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How does the Nightingale sing? — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
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Dread Flint
Dread nearly laughed at her awkward attempt to compliment his height. It was something he never really thought about but always brought up when a wolf never realized just how tall he was, like Denali.

“It runs in the family, on both my parents sides.” He explained light heartedly, trying to dispel the awkwardness. “My mother was a bit of an oddity, she tells me, being quite smaller then her littermates. Though, I think she may still be a little taller than you.” It was mentioned as an observation, nothing more as he spoke. “And you’re more than worthy to know my name, dear. It was merely my own foolishness that made me forget.” The larger boy chuckled, his voice went quiet as she explained how the fawn would be hunted. It was a good plan as he was the larger wolf and it would be easier to use a scare tactic to drive it away from the tree it was underneath then to simply rush and hope it didn’t notice in time what was happening.

Hanging back as she took lead to hunt, he wondered if being a hunter was her choice of profession. It certainly appeared to be, given how smoothly the plan dropped out of her mouth about steering the fawn towards him. Fiery eyes watched her as she moved to put her plan in place, Dread lowering his body close to the ground and waited, so the fawn would have a more difficult time picking his dark coat out from the area.
Played by WildOne who has 18 posts.
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Denali Covox
"Ah," Deni acknowledged his words, half listening but still gathering as much as she could. "I was only teasing," She spoke monotone, as he tried to explain himself. It didn't take the girl long to move out, the rain causing her to walk slowly. Rather slow. Just because she said we should end its life fast, didn't mean she felt so good about running wild in bad weather. Either way the girl looped around the tree, taking a wider path so it took a bit longer and gave her a better chance of being missed.

Deni rounded about, soon facing the shivering fawn as she let loose of a snarl. Bleating with wild eyes it spun to face her, crying out more desperately for the absent mother. With bared teeth the primal creature approached, hackles raised to appear more threatening to the little bugger. For whatever reason the babe stood stock still, staring at her with all the fear one could muster. White canines snapped and clanked against themselves, growls growing with volume as she approached at quickening speeds. Without hesitation Denali rammed her body into the flailing fawn and watched as it toppled over and quickly spun about to stand. sliding in the mud it tried to run, almost falling and causing the woman to frown. This was too easy, there was no way she'd take such advantage. To her surprise the thing kicked up, a tiny, yet sharp, hoof cutting through her delicate muzzle skin. She gasped, an enraged snarl quickly following but her shot was over now.

The babe was in @Dread 's courtyard, so to say, and dashing straight to him. After a moment of shock Deni pursued, ready to herd the fawn the right way if it chose to go elsewhere.
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
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Dread Flint
As the fawn drew near, Dread kept stock still with eyes locked onto the fawn, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Denali was not far behind and had Dread been paying attention, he would have noticed the blood dripping down the female’s face at that moment. But as the fawn drew close enough, Dread raised up quickly to his feet and lunged forward with his maw wide open and teeth bared. The fawn realised too late the trap it was being chased into and with a terrified cry, tried to change its direction. But due to the rain and mud beneath its hooves, the fawn slipped and tumbled to the ground with Dread on top of it before allowing it a chance to get up and flee.

Sharp teeth slice into the fawn’s throat, the fawn trying to escape his clutch but Dread held on tightly. After a few moments, the fawn went silent and still. Dread kept his grip firm for a little longer until he was sure it was dead. Once he was, he dropped it and glanced up at Denali.

“Your face!” He stared in concern, stepping closer and frowning at the small wound on her face as she came near. “At least the rain is washing it? Though I know a herb that’ll help with the bleeding if it keeps up and I can find it.” His words were genuine as he turned back towards the fawn, a small smirk returning to his face. “Though if you just want to eat, ladies first.”
Played by WildOne who has 18 posts.
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Denali Covox

Muddied paws skidded out to slow herself to a halt as Dread snatched up the fawn, Deni slipping a bit as she landed not so gracefully on her belly. With a snort she rose up and shook her now filthy pelt with force. Then while he busied himself to the death-blow the young she-wolf bowed down, "Mother of the Earth, provider of all, thank you for bestowing us with such a gift." Her prayer was a ere whisper against the steady rain that washed brown from her pelt, streams of liquid dripping from her fur.

"Your face!" Was it that bad? She looked awkwardly down her muzzle, blood mixing with water. "I'm not sure if it's really all that deep, could be an illusion from the-" She froze, "Wait, are you a healer?" How handy it would be to keep him around! Her tail wagged at the idea, eyes lit up with sudden excitement.

"Ah, a true gentleman," she teased, her tail trailing under his chin as she walked by. "Not to seem weird, but let's try not to destroy the skin please. I'd like it for my den." Deni looked back smiling at him before kneeling down a little to carefully rip into the fawn. Her hunger egging her on as she stuffed her muzzle in their carcass, happily munching away. The metallic and gamey raw flavours traveling over her taste buds. The she-wolf ate rather quickly, and it didn't take too awful much to fill her up. In fact she hadn't really consumed more than a few mouthfuls really, and gladly stepped back for @Dread to take his fill. Secretly she was hoping he wouldn't gobble it all up, the fawn would be a nice addition to her cache.

(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2016, 09:09 PM by Denali.)
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
I meant for him to be charming/kinda flirty but I swear not this much. Denali be a bad influence on him.

"Not so much a healer then I was taught a few basic things, in case I was hurt myself." He explained, being truthful in that. Being truly concerned with his companion's slight injury however... that wasn't entirely genuine. But she wouldn't be able to tell. "Just enough to help small injuries, like cuts or bruises. Anything more major like a broken bone or massive bleeding or whatever, I'd have no idea how to treat. More of a gaurd then a healer truthfully." His size leant more towards being something like a guard or even hunter then anything else. "What of you? You appeared confident in taking over the hunt so are you a hunter?" He asked back, curious to know.

Settling back on his haunches as Denali walked over to take her fill, her tail trailing under his chin. A toothy grin followed her. "Since you asked so nicely, I'll leave it intact for you, my pretty lady." Once she had her fill, she stepped back so he might eat and he did, being careful of the skin as had been asked. Some of the meat remained, on one of the little legs of the fawn so it would be easy to stash into a cache if need be. Thunder cracked over head and lightning flashed, reminding the dark man that there was storm still happening over head and rain pelting at his coat.

"Perhaps we could continue our little talk back under some shelter? This storm doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon." The suggestion was spoken with a hint of fire to his voice, his eyes looking over to her with a grin.
Played by WildOne who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Denali Covox
( @Dread ...quick post, hope you don't mind.)

The small girl nodded, still enthusiastic, "Well, I think it's a pretty cool thing to know...could you teach me Tenebrae? Denali, yes Denali Covox, spoke in her normal voice, no flirt hidden in it. True genuine words. At first she beamed with pride, then guilt, "Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that, I did say you could lead...yes I'm a hunter. I live for the thrill," she half joked. However, hunting was an adrenaline rush, but she loved it as a job too and a way to contribute. It suited the small woman, well, until matters of size intervened.

Despite the fact he meant to flirt, Deni was actually a little good feeling on the inside about what he said. In a, well, weird way. Not what flirting made her feel, but he was being thoughtful. How sweet. Denali focused on the skies while he ate, trembling a bit at the sound of thunder, the occasional whine escaping her lips when the lighting flashed. "Yes, I'd like that very much please." She spoke, not looking to him as she intensively found his side and coward a little, "not a fan of storms." The multi colored female muttered to him.

Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
"Oh, it's just a storm. You're the one whose truly electrifying." He teased lightly, eyes looking up at the sky as another bolt of lightning flitted across the dark sky accompanied by another large cracking boom of thunder. Dread loved storms and supposed he was a bit of an aesthete. They were so powerful and wonderful things, to him at least. They showcased the true power and beauty of nature.

"Come on, show me where we can take cover from the 'big bad storm' and I'll carry this fawn for you." He offered, bending down to pick up the fawn. He did like the feel of herat his side but it was most likely a good idea to get moving now. Rain continued to pour down on them, strong winds beginning to pick up and shake the trees around them. Making even Dread a little nervous about the storm now but he wouldn't outwardly show it. Denali truly seemed to dislike storms and if she had a den nearby well, who was he to decline easy shelter? The dark coated male followed after @Denali once he bumped their shoulders together and looked at her expectantly.

They would find shelter soon and take cover from the storm.
