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Cry Me A River — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
Tag for @Amaryllis. Also backdated to the 3rd of April (i.e. yesterday) Early afternoon, probably just after midday

"I could do with more days like this," Yvly mumbled to herself as she lay her muzzle along the ridge of the pleasantly warm rock she currently resided upon. With the sun baking the fur on her back the tawny female closed her eyes, relishing in the warmth from the sun high above in the sky. Winter was finally gone, and so was the high-strung tendencies of early spring. She could finally take the time to relax and just enjoy being. Yes, she could be on a border patrol, but it was too nice of a day not to enjoy it. Maybe in a couple of hours when she began to feel guilty...

Minutes passed, stretching into even more minutes, and still she lay there with eyes fully closed, a curve to her lips. Sunlight was truly the best treatment for stress and other ailments. She was not much one for using herbs, although she could definitely see the positive side of it. All she needed to do was remember what they looked like and which name was attached to which herb. Fetching, that was her job. Fetching and spying, in a certain sense of the description. Others called it gathering and peace-making, but she told it like it was. Within reason, of course. She had learned some form of restraint over the past couple of months, and if she was to... make peace with other packs being able to hold her tongue would be a very good skill.

Sighing softly in contentment, the tawny female stretched out her legs and pushed against the rock so she rolled onto her other side, letting the sun warm up her slightly colder side.

281 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
The days were slowly heating up and for that, Amaryllis was happy. Not only did that mean that snow no longer covered the ground and the coldness that seeped into her skin was replaces by the warmth of the sun. But also it meant herbs could start growing properly again which meant the cache could be restocked properly.

That did not mean she hadn't tried her best over the last few weeks but the cold meant few plants grew other than the few odd cold withstanding plants. Her eyes leveled over the ground as she weaved between the great cedar trees, noting where some buds grew for later reference and pausing every so often when coming across a plant she could gather up.

So when she scented Yvly, the greyscale woman decides to take a break. She had spent all morning carefully searching and has already gathered a small bundle of plants as it were. A small break wouldn't hurt. Besides, she hadn't seen her...friend? She supposed that's what Yvly was to her, in a few weeks.

Weaving around trees, she came across Yvly sprawled out in a large patch of sun uptop a rock though and she managed was a simple whuff around her bundle. Surely the other wouldn't mind a few moments of company, even if the other liked as if she was having a nap.  Shaking her coat out, she closed her eyes as the sun's warmth washed over her once stepping into the light.

She could not blame the other for wanting to escape the shadows of the trees, for she felt like resting in the sun herslef now she had the taste for it today.
(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2016, 10:40 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
@Amaryllis <3 Also do you want to set up that whole plot-travelling thing in this thread? (If everyone has agreed to it yet)

Her serene lie down was interrupted by a muffled whuff, much to the tawny female's chagrin. Opening a single dark amber eye she gazed upon the intruder of her "me time", returning said whuff in response. It was only Lily. Realizing that now would be an appropriate time to say her hello, Yvly reluctantly sat up, stretching out her legs as she did so and fighting back the urge to yawn. "A fine day to be out, yes?" She woofed lowly, shaking out her pelt as she stepped down from the rock and onto soil, digging her claws into the softness of it as she padded closer to Lily. It reminded her a lot of the soil back at her birth home, but it seemed more... clay-ey.

It was only when Yvly got closer that she saw the bundle of herbs in the greyscale female's jaws, to which her brows raised slightly in curiosity. Veho had mentioned on their trip to Secret Woodlands that there were many different types of herbs in the Cedarwood Forest, but she had more or less dismissed the thought entirely. The only time herbs mattered to her was when she needed to go and fetch them. "What's in the bundle?" The tawny female queried as she reclined back onto her haunches, tail curling itself around her paws. She was genuinely curious about the types Lily had gathered. She seemed like a smart wolf, not one with all of this namby-pamby business that others had. Plus it was a conversation starter. There were not many of those around that she could use without sounding... weird.

269 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
haven't got a response off of everyine yet but doesn't mean Ama can't at least mention wanting to explore XD
Once Yvly's attention had been caught, it was almost like she had been interrupted. Amaryllis felt a little guilty than for disturbing her.

But then Yvly questioned the bundle she was carrying and Amaryllis's ears flipped forward in slight excitement.

Her bundle was mainly made up of ergot along with the leaves of the cedar trees, wrapped up carefully in a large piece bark of the trees. She had noticed that there was a lack of fleas and ticks in her fur since arriving into the forest. There were a few questions that she wanted to confirm with Veho but she assumed the oils or something in either one or both of the leaves and bark repelled ticks and fleas.

"The leaves and bark of the trees from around here, along with Ergot." She answered Yvly, once she placed the bundle down and freed her mouth to actually speak with. That was the trouble with carry around herbs. She had to use her mouth and thus it made talking difficult. "Ergot is good for headaches and uncontroable bleeding and I've noticed a decline in fleas and ticks on me since living in these woods so I was going to ask Veho more about it. Though the ergot and other herbs have only just started growing really but I figured I could start gathering them up now and try restock the cache. Though I would not mind traveling to other areas far away from here and see what herbs grow there, to see what they help with..." She trailed off, reading she was rambling on a just a bit. And she knew some wolves didn't like that. "My apologies. I did not mean to ramble on as I did."
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The tawny female took note of the excitement appearing on Lily's face at the mention of the bundle, taking it as a cue to sit back and listen to whatever the greyscale female had to say. She often found those who got onto a topic of an interest of theirs tended to... ramble. but she did not mind at all, as long as it was interesting. The budding medic, or healer or... whatever it is Lily wanted to be, set down the bundle and began to animatedly explain the types of herbs she had gathered and what they were used for. Yvly had heard of ergot before, but what it was used for she now learned was to treat headaches and bleeding. Maybe she would go and fine Lily the next time she became irritated with a fellow wolf; it often felt like she had a moron-induced headache afterwards.

She, too, had noticed there were far less irksome bugs and small insects around than what she was used to on the great plains of her homeland, but figured it was due to the dense cover of the cedarwood treas. But as she did not know much about anything smaller than a rabbit she simply let it slide and take the win for what it was. However, as to what the bark and leaves of trees could be used for she had absolutely no idea. Bruises? Open wounds? To clear the mind and senses? She left all of that stuff up to the experts.

Shaking her head, Yvly offered up a small smile. "Do not apologise." Rambling was only annoying when it was not informational. "I'd be more than happy enough to go with you on your venture. It would be nice to stretch my legs a bit and see the sights." Maybe she could go and see the mountain! Ever since joining Grizzly Hollow she had wanted to go and set a paw upon the rocky surface. "But I suppose we would have to ask permission from the leaders first," Yvly added as an afterthought, ears flicking back momentarily and mouth twisting in a slight sneer. It was much nicer when she had the freedom to do what she wanted, but that was the price to pay for leaving home and seeking adventure, after all.

385 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Amaryllis smiled slightly when Yvly told her not to apologise for her ramblings. It was nice to know she hadn't annoyed her pack mate. It was nice to have someone like that, unlike some wolves she once k ew.... She shook her head, silently cursing herself. She wouldn't dive back into those thoughts. Not now not ever.

Yvly mentioned she wouldn't mind coming along in her venture and Amaryllis felt happy that she did.

"I would appreciate if you came along. I was considering going to the mountain, since that area would have vastly different herbs than the forest around here." And it was surely right in thinking that. Different plants grew in different areas of the land so one plant that grew here would most likely not grow on the mountain and the same could apply in reverse.

"But yes, we would need Veho and Oula's permission first, before wandering off. I would not want them to think we are abandoning the pack if we do." And that would be not a nice to think of. She shuddered. To abandon a pack with no good reason was something that did not sit well with the healer. She than realised that she had no idea what roll Yvly wished to aspire to in the pack. Like, she knew she wanted to be a healer but she wasn't sure of her pack mate.

"What role are you wanting in the pack?" She questioned the other, honestly curious about it and hoping she wasn't prying too much into the woman's life.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Yvly's tail wagged of its own accord at Lily's mention of going to the mountain on this trip of hers. Yes! Finally, a proper reason to go and venture where her heart lay, at least to quell the desire a bit. A big rock could not possibly be as interesting as her mind made it seem, but there was only one way to find out. And that was through adventure. "I don't really know much about herbs," the tawny female admitted, "But I can always carry extra bundles of herbs." It was not often she offered help, and when she did it was more than not in her favour, but at least this way she could accompany Lily as a sort of pack mule to the mountain, and possibly even beyond. That would do wonders for her state of mind; travelling far beyond pack borders and getting some fresh air from the restrictions of pack life.

The tawny female agreed silently at her fellow pack mate's words. Yes, having their leaders presume them to have just left would be a very bad thing to happen, and may even jeopardize their places within the pack. It was best to go to them first and see if it was alright to leave for however long the trip would last, as tedious as it sounded. Yvly was slightly taken aback at Lily's sudden probing question of what role she sought after within the pack, but instead of snapping something in response and drawing back like she would have a few months ago, she brushed off the surprise and centred herself. "I'm hoping to become a scout," she responded simply, letting her response hang in the air.

283 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
"A scout? That is interesting." Her words were genuine. Amaryllis knew she wandered slightly in need to find herbs but she could not imagine being a scout. To wander so far from home...

But she knew how important a scout could be however, as a scout would help in keeping up ties that the pack had to other packs and were the ones more often than not to ferry important messages.

Each role had set of skills it could bring to the table and its own importance within the pack. The bundle that lay at her feet was a showing of her, at least for the moment, limited knowledge of herbs and if this journey came to frition, than it would be Yvly's skills showing.

"And that is fine," she replied to the other's admission that she knew little about herbs, smiling softly. "I will most likely be asking Veho what herbs I should take myself, since I do not know what grows on the mountain. Though I imagine the trees here do not grow quite as well as they do on a mountian, so the leaves and bark might be something I'll take along." She mused, not realising she was speaking her thoughts aloud. It was something she had developed in her time alone, sometimes speaking to herself just to hear a voice. "And maybe some lavender hyssop, if some has grown by the time we depart. It might take some organising after all, before we are able to set out." She hadn't realised she was rambling a little again, a small concentrated frown on her face as she thought.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
@Amaryllis So halfway of the way through this post I accidently closed the tab and had to re-write it ;~;

Yvly's head canted slightly to the side at Lily's quite genuine expression of interest at what role she wished to pursue within the pack. It was a foreign thought to her; to be sincerely interested in something to do with another wolf. Sure, if it was related to something that she liked, such as hunting, she would express her interest on the topic in part, but with everyday things she could not understand why. Though maybe that was because she had grown up more or less on her own as no one around her seemed to want anything to do with her, other than the skills she had which could provide the pack with food all year round. That way of thinking had led her to believe something was only desired and of value if it could further one in life. Maybe she needed to change that thinking.

Caught up in her own inner thoughts, the tawny female did not notice her companion's waffling spiel until the other had fallen silent. It was only then that she realized she must look a little strange just staring intently at nothing in particular within her eye line. Tawny ears splaying slightly back and to the side upon her skull with a sheepish grin on her face, Yvly cleared her throat and said the first thing that came to mind. "So what do you do in your spare time?" she blurted out quite hurriedly, almost tripping over her words, "Other than... collecting herbs... of course..." she added, words trailing off as she mentally face planted into the ground to escape the awkwardness she had just created.

273 words