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out of the box — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
For @Oula!! Time to make some plans~
Misty, 14F/-10C

He’d taken a few days to digest the information after speaking with @Rook, but the pair of them had come to an agreement. It was, as far as the Leader could determine, a relatively good one and he was excited. Or, at least, his heart wanted to be. The medicine man’s head was determined to get in the way of that, insisting things may very well be too good to be true – they really shouldn’t get themselves worked up before speaking to anyone else about the matter. After all, Veho and his partner had no way to create a puppy between themselves; they’d need a third participant in this.

Truth be told, he did have a wolf in mind.

It took some time, however, to put the pieces together in his mind, to figure out what he wanted to say. Once the alpha had finally put that together, he set out to find the hopeful guardian, steps determined as he followed her sent across the border and outside of Grizzly Hollow. Something about that settled his nerves, a bit, and he carried on in silence until the other wolf came into view. Announcing himself with a short bark as to not startle his packmate, he veered towards Oula before he spoke.

“My friend! I have been looking for you. There are things – I would wish to discuss, have you a moment of time?”

Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
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Oula Whitebark
Oula Whitebark
cover me with salt now, show me how

Puffs of warm breath from her parted jaws joined the misted air as she confidently strutted along over the snow. The scabbed skin of her flank and nape were bared with pride, the fact that she had been the one to run away from that encounter unable to dampen her spirit. She wasn't one to make trouble or pick fights where none was needed, but she still found herself daydreaming of another encounter, planning what she would do differently the next time.

Oula had stopped beside the trunk of an old tree, nose twitching over the scents left behind by others before she lifted a leg to leave her mark among the rest. Unladylike, perhaps, but Oula always had considered herself 'one of the guys'.

Oula's small ears flicked, her attention drawn by the sound of paws crunching through snow. Her nostrils flared, bringing in the cold air perfumed with frost and cedar, along with a warmer musk of a packmate. A bark in her direction confirmed their identity, and she trotted to meet Veho halfway.

"Veho, sir," Oula said as she stopped, her head slightly inclined from its previously proud posture, but tail swishing steadily behind her. "Of course, as much time as you'd like."  She wasn't busy, and even if she was there was little that was so urgent that she couldn't carve out a corner of time for her leader. She wondered what was so important to bring him out looking for her. He did not look worried or distressed, so she didn't think some emergency had brought him after her. But then, what was it?

"What is it that brings you out here?" She asked with a slight tilt of her rounded head.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

As the pair of wolves drew together, Veho allowed his posture to relax – alpha as he was, he considered the female to be a friend. As he did not exert dominance over his own beta, he did not seek to do such a thing to someone he considered dear. That he came with some very interesting information was beside the point, as was the question he begged to ask, but there could only be one thing at a time.

Once they exchanged a friendly greeting, his tail wagging gently in a mirror image of Oula’s own, he took a moment to gather his thoughts and consider how he might want to approach both topics heavy upon his mind. The good news first, he decided, and hummed softly as he bobbed his head, indicating the female make herself comfortable. This wouldn’t be quick – the lord himself took a seat in the snow, thick bushy tail wrapping itself around his paws.

“I come with two matters in mind – the first, pack business, though I will admit to a hint of my own personal happiness in my ability to share good news. The second is more personal, but that can wait until Grizzly Hollow matters are seen to.”

The man cleared his throat, giving himself another moment to collect his thoughts. “When Rook and Quil left Grizzly Hollow, it was to grieve and to search for Cinder, Quil’s missing sister. At the time, it was indicated that Wacipi and I were interim leaders – and while Rook has returned, Quil has not yet. To further…complicate this matter, Wacipi is not as interested in pack welfare as the founders were, and we have come to confrontation. She has thusly disappeared, though my partner informs me she is not about to return. She has left Grizzly Hollow.” He gave a small huff as his lips twisted into an unreadable expression; while they had not gotten along, it was still strange, to lose a pack member. A first, so to speak. “So I come to you, second in rank, and truly the female I trust most, to offer you the position of leadership. I have always thought you quite capable since the day we met, and you were able to fetch a bee hive from a high-hanging branch, and your creativity and dedication would not be amiss.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula Whitebark
cover me with salt now, show me how

At Veho's gesture Oula settled her hindquarters down into the snow, ears perked with interest towards the man and what he had to say. Her brows lifted with interest and surprise to hear that Wacipi had disappeared, or left, whichever of the two. It wasn't typical for a leader to leave their pack, though she supposed the unconventional situation ruled out the expectation for anything 'typical'. But the true surprise came with the proposition that followed.

"Oh, my goodness." Oula blurted simply at first, blinking quickly. The offer wasn't something she'd expected to hear at all, Veho might as well have been asking her if she wanted to take a stroll on the moon. She'd only ever wanted to be a guardian, being a leader wasn't even something she had dreamed of. And here was the opportunity, dangling in front of her for the taking. The thought nearly made her giddy. But this was not a decision to take lightly and she could not allow herself to get overly excited. She breathed deeply, holding on to the air in her lungs for a few moments before releasing it in one long exhalation.

"I can't say I feel it's something I have earned, not yet, at least." Oula said slowly, shifting her weight between her haunches before continuing. She sheepishly winced, slightly embarrassed about what she had to say but feeling she needed to be honest with the man in case she'd ever misrepresented herself. "Sir, I used to watch pups while everyone else went on campaigns. I had volunteered to find that woman, hoping that upon my return with her head, they might see me capable as something more." She said guiltily, her sage eyes momentarily flicking towards the side with a humble fold of her ears. "I have failed in that, and have yet to become a guard neither here nor there. I can't say I know how to lead." She was sure those at home might have even found the idea of her leading anything laughable. Rorik had really been the only one to see she had potential.

"But your trust means a great deal to me, and it would be an honor to serve if you feel I am qualified." She looked back up, meeting the healer's silver irises with an intensity in her eyes. 

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

He could not blame her for her surprise – Veho had felt much the same when the weight of Grizzly Hollow had been rested upon his shoulders. Only the unwise or the untested would be only excited about leadership with no sort of worry. It spoke to the woman’s character, and gave him a small breath of relief that she’d not snap up the role in a power hungry fit. He hadn’t pegged her for the type, but he’d been wrong before. This life had taught him to expect the unexpected, especially recently.

As Oula worked through the information piece by piece, he reached forward to bump his friend’s muzzle gently, trying to remind her she’d not be in this alone. Even if he wasn’t to be her equal, they were companions now, and he’d not let a packmate suffer needlessly, especially when he had the power to help. “I am very glad to hear you will take up the role,” he murmured quietly, pale silver eyes studying the woman’s face. “I know you. I trust you, your character, and your judgement. Truth be told, I was getting ready to ask if you’d challenge Wacipi for her position – I suppose the Ancestors have a strange way of setting things right in the world.”

The man’s lips twisted into a wry grin as he shook his head, casting a brief glance skyward. He might wonder after the grand plan, if he ever thought he’d get a glimpse of it. Fortunately, Veho was a patient man, and did not spend his energy worrying after it. “You know you can always rely on me, yes? As pack, and as your friend. I will do my best to help you with the role, whatever that entails.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula Whitebark
cover me with salt now, show me how

Watching him, Oula could see no disappointment in his pale eyes. A slight smile turned the corners of her lips as Veho's muzzle reached out in reassurance, her short tail sweeping along the snow behind her. The man had never been anything but kindhearted and understanding, so she wasn't sure why she had expected anything different. Her lack of experience didn't phase him, and knowing that he had even thought to ask if she would challenge Wacipi before this all came to a head on its own was reassuring. Whether or not the ancestors had a paw in how things had unfolded, she couldn't be sure, but she could no longer exclude the possibility of it after seeing what she had that autumn.

"It will be a challenge, but I look forward to it." She said confidently. She could do it, there was no doubt in her mind now. She would figure it out, piece by piece, with someone she trusted beside her.

"Veho, sir, thank you. I hope you know, I have your back as well." She promised. It was what friends were for. The scent of deer browsing nearby tantalized her nose, but she remained in place untempted. "There something else you came to discuss?" She asked, remembering he had mentioned two matters to attend to.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

“A challenge, yes,” the man agreed with a bob of his head. “But a worthy one. And one I hope you will come to enjoy.” It had taken him some weeks to settle into the position as thane of Grizzly Hollow, but now, now it felt right. He would not change it for anything. Even a decision from @Rook that the man was ready to retain his position would be met with some disappointment, even if he would offer no resistance. Loyalty and love would always outweigh his selfish desires – he had no reason to believe otherwise, at least.

Veho might have even left it there, distracted by the good news and (relatively) simply transition when his companion piped back up. Ears flicked forward before he ducked his head sheepishly. If a wolf could blush, his cheeks would have gone a silly shade of pink as the second matter quickly came back to mind. This had been something he’d been rolling around for days, perhaps longer. It might have been easier if he hadn’t needed to ask @Oula to step up as leader – but perhaps it was more simple this way, knowing that she would not feel beholden?

Ah, he was talking himself around in circles.

So the medic drew in a long breath, trying to sort his words carefully before opening his mouth once more. “The second matter is a much more personal one,” he said, glancing back up with much more hesitation than he had before. “As you are aware, Rook and I are involved with one another, and as current alpha, it is my privilege to…start a family, if I wish. Which I do wish – it was very important, growing up. But such a thing is not possible between myself and my partner, so I-- Erm. Yes.” Veho coughed, ears falling against his skull. Never did he stumble over words like this! “I suppose I wanted to know if you’d ever given thought to being a mother.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula Whitebark
cover me with salt now, show me how

Oula's brown ears stood up straight, watching carefully as the composed leader somewhat fell apart before her eyes. She didn't miss the duck of the head, the steadying breath as if steeling himself. It certainly wasn't his normal demeanor, especially in contrast to how smoothly he had asked if she would step up to lead just moments prior.

Words tumbled out of his mouth, the Whitebark woman all the while trying to understand what it was he was getting at. She was not aware of Veho's partnership with Rook, but the healer pushed onward, revealing that, of course, the pair could not have cubs. What any of this had to do with her, she did not yet know, but waited patiently as he coughed, again shrinking before her. Perhaps he just needed an ear to listen, it was long overdue that she returned the favor.

She did not expect the question that fell from his lips. Oula stared for a few moments too long, her body a little bit too still.

"I did not know this about you and Rook," She stated first, brow knitted slightly as she tried to make sense of it. She had never thought to closely scrutinize and pin down the relationship between the two males. They did spend a lot of time together, talking, sleeping, grooming, like the closest of brothers or... lovers, she supposed now that she thought about it.

His question was a whole other thing to unravel. Had she given it any thought? To be honest, not really. She had so many other things going on it had never occurred to her to think about it. She supposed there had once been daydreams of a little litter of red-coated cubs, but those dreams were long since dead and buried. But he couldn't have asked her just to know her opinion on the topic of motherhood.

"Veho," She finally said slowly, measured. Her angled eyes had slightly rounded beneath her lifted brow. Her heart was hammering so loudly in her chest she thought for sure it was audible from the outside. She wasn't much one for dancing around things, but this was not a case in which she wanted anything misunderstood. As much as she hated to do it, she had to drag the whole thing out into the open. "Are you asking to breed with me?"

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

If there were ever a time he wanted to sink into the earth and disappear altogether, it was this very moment.  Failing that, Veho would have been satisfied to explode into bits of silver fur; at least it would save him from the embarrassment and shame threatening to burn him up from the inside out.  She was too still and he could not stop shuffling, looking from his paws to his friend, finding the sky and the forest floor, and--  Oh.  Rarely did he regret opening his mouth, but it appeared this was one of those times.

“I--!  Ancestors!”

Did he really come off so rudely?  Veho’s head snapped upwards, pale eyes ringed with white as he stared down his counterpart, the very tip of his tail twitching uneasily as it gave his general discomfort away.  Technically, yes, but he would have never dreamed of phrasing it that way.  Even as a friend, the Whitebark wolf was too important to think of in such terms.

All he could muster was an unhappy cough and a small shrug of his shoulders, and the leader forced himself to press on.  He’d brought this upon himself.  “I am asking you to be a part of my family,” he replied – that didn’t sound so bad.  He could have given himself a pat on the back. “I--  As I said before, I think you are honorable, and noble, and I—“ A pause.  “—am not actually trying to butter you up, though I feel I am doing a terrible job of explaining myself.  I suppose, in short, the answer is yes, though it is not as simple as that.”  It couldn’t be, if there were puppies involved.  They would need a mother, at least for a few months, if nothing else.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2016, 06:07 PM by Veho.)
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]