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everybody sees you're blown apart — Leigh Glen 
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Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren

Gross, look what he had done. He had taken this blissful encounter in this blissful cave with this blissful wolf and set it for the drain; and, what had been his reasoning? Simply because he just never had been in this situation before? Was he too far gone? He began to worry as he felt the fun being sucked out of their bubble. Nope. He wasn't ready for this to be over. He started letting his thoughts run the hamster wheel, thinking of how he could return to the feelings he had just been feeling. You know, like joy. Do something! Quick! It's only so long before you have to go back to the mundane life you've selected back in the Notch.

Her expression softened, and he felt like he was being mothered for a moment. Was she a mother? That's how much he knew about her. I mean, he didn't even know her name, either. His senses turned on again when she approached him for the second time. Uh oh, he was running out of time. Think of SOMETHING! Oh god, there she was. What the fuck is wrong with you!? Have you forgotten how to adult? He inhaled slowly and deeply. Her nose came close to his again, and he looked down to meet her golden eyes. He refused to move. Time was up. "It's just that.. you're so disproportionate and just generally..awry," he started, grateful that the tone of his voice was returning back to a playful one. That's it. Insult her. That's how we got here the first time. He sighed regrettably, "I'm just not sure it would be fair for me to rub your snoot into the dirt with such an advantage." He trailed off. That wasn't going to be enough. He wanted her to laugh and smile again. "You just don't know what you're getting yourself into." He shrugged, shaking his head as though he was sorry for her, making sure to keep the distance between them as close as she had been. With that, he moved quickly, throwing his body weight forward in an attempt to push her back, nipping for her cheek. He didn't intend on grappling with her, and if successful it would be just setting her back enough so that he could dart away. Away being closer to the water, and to the cave. There, that felt better.
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
He inhaled, and she had no idea what was going to ride that lungful of air when it came back out. It's just that... he started, and concern touched her expression, believing something sincere might follow - but, as was becoming typical, he surprised her. The remark took her completely off-guard, but the moment it clicked that he was resuming the game, her mouth slanted in almost reluctant amusement, because now she didn't know whether the whole thing had been part of his ploy or a genuine moment of hesitation.

He was a curious creature indeed! Glad nonetheless that he was not so uncomfortable, which had, ultimately, been her intention, Bella chuckled lightly at his jabs, letting herself slowly fall back into the character they had created earlier. She was prepared to counter his assumption that she was going in blind - even though she very much was - when he leapt forward with no warning, having quite masterfully misdirected his intentions to do so.

For that split second, she felt nothing but alarm. As fun and diverting as their little story was, her instincts did not like her being sprung upon, and she did fall back and easily, ears back and eyes wide, but all he did was reach for her cheek with his smallteeth and then skip away. It was much like she had done to him, only he was a lot larger and, apparently, rather more aggressive in his play.

It was her turn to pause. Still a little startled by the sudden resuming of the game when her guard had been down, she watched him dance closer to the water, and rationalised her fright as normal but unnecessary - and besides, she trusted herself to be sensible and safe and not dive in too deep. She wasn't playing on the mountain this time... and she didn't particularly want to be trapped in a cave with a threat who was bigger and stronger than herself. But all she needed to do was howl and her @Ash would come, so, secure in the knowledge that she was not really alone, the freeze in her limbs thawed away and let her skip down towards this strange man who was proving so difficult to read.

Deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine - and dearly hoping that her weight would be enough to combat his own - she sped up at the last moment with the intention of pushing him into the pool. The water was so shallow that it would not put him in any harm, but she was determined to keep up with him since their friendly antagonism had turned physical.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
His company didn't receive his plight as fluidly as he would have liked, which meant he may have come across a little too convincing. At least the awkward way the conversation had been going had been avoided. He may have had to begin with false security and confidence, but now he felt better. Especially when she finally decided to follow him. He had paused himself too near the pool, once he realized what she was attempting to reciprocate. What was a smug expression that had been plastered on his face, turned to sudden realization and surprise. His ears darted back, and did his best to manipulate himself out of harm's way before she lunged for him. His stature was thicker than hers, heavier; though, he could have liked to be more embonpoint at that moment. Her actions were unhidden and committed. She genuinely wanted to throw him into the water! What a thought!

If had been a few feet closer to the pool, he was sure she would have been to full avail. His bodyweight aided him in resisting much of her tackle, though he stumbled back considerably as he had also been trying to maneuver himself in another direction. He swirled his haunches around so to face her, front paws splayed slightly, and raised his eyebrows in cautioned invitation, "Listen lady, you try to throw me in the water again and I will feel no remorse for that hideous face past this point," he assured her, though his tail had the faintest wag of nonverbal invitation and his face a smirk to match. It was an obvious situation of 'be careful what you wish for', though he simply happy they were both smiling again. She was spunky, and it was bringing out the best in him.
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
Alas! His superior bulk and quick reactions proved his saving grace, resisting the worst of her assault. She crashed into him as he had tried to move away, and did manage to force him back a little, but his feet were still far too dry for her liking. Unable to hold back the soft cackles as he rounded on her, accusation in his face and tone, she took a step back and grinned with sheepish glee. She was glad that he was back in good spirits; whether it had been a facade or not, she much preferred him with his dry humour.

Dry! Far, far too dry, that's what he was. "I did warn you," she all but sang, shifting a forepaw along the ground in a guilty way as though caught doing something naughty, though there was absolutely no remorse in her face. Giving him a comfortable berth (lest he think she might strike him again, what a thought!) she meandered towards the pool herself and without hesitation waded in to her elbows, only a short distance from the edge.

Try to throw me in the water again, he'd said... Looking back at him over her shoulder, her wicked intentions plain for any to see, she abruptly spun about on the spot, making as large and dramatic a splash as she could - right in his direction, naturally.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
She had warned him; how could he forget? His mind had been warm and sparkling when she had said those things earlier though, she could have been saying lots of stuff and it would have sounded good in that moment. How easily he had been caught in her presence, just thoughts alone had given him pause. This was a more comfortable situation. Not a game of words, or puzzles of intentions. Well, perhaps a tad bit of puzzling intentions. He narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously as she dawdled towards the water. He had just warned her. Was she so bold? She looked over her shoulder wickedly and he muttered the warning to her with a stern look, "Don’t.. But no sooner had it slipped from his lips did the blur of her fur and the projectile water come his way. He had known she would, lest he stayed where he was. His attempt to dodge the water by hugging the ground provided nearly futile as his body was pelted with the water.

"Woman!” He exclaimed, a chuckle coming through the word. Without pause he darted into the water after her. She had gotten him good, and now it was his turn to try and share some of the watery love. The water’s resistance slowed him down considerably, but he did his best to lift his paws above the water without looking like a goon. Her escape would equally be as hindered, so they were on the same, awkward running page. His sprint included trying to make as big of a splash in her direction as well, though he continued forward, hoping his strength would help him catch her through the water. Oh. She was getting wet alright.
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
There, much better! Bella just howled with laughter as he bellowed his admonishment, fully prepared to receive some kind of punishment. His warning - both of them - had been met with nothing other than total defiance, after all, so now he would have to make good on them, just as she had made good on hers.

In splashing him, the woman had gotten herself quite wet too - water wasn't all that easy to control with just arms and paws - so it wasn't entirely necessary to assault her for that sake, but... it would have been the principle of the matter. With a shriek of playful terror as he charged her, limbs rising high as he tried to counteract the drag of the water as he ran through it, Bella twisted about and fled just as clumsily in the opposite direction. Any attempt to avoid the crashing wave he sent in her direction would have been futile, and she squealed again as the cold water drenched her rear and back. And thus all at once, it was chaos; with the only two things she could consciously control being escape and laugh maniacally, she proceeded to do both with enthusiasm. Fleeing to the deeper part of the pool nearer to the waterfall, she managed to just keep out of his reach, though felt his paws brush up against her hind legs and tail more than once.

By that point the water was just too deep to stand, so she was forced to plunge properly into it and make her escape by swimming, but she was running out of cave and pool, and if he persisted, she would be cornered before long.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
Her squeals of terror gave him more pleasure than he had felt in a very long time. A different kind of pleasure, too. Good laughs with friends had been one of the few things he could think of at the time that came close -- but there was still something else. He decided he loved the electric feel of her attention. Perhaps this is what drew people to the idea of mates and lovers, he could see how it could be altogether intoxicating. 

She fled from him, and his laughter joined hers in the chase. Though he may have hoped that his size would give him advantage, she continually evaded him over and over. That frustration mixed with excitement and amusement pushed him forward and further into the depths of the waterfall. Eventually his feet started gaining no ground under the water and then saw that his company ahead already started swimming. The swimming took more effort from his muscles, more energy, yet it slowed down the chase considerably. Almost comically. He barked laughter at her and the pool in defeat; a happy defeat. The water was cool and it warmed his hot muscles; the drained energy felt enormously unloading to both his physical and mental aspects. He hadn't realized how much he had been carrying around with him until it had been lifted off of him, even if it was only to be temporary. 

His forthright doggie-paddle slowed so that the chase subsided, and he circled the waterfall, gazing up at it. It's spray was mild and light against his face, and the glen regained its tranquil nature again. He sighed contently, smiling as he swam, feeling his heart and breathing rates come back down. He glanced at his company, who he was sure happy to have a break from being chased as well; but, his gaze continued to wander past and around them, as he paddled only enough to keep him leisurely afloat, becoming lost in the placidity. This was serene. 
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
His bark prompted her to glance back, when she saw that he had given up the chase. She had escaped his clutches too effectively, and felt a pang of regret for it; some rather primal part of had wanted to know what would happen when she was caught. Her swimming slowed from frantic to a calm paddle, as she watched him break off from pursuing her to circle around near the quaint little waterfall. There was something marvellous in his expression as he took it all in, and Bella could not help but smile to herself as she watched him, doing only enough to keep herself afloat now.

He stopped near to the fall, and after a moment of contented observation, Bella swam towards him. She didn't quite believe his manner entirely, having already been subjected to one feint, but the same part of her which had wanted to be caught was keen to be taken by surprise again. Smoothly the wolf swam about behind him, coming to stop by his side, her shoulder lightly bumping with his as she tread the water. He seemed so beautifully at peace that she could not bring herself to pre-emptively disturb it. Allowing herself to slip into a similar calm, nose pointed up at the waterfall as its spray gently misted her face, eyes shut both to protect from the water and from enjoyment of this isolated, perfect moment.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
His body and mind were content. A few minor thoughts about the strangeness of this experience and the dread about returning to business only still lurked in the back, but they were strongly supressed by this moment. For the time being, he would let them be forgotten, not wanting to think about when this encounter would end. How did something like this end? His coffee-coloured company bumped his shoulder then, swimming next to him. He turned his nose to look at her, her eyes closed against the waterfall’s mist. He smiled, continually amused by it all, and shook his head before looking back to the natural wonder. Life was good right now.

His jaws opened slightly as he turned back to her, nipping at her scruff again with a soft chuckle. This time it was more an action of kindness than play, with no intention to startle.  “So, who are you afterall?” He asked, swimming away in a loop, eying her curiously. “I think you got close enough to the water to find out, no?” He began taking the scenic route back to shore. She still hadn’t offered her name, and nor had he, though he was comfortably smitten feeling like he knew her as well as he needed to. She could give him any name, any furphy and it would make no difference. This place could all end up being a dream right now and it would explain so much. Until then, he would fight any feeling to wake.

[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
Content, she did not move until she felt his teeth soft against her scruff, the simple, intimate gesture bringing light laughter from her to match his own. Squirming a little under the attention, she opened her eyes and turned to look at him as he gazed back, and she anticipated the question before it came. Something had changed, it felt like a natural progression, but she watched him paddle away with a private smile, still just treading water herself, and said nothing at first.

It was going to happen sooner or later, though she would have been content to stay perfect formal strangers, because there was so much more to knowing someone than their name and place of birth and where they lived. Whoever this wonderful creature was, she felt as though she knew him quite well. As he took his time in getting back to the shore, she swam forwards just enough so that her backlegs could comfortably touch the ground, so that she could stand in the middle of the pool without much effort at all.

More upright, her forearms swept out occasionally in smooth, balancing motions, keeping her upright, but for the most part she was fairly still. "I thought we'd established that I don't know?" she laughed, glancing down at her rippling reflection for a moment as though to affirm it (which was only partly a joking action). Her body felt cool, the water's temperature sapping the warmth from her limbs, but she enjoyed the sensation and remained in the middle of it, the layers of her identity melting away into this pool of serenity, for in that moment she just was, and Belladonna Calor were just words. When she spoke, it was with an airy contentment, no bitterness, just fact: "It doesn't matter, anyway. I'm just nobody."
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]