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winter snakes — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
About half way to HR @Lachesis

She was out looking again. For what? Just about anything she could find. Food and Odin's attackers were at the top of her list. Whoever had done the damage to the Archer child had unknowingly made a grave mistake. Or maybe they did know what they were doing. Just the thought of some scum purposely hurting Odin made her blood boil. While the children weren't her own and they did get on her nerves sometimes, she cared for them because they were family. The wolves of Whitestone Monadnock accepted her, even loved her. The least she could do was return that feeling.

The pale dove kept her nose low to the ground at first but there was nothing but faint trails. She should have brought Wraith or Lorcan with her. Piety swore she always worked better around them. Perhaps it was because she felt so calm with them. They gave her a sense of confidence. Out here on her own, she felt useless and rather flimsy. This wolf she was supposed to be working on finding seemed to have such a broad description. Big, black, ugly scars, pale eyes. That description fitted someone who she didn't want to think would do this. But what did she know about him anyway? Probably nothing other than a name.

With a soft sigh she lifted her head away from the ground. Muddy eyes scanned the tundra to see if there was anything worthwhile out here. Maybe it was just a bad day.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

When he wasn’t spending his time hidden beneath the canopy of branches in the Kingswood, Lachesis was stretching his legs out in the tundra. The expanse reminded him of his birthplace, in the land far north of the Lore. While he had no plans on returning to the reserve he still missed the tundra that had birthed him… even if he spent the first year of his life behind a fence.

His tattooed ear twitched at the memory and XIX quickly dismissed the thought. Continuing forward, he treaded lightly across the snow, looking for nothing in particular. Whatever attracted his attention first he would pursue, whether it be a meal (for the pack) or a herb to add to his inventory. The snow was starting to melt, slowly but surely, which meant more plants would begin to sprout through the thawed ground. Even though puppies seemed unlikely for the river pack, Lachesis liked being prepared—for both Hearthwood and the neighbouring packs.

With the monadnock in the distance, XIX continued forward, his toes crunching between the snow. A flash of creamy fur caught his attention in the distance, causing his pace to quicken. While he was disappointed to discover that the figure did not belong to a loner, he was pleased to see that it was a Whitestone wolf. He barked a greeting at the muddy-eyed female, his brows knitted together as he studied her from afar. “Need some help?” He called out to her, his movement halted as he waited for a response. If the girl did not need anything from him he would leave and continue prowling for something to bring back to Kingsfall. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
The dove was almost positive she was just staring out into nothing. The way the landscape seemed to empty except for the occasional shadow in the distance. She still wondered how she ever ended up out here. Then she constantly remembered that is was because of Morganna. The wolf who had taken her ear was now one of her closest friends and trusted alpha. It was by sheer luck that she had run into the dark Archer that foggy day. They had hunted together and an offer had been made. Piety was delayed accepting it but they took her in nonetheless. She would be forever grateful for it.

Her mind focused on reality when a man appeared. She wasn't familiar with him but he seemed kind. A smudge older, pale and green eyes. His offer was kind and one she couldn't exactly refuse right now. "I do actually." She started off slowly as her brows furrowed and she began to explain. "I'm looking for a wolf. I don't know their name but I've been told they're large and black with some face scars and a set of pale eyes." The pale Monadnock wolf let the other male think about it before she spoke again. "Sound familiar to you by any chance?" She was really hoping he'd have a lead but she wouldn't be shocked if he didn't. The description seemed so broad. Especially in an area full of all kinds of wolves.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

His ears perked once she answered his question, head tilting slightly to the side. Fortunately he did not have to ask what it was she needed help with, as more words rolled off her tongue as she began to explain her response. The corners of his mouth fell at the description and the healer shook his head solemnly. “Unfortunately I have not,” he started, his shoulders sagging. Aside from Morganna, who he had finally met just a few days before this encounter, he had not seen any dark-furred wolves lurking about the lowlands. His curiosity peaked despite the frown that was still etched across his pale features. “Is there a reason why you are looking for them?” By her tone, and the expression she wore, it did not like a good reason.

Was this wolf a former Whitestone member, or had they done something to the pack? Perhaps they were a friend of the pale female, or just someone she was hoping to run into. No matter the reason, Lachesis at least wanted to help the Whitestone wolf find the individual she was looking for. Or try to. Their packs were on good terms, after all. “I can help you look, if you’d like? Do you have an idea of where they might have gone?” 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Ahh sorry for the wait :c @Lachesis

She couldn't hold back her sigh as he admitted he hadn't seen anyone who fit the description. "Well, thank you for taking some time to help anyway." The pale female respectfully nodded. She was upset but that was perhaps only motivation for her to keep searching the tundra for the culprit. Who knew what else he was doing out there? What if more children were at risk? The thought made her skin crawl with anxiety.

Her good ear perked at his question. "I'm afraid it isn't a good reason. One of the children at Whitestone Monadnock have come home awfully injured and that was his description. I advise keeping your eyes peeled for any suspicious wolves lurking about." Piety's voice was full of concern. She didn't wish for the fate of Odin to land upon anyone else.

She offered him a smile at his question. "That would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure where they might be but I assume they haven't gone too far. Granted it also seems foolish of them to have stayed in the north." The pale dove mentioned with a soft laugh. "I'm Piety, by the way. I don't believe we've met so it's truly a pleasure to meet someone so kind." Her tail swayed behind her form slowly.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<3 @Piety

A frown tugged at his lips as she spoke, explaining the reason behind her search for the dark wolf. One of their own—a cub—had been attacked. That could have been a river wolf or could have been his own children. The frown he wore deepened at the thought. He wished he could be of more help to the yellow-eyed girl and the rest of the Whitestone wolves. Truthfully he hoped that the dark wolf in question had fled the lands of Relic Lore, although the idea of Whitestone seeking retribution was much more satisfying. “I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for them and let the rest of my pack know,” he responded after a lengthy pause as he offered the pale girl a friendly smile. “Is the child okay?” He asked, his tone hopeful as he studied the pale wolf before him. XIX did not want the same wolf to come after one of his packmates.

However, like Piety soon mentioned, it would be foolish for the assailant to remain in the north. After infuriating a pack the size of Whitestone the best option for the scarred wolf was to venture south, for the forests there would swallow them up; erasing them. “Lachesis Stark,” he introduced with a soft wag of his tail, his head falling slightly to the left. “Do you know where the wolf was last seen?” If the attacker had decided to stay in Lore there were plenty of places for them to hide—more wolves to attack—but there was an origin point where they could potentially find a trail to follow. If the snow had not covered most of it up… 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
As he asked about Odin her head nodded. "We got lucky, you could say. Our healer was able to stop the bleeding and keep it clean from infection. I do believe he'll be just fine in the end. He will have to adjust to the vision aspect but he's a strong-willed child." A small smile tugging at a previous saddened face. With a mother like Morganna Archer, Piety was convinced there wasn't anything the child couldn't do. She just hoped he wouldn't be so rambunctious until he had grown more accustomed to the whole one eye thing.

"I'm afraid I can't give specifics. While I'm not a healer the wound still seemed rather fresh so certainly not too far from the Monadnock." Her stomach felt like it was churning at the thought of Odin's bloody injury. The one she had helped clean away so Lorcan could properly apply herbs to it. "With the weather, it'll be a miracle if we can get a proper lead." She looked around at the snow blanketed lands. Trails were likely covered and even scents would fade fast. A soft sigh left her lips.

"I do appreciate your help, Lachesis." Her head dipped again. "Is there something I can do to repay you?" The pale female's head tipped to one side. As long as he didn't ask for anything too extravagant she would gladly do what she could.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

A soft smile stretched across his pale features as she responded, stating that the youth had been in good paws after the unexpected attack. Lorcán. The ghost was glad that the Whitestone wolves had a capable healer among them. Otherwise their conversation would have taken a different turn.

“I’m happy to hear that he's doing well,” he admitted with a slow wag of his tail, chartreuse gaze fixated on the one-eared wolf. However, the relief was short-lived as Piety announced that the attack must have occurred close to the monadnock due to the freshness of the injury. A grimace appeared, his brows narrowed. “I’m sure something will turn up,” he offered, although the frown did not leave his pale maw. “I’ll be sure to tell my scouts so they can keep an eye out as well.” The more wolves looking the better. Especially since the assailant could be a threat to the Hearthwood wolves as well.

He shook his head at her words, his shoulders rolling into a soft shrug as he dismissed her offer. “Our packs are on good terms, Piety, you don’t need to repay me.” There was nothing the river wolves needed from Whitestone. Lachesis just wanted to see the wolf that attacked the boy dealt with so he did not repeat his actions. The lowlands were a large place, but if the river wolves helped look the ghost was certain they would find the pale rogue. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
She smiled softly and nodded her head. "Thank you." Lachesis was a rather nice individual and if all of the River wolves were like him than she already liked them all. Maybe his kindness was because their packs were on good terms but this seemed to genuine. She decided to not overthink it and simply accept the fact that the stark man was kind.

"I already know we all at Whitestone will appreciate that and I'll make sure to let my leaders know the moment I get pack there." Her tail swayed behind her. Perhaps having some extra eyes out in the lowlands would help the angry (maybe furious was a better word) parents feel some ease. She wondered if he was right that something would show up. Whoever had taken Odin's eye deserved to have the same, if not worse, done to him. It was such a cruel and unusual thing for a child to have to go through.

She sighed softly and smiled. "Well, if a little gift shows up at Hearthwood don't be surprised, okay?" The pale female laughed softly as her tail slowly swayed behind her. She could have a safe piece of mind heading back to Whitestone Monadnock even if she hadn't found anything that pointed to the attacker. "I really should be on my way now, though. Take care Lachesis." Piety nodded her head kindly, offering one more smile before she turned around and took her leave.

-piety exit-
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T