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The Wind Blew Away — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
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Aideen Smoke-Athesila
For Bella and Duck <3

Grey skies had once again hidden the sun – which was already too scarce in the dense thickets – as if a threat that spring would not come despite the previous promises. But though the young queen missed the sun, she was not fooled by its absence. All over the lands of Relic Lore were telltale signs of the changing season, easily visible to a trained medic. Everywhere, new plants where budding, green sprouts poking out from beneath the snow and the early signs of leaves appearing on the branches over head. It made her strolls through the territory much more enjoyable, identifying each herb and storing the location in her memory for later; Though she no longer held the title of medic, she couldn't kick the habit, and besides, they didn't have any official healer. It made her feel more at ease too, having something to do. @Miccah kept telling her to relax, which she brushed off, mostly with a smile, she'd have plenty of time to rest once she was too round to move about. For now, while her mate minded the borders, she kept watch within their lands, making sure everything, and everyone was as they should be.

All in all, nothing much had changed since the meeting, everyone seemed to be taking the changes well, which made Aideen happy. It was important to her that the Woodlands remained the family it had been for the past years, holding together through ups and downs. The next generation would be just as strong as the previous, and to ensure that, she needed to strengthen her relationship with the wolves who where now her subordinates. This was something she was still working on, many of them were reclusive, others busy with their tasks for the pack, and it wasn't like she had a whole lot of time herself. As her paws carried he of the familiar route to the glade, eyes absently scanning the slowly changing landscape, she pondered on how she could bind the pack together; Perhaps an activity of some kind? A hunt might be nice, good for the young ones as well; But it would have to be soon… At least if she wanted to participate. She paused at the edge of the clearing, a snow-covered shadow of what it would be a few months from now, curling down her head to rub her chest, smiling softly. There wasn't any sign of it yet, but she knew they were in there, growing slowly. The thought filled her with joy.

Word count: 421

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Bella's own heat has been both very short and extremely faint, barely present at all; her complete contentment of the firmly subordinate position she held, alongside no desires or whims to reproduce, had allowed her body to simply give this year a pass. Maybe, maybe it would have been different had Mirren been around, though the state of their relationship had always been in flux and little more than flirtation. He'd gone looking for his wife, after all, and hadn't come back - she wasn't entirely sure of the facts, but Lyanna had gone too, and she suspected that he had taken her. Reuniting a family was a worthy cause. Bella would never had wanted to come between that. Besides that, she was acutely aware of the pack's rules; she had even less intention of breaking those.

The happy result of her lack of raging hormones made her a rather easier wolf for others to be around, males and females alike, something which she was especially grateful for when it came to Aideen and Miccah, the woodland's new official lead lovers. Bella respected Nina immensely for her decision to step down and allow the next generation to take care of the pack, that the older woman had that much faith in her friends. It made the transition exceptionally easy to deal with.

"You should show those to the leadership," she said, shaking water from her fur as she waded out of the stream they had been fishing in. Her own success in the venture was shown by a single measly fish laid on the bank; Duck's was a pile of seven. She could see the pride burning just beneath the surface, at his shaky lopsided grin, but still he held it in. That he was still so hesitant to be openly pleased with himself hurt her heart.
He shrugged, and she tsked with a shake of her head and a smile, but he'd come around. Though his contributions had dwindled during the coldest months as he struggled to find success, the pack were no doubt vaguely aware of someone's silent but regular contributions of fish to the caches. He refused to take much opn credit for it, preferring to just know that he was helping without making a big deal of the matter. But, of late, Lore was experiencing a warm period, and together they had found this stream full of small scaly bodies. As the stream was only a short distance from the edges of the territory, no doubt he would be back often. She made a mental note for herself; if she needed to find him, this would be a good place to check.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
Seven. It would have been nine, but he had been careless with that first one, and the sixth had escaped at the cost of a freshly ruined tail. No matter. The fish were small and fat, but even so he wasn't sure how they would comfortably carry them all back. And they would all go back to the cache, make no mistake. Duck rolled his eyes at his mother's oft-repeated insistence that he make some big deal out of his catches, but didn't reply; they'd been over it enough times, she knew where he stood. It was his choice to make, and he didn't want any pats on the back or whatever. He was happy being pleasantly ignored by most of them, the higher-ups included, because authoritative attention still made him twitchy. This way, he knew he wasn't useless, and that validation was quite enough.

He nudged his seven fish into rough alignment, and then took a few tries before managing to grasp them all at once, their tapered ends caught securely in his jaws. It made for quite a sight when he lifted his head and looked at her, fish dangling and jutting out the sides of his mouth, and Bella couldn't help but laugh at him; it made him smile, which almost caused him to drop them, and she only giggled harder.

"Fine," she conceded, scooping up her own single catch with far more ease, and together they began to head back through the thicket to the part which was called home. They had passed through the Wildflower Glade on the way here, and as he always did when she stood there, Mirren flashed through her mind. Somehow, she seemed to have acquired the ghost of someone who was not even dead. Duck was oblivious to her state, and saw the glade only as a landmark to help him better find the stream again, and as such the both of them naturally head back towards the serene clearing without a thought, Duck's tail waving slowly behind him.

Neither expected to find it occupied. "Oh!" Bella cried softly upon seeing Aideen, and automatically dropped the fish - how else could she greet her leader properly? "Aideen, what a pleasure to find you here." And she approached, holding her body lower than the new leader's, to properly place an affectionate and respectful lick upon her chin before moving back again.

Duck just froze, face full of cooling wet scales, tail quickly coming to a stop - and then twitched itself a little under him as his head lowered and gaze averted, his submission instinctual. Besides that, the smell of her and the other females had been freaking him out, the reaction it had had on him - even though it was fairly easy to fight most times - and he was afraid to get too close when he had been so careful to avoid most everyone so far.
(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2016, 07:58 AM by Duckweed.)
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of soft footfalls in the snow, head lifting to see two wolves enter the clearing from the opposite side. A nervous smile flashed across the leader's face as her eyes met the bistre woman's - she liked Belladonna, which only made the feelings of hostility she had struggled with over the past weeks so much worse – and lately she'd been keeping her distance, for the better of everyone involved. But she'd been feeling more relaxed lately, now that her heat had ended and she felt the first, weak signs of life growing within her. So she welcomed Bella's presence, the fellow young mother could be very helpful as Aideen went through her first pregnancy, and the fox-like lass would greatly appreciate a female friend to share the experience with.

Speaking of which, Bella's pale shadow slowly advanced behind his mother, jaws filled to the brim with sparkling, fresh fish. The rusty woman smiled widely at the boy, tail starting to wag high behind her. The mottled lady approached, lowering her own catch, measly in comparison to the boys, before greeting her superior. Aideen felt slightly flummoxed at this sign of respect, smiling shyly back at Bella when she stepped away. "You too." She said, heartfelt, nodding at the both of them; "And Duckweed as well." Copper eyes glowed warmly as they turned on the lad, her smile returning to its usual, happy state. Unlike his mother, Belladonna's son was quite reclusive, probably still adjusting to life in a new pack full of strangers. He was a nice boy though, often clinging to his mother, showing quiet politeness whenever he was faced with others. The queen would like to know him better, but wouldn't push while he was still finding his way in the Woodlands, though he seemed to be doing well; "You've been fishing I see, that's quite a catch!" she grinned at his mouth full of fish; "I thought it might be you, supplying us. It's been great to have some more variety in our diet." She spoke from her healers mind, happy at the sight of more vitamin's and healthy oils supplying her pack; Especially with her own duty of caring for the budding life in her womb. In fact she'd found herself craving the sweet meat and was very happy to find such a ready supply.

Duckweed hadn't made much voice of his capabilities, something Aideen found surprising in a yearling, but she wanted him to know that she appreciated his efforts. They had no official hunters in their ranks, and while everyone helped out with the task, the new queen would be pleased to see a member or two take charge of such things. To Bella she said: "You must be proud! Frankly I'm surprised you've managed to find any fish in the small waterways we have around here." She would have thought a fisher needed to go south to the creek, to find anything. Of course the northern-born wolf had very little experience with the craft, having grown up on elk and caribou meat.

Word count: 516

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
It wasn't surprising that Aideen's reaction to the respectful greeting was a little hesitant; it had taken Bella a while to get used to as well. She understood. Judging by the subtle shift in the leader's scent, the rank change wasn't the only big new change that was coming. Would it be Aideen's first litter? Aware that Nina was a mother herself, Bella doubted that Aideen was in any dire need of extra guidance, but it would be a good idea to offer it all the same. The idea of helping care for Aideen and Miccah's children was a delightful prospect, something to help give her just a little more purpose in the pack.

Smiling, Bella's gaze turned back to her son as Aideen addressed him directly, happy that she had done so. Bella had just mentioned how he should admit his talents, and he wouldn't be able to escape it now! As the small rusty woman's attention continued to focus on Duck, Bella shifted to the side slightly, to remove herself as any kind of protective barrier between her son and his superior. So used to being his go-between, his main point of social interaction, it was entirely refreshing to have him be spoken to directly and not via herself. It was because Aideen knew no reason otherwise, no doubt, seeing Duck's state as merely shy and nothing more severe than that - and surely being treated with that kind of normalcy was exactly what he needed? The pack had been nothing but kind and patient with him, and she thought that he was learning, slowly, that there was nothing to be afraid of. Not anymore.

"Oh, I'm exceedingly proud. Duck found the stream today, I can't take any credit." Since the focus was on him, the questions and praise and remarks directed straight at him, Bella matched that and laid her own gaze on his fish-stuffed deer-in-headlights face, a twinkle in her eye; you're on your own this time! You've got this.
(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2016, 06:55 PM by Belladonna.)
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
So used to all attention centring on his mother, and taking the role of quiet, invisible wisp tucked away behind her, Duck didn't register at first that @Aideen was actually talking right at him. It was only when he glanced up by chance and saw her looking straight at him did the realisation kick in, and suddenly his face felt hot red under his thin off-white fur. They were compliments, words of gratitude and praise and it was meant for him. Not sure how to react to that, he looked at his mother as she moved away to give him space, robbing Duck of his wall. Silently he pleaded with her to tell him what to do - couldn't she just do it for him? Like normal? He'd just wanted a relaxed fishing trip, not this. But it wasn't a painful kind of discomfort, one which twisted his gut and made him want to weep... it was just embarassing, like he didn't really deserve it. She was mistaken. It wasn't right to get kind words.

Except they were all true, and he knew it, so instead he just squirmed on the spot and tried to decide how long he could get away without replying, but that was rude and his mother was looking at him expectantly and she wasn't going to help at all. In fact, she made it worse! Shivering a little, he slowly lowered his head to let his fish spill out onto the floor, reluctantly removing the last barrier between himself and having to engage in social interaction. "Th-thanks," he said quietly, bashfully, unable to meet Aideen's eyes, one paw lifting to rub anxiously against his other foreleg. "I, I-I... 'm happy to he-help." Phew.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Bella's small shift did not go unnoticed, though Aideen kept her attention on the boy. A hint of red could be glimpsed through Duckweeds pale face fur, and the woman suppressed a chuckle, not wanting to add to his embarrassment. From what she'd gleaned of Belladonna's son, the lad was a bit of a wallflower, preferring his own or his mother's company. Now that was no strange thing, especially in a youngster who'd been taken away from his home and thrust into a world of strangers. That it was anything more, the newly crowned queen had no way of knowing and so she saw Duck as any other teenage boy, still trying to find the spot where he fit in. Copper eyes glanced at the parent, amusement glistening in their depths and a warm smile accompanying it as proud words were spoken, a mother rightfully bragging about her child. The boy himself, meanwhile, looked about ready to melt into the snow, only the flash of heat under his pelt making it impossible. Aideen continued to watch him patently, only kindness on her face as she waited for his response.

Finally, the fish dropped to white paws and a few stuttered words fell from the yearling's lips, and the leader nodded approvingly. Then she turned back to Belladonna, not wanting to overpressure the lad. "I'll say, quite a fisherman! Though I see you helped." She flicked her muzzle at Bella's own catch, another joking glint in her eyes. Duckweed had no doubt insisted on carrying his entire haul alone, leaving Bella with the one fish, probably her own, meager outcome of the morning's hunt. Tail wagging pleasantly behind her, Aideen looked between the two, noting, not for the first time, how different they looked. She knew next to nothing about their past, including Duck's father and what had become of him. To say she wasn't curious would be lying straight up, but she wouldn't ask, at least not just yet, and probably not until she had the woman alone, in case it was a painful story.

Instead she turned her attention to safer topics, lowering her hunches to the snowy ground with a light sigh; She seemed to be getting tired a lot quicker these days. "How are you liking it here?" She asked in a casual tone, eyes on Bella, yet the question encompassing both of them; "I trust everyone has been treating you nicely?" While many of the Woodland wolves were reclusive and quiet of nature, she knew them all to be honorable and kind wolves, and could only hope that their newest additions had seen the same. If there was any problems though, she wouldn't want anyone to hesitate in letting her know; I can do this leader-thing!

Word count: 460

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
I'm really sorry, Puppy x-x for some reason, trying to get into Bella's head at this point in time turned me into a potato. With her post-Merys, though, I think she'd appreciate some girl talk (and totally needs to confess what happened in that glen!) Aideen is more than welcome to ask about their past if she wants, too <3

Even though he didn't dare lift his gaze enough to meet the small woman's eyes, Duck could see her nodding, could feel the strange rush of someone approving of something he'd done. It felt warm and alien and rich. Quite a fisherman, those were her exact words. He would love to be considered the pack's fisher, properly, title and all... well, maybe so long as nobody else knew about it, that sounded like responsibility. But then if nobody knew, was it a role at all? Conundrum.

His lips curled in shy amusement as Aideen went on to poke gentle fun at his mother, again pleased by the turn of phrase. Bella had helped him, not the other way around, and the proof laid at his feet! The soft-spoken leader sat herself down, and Duck dropped his eyes to his puddle of fish, but not through shame. He was just feeling weird about all this pride and praise, and didn't really know how to process it, so he just smiled and squirmed and made the decision that he would fish for Aideen everyday until she got sick of the sight of the beasts.

The friendly question prompted his tail to wag, just slightly, and he glanced at his mother by means of confirming the question - yes, they were all perfectly nice, freakishly nice. Duck was having to learn how to deal with it but... it was a pretty good problem to have.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
To her immense pride, her son managed it all by himself. This pack was just so healthy for him, that shell he'd created to protect himself would start peeling away in no time at all, she was sure of it. How could he possibly keep hiding away when everybody was so amenable and wanting to get to know him? And there was such a wonderful boy behind those walls, she knew it, and was looking forward to everybody else seeing it too.

Her tail wagged behind her as Aideen spoke, Bella laughing softly at the commented about her 'helping', for it was very much true! Judging by the subtle shift in Duck's posture as he heard it, he knew it was true, too, and Bella hoped he took heart in it. When Aideen took a seat, Bella did the same, content to rest a moment before bringing their catch back. The leader's amiable questions brought a smile to the chocolate woman's face, and when her son glanced back at her, she knew what he meant - and poked his muzzle with her nose in a teasing way. Tell her yourself! But he'd already done well, she couldn't fault him.

"Everybody is lovely here," she replied smoothly, attention turning back to Aideen as her tail kept brushing contentedly along the ground. "Nina built quite the haven here, I'm sure you and Miccah will look after it beautifully. I'm perfectly happy here, it's been a dream to get to know Ash's family properly, and with so many rivers and creeks nearby," and she nudged Duck's side with her shoulder with a light laugh, "neither of us can complain. I hope you like fish!"

Bella and Duck were not the only ones experiencing a change in their situation, though, and with a small, knowing nod of her head towards Aideen's abdomen, Bella added: "How is it treating you? Can you feel them yet?"
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
D: I am SO SORRY, I somehow totally missed this on my threadlog :C - Figure we should move towards wrapping up though?

The boy remained quiet, eyes never meeting Aideen's, but she thought she caught a hint of a smile on his lips, which made her own wider. She thought the praise well deserved and Bella seemed to agree, so it couldn't be the first time Duckweed had heard it. Still his reaction was timid, like it seemed to be with most things, social interactions especially. But he did look pleased, even if he didn't exactly puff out his chest, and that was enough for the leader, he understood that she was happy with him. She'd only known him for a short while, but from what she had seen, that seemed t matter a lot.

A lightly swaying tail was another good sign, and the queen once again responded in kind, her own banner sweeping swiftly over the snow. As the lad glanced at his mother, Aideen too turned her attention to the mahogany woman, smiling warmly at the small caress passed between them. Belladonna's reply was pleasing, and seemed to come from the heart, the easy vote of confidence bringing warmth to the petite lady's heart, and cheeks. While Bella passed over it smoothly, it was no small admission, and Aideen would be sure to remember it. The mention of Ash made her ears perk, and she made a mental note to ask Nina about the exact connection between him and their newest members, then the attention was once more turned to Duck, and Aideen chuckled along with the mother, making a point of looking down at the young man's catch. "I can't say I've tried it much, but the scent's already making my mouth water!" She said with a grin. Sure, that was true for pretty much anything these days, but her healer's mind knew that fish would be a very good option, and what little she had had since coming to the Lore, she'd thoroughly enjoyed.

"I'm glad to hear you're settling in well," Aideen continued, looking back to the other woman; "It means the world to me that others can find the same happiness in the Woodlands as I have." As if an extension of that very thought, Belladonna changed the subject, her subtle motion immediately registered by the mother-to-be, who never completely stopped thinking about her condition. Her eyes drifted down to her creamy middle, still showing no signs of what grew within, though her scent had shattered any doubt some time ago. She smiled, almost shyly, feeling warmth run throughout her body as she thought of her children; "I'm starting to, within long it'll be visible as well. It's such an odd thing, I know everything from my lessons and watching Nina's last pregnancy, but it's another thing entirely, to feel it for myself." Copper gaze returned to the other mother's golden, joy glowing in their depths. Then, a little embarrassed by her strong emotion, Aideen looked back to Duckweed, collecting herself into a more casual smile; "I have started feeling more tired though, and terribly hungry! I'm afraid I might be stealing away quite a lot of those fish."

Word count: 514

Thoughts ”Speech”