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Grizzly Hollow Pack Thread — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

oh yeah your skin and bones

A smile, that was a good sign, right? Her tail wagged behind her in anticipation as she clearly hung on his every word, mismatched eyes large as they peered across at him. The support seemed to be there, discretion was addressed, he just wanted a timeframe... ?

"It's a two day trip," she recalled easily, having memorized quite a few distances here and there in her adventuring. "Give a day and a night for Deacon to get a fair amount of time with his family if he wishes, I'd say we'd be back on the sixth day, late afternoon at the longest."

"About the... tension, between the packs, is it... something we could at all address?" she asked him, curiosity turning the notes in her voice upward. "I don't know much about it, why it exists. My apologies if I'm overstepping. If it's something that's worth attempting to overcome, however... I'm certainly able to take whatever message you'd like to them."

turn into something beautiful
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
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Veho Macieo
Nineva’s excitement to go out and do something was quite pleasing – why, he was probably this enthused about practicing his role as a medic back when he was a yearling himself, and look where he was now.  Of course, he’d never any intention of becoming a leader, much less the alpha of the Lyall family’s pack, but here he was…and the large girl in front of him had every intention of doing the same.  She was certainly well on her way, at least.
“The timeline sounds reasonable,” Veho hummed, his tail swishing idly behind him.  Ah, but that was not all the girl wanted to know, and he could not blame her for her curiosity.  “Unfortunately, the tension is something that predates even my arrival to Grizzly Hollow, and my knowledge of the origin is only second matter.  As far as I have witnessed, there has been some…violence towards our own pack members at the paws of Willow Ridge wolves.  Whether or not said wolves still live with the pack, I cannot say.  We have not had contact in some time.  As always, I am amenable to ceasefire and peace between packs – though I will not condone any future violence towards our friends.  I suppose I am most curious how the pack is made up now; any information on that front would be satisfactory.”  
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Dated for 11/25. Early Morning | Misty | 4 ° F, -16 ° C

Despite his fears about hanging around the communal den he sucked it up. He had awoken from a resting place not too far off from the general area of the den. The sun was just starting to make its way over the horizon, not that particularly mattered because the tall cedars seemed to keep things shady throughout most of the day.

Deacon had spent some time trying to figure out why he was nervous to come close to the others. Sure he was more than eager to meet them, but the idea of seemingly planting himself in the center of their home so soon was rather weird. He was used to having things figured out or simply having the place be his home. This had been a different situation, though. While he would always believe Grizzly Hollow to be Lyall Homestead, the young male was starting to realize that didn't seem to be the case. Nineva had already informed him that no Lyall was in charge here. Meaning that both Yvly and Veho were not Lyalls and also not mated as discussed with Yvly. But while there was no one in charge with one of his own last names he was aware there were supposed to be some left. Tomen and Rook. Apparently finding Rook was going to be a heavy challenge of weaving through other wolves to find him. Perhaps Tomen would be an easier one to find. Maybe Nineva could point him in the right direction.

Today wasn't a Lyall hunting day though. Instead, he was simply going towards the den to see if a familiar or unfamiliar face would greet him. Slinking around gentle he wagged his tail in a friendly manner. "Hello, anyone around?"

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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
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Felix Macieo

The boy had spent most of his morning investigating the territory – well inside the boundaries, as he was wont to do after his run in with one very angry moose – and had returned to find the pack den empty. It was not unusual for this time of day. The adults were out and about with various tasks; Tomen and Nineva act more like adults than anything else these days, and not seeing them was becoming more and more common. That his sisters were missing as well meant little – they were capable of amusing themselves. So he just huffed a sigh and wiggled his way into the communal sleeping area, content with the notion of a midday nap.

Felix had only just found a comfortable spot and heartsease when an unfamiliar voice broke the silence. Mismatched eyes flew open and the boy’s head jerked up, almost thunking against roof as he stared blankly at a wolf he did not recognize.

“Uh, hello…” he muttered quietly, tail wiggling behind him as he dropped his head back down. The man smelled like Grizzly Hollow, like his father…and like Yvly, too. Had they gotten a new packmate? “Uh, who are you? I’m…Felix,” he introduced himself cautiously, crawling closer towards the den opening. “You’re new, yeah?”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Someone from within the den greeted him. A silver toned color male who called himself Felix. Had the younger boy in the den not addressed himself he might have mistook him for Nineva. Offering a court nod, Deacon parted his lips to speak. "I am. Veho accepted me not too long ago actually. I'm Deacon. It's a pleasure to meet you @Felix." Looking at how the silver male was curled up, the Archer-Lyall gave a soft chuckle. "I didn't disturb you did I?" While that didn't matter now sense the boy was awake it did make Dea feel a little bad.

Plopping down on the ground a couple feet from Felix, Deacon made sure to keep a friendly tone and position. He wanted to give everyone he met within the Hollow a good first impression. Who wanted a hostile, ugly-personality wolf for a pack-mate anyways?

It was obvious Deacon had some age on this fella but he couldn't exactly pinpoint how much. "So what do ya do around here? Anything you're striving after?" His tail curled against his side as his ears stayed alert to catch Felix's words. "I know I'm going to try and be a guardian." His voice filled with optimism and curiosity.
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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

Oh! Well, if his father had said the new guy was alright to join Grizzly Hollow, then…well, he was probably just fine to join Grizzly Hollow.

Some of the tension slithered away from Felix’s shoulders as he watched the older wolf work his way into the pack den, rolling over to make room for the other. His first question had been met with a careless shrug; sure, he’d been contemplating a nap, but only because he thought all of his packmates were elsewhere. Having a conversation, especially with someone he’d never met, was entirely more interesting than sleep. These days, it was much more difficult to remember any of his dreams.

“Uh, I don’t know. I guess…I guess no one’s really talked about it?” Felix rolled one shoulder in half a shrug, ears flicking along with his tail. “My father-- He was a medic, before he was alpha. But I don’t think I could do that. I don’t…I dunno. Plants. They’re boring.” Not like the bugs, or the moose, or the other animals. And it could be he just didn’t know enough, he supposed, but no one had taught him. “I like counting things. But I don’t think there’s a job for that.”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

It appeared his company, Felix, had been a little unprepared for Deacon's question. With a small smile, he nodded and spoke gently. "Hey, it seems like you got some time so no need to rush things. I know I didn't really figure it out. I thought I'd be ruling a pack and still living with my family in my birth pack by now." Looking down at his paws then back up at Felix, Deacon chuckled. "And that's clearly not the case now." He paused briefly before speaking again. "I still like where I am, though, it might even be the better of the two." He looked out of the den towards the cedars he was also obsessed with.

"Counting eh? Hmmm." He rattled his brains for jobs that could possibly involve counting. "Well, a hunter kinda counts. Has to make sure there's enough food for everybody." His bright eyes looked at Felix kindly. "What else besides counting do you like? Running, talking, sparring?" Perhaps if they could work up from counting, Deacon would be able to help Felix find something.

He caught what Felix had said, though. "Wait, a medic before alpha? Dad? Is Veho your dad?" His tail thumped happily against the ground. "I like him, he's a nice guy. You're really lucky, Felix."

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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo


Felix grimaced wryly at the notion. Tomen and Nineva were starting to practice now, ready to become proper adults and earn ranks, but he had to admit, he felt silly not having anything to work on. @Joan would be a guardian someday, he was certain of it. She was tough, and strong, just like their mother, and perhaps she would be an alpha, too. Ophelia was a bit more of a mystery to him, but she had pushed him away from the moose, so he was certain there was a good role for her, too. And then there was Felix, more likely to be found chasing beetles or about to soliloquize when no one else was about.

He sighed softly, glancing back over at Deacon. “Uhm, yes. Veho is my dad – one of them. Papa…er, Rook, is my other father. My mama isn’t here right now.” His mouth twisted further – he missed Oula. When would she be back? She hadn’t said, she was looking for something, and Felix knew how long that could take, but…

The boy shook his head, trying to distract himself. “I’ve never…I’ve never hunted anything. I like chasing bugs but that’s…not the same. Would-- Would you show me how?”

@Deacon -- Maybe they could have a proper thread if Dea is interested?
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
The pack dynamics seemingly got weirder and weirder. Veho had only been one of the dads. But the Rook fella he'd been hearing so much about was the other dad. Hiding his obvious surprise he kept listening as Felix confessed that his mother was absent as of current. "Well I'm sure she'll be back soon and if not I promise to help ya look if you want. In the meantime, you got two dads who certainly love ya." His tail thumped against the ground happily. Deacon knew his parents had been scared and worried when he had gotten lost, so he liked to imagine that just maybe Felix felt like that towards the mother.

When the topics were turned to something more uplifting the happiness and excitement in the dark male's eyes grew. "Hey! I've never been bug chasing and that sounds like fun. If I teach you some hunting can you teach me how to chase bugs?" It sounded like a fair trade and it would also allow Deacon to spend more time with the younger gray boy. He seemed like fun to be around so far and obviously had some interesting things to share.

Rising to his feet and moving out of the den some, the Archer-Lyall looked over at Felix. "Come on, I'm sure we can find something out by the borders or just a little past them. This place has to be full of wildlife looking for shelter." Setting out where the edge of the pack lands where Deacon kept a slow pace to make sure Felix would follow.

@Felix he would love to! I can get the official started tomorrow/today c:
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Tensions within the pack felt at an all-time high between the female ranks. Pip, at least, did her part to make Oula's return as seamless as she could. After the weary female had eaten her fill, Pip approached low and slowly, ears flat, head turned to bare her neck, and tail sweeping the ground. Carefully - others in her past had snapped at her for approaching following a meal, but she felt it was important to do this now in front of all - she lifted her muzzle only enough to lick at her previous leader's chin to show her submission and respect. If it was leadership she aspired for again, the mute would never stand in her way.
[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]