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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
For @Renier only. Backdated to 3/3.

This season was turning out to be a hell of a lot complicated than he anticipated, and Sven had been buckled in ready for a lot. The scare with @Leotie just the day before was far from having left his mind, and he almost felt guilty for having come back, to his own home, because what if it happened again? But she knew now, and hopefully the lesson had been learned. He hated that she'd had to learn it like, but at the least the affirmation let him relax a little bit about it all. There were other worries to contend with, after all.

The boy had to wonder, when had this become him? This constant need to watch over and corral the actions of others, to enact this subtle control? It hadn't always been this way, but the starting point was an indiscernible blur all the same. All he knew, was that it was rooted in his inability to trust.

Renier didn't deserve his pestering. Sven knew that. The Lyall had every right to tell the teen to fuck off, to breed with whomever he pleased, Enoki or any other soul. That right there was the problem though; Lyall. If Enoki carried his children, the Ridge would not have a single Archer birthed this year. To a loyalist like Sven, the thought was nearly heartbreaking. If only @Nicolò would step up.

But he hadn't, and so the teen was left to moments like this. Having seen @Enoki and Renier walking together, he had picked up his pace to reach them, and then casually asked the male lead to join him on patrol. It wasn't an unusual thing, but the timing was what would make it suspicious the more and more he chose to do it. Hopefully, he could run out the clock before Renier caught on or decided to do something about the intrusive youth.

They walked along now, just the two of them, each stopping intermittently to leave their mark upon the thawing land, and neither of them had yet to speak. That was fine, Sven could handle silence.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

It was barely walking along with Enoki in patrol, having little conversation when Sven seemed to have spotted them. Renier didn't have to look to know he was making his way over. It had been a test, to see if he was really doing what he thought he was.

Sure enough. The pale wolf didn't act frazzled by their closeness. He only seemed eager to prevent it. Asking not to accompany them, but for Renier's to come with him solo. He could want to believe it was just to avoid Enoki and her scent all together. This wasn't the first time he'd separated them. "Sure," he answered, not even looking back, but falling in step with Sven. Letting their little routine extend as normal.

The longer the silence went, the more irritated he became. He had nothing to say?

The Lyall had plenty, cause last he checked he was the leader of this pack, and this was going to stop. Even if Sven needed a heavy reminder of his own place. Renier was done  pussy footing around it. There was space between them now as they had went to mark different points. Now his tail bristled, raised above his back. The hair along his shoulder blades a bit out of place.

"Mind telling me what the hell you think you're doing?" Renier had never even raised his voice to Sven, and he didn't now. Despite his display, he was eerily calm. His question firm as his gold stare.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

Sven hadn't been turned his way when Renier first opted to speak. His ears swiveled back first, then his head turned, thick white scruff bunching against his left cheek as his silver eyes regarded the other man. The posture he witnessed the alpha in made his muscles itch underneath his skin, his own body yearning to challenge the clear display of authority. His tail even twitched, but Sven was able to keep his own stance neutral. Except his eyes. He couldn't help but lock them with Renier's own gilded gaze.

Great, rooted out was he? And only days away from it not even mattering anymore. He lamented this only briefly. He'd been called out, and Sven would not dodge or make excuses, and he certainly wasn't about to lie. While what he really was hoping for was that Renier wouldn't get the chance to procreate at all, Sven understood that was wildly out of his control (for now) and rather unreasonable, no matter how little he thought of the Lyall line. No, that's not what he was defending against really; he was defending against Renier locking out the possibility of any new Archers, which meant Enoki had to be left for Nicolo.

Time to find out if the man would at all understand that.

"Not her," he informed him, and then waited to see what Renier would make of it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 10:56 PM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

Defy me, he thought. Push your luck. He would only need one reason. Renier had known too well how Skoll had been. His huge ego, determined to rise to the top. The Prince. He could have used a good beating, knocked down a peg or two.

Sven was not his father, and the youth only met his stare with a cold one of his own. It could be enough for him to break the distance between them, and a little more. What he said kept him rooted to his spot, because it was unexpected. He could not help but give a harsh, short laugh. Red hair smoothing, with a single blink. Manipulation must be part of the gene pool. Did he not see how warped that was?

"Do you really think I'd be anyone's first choice?" He smirked, but nothing about it was happy or kind. It was harsh, and cruel. The irony. Especially with so little Archers setting the kind of example to be followed. He could almost believe Skoll's hatred of Angier had passed into his son.

"If it is your great uncle you're eager to cheer on maybe your efforts would be better to light a fire under him. He's had plenty of time to pull his head out of his ass, but he hasn't so much as looked in my direction. " Renier would have less of a problem with him if he had. Apparently, it wasn't a priority.

He isn't going to make up for Elettra, he wasn't even half the wolf she was. Or they wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. He shook his head, if that would settle the anger that burned in the pit of his chest. If it would satisfy his want to tear someone to shreds, and feed one of his demons.

"Maybe you both need a reminder that the laws of the pack remain."

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

That bark of laughter was not expected by Sven, and it caused his ears to splay outward, brows itching to draw together in confusion. His features remained more or less the same, however, tensed by this new side of Renier. Sven knew he was walking a fine line, and there was too much at stake to risk stepping a toe over at the wrong time. Then the other man spoke, and something like empathy passed through the youth's mind as the words hit him at his core. He knew exactly how that felt.

But then he went on, and the expression faded. Yes, Nicolo was not by any means an ideal Archer. But he still had that blood in his veins, the ability to pass on true fire, and he was the only option this year. Well... wasn't he? Sven's stomach churned as for the first time it occurred to him what he might have to do if he could not trust these adults to get it right.

The boy was ready to explain, his jaws set to open, when one last sentence escape the Lyall's lips, and it turned his blood to acid.

"Don't threaten me," he warned, voice as cold and sharp as icicles in the air. His pale eyes had by now lost all understanding, instead alight with an edge of... something that for once wasn't anger. He didn't feel that typical inferno inside of him, instead it was frigid and taut, confident, controlled and solid. Sven had wanted to wait, to do things the right way, but if Renier forced his paw, he would do what he needed to. The pale Archer turned belly up for no one.

"The pack needs Archers. Enoki and Nicolo are the only chance for that this year. I don't give a fuck what else the man does."

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 07:14 PM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

Like his father, he seemed to think others were beneath him. Somehow his name made him better. Perched on a pedestal, untouchable.  In an ivory tower, well it was time for it to break.

There was no line any more for Renier to cross, just one blinding, red field. How Elettra had never handed his ass to him, he did not know. Then again, he had probably been the respectable gentleman to his Nonna. Another charming characteristic of his father.

Yes, more Archers, that was the thing they needed. Who cared if they didn't have much to eat? Or wandered too far? If there was even a pack to care for them? Long as they had special DNA why would anything else matter? With this new realization, he felt he would need to warn Ravenna. Would he try to direct her in such ways?

Sven had been warned, and what did he do? He mouthed off, steel gaze unwavering as if he was made of stone. So certain.Gold eyes became slits as a sharp coldness shot through him. There was nothing he thought of but inflicting damage, and how badly he craved it. The rogue had been put through many a thing, but he was done. He was a man with nothing to lose. There were no more words. Renier didn't fuck around, and if nothing else Sven would learn this today.

There wasn't even a brush of a growl. It was a raise of his lips he launched himself forward, cutting the distance between them. Ready to barrel into him, open jaws lashing out. His intention to grab boy's muzzle or cheek. Anything would do.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer

No words, just movement. Sven had never known Renier to be so assertive, so angry. Maybe he would do well in this position, maybe Sven should wait to see what the Lyall would make of his crown. If only that wouldn't risk so much. The boy had thought the world of plenty of wolves, and they had all let him down in the same way. He was sick of suffering their consequences, of watching the pack he loved dwindle to nothing because of them. The only wolf that he could trust, absolutely, was himself. It had nothing to do with Renier or Nicolo, with names or track records. It was simply a fact of life that honestly, he felt he'd learned too late.

His chin tucked and his shoulders dropped as Renier lunged, tail lashing through the air and beating against his own thighs, yet still remaining low. The other man's teeth curved and latched overtop his muzzle, which was wrinkled by the soft growl emanating from his throat. Ears back, this was allowed. Renier was his alpha, had authority, and Sven did recognize that. If the Lyall thought he was going to give him a thrashing, however, the boy was prepared to retaliate.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

In his younger days it wouldn't have been uncharacteristic of him to blow up at anyone if they displeased him. With the years his outlook had changed, his patience had grown more steady. He come to realize not every action needed a reaction. Today he had simply had enough. If it was not one thing it surely was another, and he wasn't fond of being chaperoned by anybody. Least of all Sven. Questioning his authority, his rank, was not okay. Renier wasn't the sort to act like nothing had hapened, and move on pretending to be obvlious. No, he felt the need to make it clear that if the Archer was going to remain here, he better desist. There was enough division, and empty trust. He was no docile wolf to be pushed or manipulated.

The boy didn't tuck tail and run. His feet remained planted to the snow beneath them, but his frame lowered. Ren's jaws found their place around his snout where he wanted. But, the Lyall did not dig into his skin, nor shake it in his grasp. It was hoping that would be all that was needed, he firmly kept it, waiting. The growl emitting from him would not do, nor his crinkled nose. As if he had room to give a warning of his own while be reprimanded. A low one rose to meet it. Did he need to continue this lesson?  He rather they both be on their way, and it settled.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]