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can you blame me? — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys

Lilya was careful with her steps, the cold of the snow crunching against her feet as she began her search for Lachesis, seeking his guidance. She considered herself new to the pack still; even after the time she had spent there… she wasn’t sure she was ready to lead. She was never groomed to lead. That had fallen to her older siblings, the ones closer to the throne than she had been as the fourth child born, and a girl at that. It made her nervous… she’d do it, because it was asked of her, but she felt a little out of her depth.

Why not ask someone who actually knew what they were doing, right?

She settled down, her tail waving casually from side to side as she called for him, a snout raised to the sky to let out the short call… if he wasn’t busy, she’d like to talk to him, but if he was, she understood that. After all, he was running this pack, despite how small it had become with the traitor being banished and Karina and Bennet leaving shortly after hearing the news. It made her wonder why it had made the young mother so upset.

From previous conversations, she knew that the mother had a great respect for the dragon that had been chased from the lands, but who was he to rank above the woman’s own mother, sisters, brothers? She could make assumptions based on the little things she noticed, but she couldn’t draw conclusions from that. It wouldn’t be fair to the girl… but then again, life wasn’t truly fair was it?

It was a lot to think about as she waited, her fur groomed, pristine because she had not gone out yet for the morning hunt she normally did, searching for food for the pups first, then some for the caches. They were small, yes, but they were home now, and she’d do her best to hold it together despite the oncoming winter months and the dwindling numbers they had to work with.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
leaving reason behind @Lilya stepping up as vague as i can :x correct me if i make booboos
thank you again for starting <3 you are lovely

Most days Lachesis had no idea what he was doing. The green-eyed ghost took things as they came, carefully mulling things over before making a decision. He was cautious, each move he made placed after meticulous deliberations. While Hearthwood was his pack now, it would always belong to Maksim. The Stark was careful not to do anything to tarnish the fallen king’s memory. XIX wanted to see the river wolves flourish once more, as they had in the past, but it was difficult with winter looming over the Lore. They had already eliminated one threat—unfortunately, it had been within their walls, causing them to lose not one, but three members. His tongue clucked against the roof of his mouth in annoyance at the thought. He often wondered what Maksim thought of his daughter’s departure… and whether he should have done something to stop her…

Lilya’s call yanked him from his thoughts, causing his brows to furrow as he turned around. The ghost had been on his way to check the scent markers when she had called for him, his stomach churning as he snaked through the trees. Had something happened—to her, to the twins? Was she… was she leaving? No, surely not. Since her arrival in Hearthwood the blue-eyed wolf had proven herself to be loyal time and time again. Which was why Kisla had entrusted her to lead in her place for the time being.

A warm smile unfolded against his dark lips as he approached his friend, chartreuse gaze soft as he studied her, uncertainty obscuring his vision. “What’s up, Lil?” He asked, tone light and good-natured as he folded his hindquarters against the snow-dusted ground.

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2016, 08:08 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis No problem! Lilya's so nervous XD

She was, in fact, nervous and she wasn’t even sure how to ask about what to do. Cats didn’t catch her tongue often, but when they did, it was at the worst time possible and it almost showed on her features. She was forcing herself to reign it in because wasn’t that what she was supposed to do? She was supposed to hide any doubt to instill strength and confidence? Hell, she didn’t know. It wasn’t long before she saw the ghost make his appearance, her icy blue eyes and her tawny tail flickering down respectfully out of habit before uncertainty caught her features and it waved a little.

Wow, she really wasn’t good at this, now was she? His warm smile gave her a little confidence, a soft one catching her own features at his question, though the nervousness still showed through. She was assuming he knew that they all knew. It had been sort of hard to miss, after all… and there weren’t many wolves to tell because most of them had abandoned them. “Ah… don’t really know what ter do.” She figured it would be best to start with that. Did she just continue doing what she always did, or did she have special duties to complete instead, or did she have both. If so, when would she eat and sleep?

The thoughts were racing through her head at a mile a second. “Ah’ve never led b’fore… and ma parents ne’er trained me fer it… that fell ta ma older siblings.” She figured a clarification would probably be best as she tilted her head softly to the side. She was really bad at asking for help.

“Can yer help me? I dun’t know what ter do.” Her tone wavered just a little. It was only temporary, until Kisla was ready to lead again… but she wanted to do the best job she could while she held the position she did, to show Kisla that she could rely on her and she just didn’t know how.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<3 @Lilya

Her exterior was calm but she was nervous; it radiated off of her in waves, causing the corners of his mouth to fall. However, as she opened her mouth and began to speak, Lachesis finally recognized the look she wore. It was the same one he had worn when Maksim had asked him to step up in his place while he was unable to lead.

The ghost was utterly perplexed. She was asking him for advice? His brows mashed together, his frown deepening. Lachesis was still struggling to grasp the concept of leading. He had always been happy in the middle, abiding by rules and working for the pack. It had taken some time but he had finally found a role that was suited for him and did everything possible to excel in the medical field. And then, when he stumbled into the role of second, he had embraced it. Aside from healing, being Maksim’s right paw was something he had been good at. But never had the ghost considered taking over for his green-eyed friend—no, leading had never been in the cards for XIX.

“I’ll help you as much as I can,” he said after a lengthy pause, his voice soft as he studied her. “But, truthfully, I don’t really know what to do either,” he admitted, sheepishly, his chartreuse gaze falling to the ground. “I never planned on leading—never wanted to. Especially when I first arrived in Relic Lore—I was an anxious mess.” He smiled, softly, as his gaze returned to his friend. “I was kind of forced into this position and now I fight for it because of Maksim. He did so much for me, so this is my way of repaying him—by keeping Hearthwood alive.” His tail thumped against the ground at this, his shoulders pulling back. The ghost allowed silence to fall between them once more, his lips tight against his teeth as he allowed his words to digest before speaking once more. “What would you like to know?” 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis I live for Arla threads <3

He seemed startled when she spoke, asking him for advice which confused her just as much as it seemed to confuse him. He’d been leader since before she got there… how could he not know what to do? That just made her more nervous, a feeling she wasn’t fond of, but one she’d become accustomed to. Then he said he’d help and she let out a sigh of relief… it only lasted seconds before he admitted he had no idea what he was doing. “Bu’ it seems like ya do.” She pointed out, offering an outside perspective. He was incredibly talented at not showing what was going on inside of his head if that was what he’d been feeling the entire time.

He explained a little more and she allowed a calmer smile onto her own features, forcing herself to take another deep breath and relax a little more. “Yer doin’ a good job tho!” She stated with her icy blue gaze focused on him. Wasn’t it true? He took it in strides whereas she felt like she was stumbling over her own two feet. At least her station was only temporary. “Ah jus’ wanna know what ter do. I…” How was she going to word this? She wasn’t entirely sure.

“Ah dun’t know what leaders are s’pposed ta do. How their jobs differ from th’rest of us.” Perhaps that would provide a little more insight on the matter? She followed his suite and took a seat, watching him carefully and hoping he could answer that question at least. Her station was temporary, but she wanted to do a good job and not completely screw things up upon returning Kisla’s crown to her.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya and i live for Nam threads! <333333

“Then I’m doing something right,” he joked, his expression softening as he studied the anxious agouti. Lachesis knew how it felt to be thrown into a position without being prepared. Even though it was temporary the pressure of not fumbling or messing up was tremendous. The ghost had always struggled to ensure that Maksim’s legacy remained—and still continued to struggle. He did not want to tarnish his friend’s memory, which made his job even more stressful. Despite the countless times that he wanted to walk away—take his children and leave everything behind—he couldn’t. Somehow the ghost managed to pull through; his façade was working and that was all that mattered.

A smile worked it's way onto his pale maw at her compliment, his cheeks growing warm. He dipped his head to show his gratitude. Nineteen’s lips tightened against his teeth as she began to speak once more, explaining her request further. He was not the best person to be giving advice but he did not want to disappoint the blue-eyed sparrow. Her anxiousness about the job, despite it being temporary, showed that she cared. Lachesis had been in the same boat when he had first taken over for Maksim—and felt the same every time his green-eyed friend asked him to step up in his place.

“Leaders are to ensure things are running smoothly in the pack. Making sure jobs are being done, like filling the caches or patrolling the borders, and delegating those tasks.” He paused, the corners of his lips falling slightly. “It does not differ too much from your normal, every day tasks. You just have to be aware that others are doing what is expected of them and pulling their weight.” Another pause, this time a single brow lifting in amusement. “Because there aren’t too many of us it’s certainly easier to keep track of everyone.” Although having more members would make him feel a lot safer and more secure. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Lilya let out a light and nervous chuckle at his response, a joke… it still felt awkward, that she was supposedly equal to him and yet it certainly didn’t feel like it, even with his nature… that might just be her though. She’d seen so much, it was hard to consider herself equal or above anyone. She knew bloody and violent life could get in a heartbeat… nightmares, insomnia, all while managing to somehow get her job done day after day, and now more responsibility. She’d do it because it was her job, and she didn’t want to let Kisla down, but she really, really wasn’t good at it.

She was relieved to hear that her jobs weren’t supposed to be too drastically different. She looked at her paws for a couple seconds. “Ah don’t really know anyone… I knew Karina an’ th’pups… Kj’rs too… but no one else… nauwt really.” It was an awful thing to say, but it was terribly true. She was afraid it was difficult for her to make conversation. “M’just really not good with other wolves… it’s ma nature to assume the worst in ‘em.” It evidently bothered her, letting it show perhaps more than she should, but she couldn’t help it. She looked back up at him, still incredibly nervous about it all.

How could she not be? She kept telling herself that she needed to calm down and not get too worked up about it because it’d only hurt everyone. “Ah can be quite indecisive too… ‘n too stubborn ta ask fer help.” Now she was certain she was just listing her flaws in the hopes he could demote her and promote someone else up to the task.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya ~slowly starts tackling all my overdue responses~ <3

He appreciated that Lilya was confiding in him. It meant that she trusted him, to some extent at least. And trust was important, especially if they were to lead alongside each other—whether it be temporary or not. The blue-eyed sparrow admitted that she had not gotten the chance to get properly acquainted with the other members, causing a small smile to form across his maw. “Now you’re in the perfect position to introduce yourself to others,” he responded quickly, his tail swaying gently behind him. “I’m not much better. Truthfully, I prefer being alone, but it is because of Maksim that I’ve forced myself to be less of a hermit.” He paused, his smile widening as his chartreuse gaze softened. “Fortunately for you we got rid of the bad seed,” he added after she mentioned assuming the worst in others. XIX knew that her wariness came from her life before Hearthwood—why else would she be so guarded?—so he did not question her. If she was going to open up to him Lachesis wanted it to be because she wanted to, not from him pestering her.

The ghost scoffed as she mentioned her flaws and he could not stop his pear-coloured eyes from rolling. “Stop it, Lil,” he barked, suddenly, as a small frown managed to find its way onto his maw. “Kisla trusted you for a reason. I trust you. The only one getting in your way is yourself—hell, those are traits I have as well. You need them to be a good leader.” XIX would not pull her rank, no matter how hard she testified against it. He truly did believe in her. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

It was incredibly strange for her to actually explain all of this to anyone, including Lachesis. She had nothing against him – she liked him even. If she hadn’t like or respected either him of Kisla, she likely wouldn’t have ended up at their borders all those months ago. Every time she threw an excuse, because in actuality that was what it was, he found a way to refute it until he just cut it off, telling her to stop it, and a frown caught her features, tail lowering a little as a sort of reaction to the slight surprise she found at the bark.

They trusted her? Obviously there had to be some level of trust for her to take up the mantle but it still confused her as to why. He went on to insist she had good traits in her that would help her, but it was met with a lack of ability to comprehend just how being stubborn and indecisive would help her be a good leader. She just, she didn’t think she could do it and she was having what she could only describe as a panic attack because of it. Kisla had just seemed so composed, all the time, even when Lilya had just been a loner. Lilya wasn’t like that, and that worried her.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
we can wrap dis up soon if u want <3 LACH NEEDS TO WOO HER ~ @Lilya

His expression fell as he realized that he was doing more damage than good. Lilya had come to him for advice and he felt as though he was just making things worse. His skin flushed hot beneath his pale fur as worry caused his throat to tighten. The ghost wanted to help her but he did not know how. This was Anastasia’s area of expertise. She had always managed to calm him down when he was in a panic but why couldn’t he remember how.

Guilt consumed him once he saw her reaction and he immediately regretted barking at her. Had Anastasia ever done that to him? He dismissed the thought as soon as it appeared, his yellow-green gaze softening as he studied the blue-eyed sparrow. “I-I’m sorry, Lil,” he started, unsure of what else to say. Perhaps it was best he left her alone… but he couldn’t. He did not want to. Not yet, at least. The ghost needed to make sure she was okay—that the demons were at bay—before he allowed her to be on her own.

“I trust you and I will be here to help you,” he added, his features soft as he took a hesitant step toward her, his nose briefly pressing to her cheek. Once he resumed his position he motioned to the trees behind him, the tundra hidden in the distance. “How ‘'bout we go for a hunt,” he suggested, a feeble attempt at diffusing the situation he had put himself (and her) in, “or maybe out on a patrol?” He needed to fix this.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you