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The Ghosts will always find you — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! @Vespertio  


Word Count: 238

He was angry.  So, so angry. His spar with Kajika had released it, and now… he wasn’t sure what to do. He needed to find who did this, who hurt his wife and killed his children, but didn’t know where to begin.  He couldn’t ask Moon for what she remembered… not until she’d had time to recover. All he could do for now was sit and stew in his emotions.

It scared him too. He could feel himself spiraling down, back into the darkness that had helped him to survive the war.  Tagg knew he would need it when it came time, but right now it just reminded him of everything he’d done, every failure he’d had, every mistake he’d made. It reminded him just how bad things got.  He didn’t want his life here in the Cove to be like that.  It had taken him months to bring himself out of that darkness enough to even just move into the pack den.  He suspected it would have taken him longer if it hadn’t been for Moon.

Kajika had helped, yes.  But Tagg needed to talk to his leader before he did anything rash. Just this once he was almost tempted to call for him, but doing that would mean Moon could hear him.  He didn’t want to disturb her, and he certainly didn’t want to worry her. He would just have to find Vespertio on his own.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Vespertio Vuesain

The Cove remained quiet for the most part since Moonshadow's delivery, the members doing their part in fulfilling daily tasks while seeing to both the new mother with her son Chan to ensure they both had all they needed and offering what they could for the still expecting Neha who was surely about to pop herself at any given moment. Speaking of the pale agouti girl; now turned a woman, the grandfather to be had just returned from a delivery of fresh rabbit to his daughter when the scent of Tagg wafted toward him on a gentle spring breeze. Wonder how he's holding up, Vespertio thought momentarily before deciding to alternate his path and seek the man out to ask for himself.

Not long and the familiar tawny silhouette appeared just up ahead, unaware that the man actually had intentions of seeking him out on this day. The closer Vesper grew the more it became apparent something was amiss for the younger male. An agitated aura filling the immediate area and at this a curious brow lifted, his steps slowing to a halt. "Tagg? You alright?" The patriarch questioned, molten gold irises scanning the other's frame for any tell-tale signs that could possibly help the Vuesain better predict what state Tagg was in. He knew the pain of losing his children was still fresh, so awfully fresh and the experienced father would offer any advice he could to help ease that suffering both Moonshadow and himself were enduring. Anything to prevent them from spiraling into that same dark, depressive world Namid had been a prisoner of for far too long.

Word Count: 270
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2017, 07:22 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 239

It didn’t take long for the veteran to come across the pack’s patriarch, though it could be said it was the other way around. He heard the familiar voice and turned, ears pricking to catch his question. Tagg trotted towards his king, shaking his head. “No. I’m not.” He stopped in front of Vespertio, making certain to show the respect the leader deserved.

He took a deep breath. “I was looking for you, actually. I’m concerned… about me. About what I might do.” He hadn’t even gotten into what he really wanted to discuss yet, but already he could feel his heart beginning to race. Images from his time away, dark memories he’d hoped never to revisit, flashed through his mind.  There were things he didn’t want to come to light, things he was so ashamed of he tried to forget.  But now was the time to reveal those to the leader he trusted, the man who had offered him a second chance. It wasn’t just another chance to show that he was loyal to Fallen Tree Cove, but an opportunity to start over, to have a proper life.

Death and destruction had always followed the veteran.  First his family, then the war, then Moon, and now the children.  He was beginning to think it wasn’t just chance, but him.  Was he being punished for something?

“Have I told you about what happened during the year I was gone?”

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Sorry for the wait and crappy post @Tagg

Vespertio Vuesain

It only took one quick sweep of his gaze over Tagg's frame to figure out that the man was indeed not alright before the other man even answered his question. A question that was answered with a response Vespertio had half expected to hear given the circumstances but was unhappy to hear regardless. At this, a brow quirked curiously followed by Tagg going on to mention that he had actually been searching for the lakeside patriarch in order to discuss something that had the agouti male concerned. Apparently, he was concerned about himself and the things he might do. This piqued the Vuesain's interest further.

But Tagg had even more to say and wasted no time going on to inquire if he had ever shared the story of what had happened during that expanse of time he had disappeared from the Cove's sanctuary. Shaking his head, Vesper met the eyes of his pack mate after and took a small breath in preparation for what he was about to learn about his returned member. "I can't recall. Walk with me along the border while you share with me." With that a small nod was given, paws beginning to take small steps toward the border while glancing at the male to ensure he was following. Vespertio was all ears now and curious to learn Tagg's story.

Word Count: 224
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 738

This… this was going to be hard.  He’d always planned on telling his story to his alphas someday, when the memories weren’t so fresh, but he found that it hurt to draw them up regardless of how much time passed.  As he settled back into the pack, more days came where he didn’t even think of what had happened.  He thought maybe he could just forget about it and let the ghosts be.  Why did anyone here have to know?

But it seemed his ill luck was doomed to follow him, even now. The question was no longer when he was going to tell Vespertio, but how much.

Tagg took a deep breath as he followed his king. Moving helped.  The familiar action of tracing the border soothed the russet man as he searched for the right words.

They came, but they were halting. “There…” He cleared his throat and tried again. “There are things that I’m going to tell you… things I’ve done, that I’m not proud of. Things that seemed necessary at the time, but…” he swallowed.  Best to just start at the beginning.

“When I first left here, I was just going on a hunting trip, but I was attacked by a gang of coyotes and had no choice but to run.  I tried to circle back here, but the cut me off every time.  Eventually I just gave up.” These were things he’d explained when he’d first come back, but they were easier than some of the other events he had to tell.  Better to ease into the unpleasantness than to simply jump in.  It would be easier to keep the tale going once it started.

“I couldn’t stop to rest or to eat; they would catch me every time I did.  I don’t know why they picked me off all wolves, or why they chased me so far… but they did.  I went… well, what seemed like weeks but was likely only a few days. Then one day I stopped.  Just stopped.  If I was going to go out, I wanted to take as many of them with me as I could.  I didn’t want to make it easy. As they closed in around me, I expected to die.  But a pack of wolves in the area must have heard them, because suddenly there was fighting all around me, and someone was dragging me away and telling me to run with them.”

All he remembered from that moment was a whirlwind of fear, confusion, and the sound of fighting.  What came after was much clearer.

“The pack was called Hawthorn Ridge.  They’d been having troubles with the coyotes for ages.  There was an unusually large group of them that plagued the area, and it seemed the ones that chased me were only a scouting party. A scouting party of twelve. I’m not sure if every coyote we fought was part of what was going on, or simply came to observe. It’s possible some were just passing through.  But to the Ridge wolves, everyone else was an enemy.

“I couldn’t just leave them.  They saved my life, and it was unlikely I could make it all the way back here with the coyotes on my trail.  I agreed to stay and fight with them, until such a time as I could return. Coming home was always my end goal, and they knew it.”

Here again his words faltered. Could he really do this? Could he really spill everything to his king? He eyed the patriarch.  He was certain the man would look upon him differently after this.  Would he run him out of the pack? Tagg knew he was no threat to the Cove – had had spent so much time fighting for it, even when he wasn’t there. But he knew an alphas job was to look after his pack, and the veteran supposed he couldn’t begrudge Vespertio his suspicion should it arise.

But the tale had to be told.  With what had happened to Moon and then Des, with the things he and Kajika had promised to each other… Vespertio had to know.  He had to know that he was doing what he saw as right.  He wasn’t a cold-blooded killer. He wasn’t a murderer. He was a Guardian.  That job did not come without a price.  Tagg was willing to do anything to protect his pack. Vespertio would have to understand that.

"Speech"  Thought

(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2017, 03:41 PM by Tagg.)
[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
A russet ear noted the deep breath that the agouti man at his side took while they began to make their way toward the border for a sweep while Tagg prepared to weave a tale for Vespertio about what had happened the year he had been missing from Fallen Tree Cove. To further coax the man into relaxing and allowing the words to come free, a gentle bump of the leader's shoulder to Tagg's was given. A gentle smile soon settling upon Vesper's handsome facial features while paws habitually traced the invisible line toward the first marker for the men to freshen up.

Soon enough, though, Tagg was speaking and attentively Vesper listened keeping one ear trained on the ragged man while the other remained tuned to their environment. Molten gold gaze sweeping constantly from the man at his side, to their surroundings then back to the man again. So the story began and an appropriate nod inserted each time Tagg paused to ensure the man that he was listening to him despite not voicing any of his thoughts on the matter yet. It was best to let him finish and hear the story as a whole than interrupt every few sentences before deciding what to do afterward.

Finally, it seemed they had reached the end of the story and while the last few words were wrapping up Vespertio lifted a rear leg to douse a sturdy pine in urine to freshen up their claiming scent on the area. A thoughtful hum rumbling within his chest as he contemplated his thoughts and the events that had occured for Tagg. "Coyotes can prove to be quite the pest, but in all my years I've never heard of them forming such large groups. If what you say is true, then you're lucky those of Hathorn Ridge were there to aid you." It was indeed something unheard of, but wasn't life full of the unexpected? Still, Vespertio remained a little skeptical of the whole ordeal, another thoughtful hum sounding out as he continued on toward the next marker.

"I'm glad that you've managed to make your way back to us, but what answer one question for me. What made you want to tell me this now?" At this a creamy brow quirked skyward, paws pausing in their steps to face the tattered eared male. By no means was he trying to insult the other with his question, but one didn't just spring this on their leader just because. Something had to make Tagg feel the need to share his story.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 431

Of course Vespertio would have questions. Tagg was expecting them.  But the alpha didn’t ask as many as the veteran expected.  He remained quiet through the story until he paused again. The comment about what he said being true caused the subordinate’s fur to prickle a bit; what reason did he have to lie? He knew how unlikely this tale was – it made living through it that much harder.

Tagg swallowed. “I…” He closed his eye briefly.  Here came the hard part.  “With everything that’s happened recently… first Moonshadow, then Des. Kajika and I made an agreement, and I’m afraid of falling back into… well, if I go back, I don’t know what might happen.  Nobody in the pack is in danger,” He added quickly. “but if you remember when I first got back, I had a hard time adjusting. Moon was a big part of that, and I know she’ll be there to help, but she has enough to worry about.”

It was time. “I have experience killing. Obviously. But this kind of anger… it doesn’t… bode well. The last time…” He had to swallow the lump welling in his throat again.

“We went out hunting one day. Two pack members stayed back with the new litter, and we heard the alarm.  We ran back as fast as we could, but by the time we made it, the attack was over.  Both guards were dead, and the entire litter had been murdered.  Barely a month old.” His throat closed.  He could still see their tiny bodies, crushed and scattered around the mouth of the den. Yet, grotesquely, their small forms had been replaced with those of his stillborn children.  He shook the warped memory off; this is what he was afraid of. When he could speak again, he continued, voice hollow. “We struck back. When Coyotes gather in groups this large, apparently, they don’t follow pack laws.  There were at least six litters, maybe more. We… we killed all of them. Every last one.”

He had to stop again. The smell of their fear, the sound of their cries, and the taste of their blood washed over him. The veteran squeezed his eye shut and pinned his ears against his head, trying to block it out.  He didn’t realize he’d stopped moving until he opened his eye again.

“I’m afraid of what will happen if we find whoever hurt Moon, and who killed Des.” He whispered, unable to meet his leader’s gaze. “I’m afraid if I let the anger win, if I succumb, I won’t be able to come back.”

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Sorry its cruddy >.<

So this was why the man had been searching for him, a fear of his past tarnishing his future. When the agouti man at his side had slowed in pace and eventually stopped to a standstill, creamy limbs had done the same. An expression of worry settling on Vespertio's facial features now that he was beginning to truly understand how much this entire ordeal, both past, present and possible future was affecting Tagg. 

At the mention of those that had hurt Moon and Des, though, the regal patriarch couldn't resist the rumble of a growl that began to build within the depths of his chest and the slight bristling of his guard hairs. He had a pretty clear picture of what would happen to those individuals should they ever be so unlucky as to cross paths with Fallen Tree Cove again, but shortly before his anger at that c ould flare, he was informed of why Tagg had looked so fearful, so scared during their patrol. Doused to nothing more than smoldering embers, the man reached out to nudge the top of his snout against the other's shoulder in hopes of quelling at least some of the worry that gnawed like a ravish beast at Tagg's insides.

"We won't let you become consumed by the anger. I won't let you. You're strong, a survivor and surrounded by others that love and care for you. You have a son to raise and a wife to love." 
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 257

Tagg wasn’t sure just what he expected from his leader upon spilling the whole truth, but it certainly wasn’t to be comforted. He knew Vespertio had to be just as angry about the attacks on their pack as he was, but he couldn’t take the same action as his subordinates.  For the guardian of a pack to take his friend and exact revenge on a murderer was one thing – for the alpha to do it was entirely another.

The sudden pressure of the agouti man’s muzzle on his shoulder caused the veteran to start.  He stared at him as he spoke, telling him not to worry.  I can depend on my pack. Tagg thought.  It was only a small comfort, but he supposed his leader was right. Last time he had nobody.  He had a group of friends who had all gone through the same thing, yes, but he had left them to find home.  Besides, how could two wolves in the same hole pull each other out? One needed to be on outside of it.

But now he had a family.  A home.  A real cause to fight for: his son. His mate. His friends. And those same wolves would be there to help him come back out.  Was it not Moon who had helped him return from the darkness in the first place?  She did it once, she did it again.

He smiled wanly, the expression feeling foreign on his face with his heart so heavy. “Thank you.” He said, relief seeping into his voice.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]