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We like to move like we both don't need this — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by becuffin who has 7 posts.
Arrow Rahal
@Drestig @Jessie (@Askan, @Icicle and @Adelayde welcome too of course)

Arrow had taken his time getting over the mountain, the snow slowing his travel and when paired with his own lack of speed, it made him question whether the journey would ever end. He cursed the short days and he cursed the cold, bunkering down where he could on nights when the moon shone too weakly to guarantee that he wouldn't walk straight off the face of a cliff, wouldn't that be a glorious end? Forgotten in some ditch in the middle of nowhere. He'd never reach Valhalla at this rate.

But finally, the day came when he could feel the sun on his face as he woke and he knew that it would all be downhill from here - equal parts of relief and healthy trepidation gripped his heart. It was a stupid idea to tackle a mountain covered in snow, was he daring the gods to strike him down? So the journey down was even slower than the journey up.

Now, however, the earth was flat underfoot. Trees stretched out on his left flank and the vast expanse of the tundra to his right - a never ending canvas of white even in the pre-dawn light - rising fog greying where the earth met the sky leaving no clear horizon for as far as he could see. It made him anxious, as the thought crossed his mind that perhaps he was skirting the border between Midgard and Niflheim. Maybe he should be watching for ice giants, the thought alone enough to make him smirk.

A long pink tongue came to pass over his frigid black nose which had grown numb with the cold, borders almost missed underfoot had it not been for the recent paw prints in the snow. He halted as though he had hit a physical barrier, a startled noise somewhere between a cough and a bark leaving his chest. Well that could have been a bad idea...
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang

The large wraith trudged lightly and quietly through the snow, a freshly caught hare swung from the colorless wolf as he stepped over the powdery ground. Quiet thoughts about the pack coursing through his mind from learning about his packmates, beyond Drestig and Askan, he’s had a very bad habit of being closed lipped around the females. It wasn't anything personal toward @Jesse, @Phoenix or their newest arrival @Adelayde . the truth of it was...Icicle was nervous around females. Unsure why but never having spent much time in their company had done the trick growing up, they were a genuine mystery for the albino.

Ears suddenly perked forward as a strange mix of noise caught the wolf’s attention. The first thought that crossed his mind was a trespasser. With winter approaching and a young wolf among their ranks, food would be scarce soon. Icicle himself would happily go hungry before he let Percy, hunger had been an old friend when he had been growing up, but another wolf on their lands had sparked an unusual protectiveness within Icicle, Investigate, and then decide on a course of action.

He stepped as lightly as he could, more conscious now of the noise he made, and having learned long ago how unnerving his colorless and always gaunt appearance could be if he arrived upon a scene without a hit of arrival. Eventually he found whom had emitted the call. A large wolf, roughly his own height but with a much more myriad of different colors splashed across his pelt. Tan, brown and cream from what the pink eyed wolf could make out. He paused for a moment. He wasn’t going to be a right out ass like some of his packmates, one in particular. Instead, he waited a few moments to see if he was noticed before calling out simply “You rang?”

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 07:30 PM by Icicle.)
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
2/6 Guardian skill portrayal

As always, Askan was in the field, trotting along the borderline. With the snow as deep as it was, one would assume the short legged grump would have difficulty making his rounds. But they would be incorrect, a fact he'd gladly point out. His numerous patrols had worn down the snow and created neat little paths for him to follow. It was as though he had drawn lines physically represent the territorial lines, as if to say 'this is ours, don't you dare cross!' As amusing as Askan found that thought, he knew his lines weren't necessary, as the markers dotted about were unmissable. But just to be sure, Askan cocked up his leg and refreshed one of the markers, melting a little snow in the process.

He had only just lowered his leg when a call rang out. Who the hell was that? It wasn't anyone he recognised, of that he was certain. All he knew was that it had come from that direction, and that he could probably get there pretty quickly thanks to his little trenches. So with gritted teeth and determination Askan kicked off and chased after the sound.

As it turned out, someone had beat him. Icicle stood on their side of the border, watching the newcomer with his pinkish eyes with a fair amount of distance between them. There was little tension in the albinos shoulders, but the same could not be said for the Yukon wolf. There was a stranger at their door, it was only natural he got a little tense. A little wary.

Trotting to a stop, Askan shot the white wolf a sharp look, as if to say 'I've got your back.' His gaze then fell on the stranger- who like his pack mate- Askan also noticed his sheer size and bulk. He was a big lad, but nothing he couldn't handle if shit hit the fan. Or so he thought. Maybe he'd even let Icicle get a hit or two in, he was feeling generous. Besides, it might help with his shy disposition. Sometimes you needed to hit something to feel better about yourself. 

"So who's this?" He asked, not really expecting a response. "You got a reason for being here....?" He trailed off, making it clear he wanted a name to put to his face. And promptly too, if his impatient scowl said anything. "Cause unless its a good one, you should probably leave."
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 11:03 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 7 posts.
Arrow Rahal
It came from the opposite direction to what he might have expected, the ice giant emerging from the trees, all red eyes and nose. His tail curved over his spine instinctively, chest puffing and hackles rising to make himself look larger than he actually was. With his ears turned fully forwards and his lips tightly pursed it was clear that he was still weighing up the situation, the simple words not enough to make the brown wolf lower his guard, and then another wolf came along side.

Arrow released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding, his tail lowering like a deflated balloon as his shoulders relaxed somewhat sheepishly for being caught up in such childish tales. He dared to look away, out towards the open plains that stretched North, seemingly ignoring the dark man's words while he considered his answer, taking in the signs that were clearly presented before him. At least it wasn't women patrolling the borders, or if they were they weren't the ones to come out and meet him. Perhaps... He shrugged as he turned his attention back to the men that stood before him. Was this the culmination of the path the Norns had set before him or was this something else? Free will perhaps? "Call it fate," he answered with a smirk.

"I had no intention of finding a pack and yet here one is..." he muttered almost to himself, and judging by the scents scattered about they were either quite new or had seen far better days. Eyes flitted from the dark wolf to the white, wondering just what they may make of his response.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Ever since Askan's return, Jessie felt as if she could move freely outside of their borders. When he had gone over to see Oak Tree Bend, Jessie's anxiety had risen considerably. The trip had been worth it through and the greying woman could rest easy now that their male second was home. Jessie knew that she was going to need to work on this because it would do no good for her to be confined to the territory for long periods of time. The woman’s pack needed her at the top of her game at all times. With this in mind, Jessie made her way to the borders to do her own sweep.

Their numbers were still low and it would do them no good to have their borders unmarked or weak. They needed to appear strong, especially to their neighbors, who she dreaded having another encounter with. The woman had no intentions of making enemies but knew that everything could not be perfect in the world that they were trying to create. These troubling thoughts rolled over in her mind as she marked the borders but voices up ahead snapped her out of the thoughts she had.

Ears pricked forward so that she could hear what was going on, the pepper-and-salt colored lady recognized Askan’s voice. He was addressing someone else and not be all too kind about it either. Increasing her pace so that she could get on the scene, Jessie heard the stranger’s voice, a male. Not a surprise, males seemed to be particularly attracted to their home. When she finally arrived at the other side of the border, her banner lifted on instinct, emerald gaze piercing toward Askan. Her voice was amused but stern when she spoke, ”Askan, do not be rude to our visitor.” Of course, she would have to speak with him about that later. For now though… Jessie’s gaze turned towards the stranger finally, her voice taking on a more business-casual tone, ”I am Jessie Tainn, one of the alphas of this pack. Is there anything we can do for you?”

Jessie Tainn
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2016, 11:36 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang

The colorless wraith snorted quietly in amusement to himself, speak it and there the ass of the field appears. Askan arriving and directly speaking to the unknown wolf, demanding answers in his own special brand of blunt and directness to urge the wolf onward if he had nothing to say of value. Before Icicle could respond to that however, the new wolf beat him to it. And soon after Jessie arrived on the scene. The large wolf dipped his head to his female alpha as she chided Askan for his behavior like a misbehaving puppy. A subtle grin forming on the white wolf’s pink tinged lips.

“Welcome to the borders of Wild Rye Fields sir.” he said quietly. Moving to stand next to and behind Jessie, if the wolf was volatile, he’d gladly step in to defend, but for now, almost everyone present was civil and he saw no reason to treat the wolf any differently “I’m called Icicle, the black one’s Askan, might we know who we have the honor of meeting?” he asked, his head tilted slightly to the side, pink eyes observing the newcomer with polite interest. Soon Askan would probably say something and show how he had earned the unofficial title the white wolf had secretly dubbed him with.

(This post was last modified: Dec 22, 2016, 08:34 PM by Icicle.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan was not impressed by the strangers vague and honestly weird response. What the hell was that supposed to mean? What did fate have to do with anything? Did he really think he could get into their good graces with such nonsensical mutterings? No way. He'd sooner grab the moon out of the sky. The Rye wolf had just been about to tell the stranger what he thought, when his ears twitched at the sound of another arrival. Jessie. Askan ducked his head in reverence and automatically took a couple of steps back to allow Jessie to stand in front.

Her words, whilst jovial enough in nature, were enough to make Askan slink back a little in apology. His ears pressed to his head for a moment and he averted his gaze in apology. "Sorry, my lady." He murmured, for her ears only.

It was Icicle's turn to speak next apparently, and he proceeded to make introductions. Like the white wolf, Askan was more than ready to step in front of the Rye Queen if need be. But he doubted it would come to that, he hoped it wouldn't at least. Contrary to Icicle's assumption, Askan had no intention of cutting into the conversation with a bitter, snide comment. The other's had it covered, he didn't have anything to add, but if he did then he wouldn't hold back by any means. Well, maybe he would make a slight effort to be a touch more polite. After all, his alpha was present.
(This post was last modified: Dec 22, 2016, 10:54 PM by Askan. Edit Reason: cause my internet is dumb af )
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 7 posts.
Arrow Rahal
Arrow <.< This will be his exit unless someone comes after him.

Although it wouldn't be visible on his face, Arrow's good mood quickly soured as the silver bitch approached. Things only got worse when the men stepped back as though she had a right to be out here. The words she spoke may as well have been static for all he cared, quickly losing interest in the direction he was being pushed at this point in time. So the pack was called Wild Rye Fields and they were lead by a woman, and one twice his age at that. He gave a disinterested shrug, "Not visiting, just couldn't smell you through the snow. I'll be on my way."

He didn't bother with an introduction, what did a loners name matter to them? There was still a chance that one might come at his arse but he was frankly too tired to care. He was heading away from their home and into the vast white tundra, what threat did a single wolf pose. He sighed to himself, feeling a little homesick suddenly. To think he had gotten his hopes up, but no, there was something terribly wrong with all the wolves he had encountered so far.

He supposed he would just have to get by on frozen carcasses and shallow snow caves for just a little longer.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Askan's apology was heard but she made no indication of hearing what he said. Icicle, however, impressed her with his words, being one of the first times she ever heard him speak. An ear flick was offered in his direction, pleased with his politeness. It would not be returned by their strange visitor, however. Jessie could not keep the confusion off of her face. They had not done anything wrong. She felt as if things had been going in the right direction. With eyebrows furrowed, she watched the man disappear, anger coursing through her veins. She snapped at the two men beside her, "That was rude, don't you think, boys?" She exhaled through his nostrils, glaring at the area that the man had been standing in. There was no use in standing at the borders any longer.

Shaking her head, she turned her voice softer, "Let's go get ourselves a meal from the cache." She flicked her tail to the two of them and started towards the center of the territory. Whether they chose to follow her or not was their choice. The Tainn thought she was improving on her socializing skills but it was no clear to her that she would only have to work harder. Perhaps, it would be better if Drestig handled most of the calls that came from the borders..

{Jessie exit.}
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]