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Boom, clap! — Laurel Thicket 
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Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Aegir sniffled and sobbed and curled in on himself.

In his short life he'd already gotten a few bumps and grazes. He'd tripped over his own paws more times than he could count-not that he could do so very high- and had even fallen over just because his legs got tired. But he'd never fallen over around a stranger, nor had he ever landed his hard. The ground surrounding the den site was soft and plush, but here it was hard and it had really hurt his tummy and chin.

And just maybe, he was feeling sorry for himself. Falling over was no fun at all and it was all the loud sky's fault! He cast an angry scowl skyward before pawing at his eye, trying to get rid of the tears that just wouldn't stop.

There was something else going on though, outside of his misery and loathing. Turning around a little, as sneaky as he could-oh Da was here! That made him feel a little better, knowing that he could make it all better. But something wasn't quite right. Why was the milk-less lady on the floor? Did she fall too? If so, then it would explain why she was crying, all curled up like she was in pain.

Still, The Little Dragon was confused. Da looked strange and was making strange noises. Not at all like the ones he usually made. This one was deep and scary and Aegir quickly decided he did not like this rumbling noise, that it was too much like the loud sky. With a sniffle, Aegir struggled to his feet and put himself in between his Da and the milk-less but nice lady.

It was hard to come across as certain and intimidating when he was hurting and all teary-eyed, but even so the little pup tried.

"Nah Da!" He protested. Whatever his Da thought, it wasn't her fault. And to prove his point he hopped forward and nipped at his leg, as though to punish him for being loud and scary.
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

A quick and simple hunting trip could never truly be quick and simple with a pup waiting. Pip's focus was fractured and she had difficulty tracking despite the ample scents being lofted by the steady patter of rain. Each time she'd find a rabbit's trail, her attention would be snapped away by thunder and lightning and the worry for Aegir and whether or not it would be frightening to him. The mute shook her head and finally gave up her endeavor; hopefully Kjell will have caught something for them.

Though guilt nipped at her heels, there was little more she could do with such a fragmented mentality. Upon returning to the den, the little sea wolf froze. Her pup was not in sight. Panic seized the young woman as she chirped amidst the storm for him. The chirps became more insistent and still without answer. Casting her head around, Pip tried to gather her wits and scent him out.

Even above the storm, she recognized her mate's voice and the sound of his anger. It was an unfamiliar emotion for him to express in front of her and so it took her a moment before she rushed to find him. Concerned first for her pup's safety, orange eyes fell first upon Aegir. No open wounds, no gasping for air, no immediate cause for concern. In fact, he seemed just fine aside from the hint of tears and stern expression as he stood in front of a woman prone on the ground and @Kjell.

A quick assessment led Pip to realize this was a fellow packmate. With a breath of relief, the mute rubbed shoulders with her mate before nuzzling her pup and then smiling kindly at the healer over @Aegir's head. Her tail wagged kindly in a show of gratitude as she urged the woman up with gentle probing of her muzzle beneath @Oisin's chin as if to apologize for her mate's brash behavior.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson

Something about the immediate submission put the father’s worst fears at ease, giving him a moment or two to glance down at his son. The boy, other than being damp from the starting rain and clearly frazzled by his first thunderstorm, showed no injury or illness. Perhaps he had been quick to jump the gun, but… One could never be too careful.

Kjell reached down to nudge his son – and was immediately rewarded with those needle-like puppy teeth. Was this what Signy had to put up with every time the lad was hungry? Mother bless that woman and her endless patience.

It was like his very thoughts summoned his mate, who read the situation far more clearly than did the male – and she reached down to comfort the younger subordinate female. Shit. Was everyone keen on making an ass out of him today? Kjell rolled his single eye, stepping away from his son for a moment to eye Oisin again. He huffed out a sigh, ears flat as fat rain drops continued to fall on the gathering of wolves. “Thanks, I guess,” he groused, looking from the woman back to his errant son. “Seems like he wandered off on his own.”

The single eye narrowed – but he’d mull over this more later. When the storm wasn’t about to break on their crowns. “You got somewhere to go in this?”

Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased
pullin oisin out of this~

The lady who had shown up was rather nice but didn't speak a word. In fact, the silent prodding under her chin was a welcomed change from the one-eyed male's fierce tone. Even she managed to get back on all fours she still crouched near the ground, placing licks under neath the silent mother's chin.

Her direction was quickly turned back to the dark male who asked if she had somewhere to go and instantly her head began to nod. "Y-yes. I should be heading back to the medical den." She motioned in the general direction of Grizzly Hollow as her tail gave a few shy wags. She gave a small smile to the more than brave boy and the father. Even if he had been a bit scary he had not down right attacked her and that was enough to be thankful for.

With her small silent goodbye she began to pad off into the cedar wood forest, eager to return to her station. Her pace would be quick in order to try and beat the rain. Even though that would likely be a failed attempt.

-Oisin Exit-

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
sorry i left this hanging for so long, i'm gonna end this with a fade
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

It all seemed better. Da wasn't all growly and mad anymore and now Ma was here! Yay! Toddling over to his Ma, he nosed at her belly. He'd tried that before with the other lady and that hadn't worked, but he knew it would with his Ma. She was always there to fill his rumbling betlly. As hungry as he was though, he didn't want to eat when the sky was all loud and flashy like that. He wanted to go back to the den where he knew they'd all be safe.

Oisin gone and forgotten, Aegir let out a big, long yawn. He was so tired all of a sudden! Today had been pretty eventful for the growing dragon, he'd never wandered off this far before. But some lunch and a nap would put the spring back in his step in no time.

"Go now." He would have been more enthused but he really was getting sleepy. With each passing moment his eyes grew heavier and heavier and his tummy rumbled ever louder.

He tried to fight it, as hard as he could, but he was still so small and could only do so much against two mighty forces. With a tired huff-maybe he was getting a little grumpy, with all this standing around, he turned and toddled back the way they'd come, knowing that his two bigs would follow close behind.


[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]