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Moth to a Flame — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila
For baby brothers @Bero and/or @Adimar <3
RE: Flair, you stumble upon a baby bird that has fallen from its nest...

It had been raining on and off for the last many days, tapping a gentle melody against the leaves roofing the Woodlands, and turning the forest floor into mush. Flair had decided she didn’t care much for this spring, all wet and smelly. At least snow was somewhat fun, she’d rolled in the mud too a few times, but always came home to reprimands and disappointed glares. Like she was still a pup who needed to be cleaned up. So now she kept all but her paws clean, just to satisfy her mother; She has enough to worry about already..! It sucked all fun out of it though, having to worry about the dirt like that made even hunting a tedious duty. But she had to keep doing it though, now more than ever she was aware of her duty to the pack. She had younger siblings now, little brothers who needed food and protection and care. There was a lot of that she couldn’t do, but this was one thing she could provide; Fresh meat…

She was not too far from the borders, hunting down a rabbit who stupidly had chosen to traverse the wolf territory. The tracks were set deep in the mucky underbrush, clearly trailing its route between thorns and shrubbery. The young shewolf almost snorted at the idiocy of the creature, but held it in, demonstrating her higher brain capacity. Instead she stalked low, nostrils flaring as she sniffed out the critter, a sly smile on her dark lips. She was going to bring this feast straight back to her mother at the den, and for once the look she got would not be disappointed.

But it was something else that came across her path first, something that wouldn’t even make enough of a meal for her alone. This tiny thing was barely a snack, certainly not a worthy prize to take home; Whatever it is… Nose quivering, she moved closer, poking her muzzle at the tiny, half naked thing. It jerked in response, turning an oversized head, covered in grey down and peeping quietly; A bird..? But its wings were all shriveled and featherless, even its eyes seemed permanently closed. She’d never seen a chick before, usually hidden away in their nests high in the treetops. But there were enough of clues for her to figure it out, after all her mother had explained a lot about babies earlier in the year, preparing them all for their new siblings; But how did it end up down here? And where are the parents? Shouldn’t they be all over it, coddling? As far as she knew that was what parents did; It won’t survive on its own…

Word count: 450

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Ace who has 11 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bero Aethsila

Perhaps Flair needn’t worry about food for her baby brothers. Or the youngest of those babies, at any rate. Which was not to say that Bero was never hungry, for quite the opposite was true, but he was simply better at withstanding immediate needs when something like adventure was afoot. Indeed, that was probably a problem for his parents – and his siblings, by proxy, who were expected to look after Secret Woodlands’ newest litter. But that was not Bero’s problem, and it was certainly not on his mind as he slunk out of the den and into his parents’ territory. It wasn’t like he planned on being gone for long, anyways.

But that was implying that the youngest Athesila planned anything at all.

The boy continued his leisurely exploration -- stopping to sniff on something here, pausing to shove his nose into the dirt there – when he suddenly caught sight of his sister’s bright red coat. It was hard to miss the girl. His ears flipped up. “Fair!” he barked (not having quite mastered her name) before beginning his awkward jog over to where she stood. Only once he got closer did he realize she found something…something to eat? Or play with?

He shoved his nose towards the ugly ball of grey.


Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Ears flattened back at the sudden shout, amber eyes growing wide as she immediately recognized the voice. She had no time to spin and face the boy though, before he was next to her, and then in front, poking his muzzle at the baby bird. You!” The older sister squealed, reaching out a paw to pull her brother away from the defenseless creature; “What are you doing out here?” If her parents or litter mates had been there to witness the moment, they would surely have bowled over laughing. How many times had she not heard the same thing at Bero’s age? But now she was supposed to be the grown up, and look after these little rascals, which meant making sure they didn’t wander off!

The little bird make a low, peeping noise, drawing her eyes back to it, one leg firmly placed between it and the pup. She wasn’t sure why she was so keen on protecting it, perhaps for the same reason she felt so anxious seeing Bero out here on his own; Great, I’m turning into my mother! The thought sent a shudder through her, and she shook her shoulders, glancing back and forth between the chick and her curious brother. Hadn’t she been just the same? Hadn’t she just wanted to explore and adventure, and hated everyone else for trying to stop her?

Sighing to herself, Flair slowly raised her leg to let Bero see the little thing, murmuring a firm: “Careful!” As the boy once more got access to the chick. “’t’s a bird,” she explained, casting a quick glance up amongst the trees; “Just a baby. Think it fell out of its nest.” Her eyes returned to watch that he didn’t mistreat the creature, as stupid as it was; It’s gonna die anyway… There was no way she could get it back up into the treetops.

Word count: 313

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Ace who has 11 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bero Aethsila

You! she yelled, and Bero wasn’t phased in the slightest. Between him and his twin, it was the younger that would most certainly win the ‘Rascally Rabbit’ award, should they ever find themselves in contention for it. To be clear, that was not only because Bero would everything in his power to win – because he was the baby, and he most certainly would – but because mischief was practically his middle name, and he rather expected everyone to go along with it at this point. So he ignored his older sister’s questions and shoved a foot at the grey ball of fluff she’d hauled him away from moments earlier. “What’sit?” Bero demanded to know.

He was, thankfully, not forced to physically crawl over Flair – so he rewarded his sister’s cooperation with cooperation in turn, actually staying put (for a minute or two) when she requested he be careful. A baby bird? He glanced up at the tree, blue eyes squinting as he tried to imagine how such graceful, colorful creatures started out so ugly and grey.

But then again, he looked nothing like Mama or Da – and neither did Mari, for that matter – so he supposed it was possible if Flair said so. He looked back at the baby bird and huffed. “Put back.”