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bwp: and famine to them all — Poison Path 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart

The first to heed his call was @Pharika, and the woman was given a solemn but thankful grimace as his seafoam eyes regarded her. Her reaction reminded him of his own, and he knew better than to ignore such infectious instinct. This wasn't good, but the question was, would chasing it from their borders assert their dominance, or encourage the beast to come back with reinforcements? Would killing it save them from further invasion, or inspire a horde's revenge?

"I've seen one of 'em before, which bothers me," he informed her, but was unable to explain further as @Neha approached them, immediately sidling up to his side. The man brushed his chin over her ears in greeting after she had sent out her own calling, but her question was not the only one to fill the air. @Kajika appeared to ask not what the creature was, but what their plan would be, and Nathaniel's lips drew tighter into a thinner line as he thought hard on the subject. How could he tell them what it was and what to do when he had no answers for himself even?

"It's dangerous," was his answer at last, reason enough for his hesitance. His green eyes swept over to @Cernan briefly, and he was thankful the boy had chosen to keep his distance. Yet they were not left with such puzzlement for long. Suddenly @Namid was with them, and a great appreciation swelled up inside of the man as she immediately had their answers, taking the event severely serious. He gently pressed his muzzle against Neha's shoulder, silently urging her to join her brother as the queen had instructed.

Lastly to arrive were @Athena and @Vespertio, and the king's question was one that was nervously still within Nathaniel's mind as well. Surround it, sure, but then what? He didn't much like the thought of tangoing with those tusks, but he was certain a group of their size could handle it after all. Right?

His eyes returned to the beast in question, and ice ran rampant down his spine as he witnessed that it was no longer watching them warily but rather charging, not toward the group as a whole exactly but directly toward Cernan. The guardian buried deep within him sprang to life just as it had in the presence of the swans, and not a thought crossed through his mind as he launched himself to the side, sprinting to Cernan's defense. Nathaniel placed himself between the child and the fearsome animal, posture curled defensively. He allowed his momentum to thump into the boy before he had stopped, hopefully jarring him into fleeing.

"Run," he barked before locking eyes with the pig, muzzle twisted open with a dangerous snarl as he dared it to get to the child through him. If the monster was not hindered in his attack, Nathaniel would dodge as best he could in those final moments, but only if Cernan was out of harm's way. If it came down to it, the man would take a goring for the prince's sake. It was what @Anthem would do.

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 10:35 PM by Nathaniel.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case,

Athena thought she would be the last to appear at the summoned gathering, however, it would be Vespertio that would be the tardy one. Burning eye took in his handsome features, her heart giving a slight ache at the sight of him. A swift nod was given to her and one was given back to him before she turned her gaze back upon the stinky creature intruding upon their lands and swept away her feelings. 

Fiery mismatched gaze intently watched the beast as it contemplated it's options. Athena had come across another creature that was now named as a hog and it was apparent if there was one, others were sure to be someplace near. Though, she had not engaged with the first hog she encountered, this time around may be different as it dug its destructive snout into her laborious cache she had created. Namid was correct, this vermin was not leaving with its head today. 

Teeth bared at the hog, her intent gaze watched the pig's every movement, waiting patiently for it to make the first move. The ivory vixen watched the wild hog's gaze as it widely took in the group assembled around him then as it pinpointed on one wolf in particular. Vespertio's boy, Cernan. Quickly glancing at the boy, she turned back to see the pig barreling straight for the Fallen Tree adolescent. Without a inch of thought, the warrior woman sprinted towards the beast, intending to catch the pig in the side before it reached the Vuesain juvenile. Casting aside the thought of her own safety, Athena was hell-bent on keeping Vesper's boy safe.

I could offer you a warm embrace. To make you feel my love.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2015, 12:25 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

When he arrived there had only been a few of the pack there to face the danger that was now in their midst and he feared that they would not be able to deal with it just themselves. Thankfully more to the pack arrived and his hopes that the hog would either be dispatched or run out were replenished. When Namid arrived she answered his question of what they should do about the hog and her mind was on dispatching it. Kajika had to agree that was the best plan. Kajika nodded as Namid gave her reasoning for why they couldn’t let it leave their lands, if it brought its friends back they would be in a much direr situation.

His eyes hadn’t left the hog for fear of what it might do when he wasn’t looking, this wasn’t the first time that he’d come across one only that time he had been alone. The choice to slip away quietly was probably why he was still around. Now though he had his pack behind him to help rid their lands of this creature. When Athena arrived and came to his side he offered her a quick smile before returning his attention back to their problem. He was glad that she had been able to come and help them. He thought that might help her make things right.

Finally Vespertio arrived and after seeing the alpha with the Lynx Kajika was even more confident that the creature causing all of the destruction in front of them would rue the day he had through destroying their cache was a good idea. Then with no warning the beast was charging but it wasn’t a charge to go through their defense it was targeting one of them specifically, Cernan. That would not do, Nathaniel had jumped toward the pup effectively putting himself in the path of the hog while Athena was going for the creatures side and in doing his duty to protect the youngster Kajika went for his other side biting at its flank. He hoped that with him and Athena attacking from behind it would stop the pig from running into Nathaniel and Cernan and turning on them which could also allow the plan that Namid had spoken of easier to execute.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2015, 02:08 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis

Everything that happened next seemed to be going in slow motion.
Pharika's chestnut eyes watch the boar as it runs forward, ready to ram itself into young Cernan. Without
hesitation, Rika is moving, looping left as to shoulder-check the boar. Namid wanted them to surround it, and
taking it head on would obviously be a horrible choice. As the beast nears, Pharika observes it as adrenaline
courses through her veins. It seemed bristly; "fur" she had never seen before. Two tusks come out of either
side of its mouth. 'Disgusting' she thinks, her gaze narrowing as she throws herself toward the creature.

She was to put all of her weight into her shoulder-check. She saw her other pack mates swarming in for an attack,
and she hoped that they would all synchronize. The monochrome woman was hoping that her shove would throw
the foul beast off balance and provide her pack mates with the opportunity to attack its vital areas. Anger
fueled her, a pure hatred burning in her mind. She didn't give a shit about her life. Seeing the boar go after
the youngest of the wolves before it made her want to skin the ugly thing alive. It was a typical move.
What an amateur.

Time seemed to move slowly, but after all would be said and done, it would feel as if it was all over within
the blink of an eye. The adrenaline continues to run through her, providing her the extra fuel to power
through the trying situation.
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2015, 03:46 PM by Pharika.)
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
To her great relief, soon after both she and the ever vigilant guardian had raised their voices to the sky, the response was swift. The majority of the pack rallied to the scene where the thievery was taking place, including both of her parents. Staying glued to her spot, she watched the boar through narrowed brown eyes, only sparing one glance in the direction of her growing brother. Namid quickly took charge of the situation, summarizing a plan of attack, and firmly instructing the children to stay well away. Neha didn't need to be told twice. She knew just by looking at the sheer size of the boar, and eyeing those tusks, that this was not a creature to be taken lightly. Tight lipped, she offered her mom a serious nod. Judging by that hard glint in her eyes, Neha was taking the situation just as seriously as she was, even if she was too young to participate.

Nathaniel also chimed in, informing both the adults and the children of what he knew. He had seen one before?! Then that meant there could be more! Her eyes widened in disbelief. Not only that, but it was a dangerous animal as well. She did not like this one bit. They had to act before more of these beasts invaded the Cove and ate all their hard earned food! Through clenched teeth, she turned her sights back on the boar, hackles bristling. What would it do now, faced with a whole pack of wolves? Surely it must be smart enough as any other prey animal and do the logical thing; run. But no. Instead it did the exact opposite of what anyone was expecting. Much to her shock and fury, it charged. Straight at Cernan, no less! Neha was beyond furious. Why did all the mean animals seem to target her brother? It wasn't fair!

As much as she would have liked to teach this boar a lesson, she could not. She was outmatched. So instead of acting on sheer impulse this time, as she had done with the swans once before, she acted on logic. Leaping to her brother's side with a sharp bark, she ushered him in the opposite direction of the charging boar. "C'mon, this way! Up there!" She pointed with her muzzle to a nearby cluster of sturdy rocks, speeding towards them. The leap for a young wolf was effortless, but for a short legged, heavy bodied animal, it would be impossible. With the difference in height, they should be safely out of reach. Then the adults could hopefully focus on getting rid of the beast, without worrying about herself and Cernan.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
He OOC: is there any way that we can get the pig and the wolves rolled for successful attacks? Since they have the intent to kill him and obviously Arturius isn't going down without a fight.

There was clear unease surroundeding the group of mountain dwellers as to what exactly this animal was. Though she had described the tactic they would use to attack it, she realized that it wouldn't do any of them much good if they didn't know what it was or exactly how to defeat it. Athena and Vespertio showed up later, and the Queen of the Lake cleared her throat. "Where I am from, these were not uncommon. They are called Hogs, and they are nasty and fowl creatures. They dig up herbs, especially mushrooms and meat, and destroy most everything in their path to get it. They typically travel in groups, so there is likely others nearby which is why we need to take this one down before he has a chance to go and tell his friends. Their tusks are very sharp and will cut you easily, so steer clear as best as you can. They have thick skins and tough skulls, so our best bet is to get it on its back and go for the throat or the stomach." She explained, head tilting thoughtfully to the side as she dug through her memories of the animals.

It wasn't long after she began explaining that a loud squeal caught her attention and a flash of dirty fur. Her gaze widened in horror as the hog made a bee line straight for Cernan, her subordinates reacting in an instant. She mentally blessed her daughter for thinking quickly on her feet and shoving Cernan and herself up to a higher place. It made their next job much easier. "Surround him now, but do not let him tusk you. Try to get him on his back!" She barked, rushing forward to nip at the Hog's heels. With their known aggression, she had no doubt he would try and round on her and that's exactly what she wanted.
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
The dark guardian's words sent a chill up his spine. It was a swift confirmation of what he'd already feared. The terror subsided momentarily as his father and mother arrived on scene in mere moments. The boy watched; his attention fully glued to Namid while she dictated a plan. The adults were going to attack it? His chest tightened. That horrible thing could hurt them! Still the prince nodded quickly in response. He would stay well away, that much was for sure. Mama kept talking though, and at last Cernan had more of the information he'd been looking for. It was a hog. And it was very dangerous. His eyes darted to the side to see Neha bristling angrily. She'd agreed not to interfere either; but his stomach sank with the worry that she would be brash enough to jump in as she had with the swan.

There was much less time to think about this though, for in the next moment when his yellow eyes found the monster once more, it was looking straight back at him. He didn't like that one bit. His own fur began to spike up and his ears flattened. Why was it looking at him like that? And then the worst thing possible happened. The demon creature broke into a run; its beady eyes fixed upon the nervous boy with murderous intent; or at least that's how it felt. His eyes grew wide; pupils constricting with fear in the milliseconds that followed. His body went cold and his legs locked up, ready to bolt but someone beat him to it.

He stumbled sideways; suddenly jarred off balance with a yelp. The youth's gaze latched onto the face of Nathaniel just as the order rang out. He whirled; kicking up the dead leaves and dirt in his haste. His sibling was by his side in the next moment; calling out as the adults burst into action behind them. His stomach was turning wildly as he sprinted after her; tail tucked deeply between his legs. He didn't have the mind to do anything other than obey and run. It was pure terror as he scrambled for the rocks; every second imagining the boar's sharp tusks in his flesh and expecting to be caught any moment – torn from the rock face and from his sister's side by a horrible monster. His movement was beyond frantic; which resulted in quite a few slipped paws and stumbles before he'd truly reached safety.

Once atop the boulder and finally able to turn his bulging eyes back down toward his family the pup's chest heaved. Neha was beside him at least, but now his Ma and Pa were in harm's way. He was relatively safe now but still the boy's heart pulsed hard and fast. He felt ill as the action commenced below. That thing could kill his parents before his very eyes; and Nathaniel too – the man who had now saved his life twice in a row. He was shaking, feeling the horror deep in his bones. They were growing stiff from the stress and exertion of moments before now that the Vuesain Prince was at rest. What was he supposed to do?
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

What came to happen next seemed to play out like a slow motion horror movie no parent in their right mind would ever want to witness in their lifetime. Engulfing his splayed back ears like a surround system in an amplified location, the challenging squeal of a bristle haired swine followed by molten gold eyes watching the actual momentum of a promised charge barreling right towards his son worked wonders at causing his blood to run ice cold with fear. Once sheathed rows of able teeth revealed by the curling of ebony lips, a menacing snarl rippling from Vespertio's vocal chords. This thing, this hog; as Namid had come to reveal, needed to be exterminated. Immediately. Hope ran just as thickly through his bloodstream as did the rise in his adrenaline levels, a swift glance toward his boy relieving the previous fear that coursed through his body. His children were safe upon higher ground allowing the agouti king to focus primarily on the task at hand. Destroying this pig.

There was no cause for hesitation as those gathered reacted quicker than lighting striking the earth. A flash of multi-hued fur darted in every which direction to shield the boar's target of choice as well as surround the foul beast, a silent thanks escaping the regal patriarch for the fierceness and loyalty his subordinates were displaying in the form of an exhaled breath while his own muscles sprung into action. The ground melted rapidly beneath creamy limbs as Vespertio closed the distance between himself and the enemy. His path of trajectory aiming parallel to Pharika with a hopeful shoulder-check to an exposed rear flank. Together with the salt and pepper coated woman shoving at the shoulder and his weight against the rear flank the combined strength would; one could only hope, knock the swine off-balance and warrant the other gathered Cove wolves a chance to snap at vital areas. Extinguishing the direct threat.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
[Image: peccary2_by_euphoriclies-d9dfbhr.png]


Perhaps he hadn’t thought out this plan in full.  But the boar was already committed to charging the young wolf, even as an older animal knocked him out of the way and sent the small ones running.  They would have been the best target, but there were plenty more to chose from – especially the one that had chosen to take the youngling’s place.  @Nathaniel was met with a boorish grin moments before the monster lowered his skull, slamming into the wolf’s shoulder with thick bone and pounds of gristle.  It did little more than buzz, but the guardian would be feeling much more than that.

The children were erased from thought as the the other members of the pack fell upon him; one, two, was that three bites to his flank?  Arturius bellowed in anger, spittle flying from his lips as he whirled to face the group.  His beady eyes fell upon fell on the remaining group, for he assumed Nathaniel to be indisposed with an injury, at least for the time being.  There were too many wolves for him to handle at once, and he knew then this would not end the way he had planned.

Very well.  At least they’d pay.

He could take as many with him as he could down to hell, and in a moment, dark eyes fell to @Vespertio as he whirled again, surging forward to jam his tusks into the wolf’s side.

Cernan and Neha make a successful escape as the boar is distracted.  Nathaniel is slammed square-on by the boar's head (and should sustain from damage from that).  The boar is bitten in the flanks by Pharika, Athena, and Kajika before he circles around to face the rest of the pack.  He turns again to charge and gore Vespertio, leaving the others alone.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
Took the liberty of saying the boar got him with his tusks as well bc scars.

The seconds slowed around him as they ticked by, one by one, emphasized by the beat of each cloven hoof upon the ground. Simultaneously he felt as though he had a wealth of time to react and none at all. Back and forth his gaze was passed, from the children and their sliding legs to the beast bearing down upon him. From his peripheral vision he witnessed blurs of his comrades as they threw themselves into the tunneling frey, but that's all they were. Details escaped him, for in that instant, nothing else mattered. His nerves were on fire, screaming at him to move, but his hard head won out. Not until the children were safe.

When the last of their tiny paws left the ground his breath released. Now, his mind hollered, and his legs shifted to act, to escape the peril. Yet before the stride could be fulfilled the impact came. His entire body rattled, all thought escaping his mind as his lungs seized and his muscles clenched with pain. A strangled yelp torturously fled his jaws before he hit the ground, collapsing in on himself.

When was the last time he'd felt pain like this? It was the concentration his mind struggled to crawl toward once the vibrations stopped. The air stung his opened flesh where the dull tusks had gouged through his skin, and no amount of effort could bring his limb back to life. As much as he had feigned the role of guardian for these wolves his brother had so adored, Nathaniel had never before put himself in the line of danger so blatantly. It wasn't him. This Coldheart didn't fit in shining armor.