about the River wolves and what severed ties might cost them. He wanted it all to go about peacefully, but Kisla had already shown herself eager for argument, and he had a difficult time picturing her reasonably accepting any proposal from the ice-eyed king.

"In general I want to pull our focus away from fusing ourselves to another pack. Alliances can be just as dangerous as they are beneficial. I don't want to be obligated to participate in a battle that isn't ours, if it comes down to it. In fact, I'd prefer this pack didn't fight any battles. If we take care of our own, respect other's boundaries, and steer away from promises we can't keep, we should have no reason to fear attack. That is what I want us to focus on. Not in picking sides, but in maintaining positive relations with all of our neighbors." His gaze continuously scanned those around him, taking in each and every reaction given to him. This was vital, and he hoped very much that they would offer their opinions to him after the meeting was concluded. Gent was not looking to simply yank the chain and drag each of them around. He wanted to come to a consensus, to find a path that was suitable to them all, but he would never know what direction to pursue if none of them spoke to him or Raela about the matter. "... and this also means considering what grudges are worth holding onto, and what we should let go of for sake of the pack's greater good."
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2015, 10:30 PM by Gent.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Everyone can post now! Remember to make this your exit unless you're going for the 3 posts required to claim LP! 

Every word that left her counterpart's mouth made sense to the woman; they had discussed these things long before so instead of watching the King, Rae switched between observing all of the different reactions around her. There seemed to largely be placid agreement; though she could see distress from the corner of her eye in the form of Kino and Ari. It was good that Gent had moved to sit beside them; he punctuated her final statements perfectly and drew the younglings' attention upon himself just as she had wished. The new matriarch took note of the sweet whispers passed between Draven and his adoptive caretaker; drawing a faint but warm smile from the agouti woman. Draven would have the support he needed to make it through this and get back to the boy he once was; and hopefully one day into the man his mother would have wanted him to become. As for the other two; she could only hope they would come around eventually; if not for her then perhaps for Gent. 

Then the paler woman moved; boldly crossing the circle as the leaders had done to speak with Cessair herself. Raela stared on; wondering what her subordinate would want to discuss all of a sudden; when it slowly became clear through her speech. It was reassurance; as she had first suspected, but of a different sort. Cessair's rank was safe, even with her depleted state and apparent weakness. Calanthe was going to allow her that, and earned a soft, approving smile from the Queen. She dipped her head slightly in acknowledgment; following the younger woman with her eyes as she returned to the dark youth. All fell silent again, and she supposed that this meant acceptance of what had been said, if not outright agreement. While words would be welcome, she was still understanding of reluctance to speak up in this group. She would have been hesitant herself were she not forced by rank to lead them all. Hopefully one day they would not be so silent, but it was a start. 

Taking it as his cue once more, the swarthy monarch's lips parted again. There was to be a decision on the pack's relations to the outside world. It was of course another thing the Alphas had discussed prior, but Raela knew she still had to voice it in her own way. Perhaps that would help spur discussion. It was time for the others to speak as well. With another solid breath, Raela took her turn as soon as he'd finished. "I personally don't see much of a reason to be tied with them either; as it is I don't think we're close enough as packs, or that we know enough about one another for an alliance to be the best of ideas. The fact that they've been withholding this information is enough of a display of their loyalty for me." She could have been more cynical in tone but it was all delivered placidly and as more of a matter of business than a personal thing. It would help to keep as much emotion and hurt as possible out of the decision as they could, after all. She was no supporter of vengeance or grudges of any kind. "I also think it would be better to maintain neutral relations with the other packs; at least for now." There were other things that might have been relevant; but she kept them tied down and hidden. First they would have to see what the group said.

"What do you guys think? Any final thoughts?" She asked sincerely; glancing curiously from wolf to wolf. 
(This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2015, 11:40 PM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven really, really couldn't care less about all the stuff everybody was talking about. It didn't matter to him whether he could leave or not, and he was too young yet to start challenging for ranks, and all the rest of it was just adult stuff that he didn't pay enough attention to to understand—

And then Gent mentioned the wolf who knew what had happened to Tokino. To Draven's real father.

"Why are we talking about this at all?" the boy snapped, finally standing up and looking across at Gent for the first time since his arrival. Fern green eyes blazed with fury as he continued, "If he won't tell us, he's not a friend! And they aren't either if they don't make him tell us! We never got to find out who did it before, and all this time someone knew and kept it from us, and we didn't do anything about it?!"

It hadn't occurred yet to Draven that Kino and Ari were here and probably going to yell at him, but he was too angry right now to care. How dare someone keep his father's murderer a secret?! How dare Gent or anybody else let him get away with it?! Didn't anybody care about each other in this pack at all?!

"If we put up with them at all, it shouldn't be as friends!" Draven said, stamping one forepaw against the ground for emphasis. "We don't need them, anyway, and I've never seen any of them come around before, so what good are they? Of course we shouldn't be allies anymore - they never acted like it to begin with!"

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Caroline who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Calanthe Quickfoot

Calanthe listened well as Gent continued on to what seemed to be the final matter they would discuss here, and the more he spoke, the more anger bubbled up inside her. She had not known Minka well, but she knew of Tokino's death from Raela and had seen firsthand the pain that had come of his absence. That there was someone among their allies who had refused to give up the identity of Tokino's murderer left a foul taste in her mouth.

She flinched at Draven's outburst, not at all expecting the pup to be quick to voice any opinion at the moment, but the moment he fell quiet she was quick to speak up in his support. "How can we continue to call them our allies when they allowed one of their own to keep that kind of information from us?" Calanthe asked, her voice edged with steel but otherwise remaining even. "Tokino was this pack's King, once - and the family he left behind deserved to know his killer, if nothing else."

She shook her head slowly, pausing for a moment to let her ire cool before it could really show on her face. As she did, her gaze momentarily fell on Draven, who still blazed with an anger all his own. "I don't think we should continue to tie ourselves to any wolf who sees nothing wrong with trying to sell that kind of information," she finally said. "And we haven't needed them or anyone outside our own pack. The winter will be long and cold, but we have enough strong wolves here to provide for everyone until spring - and any new members will only bolster that, as long as they stay with us. We don't need to worry about forging new alliances any more than we need to maintain broken ones."

[Image: jWoC23.png]
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-rsc.png]
Played by Miss Freeman who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moraxia Cipris

Moraxia had been quiet throughout the meeting until now, gradually nodding her head in understanding occasionally between Gent and Raela and letting them know she was still paying attention. Her mind drifted on the topic of Minka and the new ranks; she was happy her good friend was now the Queen of the Crest and wished her well, but thought of the implications this might have on the pups. She noticed the sour looks being thrown around and the childish but acceptable pouting from the younger ones, as well as the continued despair Kino showed. The youngling’s attitudes made her heart melt as Raela spoke of the new restrictions being placed over them, but was glad they could still find pride in keeping their places among the pack. This seemed to have no effect, however, and the conversation softly flowed on.

The wolf didn’t know what to say, or how to say it as the pack conversed and shared opinions. She wanted to challenge Cal, but with such a good friendship forming she didn’t want to jeopardize anything and certainly didn’t want to create any more of a rift than the one that existed between the young ones and the adults. She frowned and hung her head low as Raela and Gent continued to speak, thinking of the bright, happy members that had once existed in place of the serious faces surrounding the circle. Moraxia had seen a pack fall apart once before after the death of a leader, and could sense that the trouble was nearly just beginning between the family. Still, she admired her queen’s attempts to diffuse any further situation so she kept the thoughts to herself.

Excitement filled the woman again as a hunting trip was brought up; she couldn’t wait to run with her pack for the first time since she’d joined, working together as a team to bring down whatever was roaming about the timbers. Surely if everyone turned up it would heal some cuts that had been made to the structure and loyalty of the pack. Then came the topic of an alliance, and Moraxia lifted her head up to intently listen to what her leaders had to say. After the others had spoken, pardoning Draven’s emotional outburst, the female nodded in agreement and stood to speak. “I think it would be wise to watch ourselves around them. Based on what you’ve said, I don’t think they need us anymore than we need them and I doubt they will change their ways anytime soon.” Moraxia’s voice was soft and low as she tried to keep her words within a respectable tone. Her eyes casually met with Raela’s, and she offered a shy smile to her friend and new Alpha before turning her head and giving the same gesture to Gent.

“I’m sure whatever you decide will be fine, and I appreciate the effort you two have made to keep us all informed.”
Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

Cessair was about to scold herself for distracting herself and possibly her packmates too by crying during the pack meeting when she became aware of a warmth at her side. By the familiar and comforting scent, Cessair recognized the presence of Raela and all of the weeping woman's thoughts dispersed.  Her new queen was here to support her and gratefully did Cessair lean into the proffered shoulder. The words uttered by the body beside her sounded vague and distant at first, but the release her long-restrained tears provided gradually restored clarity to her mind.

By the time Gent began speaking, Cessair was feeling much better.  Her tears had softened further still and she could concentrate again on the words being spoken. Rank challenges. Tawny ears flicked forward. Cessair was content enough to bequeath leadership of Round Stone Crest on Raela, but she hadn't at all considered where her place in the pack should be beyond that. If her position as second were challenged -- should she give it up? Cessair knew she would never want to fight, but surely it wouldn't help pack stability if she were always relinquishing her rank. But was she even fit to be second? In the midst of these doubts, the scrawny second hardly noticed Calanthe's approach.

Cessair looked up at the sound of creamy woman's voice. For a moment, she was bewildered by her subordinate's words and display, but the feeling was quickly overcome by a wave of gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered as she received Calanthe's kindly shoulder-bump. With some little strength renewed, Cessair sat up a little straighter and cast her eyes about the assembly. She realized she would have a lot of observing to do to catch up with all that had happened within the pack since Minka's death; it looked like there were some new friendships and new tensions between her packmates of which she would do well to be aware.

Intrapack tension wasn't the only tension Cessair began to perceive. She wasn't quick to form an opinion on the matter of interpack relations that Gent addressed, but she listened intently as her packmates voiced their opinions. The gentle woman had always been quick to acquit others of their alleged crimes in her own mind if she could, and even now she wanted badly to think of a good reason why the River wolves would withhold the name of Tokino's murderer. But observing the pain the matter incited in Draven and even in herself if she really considered it, Cessair admitted that it made better sense to break off the alliance. Besides, Gent's proposal of general neutrality pleased the peaceable elder immensely.

Cessair found herself still unfit to speak, so she nodded her head to express her approval on the matter. Now, she needed to process the proceedings of the meeting, and the best way to do that was to wander. Politely did Cessair listen to her packmate's remaining comments, and when all had had their say and the meeting was concluded, Cessair quietly slipped away to the sanctuary of the forest.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

 Kova listened on still keeping himself silent despite the various thoughts rumbling through his head. The mask on his face echoed that thoughtful but firm look his father Tokino had used so often around the pack. When they got to the topic of rank challenges and sparring Kova couldn't help but feel a little excited at the prospect of a challenge. He had seen one of Gent's challenges for rank some time ago, and honestly Kova thought that the chance to test your strength and prove yourself looked rather fun. Just as long as neither you nor your opponent took losing badly anyway and harboring ill feelings. The silver lad totally agreed with the idea of everyone having the chance to challenge up and prove themselves. 

He watches silently as Calanthe expresses her desire to keep Cessair as a superior. To this Kova felt warmth sprinkle into his chest. The older wolf was one of the long time members of the pack, and he had looked up to the calm woman. The silver lad had actually favored her stepping onto the throne instead of Raela Especially after the outburst of emotion that Raela had shown at Minka's death and the reactions of the younger Lagina's. It was his belief that a leader should have control over their emotions all of the time, including during times of stress. Both Gent and Raela had failed to keep calm during and after Minka's death, and Kova was not happy with it. Pups were pups, but adults should have been able to deal with it better.

Though he too had cried some, Kova had kept a lid on his anger for the most part. His control had increased as the weeks passed and now the youth was confident that he could keep himself calm in most situations. With this sort of mindset Kova could certainly see himself attempting to challenge up the ranks. Though there weren't very many wolves to go through. Zilas and Alphinaud were apparently the only wolves he would have to prove himself to since Gent and Raela had come to him with their plans.

It was while thinking about the pack and their relations with each other that Kova realized something that made a cold piece of dread creep into his heart. Alphinaud and Zilas had quite easily proven that they were entirely devoted to Gent's leadership. Their actions alone could have proved that to the silver prince. That left only him alone standing against them. Would they leave with gent when he goes? He thought quietly while then taking in the females forms.

Calanthe had also shown to be a staunch supporter of Gent and Raela. Cessair too supported the alpha pair fully. Moraxia was the only one Kova couldn't totally figure out because he didn't know her too well. However he had to think about what that might leave him with if and when Gent and Raela decided to leave. Kova would likely not have anyone standing beside him, spare for maybe his siblings. Even then it seemed like they would not get along together even with his guidance. The pack would fall a part I think, or all simply decide to stay with Gent and Raela... Is it even worth it for me to try and prove myself? Not losing confidence in his own abilities, but losing confidence in the closeness of the wolves connected to him, Kova couldn't see a future in which he led this pack. It just didn't seem like it would ever happen. At least not with everyone being happy with it.

He yanked himself back to the topic on paw that had switched to the subject of their shaky allies from Hearthwood River. Kova actually had enjoyed a bit of the alliance between the two packs having played with the River princess @Karina more than once and meeting a few other members of the pack. He viewed the pack very much like their own with only a few bad apples in the mix of pack members. Kjors had stood on neutral ground with Kova and nothing bad had occurred. However knowing that the pack had kept information about his fathers death even after the fact that they were allies left a sour taste in the youths mouth. He guessed that it was only a few members of the other pack who had known about it and kept the information from them, and so the whole pack could not be held accountable for the issue at paw. However keeping an alliance with them did logically seem like it was the wrong thing to do right now. Kova also did not want the pack to have more enemies. They already had an enemy in the Whisper Caverns wolves despite the one semi neutral meeting between his mother Minka, his cousin Narimé, and himself. Though Kova liked to think that the caverns queen was more angry at his parents rather than at the rest of their pack. Maybe talking with Narimé now that Minka and Tokino are dead might be a possibility now. He wondered lightly while nodding at the other wolves.   

    “I'm all for neutrality and not making more enemies... At least then I might get a chance to meet with my friends Karina and Orren again.” He shrugged hoping that the meeting was coming to a close soon. He then looked to Draven before gazing off behind the dark pup with a snarl on his face. This snarl was not aimed at the pup nor anyone in the meeting. In fact it was only shown to give everyone his thoughts on the matter at hand. “Don't worry Draven.” He cooed before allowing the snarl to spread out fully upon his lips. “I will find out who killed our father myself, shall that man woo the day he meets me.” He then smoothed out the snarl replacing it with a thoughtful face once more and looked over towards the trees behind Gent.

(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2015, 11:24 PM by Kova.)