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I can't confront you — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
April 22nd, Sunset, Moderate Snow


He wouldn't lie to himself, he was nervous. The mystery girl from the pool still on his mind and she had wanted him to meet her there again. New moon. He had never been very good with that stuff but he was almost positive it was coming up in a few days. Should he bring her something? Was he expected to groom himself? Certainly, if she knew about Heartwood River she didn't mind his increasing earthy smell. He assumed there were worse things in the world to smell of.

She had promised him that he would learn her secrets, though. He could just back out of it now. Laike needed to know her name and exactly where she lived. The large male had been lucky enough to learn that she didn't live far from where they had met, though. He still needed a bit more to go off of.

The River wolf anxiously paced about until he caught a scent he knew. @Lorcan. While he was sure his brother wanted nothing to do with him (and Laike couldn't blame him) he needed some advice. His brother had always been more gentle, perhaps he knew something about females that Laike didn't. Awkwardly and submissively he crawled to where his brother's scent was. "Lorcan," His voice was soft and calm. "I don't wanna fight." He addressed that issue first in case his baby brother was going to throw another fit. "I actually need some help. I, uh, have a question about this girl.." The bulky male tried his best to explain it but his brain seemed to fail him.

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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
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Lorcán Artemieva
He had made it through another day. A whole day without conversing with anybody – and boy was it a relief. Ever since talk with Lilya he had been taking some time out for himself. He needed some space to sort his thoughts out because right now his head was a mess. After everything that had happened recently he just needed a moment to figure out how exactly he was going to try and fix everything. 

Heading back to his favourite spot beneath a particularly tall sequoia tree with plans to spend his evening curled up quietly beneath it, Lorcan moved swiftly between the dark trees until he happened upon an awfully familiar figure in the dim light. Halting to a sudden stop, the agouti male would of pulled back his lips into a snarl has his brother not immediately put him at ease. Flicking his black tipped tail anxiously at a neutral height behind him, his golden eyes narrowed on the scarred face of his larger sibling. “What is it?” He mumbled with a half-clenched jaw. He'd had some time to get over their last encounter, so he'd try his best to be civil for now.

Then came words that he never imagined that he would hear fall from his brother’s mouth. White brows raised in surprise and his russet ears pressed back against his head awkwardly as he simply stared at his brother for a long moment, wondering why the hell @Laike would want to ask him for advice. Surely it would of been more appropriate to ask that flirtatious male Aytigin, not him? “Uhhh, I’m not really the best wolf to ask about these sorts of things.” He admitted, his golden eyes flicking down to his paws. Oh, if you he knew. “–but, I’m listening.” He added, eyes narrowing back onto the larger figure of his sibling. Because no way was he going to pass up an opportunity to learn about his brother’s love life.
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2017, 07:45 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva


He had been expecting the harshness but was rather happy when Lorcan opted for a more neutral position. As if to prove his point,he held himself lower than his brother. It was strange and uncomfortable but Laike knew he had to play along like a good boy if he truly wanted his brother's help. Which for once he actually did.

The large male was prepared to turn away when his brother admitted he wasn't good with these things but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. He was willing to listen. Where did he start, though? "I was out scouting and I bumped into this girl. She was kind of funny and nice. Took me on a walk too." He sounded like a child when he said that and instantly regretted opening up but he was already this far and here at his brother's paws. "But she didn't tell me her name or anything. She told me to meet her back there at the New Moon. I just.." His trailed off as his brows furrowed. How did he ask what was truly on his mind without sounding completely dumb? "Do I bring something or am I expected to do anything special?" He made an obviously uncomfortable face as his orange eyes looked up to Lorcan's face with hopes that for once he would share some useful knowledge.

Laike shrugged his shoulders before speaking again. "I mean if you don't know that's fine. I just kind of felt like this was the thing you should ask a brother." He bit his tongue right after. If they were ever going to do some kind of bonding this was it.

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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The smaller sibling done what he had promised to do and listened, shifting down to sit comfortably in the snow as his larger brother went on to explain how he had first met the female in question. Lorcan’s expression remained neutral as he listened eagerly, because honestly, he had no idea to react. The whole situation was so foreign to him – not once had @Laike ever approached him for advice before, and never had they spoken together about members of the opposite sex.

Lorcan might have found the topic more exciting had he not been dealing with female issues of his own. Issues that he planned to keep to himself, for the time being at least. What his brother didn’t know, his brother could not somehow use against him. His ears did flatten when Laike mentioned that he had never got the female’s name; it was a little worrying – but then her offer for the pair of them to meet up again at the new moon was filled with promise. Still, the thought of his brother cosying up to someone seemed wrong somehow. He never much thought of him as the romantic type. 

Perhaps he didn’t really know everything about his brother after all. 

A frown pulled at his brow at his brother’s question as he considered his answer, all the while silently enjoying the awkward look which plagued his siblings face and the way he squirmed uncomfortably. “I guess, if you like her…” He began quietly, glancing up to look at Laike. “Maybe you should take her something – some food perhaps?” He suggested with a curious tilt of his head. “Nothing too big though.” He added, because why should he put in a ton of effort when she wouldn’t even give him her name?
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2017, 08:24 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva


Laike slowly raised from his slumped position and took a seat. It was obvious his brother wasn't going to lash at him, at least not yet. Never once did the large Artemieva think he'd have to keep such a sharp eye on his more colorful brother. Perhaps it was what he got for being so rough with him as children and teens.

A soft sigh slipped past his lips. "I enjoy her company but I don't know if I like her. I just feel like I should see her again. She told me she'd let me know her secrets." His orange eyes glanced at Lorcan for a moment. "Whatever that means." Laike wasn't exactly sure what all she planned on sharing besides a name and possible where she lived. What kind of things was he going to learn? Would he still want to associate with her after their little meeting? Sure, Laike could have shared more details with his brother to see if he knew the mystery girl but he wasn't about to go sharing everything. It didn't seem fair either. If the large female wanted him to know she would have shared each time he asked. He liked the aura about her too.

"Do girls like certain foods?" He asked with a tilt of his head as if all females like the exact same thing. "I'm obviously not gonna go get a deer for her but is a hare enough or is that kind of informal?"

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[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It felt totally foreign talking to his brother like he was now. The smaller Artemieva male could not recall a single time, aside from one of course, when his brother had ever sought him out for advice. The fact that Laike was asking for advice about females was particularly awkward for Lorcan, considering how well his own attempts at relationships had gone thus far. 

Lorcan nodded in understanding as Laike explained how he felt about the nameless female. “I understand, you want to get to know her more..” The darker agouti sibling interjected with a grin. It made sense that Laike was unsure of his feelings; they’d only met once, from what Lorcan could make out, so it wasn’t like they’d spent a great deal of time together. Russet ears perked up though, when his larger brother mentioned that the female had promised to share her secrets with him. A single white brow raised in confusion and his ears then pressed back against his head. “Make sure she’s not going to pounce you.” Lorcan warned with a chuckle. “She sounds a bit crazy to me..” He said, flashing his brother a playful glance as he stepped a little closer. “But, I mean, if that’s what you’re into..” He teased, biting his the flesh of his lower lip as he moved his tail to sway mischievously behind his rear. 

The agouti male was rather starting to enjoy this topic. Females, it seemed, were certainly a peculiar breed and the one which his brother described certainly intruded him. He wasn’t worried though, he knew his brother could handle himself – no female, crazy or not, was going to get away with pulling any tricks around him.

Golden eyes glanced over to his brother as he voiced another question, his jaw clenching as he held back to urge to laugh. Laike was acting like females were an entirely different species. “A hare would be fine.” He smiled. “But I’m sure she would appreciate whatever food you bring her…it’s the thought behind it that’s more important, I think.” He suggested, shifting down to take a seat for himself. 

“So, where did you meet her?” He asked swiftly, not wanting to waste this opportunity for his brother to spill it all. 
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2017, 10:03 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
For once he didn't feel superior to his brother. He felt like they were equals like they truly were brothers and not the rivaling strangers they usually acted like. The larger brother would never admit it out loud but it felt good. Family meant a lot to him even if he never acted like it did.

His head nodded along with Lorcan's. "Exactly." He whispered softly. Laike desperately wanted to know more. He craved to know her name or at least where to find her. Maybe she hadn't even been real. Maybe she had just been some ghost conjured up in his mind to soothe the loneliest parts of him. But she had smelt real, looked real and sounded real. He was a strong-minded individual but he knew that not even his mind was strong enough to conjure up such a real creature.

A smile tugged at his features as his brother kept speaking before a small fit of laughter rolled from him like thunder. If that was what he was into? He supposed it must have been. "I don't think crazy is the right word for her but she certainly does have a special kind of charm." Alluring, attractive, mysterious. Perhaps she could be crazy in her own special way but he wouldn't mind.

Laike was glad that Lorcan put his worries to rest. To successfully hunt something there had to be thought, which meant there would be thought in it, which ultimately led to it counting. "Thanks, Lorc." He softly ushered the thanks (a rare word from him to his brother) and opted for a more appropriate nickname for Lorcan. Lorcy or Baby Boy jus didn't seem fitting right now.

The large Artemieva gained a toothy grin quickly. "This nice pond-like place. Lots of stones. It was a pretty charming spot honestly." He looked to his brother to see if he might understand the place he was talking about. It was only a day trip or so from the River, surely he had seen it before.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
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Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan found the whole idea of his larger, less sociable brother, liking a female completely and utterly bemusing. The smaller sibling remained quiet as he listened to Laike’s reply with keen interest, wanting to gather as much information and detail about his new romance as he could – if only so he could tease the fiery eyed male with it later. 

An amused grin remained planted on his charcoal lips, unable to hide his emotions on the subject and a single brow remained raised, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. What? Was that @Laike paying the woman some kind of compliment? A small laugh erupted from the male’s chest. “Whatever you say, brother.” He teased playfully, flashing the larger sibling a toothy grin.

Despite not quite believing that Laike was actually interested in a female, Lorcan was willing to offer his larger brother some advice, however small and trivial it was. Still, his thoughts on the matter seemed to put his sibling at ease and so the agouti male nodded casually upon receiving thanks, albeit being somewhat surprised by the gesture. 

It felt strange, the pair of them getting along and although Lorcan had been weary of his larger sibling’s intentions at the start, by now he had completely relaxed. He found himself actually enjoying the conversation with Laike – maybe love was a blessing for the brute, bringing out a previously unexplored softer side to him. 

As Laike described where he had first encountered the woman, Lorcan’s gaze shifted away from him as he tried to recall if he had ever visited someplace similar. “At the edge of the lowlands, near the base of the mountains?” He questioned as he met his brother’s gaze, referring to Edge Stone Pool.

We can get this wrapped up? :)
(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2017, 08:58 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
This whole thing was indeed very odd on both ends. Laike didn't exactly regret talking to his brother about his mystery gal, though. Even if Lorcan was tossing some jokes they were nothing mean or even deterring of the situation. The older brother was glad he wasn't head over heels for this girl (oh little did he know...) otherwise his smaller brother might have been laughing up a storm and making a hundred and one jokes.

His ears pulled forward slightly and Laike nodded his head. "Yeah, how did you know?" The place really wasn't that far from here so it was easy enough to think that his brother, or anyone actually, could have been to the small pool before. Yet there had been something so magical and whimsical about the place that he almost wanted to refuse to believe that anyone but him and the tall woman had been there.

The River wolf stood up slowly motioning with his head. "Wanna come along? I'll tell you some more." A soft smirk pulled along his lips as he began to easily pad into the woods. If his brother wanted to tag along on a patrol for a bit that was fine. There was still plenty about this girl for Laike to talk about. And if not, that was just as fine. They could discuss later on.

if @Lorcan tags along feel free to assume Laike gave him some basic information (tall, nice looking, energetic, etc.)
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