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You Gotta Fire Up — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Backdating this to the 14th - Aleksei's return, plus some exciting random events that I just couldn't pass up on! Let's get the pack together for a nice, not at all stressful moment.
@Lachesis @Kisla @Lilya @Inna @Lekalta
Snowmaggedon! A foot of snow has fallen overnight!
Hearthwood River, a frostbitten bull moose stumbles into your territory.

The last stretch of Aleksei's journey home was gruelling. 

He had settled on the edge where Kingsfall met the Tundra to the west, where the trees were thinner and the land littered with rocks. The idea was that he would be well rested for the last leg, his return home, to greet his family and apologise for not finding Karina (the sister who wanted to remain lost, it seemed) with some semblance of energy, but fate was cruel. The skies had opened up whilst he slumbered to dump snow over the Lore once more. Where spring was once finally beginning to claw its way to the surface, it was now smothered under cold once more.

Winter just wouldn't go away easily this year, would it?

He woke up with the uncomfortable feeling of icy toes and a chilly nose. Perfect. I'm a good man, I don't deserve this, he groaned internally, rising up to his feet to shake his pelt free of snow. Of course, his guard hairs were soggy thanks to the snow that had melted due to his body heat, but at least his undercoat was dry; developing a cold now would be the cherry to a sundae that tasted like dirt, and he wasn't particularly in the mood of that. 

Trudging through a foot of snow was never fun. It was even less fun when you had aching feet after weeks of travelling. At least Aleksei was almost home at this point—the cold and the numb paws would be like a distant memory after a nice, proper rest where he felt safe. 

After what felt like hours of walking, he was finally starting to smell the border of Hearthwood River! Instinct told him to hustle his hoofies, to pick up the pace, and so he did, sprinting forward and burning up the last reserves of energy, his breathing laboured and heavy as he charged onwards—gods, he was not built for speed, and he felt his speed trickle away 'til he was wobbling along.

A good thing that was, because as he crossed the border of Hearthwood, he came to a sudden and clumsy halt with wide eyes, tail arching over his back and ears pricking forward. Alarm bells rang and he lowered his head, muzzle wrinkling.

A moose was stumbling along, silhouette broken by the trees, visibly limping. Something was wrong with it, that much was for certain, and Aleksei gave his lips a nervous lick as he assessed the situation. It seemed to have an old wound on its leg—cougar, perhaps—which had grown weak thanks to exposure to the cold, 'til the flesh had died and rotted away.

That, however, made it no less dangerous a threat. Were he able to see it closer, Aleksei would also be able to identify that it was no simply the visible injury that had been mangled by the cold; its eyes were nearly crusted shut, nostrils visibly dark in colour thanks to frostbite. Where had it been to be attacked by the elements so mercilessly? Had it been the sudden cold snap, the unexpected snow?

Regardless, Aleksei weighed his options. He could call his pack mates, but risk putting the beast into a frenzy, or he could leave it and hope it would find its way back out of the territory and die somewhere far from the River wolves. Did they not have the advantage, though? It was hauling a dead limb around, and judging by the laboured breathing it was also exhausted from doing so.

He made the decision and tipped his head back with a howl on his lips; moose by the border—it's weak, but we still need to deal with it. Aleksei could get his welcome homes later.
(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 02:52 PM by Aleksei.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Inna @Kisla @Lekalta @Lilya tags again <3

The snow was relentless and persistent this winter.

Despite the recent warm weather it appeared that winter had returned with a vengeance, plaguing the Lore with more snow. Even though the Arctic was built for the snow, with fur much thicker than most, he was growing weary of the extended season. The longer he stayed in Relic Lore the more he forgotten about the frozen landscape that had birthed him. He had grown soft, comfortable, with the warmer seasons of his new home. His fur still grew plush when the colder months arrived, which protected the lanky medic against the freezing temperatures. But it did not stop him from missing the warmth that came with spring.

Since the unprovoked attack on the blue-eyed sparrow Lachesis had been staying close to Hearthwood borders, making sure their markers were fresh and that the monadnock wolves did not wander too close. Just as he was about to set off to pay the neighbours a visit, to discuss the attack, a call cut through the air. The familiarity of the voice caused his steps to falter, his features softening. Aleksei had arrived home… and… moose. His mouth began to water instantly as he changed direction, his long legs cutting quickly through the cold air. He moved with precision, looking to close the distance between himself and the Baranski. It appeared that the agouti’s return was already a good omen, for a meal had accompanied him to Hearthwood’s borders.

He was the first of the river wolves to arrive, his chartreuse gaze sweeping over their surroundings to assess the situation. XIX bumped his shoulder against the younger male’s in greeting, a crooked smile rolling onto his dark lips. Despite their large statures, the moose was too big for the two of them to take down. Hopefully another river wolf, or two, would arrive soon—his stomach tightened with hunger as he watched the wounded creature push, clumsily, through the snow.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

There was a lot to prepare for, the small pack having to make due with not just one litter if she could tell anything by the scents that flooded her nose. She still feared retribution, feared Kisla chasing her out and being stranded by herself, having to care for children. It was a very real possibility, in her mind, and so she was doing her best to keep plugging along, to contribute to try and make things easier on all of them, so that maybe, just maybe, they could successfully shelter more than one litter. She heard the call cut through the air, her ears perking as she moved forward, taking calming breaths in and out as she moved towards Aleksei’s call.

She got the feeling that the Baranski man was not a huge fan of her, but she also took Kisla’s words to heart – where he’d left, she’d fought to help keep things together, so Kisla could grieve properly, and thinking back, no matter how awful she thought she was with a crown on her head, she’d do it again in a heartbeat. She arrived shortly after Lachesis, a soft and nervous smile on her features. A full hunt – it’d been a while. Her tail waved softly from side to side, the sometimes eccentric woman not offering a proper greeting, only a soft nod of the head to her rank mate and her alpha.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 12:02 PM by Lilya.)
[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

The snow had continued, despite the promise of spring. To say she was growing weary of the white landscape that greeted her was an understatement – despite enjoying the first snowfall of the winter when she had been younger, since the harsh that had separated her from her birth family and killed her other, Kisla’s love for snow had since evaporated. She was ready for the warmer season – for the birds to return and for life to once more embellish their beautiful home.

Aleksei’s call sounded across the sky, and she tipped her muzzle up, her own slender form curled at the very entrance of the whelping den she and Maksim had dug out so long ago – she had birthed Inna and Lekalta in it, and now, almost certain she was pregnant again, she intended to raise her next litter here until they were ready to move to the rendezvous site. Her heart ached at the thought of her mate now fallen – his scent now long gone from the home they had built together, and closing her eyes gently, she pushed forward, giving her fur a quick shake before opening her bright eyes once more, steeling herself to take on the day, and moving to the call of her son.

Lachesis and Lilya had already arrived – sidling up beside her pack mates, her eyes cast upon the moose, noting the injury, before her eyes fell upon her eldest child, waiting for him to determine what should be done. Would they attempt to hunt the injured beast, or simply chase it from their home?

sparking up my heart

Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

Lekalta had not been home for long, but she still felt something amiss – Inna had not returned yet, and the golden girl missed her littermate dearly. She stalked the border for her ebony twin’s arrival, but nothing yet – her mother had been particularly short tempered these days due to the season, but she did not argue with her. To appease her, when Kisla was in the vicinity, the girl would creep lower to the ground, her tail firmly tucked between her hind legs – the same respect given to Lilya, though the woman did not seem to throw her weight around.

She heard her brother’s call and was eager to see what it was he proposed – she had not seen a bull moose up close before, and so her lope was quick, hoping to witness it before the River wolves saw fit to chase it off.. or start a hunt without her. Coming upon those gathered, she noted with a skip of her heart that Lachesis had already come, and casting him a sly smile, the girl instead chose to step toward he brother, her nose lifting to nudge his cheek, thanking him for calling to her and including her – she looked forward to showing her worth to Hearthwood River once more, and was fully ready to move on from the heartache they all had suffered these days. “What’s the plan?” Not one to wait for another to start the party, the girl canted her muzzle, her tone a whisper, though clearly eager to see what he had to say.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Thanks guys! Lets get this done. ♥ @Lachesis @Lilya @Kisla @Lekalta

It took the howl of a single wolf for the bull moose to become aware of what he had done, where he had gone. He had stupidly, and blindly, walked into the lions' den—or, rather, the wolves' den—and now he would have to stand his ground, or breathe his last. Such was life, but if they believed he would not put up a fight then they would be sorely mistaken. He had not lived twelve years to be put down by curs such as these, or the damnable weather.

Aleksei waited, with saliva pooling in his jaws, as he watched the wounded beast stop and lift its head. It was now alert to the presence of at least one wolf and, if it were smart, would know that more were coming. Hearthwood's second could only hope that enough of the pack would show up, for even a wounded moose could kill if it felt it had the advantage.

The first to arrive was Lachesis, and Aleksei greeted him with a respectful lick to the chin. Ever a constant in the lives of all Baranskis, he wasn't surprised in the slightest that the pale medic had been the first to arrive.

Next was Lilya, the woman who had taken up the mantle of leader whilst Kisla had visited her family in Oak Tree Bend. Her nerves were obvious though, and Aleksei could only respond with a nod of his own, accompanied by a reassuring, chesty rumble; we can do this. They need only wait a little longer, be a bit more patient—the moose wouldn't be going anywhere too quickly at all, and it would be outright stupid for a group of three to attempt to take it down, even now.

When Kisla arrived, Aleksei's tail gave a wag and he gave a warm smile, if only for a moment, before smothering it out with a serious, steely gaze that was aimed at the moose. His mother had not seen him grow, and so now he would have to prove to her that he was a man, capable and strong and here.

Finally, Lekalta came, and gave a gentle nudge to Aleksei's cheek. He responded in turn with a low chuff, certainly grateful for her arrival, before pressing his nose to her neck.

He heard them come, heard their footsteps, and he felt a genuine fear. Would this be his final resting place? He wondered, barely able to keep the wheeze out of his breath as he struggled to appear strong, giving a weak stomp of his hoof. He had sired calves, and had been sure he would do so for many years to come. He had knocked aside all predators who had stood in his way, even the cat who had sunk its fangs into his now dead limb, but now he was aware that all things came to an end. Such was life.

Attention returning to the moose as it gave a defiant stomp, Aleksei furrowed his brow as his youngest sister whispered a question, eager to get started. What's the plan? There was no doubt in his mind that all the River wolves were eager to get fresh meat in their bellies and stored in their caches. For a moment he was silent, save for a quiet hmm, before he opened his mouth to speak. “It's weak,” he started slowly, “so we have the advantage. It's going to put up a fight, but I think if we surround it and wear it out, play the long game, we might be able to exhaust it enough to bring it down.”

He gave a low growl as he began to move forward, signalling that the others should do the same. “We split up, we be careful. I don't think it can see very well, so we use that to our advantage. Disorientate it first, keep pulling its attention. When you think it's safe to do so, aim for the legs—especially the injured one.” Death by a thousand cuts. It wasn't the cleanest way to get the job done, nor the kindest, but Aleksei firmly believed that it would be the safest way. “Whoever gets a clean jab at the wound needs to take it and then move back fast. Those antlers can seriously hurt. We follow it if it moves, but it can't go far or fast. Lets get this done.” Another low growl, and he split from the group to be the first to catch the moose's attention and leave it open.

He lowered his head, blurred shapes all that he could see. But he could hear, and he would lunge where his ears guided him. He would stand his ground until they gave up. Wretched wolves.

Once certain that every one had found a position, Aleksei gave a bark. He watched as the moose swung its head, large antlers now pointed at him in a defensive threat. Grumbling and snarling the whole time, he shifted around. The others would do so, and so the moose would begin its confused dance in circles.

The plan is as follows:
  • Disorientate the moose by causing it to turn several times.
  • Focus on attacking the legs until it can't support its weight.
You're free to PP Aleksei in your posts if you want him to catch the attention of the moose again.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
slight PP of Aleksei, which i underlined in the post <3 @Lilya @Kisla @Lekalta @Aleksei  

The blue-eyed sparrow was quick to arrive after him and he flashed her a warm smile, his chartreuse gaze lingering on her before returning to the stumbling moose. Despite being frostbitten and injured, the moose was still large and it was going to take more than some tugging and pulling to bring it down. His tongue lay heavy in a pool of saliva as he anticipated the arrival of the female Baranski’s, his toes burning with the desire to tear through the snow and fell the large creature.

Kisla was the first to arrive of the two, her slender frame cutting through the snow was ease as she approached the trio. He greeted her with a short nod, his excitement only growing in his chest. There would be plenty of food for the pack and for future meals if they were able to take down this moose. Despite being few in numbers, the small pack worked well together, as they had done so for many moons. They did not need numbers on their side, but strategy. The young Baranski approached, being the last to join their group. He met her green gaze briefly, returning the sly grin she had flashed him with one of his own, before returning his attention to her brother.

What’s the plan? He did not need to question the agouti, for Lekalta had already done it for him, so he remained silent as he waited for a response. After a brief pause the large Baranski spoke, noting the moose’s condition and suggesting that if they wear the moose down; play the hunt out. He gave a sharp nod of agreement, his tail giving a slow but excited wag behind his alabaster frame. The plan would work, as long as the river wolves were careful and quick on their toes.

Without hesitation Lachesis followed behind Aleksei before spitting off to the right, a loud growl ripping through his chest as he made an arch, ensuring there was enough space between him and the large, frozen creature. The antlers turned from Aleksei to Lachesis clumsily as the moose thrashed its head in the ghost’s direction, but he bounced back and to the left to miss the sharp prongs. As he maneuvered back Aleksei lurched forward once more from the opposite side, trying to tear the moose’s attention away from Lachesis. Just as the moose turned its head Lachesis scampered in close, his teeth meeting flesh as he nipped the creature’s front leg before quickly retreating for he knew those antlers would be coming for him a second time…

(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2017, 04:28 PM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

She was content to watch her son take reign on this – not to watch him prove himself to the pack, but because in that very moment, he reminded her very much of his father – and yet he had grown in to his own man. A wave of gratitude swept over her in that moment for her family, and while she wondered where Inna had disappeared to, the honeyed woman pressed the thought away – it was not unlike the dark girl to trail outside the lands to scout.

Lekalta arrived, and the party was led by her son. With a nod to his plan, she followed after the hunting wolves, veering away when Lachesis broke off to also head the moose from a different angle. The plan was not a bad one – as long as the River wolves managed to avoid any blows from its deadly antlers or hooves. It was harder to focus when it was her children testing themselves against such a formidable creature, despite its injury. Still, her own lissom figure would arc forward, sweeping in aims to its legs and leaping away, manoeuvring past the angry beast and keeping her own attention riveted upon the task at hand, rather than achingly watching to ensure the Baranski children were not in harm’s way. Aleksei and Lachesis complimented one another as a team – her own ragged growls cut through the air as her ears would pin back – her form darting as she aimed another quick grab to the beasts legs.

sparking up my heart