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fun times in babylon — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
Morning, Freezing drizzle, 31 ° F, -1 ° C


He had never imagined being in this situation. Lots of things had been discussed between him and @Maera but he had never gotten a real solid answer. He respected her enough to understand that she wanted to talk to @Triell and Naira first. Maybe Kerberos could go directly to Triell first. Have a little one on one guy moment with him. Kerberos almost wished he could have found comfort in talking to Reiko about this but he didn't think the young male would understand. Made the Rigel wish he was that young again. Except not really, because then he wouldn't be experiencing all these things right now.

It was never too hard to find the dark Tainn. His scent was usually present enough to pick up and follow after. So that's just what Kerb did. He followed along the border through the freezing drizzle in hopes that it would lead him to the male lead. He could have sworn he saw something moving up in the distance. Kerberos sent out a soft bark. "Triell? Mind if I join you?" He smiled as his tail swayed respectably behind his dark tawny form. The second was sure he would be accepted to join in. They both seemed to be rather like-minded and Kerb liked to think that their hearts were in the same place too. Besides, with such bleak weather today who wouldn't want a little company.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
I just wanna stay in the sun where I find

The morning was a cold one indeed. When he had poked his nose from the den he much rather stay inside. Considering the borders that could do with some remarking, he took off at a brisk pace. When it came to work it was better to get to it swiftly. Getting the blood pumping through his limbs helped stave off the chill of the wood. For once he wouldn't bother trying to get one of his children to accompany them. Today he'd let it slide.

The gray overcast eventually lead to rain. Mixed with the drop in temperature, it was more of a harsh sleet. His thick coat to protect him he continued on his path, a lot more ground to cover. There'd be plenty of time to see what everyone else was up to, and lay down for a spell.

The Tainn soon realized he was being followed. Assured it was one of the Draw he did not break stride. Kerberos' question followed after. "Not at all," he replied with an easy smile. He found what he'd been wanting, and paused at the base of a large stump. It was silver from years of decay, and right along their eastern border. Inspecting it with his snout, he began to pull away at a lose piece, dropping it in the snow.  Then began to use his forelimbs to dig at its center.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Triell's smile washed away some of Kerb's worries. He always felt so at ease around the older male. Kerberos never thought he'd be living with such a family but he was glad that he was. Together they were stronger.

He watched as the man marked a tree and Kerberos took an easier root. He moved over to a tree and brushed against it a few times. This was all so routine and felt natural. The tawny second had grown used to taking care of work like this no matter the weather. Sometimes he had company and sometimes he worked alone. He knew he was never truly alone. The wolves of the Draw always busied themselves. They were a social group both with each other and outsiders.

"Can I ask you something?" He pulled away from the tree to return a little closer to Triell. Kerb was anxious again. He could feel his heart beating faster but he did his best to hide it. Deep breaths and a small smile. That was how he had learned to mask this awkward feeling. Yet he wouldn't be surprised if Triell knew something was bothering him. Kerberos was never as good at hiding things as he thought he was. He always remembered how he tried to be tough one time but his mother had pointed out the obvious frown on his face. It made him feel like two different wolves some day. "I wanted to ask for permission for something." His pale yellow eyes looked to the dark alpha's face for him to say something.
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
I just wanna stay in the sun where I find

The Tainn continued needling away at the bark, pleased how it was turning out. His ears twitched back at the question.

"Of course," he replied, still debating if he should take more from the tree or leave it be. With the chill still beating about them, he felt it was good enough to leave. He could to it another time. So when his second drew closer, his eyes fell upon him. It was then he realized something was amiss. Surely, Kerb would have simply asked this question instead of bating around. He'd like to think there group was pretty close now with all they'd been through together. Since he didn't get straight to it, the leader wondered what it could be about. A titch of anxiety washed over him.

The Tainn gave a shake of his coat, giving his attention to the matter. Holding his silence, hoping for explanation. Trying to keep a thoughtful,eased facade so the younger wolf could get his words right.

"Permission?" He queried in turn, a hint of bemusement. He was wondering if it was another scouting mission. In his gut he felt it must be something with a lot more weight. He worried what it could mean.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Kerberos was aware he had been rather vague on his little statement so it was no surprise when the word permission had been repeated back to him in a questioning way. His eyes looked to the ground between him and his alpha before looking back up to his alpha. He made sure to keep his gaze very kind and respectful.

He willed his tongue to say something, anything that might make everything less awkward. "Me and Maera were interested in starting a family." He said it in a calm tone to keep everything as easy and simple as possible. "I wanted to do it here in the Draw because you're all are our family too. We couldn't be more grateful to live with such great wolves and certainly, couldn't ask for a better place to start something so special." A smile had formed on his face without him even knowing. He was certainly nervous but talking about it seemed to make the idea feel more real.  "It's something pretty big to ask permission for but I completely respect your thoughts on it and we won't go against your final decision."

The tawny second left it open for Triell to speak. Kerberos figured he had chatted enough already. Anything else that might be said would likely be useless in factoring one of their alpha's decision on the matter.
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
I just wanna stay in the sun where I find

Since it was not what he expected, his dark brows rose in his surprise. They were mates it had seemed from the first moment they had met them, but he hadn't thought of them extending their family. They were so great with Trey and Reiko why wouldn't they want a few of their own?

Here his second was, asking if it would be okay. Triell couldn't be mad, it was the way to go about it. Since Kerb did not seem finished, he kept his tongue pressed against his teeth. They didn't want to go off on their own, but remain because of how close they all had grown. Could he really disagree with it? Kerb and Maera had made a difference in his little family's life. They hadn't had to suffer when the pair had willing joined them. They were hardworking, and honest. If something happened to Triell he didn't doubt they would continue to care for Reiko and Treyah, even if they had pups of their own. He did not know if any more children were in his future....

It was easier to find his answer, knowing the respect he had. If he should say no, that would be the end, and the Tainn knew he could believe it. Triell could only crack a smile. "You may," he began, dark tail beating. "You both done so much for me, and I know how much my own children mean to you. I wouldn't mind seeing the Draw grow." He then shoulder bumped his second. "I don't doubt the others will be pleased to hear the news."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

Kerberos had been unknowingly holding his breath while waiting for Triell's words. "You may," He let out a sigh and respectfully moved to lick Triell's chin, tail between his legs wagging in submission. He could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. @Maera would hopefully be just as happy as he was. "I can't thank you enough, Triell. You and your family will always have a special place in my heart." His eyes grew a bit wet from emotion.

He welcomed the bump against his shoulder from the large male. Kerberos couldn't truly imagine being this happy anywhere else in the world. "Do you and Naira plan on having?" He asked kindly with a gentle smile. They had already made two lovely children, why not make more? Kerberos wouldn't mind teaching those possible children amongst his own while still making time for Reiko and Treyah. It would obviously leave him with little free time but he didn't think that to be a bad thing. If he enjoyed it so much it never really felt like work.

Kerberos kept his eyes trained on the dark Tainn's face. The tawny Rigel certainly looked up to the man in more ways than Triell likely knew.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
I just wanna stay in the sun where I find

The Tainn accepted his second's gratitude with ease. A little stunned how much though two words had meant to the Regal. Each day they drew more close, and he wondered if one day Kerberos and Maera may lead the pack further down the road. The thought was one that came, and went. For now it did not leave his lips. He was being questioned in turn.

Lips sealed for a moment, no answer ready to fly off his tongue. This moment in time he didn't have a sure fire answer. It wasn't like he had began stalking her, waiting for the change, waiting for a chance to change it.

"It is a possibility, but we haven't exactly spoken of it yet." He wished to explain, but the right words evaded him. It was up to Naira, and fate he supposed. They could try, but would they have one more litter together? Would it endanger her? Aware Kerb's eyes were upon him, he jerked his snout, indicating they should get out of the cold weather. His dark legs working into a quick trot. He did not yet know how the young wolf looked to him. There was a different thought that occurred to him.

"I think no matter what happens we'll have to let Reiko and Treyah know what may come. I believe they'll be happy, but the sooner the better." He didn't think they would feel replaced or cast aside if they knew what to expect. How much they would be needed in raising another litter. Young adults of the pack.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Kerberos couldn't imagine that anyone had a better friend and leader than he did. He tried his best to hold back the tears of joy, blinking a few times to clear his eyes. It was selfish of him to make the moment all about himself so he listened when Triell spoke of Naira and his plan. "I hope good health for them and Naira in the case you do." He kindly bumped against the large Tainn as they moved out of the rain. His leader's long strides were a bit hard to keep up with but Kerberos tried his best to maintain the pace.

His ears perked at the mention of the still present children. Reiko and Treyah. "I certainly hope they will be. They'll be just as important even with new children around." He noted softly. There would still be plenty of time for the two Tainns even when new children came around. The tawny Rigel would make sure of it. They would be needed to help raise them too. If anything becoming yearlings might boost the duo. It would be the start of adulthood.

His yellow eyes looked ahead for a sign of the den. With the cold drizzle coming down, Kerberos was content to settle in the den with Triell and any others in the present.
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