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I Fight And I Fight — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
"Pushed on and pushed aside,
I've changed my song to match each story;
I've changed sides.
Can I watch 'em as they fall,
When they finally try to stand, 
Redeem myself for everyone I've buried with these hands?"

Go to the Light by Murder by Death

@Drestig and/or @Jessie, though any are welcome to take a gander at this big dumb-dumb. ♥
Borders. Aleksei could smell them on the wind, and it left him dumbstruck. He was still as a stone, save for the wind tousling his fur. A creep outside someone’s home, staring through a window. The last time he had looked for sanctuary with another pack (one that was not Hearthwood), it had ended in misery. It hadn’t been his fault of course (the company he kept had been a dagger behind his back the whole time) and he’d tried to save what he could—who he could—but he couldn’t shake that feeling that it would happen again and again and again, perhaps even until he closed his eyes for good.

But he was here alone, and he brought no intention of harm to Wild Rye Field.

Yet still he made no move to call for the leaders, or the guardians. They were allied to Hearthwood River, were they not? What if they turned him away at the borders? Not even @Askan, or @Reyes, would be able to speak for him, for a leader’s word was law, and law was to be followed. Having said that, the self exiled Baranski found himself questioning that more and more. Was it not law in Hearthwood to chase out someone who bred without permission? Both Karina and Inna had been given free passes to their mistakes, to their carelessness … so did that put family above law? Aleksei hated the thought; in his eyes, actions deserved consequences, regardless of perpetrator.

He sighed. What use was there in stewing at the borders? He’d have to take his chance. Now or never, right? If they turned him away, wanted to keep their alliance safe without the risk of a shambles due to family upset, he’d just keep walking. He’d already travelled more than others gave him credit for. He could do it again. He lifted his head, howled out for the wolves of the rye fields.

He'd take the risk.
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2017, 10:14 PM by Aleksei.)
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Post 1/3 Guardian dem
she says beauty is pain

Grumbling to herself, she sat by herself upon the Lookout, her ebony lips etched into a frown. Confused, worried, and irritated, the Rye second stewed about how @“Askan” just ignored her again. She was worried about her friend, knowing that he was hurt but confused about had happened to him while she was gone to see @“Laike”, left her irritated that he only wanted to ignore her and not say a word to her while she was outside his den. Knowing that if she peeked inside she'd be met with teeth, she decided to give it a rest for the day and try again another. Or she'd search Reyes out and get to the bottom of it.

Not that she was a “need-to-know-it-all”, but she wanted to know what happened to one of her closest friends. Who had done it? Was Askan okay? What happened to the other guy? How this could of happened? She had promised him a while ago when Percy was missing that she'd always back him up. Ade would always be there for him. But what really got her was that at the time that he needed someone, she wasn't there for him. She was gone – off seeing a guy who made her world confusing, yet made her feel special all at once. When she came back, Askan was hidden in his den, unwilling to talk to her. The Snow woman felt guilty that she wasn't there or that he wouldn't let her help him. What was she to do?

Before she can stew up an answer, a howl rang out for the wolves of the Rye, prompting her from her seated position to make her way to the origin of the call. It didn't take her long as she was already so close to the borders to begin with. Her mismatched eyes spotted the tawny figured ahead of her. As she drew closer, she smiled politely at the stranger as her tail curled slightly over her back. “How can I help you?”

and there's beauty in everything
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2017, 06:33 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Why today? Of all days! The borders had been silent recently, no new faces since the pale youth recruited by Askan and Reyes; Askan… Pain and anger still surged within him at the thought of what had happened to his second. At least the perpetrator had been dealt with, but the Rye king still found himself worried for his family's safety. A family that had just gotten bigger! It had only been a day since Jessie had given birth to their newest additions, three beautiful puppies, and it was with great regret that the father uncurled himself from them now, casting a longing glance back into the den before setting off towards the borders; This better be good!

What he found, after passing through the rolling hills of growing, yellowing grass, was a single figure, the typical picture of a prospective recruit. Except this brute did not look like the usual loners; He was not just large, but well muscled and clearly not starved, his mixed-gray fur generally well kempt. And he wasn't alone either, Adelayde had made her way to the caller faster than her Alpha could, and her offered her a thankful smile as he stepped up to her side, tail swaying nonchalantly straight out behind him. Then ember eyes turned to the newcomer, a smile gracing his lips as he greeted: "Welcome to Wild Rye Fields, what can we do for you?"


Word count: 235

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Satisfied that someone would’ve heard him, Aleksei lowered his head and waited. He slowly settled down, sitting with his tail curled around his haunches, and glanced behind him. For a moment, a brief whisper, he felt a pang of sorrow deep within; there was no turning back now. But his heart hardened, and so did his expression. They’d done this—they’d pushed him, and pushed him, and now they blamed him for finally snapping. Hell, they had threatened him with “if you return” as if they expected him to come crawling back again, seeking validation. Ha. He would start anew, and he would thrive without them.

If all went well, perhaps he’d even give them a smug little thank you for pushing him away and saving him from a life of misery.

Aleksei would have been content to dream up scenarios where he whipped his tail in their faces all day (petty little shit that he is), but a scent on the wind told him of an approaching pack wolf. Female, no doubt. She seemed to be a distinct presence in the border scent, so perhaps a guardian? Her role really didn’t matter, honestly—she was pack, and he was not. She was above him regardless.

Rising to his paws, Aleksei assumed the most respectful posture he could—head lowered, tail tucked—as he waited for the Rye wolf to arrive. When she was finally stood before him, he stole one glance. The mismatched eyes of a tawny giant peered down at him. She smiled, politely, and he found himself surprised (he had not expected a friendly guardian, after all). He stole another glance. “Afternoon, miss,” he began. “I’m hoping I might find an audience with your leaders? I’m looking for a place to settle, and I’ve a friend who spoke highly of this pack.”

Another came next, and his scent hit Aleksei like a wall. It was clear that this man, despite his almost casual stance and easy going voice, was the lead male of Wild Rye Field. It was unexpected, honestly, and it threw the poor man off for a moment. Gathering his composure as fast as he could, the tawny male bobbed his head in greeting, stole a peek at the man (black, with silver painted lips that told of his age), and repeated himself. “Ah—hello, sir. I was just saying to your follower here,” for there was no doubting now that she was a subordinate of his, “that I’m seeking a place to settle before summer begins. My name is Aleksei Baranski, and I’m here with the intention of joining your pack.”

Inwardly, he cursed. He was being too formal—he felt stiff, visibly trying to stifle his nerves. He must have looked like a yearling. What a dweeb.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry to skip @Adelayde, but I wanted to post while I was in the flow and keep this moving <3

He was young, Drestig could see now, up close, not a child, but a young man certainly. The dip of his head and tail spoke of well learned manners and a respectful nature, something the Rye king wasn't at all used to. But he smiled at the lad, trying to put him at ease as best he could, nodding his head as he began to speak. Formality was no favorite of the older man's, but he knew the boy meant well, waiting patiently for him to finish, while keeping his casual stance. Meanwhile, he took the chance to study the visitor closer, getting a faint familiar feel at the pale tawny fur over the burly frame and the glint of green eyes. Then he noted the scent, finally reaching him in their proximity, despite the unfavorable wind; Hearthwood? It was fading, but the marks of their eastern allies were still clear on the boy's fur. And as he gave his name, the pieces finally clicked together in the leader's mind.

"Aleksei," he welcomed with a surprised, but genuine smile; "You're Kisla's boy? One of the oldest?" Drestig had never met the litter in person, but knew a little from their parents, and this lad was his father's spitting image. Yet he was here as a loner, asking admittance, and the Rye king's brows furrowed slightly, head tilting ever so slightly. "I'm Drestig Avalon. Male leader here, as you've probably gathered," he finally introduced himself, voice still friendly, though his tail had stilled in his puzzlement; "You're welcome among the Rye, but may I ask why you have left Hearthwood River?" It was not his intention to pry, though he was curios, but rather he needed to know the circumstances before he could let the lad in; To make sure it would not bring bad blood between them and their allies. Kisla was practically family, which extended to her children; As long as the two aren't mutually exclusive.


Word count: 327

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Sorry for also skipping Ade!

“Yes sir,” he said, wincing slightly at mention of that. “Eldest, not that it holds meaning any more.” His ears dropped, a silent apology for speaking out of line—there wasn’t any need to be bitter. Sure, the wolves of Hearthwood may now hate him, and perhaps even branded him a traitor (scratch that, definitely a traitor), but he didn’t care. Didn’t need to, didn’t want to.

Drestig Avalon was the name given, and Aleksei nodded. The name was known only through the alliance before, so finally having a face to commit to it was a relief. It felt odd to call someone an ally when you’d never seen them. The male continued, and the Baranski cringed internally. He’d expected to be asked why he’d left, but the reality of saying it was now staring him in the face and he wondered if anyone would see the circumstance from his side. His gaze shifted from the greying man to the woman at his side before settling on Drestig with a slow nod. “That’s …” Aleksei closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath of air.

He’d committed himself to this now.

“My family has always treated me … I wouldn’t say poorly, but with expectations. I’ve always been told that, as the firstborn, I would be the heir. That I’d have to be just like my father, that I would have to make them all proud. I was pigeonholed into being who they wanted me to be, not who I really was.” He swallowed thickly, quelling the unrest he felt in his heart. Gathering his thoughts, he pressed on. “When I first returned home, I found out my father had passed away and the pressure doubled. I was the only Baranski man left. I had to be dad, or I wasn’t good enough. It was exhausting. It made me miserable.” And it would have been obvious to everyone in Hearthwood River if they’d only taken a moment to think about Aleksei’s constantly foul mood, his struggles with simply smiling. But no. No, it was all about them.

Another moment’s fidgeting—this was growing increasingly uncomfortable—and he finally sighed. “All I ever wanted was a chance to just be me without the fear of disappointing them all. They never gave it. So, I left. And now I'm here. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, I’ll make my father proud without having people tell me that the only way I’ll do it is by imitating him.”
(This post was last modified: May 26, 2017, 07:12 PM by Aleksei.)
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
No problem guys! <3
2/3 Guardian dem
she says beauty is pain

Quickly approaching the stranger, he was prompt to rise to his feet as she neared him. His posture satisfying her protective feelings over the Rye, his respect to their lands evident as he spoke politely. Not wasting any of her time, he quickly got to the point of his reason for being upon the borders and calling for them. As she opened her maw to speak, the scent of another approaching made her pause and look behind her at the advancing figure.  

As quickly as she joined the lone male along the borderlands to the Rye, they weren't kept long, no need to idle with minor chitchat as they waited for either Drestig or Jessie. The dark alpha was swift to accompany them, greeting her with a happy smile as he settled at her side. Turning her mismatched eyes back upon the stranger, she happily let the two take the reins of this meeting, allowing herself to settle into a casual posture. She would stay by Drestig's side as long as he needed and allowed her to, and frankly she was curious as to why this male wanted to join their ranks and what he could bring to the table. Could he become as true-blue as Adelayde was to the Rye?

Quietly listening to the conversation unfold, Drestig having realized this man was someone's son who he knew. The name he uttered was familiar, though she couldn't pin point where she knew her from. Drestig was quick to settle her mind as he asked why this man left Hearthwood River. Kisla was an alpha there and this man was a son who seemingly willfully left? Ade too was left confused and wondering what happened. Of course, she couldn't help but let her mind wander towards @Laike at the mention of the River.

Her mismatched eyes watched the male silently as she could easily tell he was uncomfortable. As he mentioned finding out his father passed, her heart ached for him. She knew how it was to lose a parent, the pain, sadness and guilt for not being able to bring them back to you. Softly, "I'm so sorry for your loss," she gave him her condolences. The Snow woman wished she could comfort the man more, but now was not the time nor place.

and there's beauty in everything
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2017, 08:13 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
One more round to wrap it up?

They all had a story, a reason why they’d left their past behind and come here, to start anew. Drestig typically made a point not to ask, all that mattered was their future; I build this place for new beginnings..! But he’d never had a potential joiner come from this close to home before, for the past they’d left to be wolves he knew and respected. It truly made him uncomfortable to ask, just as he could see it did Aleksei, but it was a question that needed answer before he could allow the lad into his Fields. Silver brows furrowed at the initial comment, though he stayed silent, letting the boy speak at his own pace. This clearly wasn’t easy for him, how could it be? Leaving his family..! Drestig knew only little about Kisla’s first litter, as far as he remembered they had all been of the wandering sort. But joining a neighboring pack was hardly the act of adventurous whim, and judging by his shifting eyes and dejected expression, the younger wolf knew as much.

So the dark man settled into a comfortable seat, watching with serious eyes and attentively perked ears. He didn’t react beyond the slight twitch of an eyebrow as the words fell, simply letting them settle and retaining his judgement until they were finished. He couldn’t say he knew what the lad was going through, while Drestig had been born into a similar situation, it had crumbled long before he could grow to resent it. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t sympathize. The blow of Maksim’s death alone would have been enough to shake his son to the core, but with all this extra burden; Poor kid..! Adelayde offered condolences, and the alpha nodded grimly, he knew the toll the king’s death had taken on his pack; And grief does strange things to people…

But Drestig wouldn’t pretend to know what had happened in the heads of these wolves, bringing them to treat the young man as they had. All he could do was offer a chance at what was asked; “I’m sorry to hear that Aleksei, no one should be held to such standards, especially a child.” The dark king frowned, ears folding back briefly before he continued: “No one here will ask you to be anything but yourself, I promise you that.” A faint smile curved his lips, eyes warm as they met the other’s pale greens; “I’ll happily offer you a home here, and I hope you’ll settle in better with our family.” He looked over at Adelayde with a knowing smile, swishing his silvery tail a few times. Then he met Aleksei’s eyes again; “But I hope you can find it in you to keep contact with you mother, at least to let her know you’re here and you’re safe.” He knew the pain of not knowing where your child was or if they were alive, he wouldn’t wish that on any parent, no matter what faults they might have committed. And of course the wish was not entirely selfless either, he wanted to take the boy in, to hopefully give him a life where he was appreciated and happy, but he also had an alliance to consider, one he couldn’t afford to break over one lost boy.


Word count: 549

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health