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moats and boats and waterfalls — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
For @Greer c: || Late Afternoon, Light snow, 21 ° F, -6 ° C

He had left the meadows in hopes of something more exciting. Sure he discovered a weird cave system with Felix but that wasn't enough to make him stay forever. The meadow was great for runs with the snow but that was about it. Otherwise, it seemed to be a barren wasteland. So he made his way through the meadows towards the unknown. His needed for excitement was too much to make him think about what might happen to him. With the snow still covering the lands, issues were bound to happen. Mathuin was just perhaps too optimistic to see that.

The ground below him had become rough and elevated. It made his paws sore and he swore that they might have cracked some. This was in no way excitement, this was boring and kind of awful. He stopped somewhere on the slope upwards in hopes of finding somewhere to rest. "UHHHHHHG." The large yearling bellowed out into the air. He likely sounded close to a dying elk but he didn't care. He was positive he was alone up here because who would even want to be here?

He found a tree to bed down near. The Whitebark yearling carefully inspected his paws. With a large frown, he noticed the beginning of cracking. "Such an adventure." He muttered sarcastically to himself before he proceeded to lick his paws with hopes of warming them up. Mathuin could feel his regret about leaving the open meadows.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
quickest reply ever & will prob never happen again cuz i suck

Another dump of snow had come just when Greer thought that it had finally left for the season. He was growing weary of the elongated winter and had begun to doubt that spring was ever coming. Perhaps they were stuck in a perpetual winter, plagued by cold winds and freezing temperatures until every last wolf of Lore turned into a pupsicle. A frown cut across his dark features at the thought. The cold was getting to him; he had not been bred for this weather. Even his time on the tundra had not fully prepared himself for the dreadful season. He scoffed aloud, disturbing the silence that engulfed him as he left the heights behind him.

It had been quite some time since he had last visited Kyna’s former home. Prior to the disbandment of the pack Greer had never been inside the borders and had always met his little flame on the outskirts. Now, however, he could pass freely through the stale borders and discover why the scarlet wolf was so infatuated with the place.

Of course, it was difficult to admire the views with the snow falling from overhead. Anything the white substance covered was quickly dismissed by the long-legged shadow for he wanted nothing to do with it.

The voice of another caught his attention, causing his frown to deepen as his pace slowed. Instinctively the Archer wanted to flee, for he did not enjoy the company of others. But, as someone who was starting a family (how did he get here?) he should be a little more… open to conversation. Even if it was one-sided. With a quick roll of his mercury eyes the shadow gave a soft woof to alert the younger wolf of his presence. He hoped that the loner was content on conversing with himself and would dismiss Greer, but it was unlikely. Wolves who talked to themselves were typically always up for conversation and nearly impossible to shut up.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
He harshly licked away at his paw pads. Mathuin wanted the things to seal back up again and stop hurting. He was content to never move from this place. Even if he desperately wanted adventure he didn't think walking across any more harsh ground was worth it. Then again if he already made the climb what was the point in stopping now?

The large yearling was so busy in fixing his paws that he didn't notice the shadow at first. He then almost dismissed the woof as something in the wind. That was until the smell of a meal caused his head to rise up. It was a bit stale but nothing was going to stop him from chowing down. He finally saw the dark wolf. A very different color than the surrounding territory. Mathuin would say he was a burst of color but he seemed to be a lack of color truly. He slowly got to his feet as to not spook the other. "Uh, hey." He called out as his tail wagged slowly. "That yours?" He asked completely oblivious to the stale stench of lynx.

Mathuin hadn't focused on how hungry he had gotten because all of his focus had been on having fun. Though he supposed he would do well to get a bite now if he planned on continuing his journey. Who knew when the next time he'd get this lucky would be. The large yearling licked his lips hungrily as his green eyes looked towards the dark male for an answer.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

For a fleeting moment Greer hoped that the dark agouti had not heard him and would continue along his way. He did not want to strike up a conversation with the loner, but he knew Kyna would want him to. And sometimes love meant doing things he did not want to do.

He was sorely disappointed when the yearling called out a greeting in return followed by a question. His nostrils flared as he noticed the scent of the abandoned deer, his nose pointing to where it originated from. A frown creased his dark features as his own stomach tightened with hunger. It was a little harder to find meals with just the strawberry blond at his side but they managed. To answer the stranger Greer gave a small shake of his head, his brows furrowing. He wanted to take the meal for himself, Kyna and their growing family, and while he was sure the loner would not put up a fight, there seemed to be enough for all three (or four, or five…) of them.

The scarlet wolf had a few friends lurking around the mountain—perhaps the wolf before him could be one of them, if a home was what he was searching for. “Share some?” He suggested with a soft tilt of his head, his mercury gaze focused on the blue-eyed loner. The smell of lynx was still fresh but the shadow knew the two of them could take on the feral feline if need be. He was in the mood for sharing with a fellow canine, not a flea-ridden cat. “After Greer take,” he added, his lip curling as an invitation for the loner to try to challenge him. Fighting was something that the Archer had done well to avoid. He knew which battles were worthy of fighting over; this was not one of them unless it needed to be. He would not return to Kyna empty handedpawed.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark

Had he not been alone in strange lands with hurt paws the large yearling might have put up a fight. Instead he nodded his head with little hesitence. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Mathuin sat back down with a grunt. He lifted his paws to lick at them again. Luckily he hadn't bled from them yet but he was sure if he kept pushing himself it would be one hell of a chore to fix. He hadn't exactly been taught how to heal things so hopefully, nothing would happen to him on his journies.

His green eyes looked to the dark shadow waiting for some kind of signal. If it became too long of a waiting game Mathuin wouldn't mind wandering off. Surely there was something else on this mountain that could be of use to his hunger.

He wondered how much further he had to go. What was on the otherside of this giant, useless rock? Enoki had warned him it was a dangerous trip but he didn't think it would be this hellish. Maybe he should have just gone north instead of testing his luck. There had also been the welcome for him to go seek out the willows. It was tempting as his stomach grew empty and his head grew weary. Perhaps once he got to see what was on the other side he would go back to her and see if the offer was still open.

mathuin whitebark
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Mathuin <3

The shadow was pleased that the blue-eyed loner did not put up a fight for who would take the meal once they finished eating their fill. Kyna needed it just as much as the rogue before him—if not more—and if he refused to comply Greer would not back down. His lips twitched into a soft smile to show he meant the stranger no harm. They could eat peacefully together, as the Archer was now a loner himself, without having to bring tooth and claw into the equation. He had always steered away from fights, for he was more of an observer. Assessing and dissecting situations. It was why he would have excelled as a scout for Whitestone, but remaining in the northern pack no longer interested him. His main focus was, and always would be, Kyna.

He gave a soft nod toward the meal as an invite for the loner to dive in—they were loners, there was no pecking order. They could eat together.  Without waiting a moment longer Greer took the first bite, the low hum of hunger in his stomach slowly subsiding as the stale meat slid down his throat. It was not quite as nice as a fresh kill but beggars could not be choosers. He would take whatever he could get without complaint.

“Where go?” He asked once he swallowed his mouthful, brows narrowed curiously as he studied the dark agouti. The loner appeared deep in thought and while Greer did not care what was consuming the stranger’s mind, he figured that the wolf would not object to small talk. Even if the Archer was repulsed by it, he would comply. They were dining together, after all; did conversation not play a role in meals?

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark

Even after the nod Mathuin waited a few moments to let the other have the first bite. Once that first bite was taken, the bulky teenager crept forward to pull away at some of the meat. He was almost too busy trying to eat quick but not choke that he could have missed Greer's question had it not been so short and simple. Mathuin swallowed what food was in his mouth before answering the dark male. "I don't know honestly. I left home not too long ago and now I'm in search of adventure." Simple answer with multiple endings. Without a destination he didn't feel so pressured by the construct of time. "You?" He returned the question before taking a smaller bite this time to take away any risk of choking.

The hunger in his stomach seemed to disappear a bit more with each bite but Mathuin made sure he was leaving more than enough for his company. "I'm Mathuin, by the way." He figured that he might as well offer his name to the man he was sharing a meal with. Wasn't that what his mother always told him to do? Or was it about something else? Mathuin couldn't remember which made him feel that it wasn't exactly important.

mathuin whitebark
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

It was apparent by the way the teenager gorged on their meal that he had not gotten a proper meal in quite some time. Until now Greer had always lived in a pack, surrounded by others who all worked together to bring home food and fill the caches. He was used to hunting on his own, pursuing smaller game or making an attempt to fish. But never for a long stretch of time—not like the wolf before him, who gobbled down the deer meat hungrily. Adventure. His lip curled at the word. Wasn’t that why most wolves left home, to seek the unknown? It was why he had wanted to leave the willows behind, to see what else was beyond the territories he was confined to. You? The question pulled him away from his thoughts. He shook his head, no, at first, his silver gaze narrowing slightly as he swallowed his mouthful. “Stay,” he answered as he licked his nose, shoulders rolling into a soft shrug. “Home near,” he added as he motioned over his shoulder at nothing in particular. It was not home yet, but it would be soon.

As he took another bite the dark agouti introduced himself, the name offered in a dismissive manner. The shadow was the same way when it came to introductions, for he did not like sharing his own name. Usually he could not prevent his name from slipping out, for his abrasive way of speaking due to his self-induced isolation made it difficult to keep his name to himself. “Greer,” he responded after a short pause, his tongue picking at the meat stuck between his teeth. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
Mathuin didn't point out that the way his company talked was strange. His mother had taught him somewhat better than that. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything. So he kept his thoughts inward and simply enjoyed his part of the meal. The large yearling would easily listen to this kind of chatter if it meant getting a meal.

At first the teenage Whitebark thought the male was telling him to stay and before anything could be said the dark male told him "Home near," and obviously Mat didn't have a home near. Which meant he was not being invited to stay. He was simply being informed that his company was staying here. Fine by him. "Nice place to call home." He said rather genuinely despite his personal feelings about the mountain. The roughness and cold air were not for him no matter how much mass he had or how strong he might be. The view may have been nice (or so he assumed) but that wasn't enough to make Mathuin stay.

"Nice to meet you, Greer." He offered a smile as his tail wagged behind him. The yearlings teeth ripping off a smaller chunk this time. He had promised to share and what would be left for him to share if he ate it all?
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts