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My Love Never Stopped — Kingsfall 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
@Naia Finally managed to get it up <3

It was the worst time of the year. It had come - the beginning of spring. Inali loved that winter was quickly coming to a close, for that meant the budding of flowers and warmth in the air. But, the coming of spring also meant breeding season. The time each year when every woman of age came into heat. It was the worst time for Inali. There was an 'itch' within her that she held no desire to scatch, but it was still an unwelcome heat within her blood. As gentle as Inali's nature was, even she had trouble being around other females around this time of year. At least she didnt have the added trouble of having some male having an interest in her. No male's charms would've worked anyway, for her heart belonged to another. Even after all this time.

In the thickets, Aideen had begun to keep her distance from the females to avoid snapping at them. But to keep her queen happy and for Inali's own sanity, she too kept her distance. Still, the tension was stifling. So she had decided to spend a night away from the pack. Informing Miccah of her plans the previous night, he nodded his permission and the subordinate was off. Now, it was early morning. The sun was barely beginning to rise. There was a pack nearby, but Inali made sure to steer very far away from them. She didn't want any trouble. Taking a deep breath, filling her lungs with sweet, fresh air, she exhaled slowly. Yes, this was exactly what she needed. Inali planned to stay for a few more hours, and then make her way back home. For now, she would enjoy the new scenery.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2016, 11:33 AM by Inali.)
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Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Ahhh Inaiaaaa <333 I missed this!! So Naia’s been sick these past months, with what I’m imagining is kind of a wolfy version of Mono- she’s just really weak and run-down, so she'll look kind of thin and sickly to Inali.

The beautiful, longing voice twining in the wind was the one thing that could have comforted Naia in this tormented moment. Weakened though she was, as she answered her lover’s call the Timber woman felt as though she were flying on the air currents alongside her own joyful tune.  Inali Wayha was an absolute vision to behold, russet fur matching the tones in the surrounding redwood forest and crystalline eyes blazing bright and true. As the River woman slowed her pace, approaching on weakened, shaky legs, it would be easy for the other scout to see why Naia had been forced to delay their reunion. Even after such a short sprint there was fatigue laced into the agouti’s movements, though her golden eyes burned with wild, unrestrained passion.

Naia seemed to collapse into her lover’s embrace, only noticing her own flowing tears when the fur on the nape of Inali’s neck grew damp. She wished to stay forever like this, breathing in the Wayha woman’s coveted scent, though her muscles were quickly tiring from the strength of the embrace. Inali would be able to feel Naia’s gaunt frame and the tremble of her sickly body, and doubtless understood when the Timber had to sink to the ground.

As they settled on the forest floor, Naia gazed into her lover’s eyes with a smile. “Inali,” she spoke at last, relishing the feel of the name on her tongue. There was so much to say, where to begin? “You look amazing.. I—I’m so glad you’re safe.” If Inali was here, then she had certainly received word that the River and Crest alliance was through, and she was outlawed in the Riverlands no more. Even so, Naia felt she should make it official. “Welcome to Kingsfall.”  Her grin broadened, and she nuzzled her crown into Inali’s chest. “Tell me everything,” she begged, “Tell me of this pack I smell.” She nibbled playfully beneath her lover’s jawline, burying her nose into Inali’s ruff. 
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali barely had time to register her lover's form heading towards her when Naia suddenly collided against her. It only took a brief moment to realize this was truly her beloved and Inali had to shut her eyes tight to not let out a pitiful whine of relief. Pushing her muzzle into her lover's nape, she greedily breathed in the scent that she had been longing for for the past months. How long had she ached to hold Naia again? To simply just breathe in her perfume? To simply lay by her side? Her relief and joy was so great that it hurt.

But the Naia she had seen that dreadful day in the cedar woods had been a beautiful vision. The woman she was holding now was still beautiful, still her warm lover, but definitely not the healthy angel she had been before. As Naia sagged to the forest floor, Inali gently followed and laid beside her lover. She was so happy, embracing the warmth in her chest as Naia freely touched her and breathed her in. Her lover asked questions, but she didn't want to talk. Not yet.

As Naia touched her, Inali reciprocated. She trailed her muzzle down her beloved's neck softly, leaving gentle kisses in her wake. Nipping at Naia's nape gently, she reacquainted herself with the scent and feel of her lover. So long it had been. But the fun could wait. Moving away from her lover, Inali spoke softly. "Nina gave me the second chance I needed. I'm now a part of the Woodlands...and I'm happy. So happy. But, there had been a constant ache in her heart. Now, that ache was slowly receding. Inali gazed at Naia with concern."My love...what plagues you?" Had she seen the healers of her pack? Did they have no healers? Would Inali have to force Naia to leave her so she could be taken care of properly? Her beloved's health was clearly failing, and Inali prayed to the Fates it was nothing serious.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2016, 04:37 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia hummed in pleasure as Inali planted sweet kisses down her neck, the sound turning into a playful whine when her lover pulled away from her. The scout’s tail fluttered against the ground when the aqua-eyed beauty spoke, telling of her happiness and fortune. Inali was a resourceful woman, and Naia had known that she would find a way to get by, but it had been slowly eating her up inside not knowing for sure how her love fared. “Then I am happy for you.” She beamed. Thank the gods Inali had found this friend, Nina, but the name of the pack struck a sour note in Naia’s ears. Secret Woodlands. The scout knew for fact that their neighbors, Broken Timber Pines, were Secret Woodlands fugitives... she would have to tread a very careful line to make nice with both packs at the same time. Which she would do happily. She would not let another inter-pack dispute tear her away from her beloved. 
“What plagues my body..” Naia shook her head dismissively, “Our healer—the best in Relic, I’m told—has been treating me for overexhaustion. I’m afraid I overexerted myself when I traveled to Black Thorn Downs to dissolve the alliance.” She couldn’t help but give a small, coquettish grin.. Hearthwood River was absolved of their duty to Black Thorn Downs, and Inali knew what that meant. “..Healing has been slow, but steady. Truly I feel fine, I just tire easily.”
Naia held herself a little taller, knowing that Inali would be surveying her closely to ascertain that she was telling the truth. “It’s my thoughts that really plague me,” Naia admitted, eager to change the subject but also to lighten the incredible burden that she had been carrying in her heart. “I’m so—“ Naia stopped speaking abruptly as she felt a sudden sob coming on, but she was able to stifle the sound. She looked down at her paws, though she knew Inali had already seen the wet shimmer in her honey eyes. After a deep breath she continued, her voice a little unsteady. “I’m just so glad you’re here. It was so frustrating, needing to speak to you urgently, but being too weak to travel..” Naia blinked back her angry tears—there was no need for them now. Inali was here. “I prayed so hard that you would come to me. And here you are.” Naia smiled through her tears, rising onto shaky legs in order to nudge her face into Inali’s ruff. 
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Sorry I took so long <3 @Naia

Inali had to hold her tongue to stifle her disagreement with Naia's words. She didn't want to argue over personal opinion of who the best healer was. Naia was telling her that she was being taken care of properly, and Inali trusted her judgement. But, if she showed any severe symptoms concerning her overexhaustion, Inali would force her to leave her and go back to her healer. For now, Inali would tread on careful ground. Her brows furrowed as Naia continued, speaking of her dissolved alliance. Yes, that was definitely good news! The petite woman grinned at her lover, but frowned as Naia continued, getting choked up.

Inali had never liked seeing others in pain, whether it was physical or emotional. Especially when it concerned Naia. She nudged her chin with her muzzle gently, trying to coax her to speak while at the same time a plea for her not to shed the tears glistening in her honey gaze. Naia gathered the strength to speak, and Inali slowly bent her head to press her face into her lover's scruff as Naia did the same. For so long, Inali had wondered if Naia had even wanted to see her again. If Naia, like she feared, had grown to hate her because of her decision. But instead, Naia had been feeling the same yearning to seek her out.

Inali slid her muzzle up Naia's neck until she reached her ear. Gently, she shh'ed her lover. There was no need for tears, from the both of them. All that mattered was that they were finally together again. "Always. I'll always come back." Whether it took days, months, or even years, Inali would always come back to Naia. Inali stood, hugging her lover as tightly as she dared without hurting her exhausted form. She just needed to drink her in, for just a moment longer. Naia was healing the cracks in her heart their separation had caused, just by simply holding her close.

HermitCrabStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2016, 01:59 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia basked in the warm, invigorating pleasure of holding Inali close; feeling more alive and energetic than she could remember in a long time—certainly since her return from Black Thorn Downs. My lover’s medicine is more potent than a medic’s herbs, she thought to herself, her easy smile materializing as she imagined the healer’s face when she told him of her “miracle cure”. The smile soon vanished though, chased away by thoughts of the ghostlike healer, which reminded her of the news she must share.   “I’ll always come back,”Inali promised, and though the words were meant as a comfort, hearing them only compounded the Timber woman's guilt.

Naia drew back from her lover, sucking in a long breath. “You might not want to make that promise so quickly,” she said quietly, honey eyes  widening as they found her lover’s aquamarine gaze. Thanks the gods she needn’t hold her confession in longer. “My King and Queen will not be adding any pups to Hearthwood River this year..” she began, the words tumbling quickly from her maw as she rushed to release them. “..And they have passed that duty to the first subordinates, the healer and I. Should we wish to parent, of course.” Naia breathed out, relieved to be free of the secret that had been weighing so heavy on her heart.

“H-his name is Lachesis,” Naia continued a little hesitantly, “He has been a packmate and trusted friend since I arrived in Relic, and he will make a great father.. But my love for him is-- and will always be-- platonic. My heart belongs to another, of course.” Naia chanced a small, loving nudge to the side of Inali’s face, eyes searching her features for her reaction. What was she thinking? Was she curious, excited, ..betrayed? “I’ve.. I’ve already agreed,” Naia admitted, eyes dropping Inali’s gaze for the briefest of moments. Confined to bed-rest, Naia had not seen any way to ask Inali before agreeing to Lachesis’s plan.. if only she had known her lover would come to her. “I’ve requested that one child belong to me alone, to go with me should I part from the River..” Her voice lowered, and took on a more pressing edge. “Think of it, Inali.. we could be a family.. you, me and the child. We could name him a Wayha-Aegina.” Previous conversations between the pair had touched on mateship, and Naia wanted to make it plain as day to her lover that she was offering her everything.  
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's blue gaze was questioning as her lover stepped back from their embrace, her quiet words sparking worry in her heart. Whatever her lover had to tell her, Inali knew it wouldn't be good news. But the words @Naia spoke were far from anything Inali would have ever imagined. The petite woman unconciously took a step back, shock clearly on her feautures. Naia...pairing with someone else to breed? She couldn't really wrap around the idea of it. A new worry came into her mind then. Did Naia love this man? Did this mean Inali would be cast away - disregarded as a temporary fling? But then Naia continued, speaking words that Inali's heart ached to hear. This man, Lachesis, was only seen as a friend. Their relationshio would be nothing more than platonic. Though mentally, she was breathing a sigh of relief, physically she showed nothing more than her present shock.

Forcing herself to physically take in oxygen, Inali looked at her lover. Her final words were slowly penetrating through the fog in her mind. Naia wished for the child to take her name? Was she understanding this right? Was Naia making it clear she wanted to be Inali's mate? "You...you would leave the River?" Could Inali do the same? Could she bear to leave Bane and Nina? All the peace she had found in the Woodlands? Could she bear to leave, again, for a chance at true happiness?

(This post was last modified: May 04, 2016, 12:29 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Inali said nothing for a long moment, her face a mask of shock and confusion.  Naia longed to wrap her in her embrace, to murmur reassurances into her ear, to make her believe that this would all be okay. She refrained from doing any of this though, trusting that Inali would approve once she was able to wrap her mind around it all. The Secret Woodlands scout was a reasonable, open-minded wolf—it wouldn’t take long for her to come around. Naia pulled her ears back and cocked her head, waiting patiently for Inali’s answer. Her eyes never strayed from her lover’s azure gaze.

Inali inhaled a long breath and finally spoke, an incredulous question on her lips. The query brought a sad smile to Naia’s own countenance. There were many ways she could have responded. The River isn’t what it was, or Maksim no longer rules, or I have a family to consider, but one answer struck her as more true than any other. “With you by my side, I could do anything. For you, I would do anything.” Denying herself pleasure for the sake of duty was one thing, when it was only herself she affected. If she remained in Hearthwood, as her son grew he would realize that his mother wasn’t content, wasn’t complete.. that she longed for something just beyond her grasp. How could she tell the boy to follow his dreams if she denied herself her own? 
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Finally got it up. Sorry it took so long <3

Naia's words made her heart jump within her chest, and Inali relished the familiar feeling. The words she spoke filled the gentle woman's heart with joy and warmth, yet brought confusion to her mind. How long had she wished to hear this statement leave Naia's maw? To promise that they really would have a future? Her words promised a future that meant no more distance between the pair. No more pack drama that would conflict with their love. The chance to have their own family, no matter who the biological parents were. However, following her heart had gotten her in trouble more times than she could have ever imagined in the past. Yet, she didn't truly regret a single choice. Every choice she had made - following Minka, leaving Yuka, losing Simaea and embracing Naia's love, seeking peace amidst war - had led to this. very. moment.

What would she decide? Would she finally choose loyalty to her pack or once again decide to follow her heart?

As much as she wanted to, Inali didn't have the answer. Not right now, at least. What she knew, as an absolute, was that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Naia by her side. So the woman stepped closer to her beloved. "I don't have all the answers right now, Naia. I...I need to speak with my king and queen. But I do know I love you, and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you in it. Knowing that I am truly yours and you mine." She wished to soak every bit of time she had left in this earth with the woman before her.

"I take you, Naia, to be my wife from this day forward, and share all that is to come, for better and for worse, until death do us part

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]