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[tw] The Jury and the Judge — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@Gent @Jynx

Terror, it was all the ebony medic felt as she looked out of the healer’s den. She had been avoiding her pack mates at all cost over the past week. Scared that they would find out what she had done, though she knew it was only a matter of time, if some didn’t already know, suspicion would soon be hot on her paws. Sylva knew the law, she wasn’t even going to try to plead ignorance to it when the time came, her fears weren’t of Gent hurting her, but being chased off. White Fir Notch was all she had come to known, and now, it was in jeopardy because of one foolish night. Thoughts of the white male came drifting back to her mind with a soft whine, she still had feelings for him, but she couldn’t put a name to them

Laying there in the protective shade of the den, Sylva sighed, she’d have to come clean, it was the only way she had any chance of salvaging her presence within the pack, maybe she could beg for mercy, to face anything but but exile was better than banishment, because now, for her, alone out there, it would be a death sentence, not just for her, but for what was growing within. Slowly and reluctantly, she raised her muzzle to the sky, pausing for a moment, it’d be so much easier to just run away, maybe she could start over in a new pack, but then what? She’d seal her fate for sure with the notch, with her..family. She couldn’t do that to them, she’d face up to what she had done, and with that a howl went up for Gent and Jynx, asking them to meet her by the infirmary.
(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2017, 06:46 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: added trigger warning for later rape mention )
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

The recent change in Sylva's behavior had certainly not gone unnoticed by the new alphess. The dark female was not her usual social, bubbly self. She was keeping away from her pack mates, isolating herself in the chosen location of the infirmary. That in of itself, was suspicious. But even more disturbing was the distinct, unmistakable change in the young wolfs scent. No longer was it sickly sweet and inviting, but riddled with the tiniest traces of new life. It was without a doubt, that Jynx knew from this subtle change alone, that Sylva had broken pack law by sneaking behind their backs and breeding with another.

By the courtesy of Gent and Raela, her trusted friends, Jynx had earned  the right to breed. And she continued to prove herself worthy by fulfilling her duties as Leader, until the rightful queen was well again. She was grateful for the blessing Gent had given her and Emrys, but it by no means extended to the other subordinates in the pack. What had Sylva been thinking? Was she really so naive...so foolish, or perhaps treacherous to go behind the backs of the very family that had guided and supported her all this time? Jynx didn't know what her reasoning was, nor did she care. With her seasonal heat in full swing, complimented by surging hormones, her tolerance for this type of insubordination was non-existent. She had heard of course, of Zilas' plea to return to the Notch, which was ultimately denied by her co-leader. Which was just as well; they had no room for wolves they could not trust. They would much rather be short a few wolves than have their ranks clogged with plotting minds and broken promises. 

As Sylva's howl called for her and Gent, she stopped by the gently flowing creek. Her right hind leg planted back down after a yet another spreading of her scent, to remind the females of her condition and status. With vigorous scrapes she kicked her legs back, sending melting snow flying behind her to further disperse her scent. Her golden eyes narrowed in the direction of Sylva's medical den. So, she had finally come out of hiding. Not a wise choice. With a surge of fire running up her spine under her skin, the russet alpha turned on a dime, striding purposefully to the location. The dark speck that was Sylva in the distance, she focused on, moving towards with purpose. With intent. As she grew closer an overpowering sense of dominance welled up inside her, intermixed with anger and disgust. Her shoulders rolled back, tail positioned stiffly over her spine, ears pricked forward aggressively. "Sylva..." The name rolled off her tongue as the bridge of her muzzle crinkled, a low growl building steadily in her chest. There was no mistaking her scent, no hiding what she had done. She took one single, purposeful step forward, aligning her head with her shoulders, muscles tense and ready for release. "Get out." She commanded coldly, with no room for argument. If the healer resisted even in the slightest, then the newly appointed matriarch would not hesitate to use physical force.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Gent too had of course noticed the sudden changes affecting his anthophilous student, and they brought about all the concern that they warranted. There were quite a few unknown factors despite what was obvious, too many, and he had allowed this chunk of time for several reasons. It was possible that Sylva had gotten sick again, maybe even caught what was plaguing Raela, but the few times he'd run into her, guilt was obvious in the way she had avoided his gaze and scurried into hiding at each instance.

No, he couldn't work around it, she had been mated. The million dollar question, however, was how it had come about. Sylva had grown in leaps and bounds, and had never given the pack a reason to question her loyalty. Yet she was still naive in so many ways, far too trusting and gullible in her first ever heat. She might have been coerced, she might have not considered the consequences in the heat of the moment, she might have thought she'd get away with it, that once wouldn't render her pregnant. 

Or she could have been forced.

Gent wasn't sure which he should be hoping for, but as her howl rang out, he hefted himself onto his sturdy paws with a great sigh as he recognized that he was about to find out. The latter was a trauma he would not wish upon anyone, yet it would mean that Sylva could not be blamed for her condition. The extra pups would certainly be a strain upon the pack's resources were only just recently renewing with prey, but he trusted that they could manage it.

If it was by choice, however, that would not be the concern at all. She would have to be forced from the pack. The law had been clear, and not only had she been informed by Raela about what all goes down in this season the previous year, but instinct should have told her what was happening. As much as she was dedicated to them, as dangerous as it would be for her and her unborn children to be ousted now, if the Notch was to stand strong, the laws had to be enforced. No one would ever accuse Gent of being weak.

That Jynx would also answer the call did not occur to him until her scent crossed through his lungs, and he picked up his pace. He made it onto the scene just in time to hear his co-leads stiff command, and his eyes widened in shock. Tail launching upward he lunged to place himself between the two women before an altercation could even begin.

"Jynx," he spoke firmly, "stand down. Sylva deserves the chance to explain."

He wouldn't put words in the young woman's mouth, supply her with an out if it wasn't the truth, but his pointed gaze tried to communicate with his partner all the same. Hopefully, she would cotton on to what he was allowing for, but he had to wonder if she either hadn't considered the possibility, or didn't care. They would certainly need to discuss it after this mess was cleaned up.

Turning then, he faced Sylva, blue eyes softening but only partially. This was grave.

"Your pregnancy. How did it happen?"
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
Her heart was in her throat as she waited, what was she going to do? As soon as the howl had left her lips, the reality had truly started to set in. All that she had given to the pack, would be thrown aside, she’d be cast out without hesitating. As soon as she caught Jynx’s scent, the third took on a submissive stance, though fear was also evident, her tail tucked firmly between her legs, her muzzle toward the ground when she heard her name, the snarl that accompanied it and then..the words that she had feared that she would always hear were spoken.

Though before she could act, Gent appeared on the scene, his dark pelt wasn’t a comfort for once, instead it only brought more fear, she blinked, realizing that tears were forming in her eyes as she whined. His question made her pause momentarily, realizing something that he had said in the past to her, only recently. Could she do it? She had to, for the sake of the pups growing inside of her, they shared her blood, she couldn’t let them die if she was cast out of the pack. Maybe one day their forgive me, at least until they're old enough to survive. she thought to herself as she took a deep breath, not trusting herself to speak without choking up.

Unaware that she had it in her until now, Sylva looked Gent in the eyes, her voice breaking as she spoke “I-i don’t…” she couldn’t do it, the internal struggle she faced, the guilt, all of it, it was hard to deal with, but she had to, for the sake of her pups, their survival, and even Zilas’s fate could be hanging in the balance, if they found out, and word got back to his pack, then he’d be tossed aside too, and there was no way he’d recover from it, so Sylva did the only thing she could bring herself to, she had to forget about him for now. “I-I was by the trees when...all i saw was a shadow and heard a growl…” she paused, unable to go on as she whimpered and pressed her nose into the ground, she had to be strong for all of those involved, living and yet born.
(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2017, 06:48 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: added trigger warning )
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Luckily for Sylva, just seconds after her single warning glided past her lips, did a savior arrive. The blur of unmistakable bluish-black fur flying between them filled her vision, his voice issuing a firm command to back down. Having held nothing but utmost respect for her co-lead, even with her shift in rank, Jynx complied. She straightened her posture, easing out of the predatory stance she had once assumed. She was no longer on the brink of lunging at the younger female, to give chase. Offering Gent a stiff nod, she gave Sylva the chance to speak, to explain herself.

Perhaps she was being hard on their ebony healer. Her surging hormones ruled her emotions, clouding her judgement some. But Sylva had been with the Notch from the start...even before then, in the late days of the Crest. She was certainly a loyal member, and did at the very least, deserve a chance to explain herself. After all, Jynx had not considered the possibility that she could have been impregnated against her will. Even as she stammered, huddled to the ground in nervous, fearful submission, the new ruling female remained imposing. From her hind end, all the way up to her crown, her hackles stood on end, tail lashing intently through the air. Golden eyes narrowed in contemplation at the beginnings of the explanation she offered. A brow raised, almost skeptically, but not in complete disbelief either. "And did you see what this wolf looked like? Could he still be in the Lore?" If Sylva was to make her case convincing, then the more realistic, the more details she could provide, the better. Whoever this wolf was who had forced himself on her, had to have been larger than Sylva. Otherwise she surely would have had a chance at putting up a fight.