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Warm sun, cold river — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
I blame Ama for this @Yvly

After the two had dropped the herbs off at the infirmary, they headed off towards the southern borders to check out the scent of fox that Amaryllis claimed to have smelt.

It didn’t take long for the to reach where she had smelt it, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of the fox. There wasn’t any, at least not yet which she was grateful for. Foxes were a problem, due to them reading caches but it seemed whatever fox she had smelt hadn’t come back yet. However, as they walked shoulder to shoulder, Amaryllis spotted something up ahead. It was a bend in the river that lay down this way, the water slow moving as it curled around a collection of large rocks, one in particular standing out to the healer.

“That looks like it could be a nice sunning spot.” Amaryllis pointed out, trotting up to the largest rock before leaning back onto her hind legs a bit before leaping up on top of the rock. She tilted back her head, closing her eyes and allowing the rays of sunshine to fall onto her face and back, the light warming her fur and skin nicely and the slow trickling noise of the river was relaxing to the point it would be very easy to lay down and fall asleep. Yep, this would make a nice sunning rock whenever the sun was beating down like it as right now. The sunlight caught the silvery grey of her coat, making it shine brightly as she stood there, the darker grey that framed from her face to her shoulders appearing darker than it really was. Her tail wagged slightly as she stood there, clearly enjoying the rays that fell on her. After a moment of silence, she turned to Yvly with an almost puppy like grin on her face.

The water was cold, particularly after standing in the warm sun like she had been for a few moments but it was worth it to splash it up towards Yvly playfully as she dove it, scaring away any fish that had been lazily swimming it in slow moving bend. But it was the nice sort of cold, the kind that felt nice after being so warmed up and the water was just just deep enough where she was that her paws just scraped along the bottom, stirring up the peddles and slit that lay on the bottom.

“Come on Yvly, the water’s really nice.” Amaryllis called to her friend, her eyes glittering playfully as she swam up to the edge, the big grin still on her maw. Resting her paws on the bank, her back legs managing to reach the bottom because she was ‘standing’, Amaryllis stared at her friend joyfully with her tail waving behind her. The movement created ripples behind her, making the water sparkle as she waited.    

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2016, 01:52 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Yvly followed the smaller greyscale female by a half step as they meandered to the southern borders where her companion had gotten a scent of fox. Those blasted creatures were a menace that needed to be dealt with immediately, but when they arrived it seemed as if it had not returned by the fading musk it had left behind. She glanced sideways at Ama but did not say anything, sure that she would come to the same conclusion, though that did not mean she would not keep any eye out in the future in case it came back. Her tawny ears pricked up at Ama's mention of a good sunning spot, dark amber eyes following the other's form as she padded up to the rock and leaped up onto it.

Content with being on the ground for the time being, the tawny female simply shuffled closer to the river's edge to soak up her share of the sun's delightful rays. "It is ideal for days like this," she agreed with a smile on her maw. Her eyes had drifted shut as she stood there, and so Yvly did not see the oncoming droplets of water until they had already wetted the fur on her face. With an undignified squeal she jumped back, eyes widening in surprise. In lieu of the animadversion she would usually spout at an occasion such as that, the tawny female laughed. It began as a soft chuckle, but soon erupted into a full on laugh filled with a few snorts here and there. When she finally stopped enough to get her breath back, Yvly splayed her ears apologetically to the side. "Sorry," she said with a slight cringe, "It's been a while since I've done that."

Glancing at Ama swimming in the river, she swiped the embarrassed expression off her face and padded back to the edge of the river, tail twitching uncertainly behind her. She did not swim very often as there had been no real need to, but she had the skills to stay afloat and it did not look too deep. Deciding to take it slow, Yvly eased herself into the cold water, breath escaping her lungs at the frigid liquid. "You're right," she commented brightly, legs straightening beneath her so she was standing on the ground, "It is nice."

387 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Amaryllis was surprised by Yvly's squeal and thus reaction to the cold water striking her, so much so it surprised   laughs out of both of them, the wolf in the river letting out a melodic sort of laugh in tandem with Yvly's laugh. Their laughter filled the air for a few moments, before settling down and catching their breaths back. Once she had gotten her breath back, Amaryllis settled back into the water, keeping her body afloat and her head above the water. Her paws treaded water as she grinned up at Yvly as the other looked utterly embarrassed about her laughter.

"Well, I now know you have a cute laugh." Amaryllis snickered lightly as Yvly eased herself into the water, the taller wolf able to touch the bottom of the river like Amaryllis couldn't. Amaryllis paddled around, keeping her eyes on Yvly as she continued. While Yvly's longer legs allowed her to stand on the river bed, Amaryllis could only just reach the ground when she was in the shallows. Otherwise she had to tread water, which she didn't mind doing.  "So don't worry about it. Sides, it's good to laugh every now and then."  Amaryllis swam by her friend, shoulders gently bumping together as she passed the twany furred wolf. It was almost like Amaryllis had grown up in the river, given how relaxed and at ease she was in the water.

"Told you it was nice." The healer chirped happily, seemingly at home in the water as she swam circles around Yvly, her light yellow eyes sparkling mischievously as if the grey scale wolf was planning something.
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2016, 09:42 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

A perplexed expression etched its way onto Yvly's maw. Cute? Never before had she, or any part of her, been called cute. It was... baffling to say the least, and she spent a good few seconds analysing the words that had spouted out from Lily's lips. "Uhm..." She began uncertainly, head twisting on her shoulders so she could keep the other's paddling form in sight, "Thanks? I... I guess?" Just when she thought she had had Lily all figured out something else happened that brought her back to square one. The shock had left her by the time the greyscale female bumped their shoulders together as she paddled by, commenting that laughing was good every now and then. Well, she was not wrong in that case. "I suppose you're right," She murmured softly, more to herself than anything.

She was brought out of her reverie by Lily's joyful chirping, taking a moment to realize what the other had said. "It is," Yvly agreed, tail wagging happily behind her in the river, flicking water droplets up into the air. It was such a nice, warm day that the frigidness of the water did not bother her at all. Noticing how Lily seemed to be circling her, the tawny female quirked an eyebrow at the mischievous look in her eyes. She could not be sure if it was just playfulness or if her companion was up to something, but either way she would not back down from a challenge. Dipping her muzzle into the water, Yvly flicked swiftly upwards, sending a shower of water raining down around Lily.

266 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
(What Ama is trying to do is what most people try to do in a pool, trying to push them under in a playing sense. XD )

Watching her friend flick the water up with her tail distracted Amaryllis momentarily, liking how the droplets sparkled in the air before they fell down back into the rest of the water -and so did the droplets Yvly had flicked her way on purpose, having noticed Amaryllis might have planning something. (Which she was only thinking of doing before but now she was definitely going to do.)

Letting out a mock frightened squeal as the droplets rained down on her, not doing much damage as she was already wet and in the water anyway, Amaryllis pouted at Yvly as she paused in her swimming.

"How could you!" She stared at Yvly with wide eyes, her tail moving behind her in a slow wag. "That's a declaration of war, you must know!" Her tone was light and playful as she spoke, with a hint of played up playful betrayal in her voice. "How dare you attack me on this day and your best friend in the world to boot!"

As she spoke, she managed to manuver so her back legs were touching the river bed before Amaryllis raised her front legs and putting her weight behind her, pushed Yvly on her left shoulder in an attempt to well, push her over and under the water. Once she was under, she'd take her weight off her friend and allow her to rise back to the top in her own time.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
I am very bad at replying to things in a decent time frame :x

A soft chuckle escaped from Yvly's maw at her companions clearly mock offended squeal of fright. It had been some time since she had participated in such innocent activities... perhaps not from when she had been a pup, and she would make the most of it for the time being. Lips pulling back in a toothy grin, the tawny female eyed Lily as she spoke her speech about the declaration of war between them. "Well, what better day to attack you on?" She drawled out with a sly wink in the others direction. Too focused on her own antics, Yvly was too slow to realize what Lily was up to until it was too late, and with a shrill squeal she felt herself be pushed over and then under, managing to gasp in a breath before her head went under.

She felt Lily take her weight off immediately, but decided to stay under the water for a little longer just to toy with her for a bit. The smooth rocks were very pretty to look at. After another few moments had passed, Yvly placed her weight on her back legs and pushed up so her front half was lifted up high out of the water quite majestically, if she had to say so herself. "After my brief talk with the fishes... I don't believe we have come to an end of our war," The tawny female said with a grin as she snapped her jaws together playfully. Lunging forwards, she aimed to gently bop Lily's flank with her front paw as a distraction so she could, hopefully, then twist on her heels and wrap her front legs around the other's shoulders for the ultimate takedown. If not, she was happy with the simple bop.

294 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Amaryllis grinned as she caught Yvly off guard and managed to push her friend underneath the water, her own paws resting on the tawny female's shoulder for a few moments before lifting off so she might rise up again to gain her breath. But when Yvly's head didn't rise above the water again, Amaryllis grew slightly worried. Was Yvly okay?

But quickly, Yvly pounced out of the water with a grin, causing Amaryllis to squeal and swim back somewhat as jaws were snapped playfully. Water sprayed everywhere as she pushes out of the water, sparkiling in the air before it fell back into the rest.

"You...!" Amaryllis laughed as Yvly drew closer, bopping her flank. Amaryllis thought nothing of it at first, thinking Yvly was still in a playful mood. But then her friend twisted around, her front legs wrapping around her neck and before she knew it, her feet were swept underneath her and both were under the water.

For a few moments, the world was silent and still, the feel of Yvly's legs still around her neck as Amaryllis held her breath. She opened her eyes back up, them having closed in suprise. Half her vision was obscured by Yvly but the rest saw the pebbles and everything else that lay beneath the water. It was...somewhat serene.

But soon, Yvly's grip loosened, reminding Amaryllis needed air. She pushed up from the bottom and breathes in deeply. "You little bugger," she giggled breathlessly, splashing more water towards Yvly by lifting up on her hind legs and smacking the paws. Once she was settled back in the water, she paddled a little and allowed herself to simply float. "how about we call a truce?"
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
I did it again ;~;

Success. Her takedown was executed flawlessly as they both crashed down into the water, becoming fully submerged in its icy depths. Yvly held on for a few moments before letting go and pushing up, taking in a breath of wondrous fresh air. A few moments Lily rose up too with breathless giggles, sending the tawny female into a bout of her own. She managed to get them under control at her companions declaration of truce. Pretending to think about it, she paddled closer and, with a muzzle bop to the smaller female's shoulder, smiled widely. "Of course. We can't be fighting each other on a day as nice as this," she replied cheekily, bounding away and sending splashes of water into the air.

Glancing around, Yvly could spot no one else nearby, nor smell anyone. Good. Her dignity was still intact. Not that she was ashamed of her actions with Lily, but that it was quite an unorthodox situation. "I'm pretty sure if there were any foxes nearby we've scared them off by now," the tawny female said with a grin as she turned back to her companion. She was sure all the wildlife had scattered too. The fish did not seem to mind much at all, as she could see them swimming idly further downstream. It was just the two of them, and it was nice.

227 words

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
With giggles that still bubbled up every so often, Amaryllis tried to calm herself down. Her chest felt light and as Yvly bopped her on the shoulder, Amaryllis grinned at her. "No, it's not." She agreed, the sun shining through the leaves and there being a small wind breezing by them. It was nice, with just the two of them having fun. And Amaryllis liked the relaxed atmosphere that had settled around them once their giggles and splashing had settled down. But they had come out with a reason after all, before falling into playing in the river.

With a slight loathing feeling, Amaryllis started moving towards the bank with every intention of getting out and shaking herself free off water. Pausing near the bank as Yvly spoke, Amaryllis noticed that she was right. Far off noises of birds and other small creatures rooting around in the underbrush, there was nothing to take great note of.

"I guess they didn't want to get caught up in our splashing." She joked lightly while hoisting herself out and spraying water everywhere as she shook. The water went in every direction and her fur was somewhat fluffed afterwards as she turned back towards Yvly with a smile. "You were a pretty fierce competitor after all, I think the foxes took one look at you and ran off."
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]