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don't fret precious i'm here — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Inna had wished to have some time alone, which was entirely understandable considering what she had just witnessed.

The raven woman had entrusted him to seek out their daughter and keep her company whilst she was away. She had instructed though, that under no circumstances, was he permitted to divulge what had happened to Kisla. That was a conversation the mother wished to have with their young daughter alone – later – after she had taken time to gather her thoughts.

So, after being careful to wash all traces of the fallen matriarchs blood from his paws, the father snaked his way through the tall sequoia trees back towards the heart of the territory in search of Oksana. There was a solemn falter in his step as he moved, though Lorcan knew that he would have to put on his best act in order to convince their daughter that everything was fine until her mother returned with the news.

Arriving at the hollowed moss covered entrance he knew to conceal the dark pup, Lorcan paused and thoroughly shook his pelt, hoping to remove any last jitters he had about what he was about to do. Then, pushing back his shoulders and forcing a casual smile to his face – one which never quite reached his eyes – Lorcan shifted down onto his front and crawled his way into the den.

“Oksana?” He called quietly into the gloom, not wanting to disturb her if she happened to be asleep.
(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2017, 04:45 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She'd been left in the den earlier in the day for a nap while her mother went out and did whatever it was she did in the afternoons. That was a long time ago and felt like forever for the smallest Baranski. She was starting to wonder when her mother would be returning. They were suppose to have had their nap together but her mother still had not come. Whimpers left the child as the light at the entrance started to fade. Many times the pup had moved toward it thinking she could go look for Inna. She knew she couldn't, she would get lost. Oksana remembered when she had tried to follow her mother and how badly that had turned out. It was best she stayed in the den until her mother's return.

The longer she waited she worried Inna wouldn't return, she'd never been gone that long. Even if she left again it was never very long that she was away. Her whimpers became more frequent and louder in hopes they would bring her mother to her. Still she didn't come leaving Oksana to curl up in the back of the den with her eyes never leaving the entrance of the den.

Then she saw him as he said her name, finally someone had come. Had they heard her whimpers? Why was it Lorc who'd come and not her mother? She whined in response to his call for her. Quickly she rose to her feet and went to him pressing her head into the fur of his shoulder. “Where mum?” She asked as she looked up into his golden eyes, “She gone long time,” Oksana also informed him. The pup felt some relief that he had come to find her but she was still worried about where Inna was.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
No sooner had he shuffled his way into the gloomy den entrance did he find the small dark pup pressed up against his shoulder. Russet ears pricked up at the remnants of her whimpering and instinctively he offered a comforting lick to the girl’s forehead in reassurance.

The corners of his charcoal lips twitched, threatening to pull down into a frown at his daughter’s question, but he caught himself just in time and quickly summoned a stoic façade to his features. Gazing down to meet the puppy blue eyes of Oksana, who was obviously worried by her mother’s extended absence, Lorcan forced a dismissive smile to his lips. “She’s just caught up with her duties at the moment. Don’t worry though, she sent me here to keep you company.” He said calmly, leaning forwards to give the small pup an affectionate nudge.

Shuffling further into the den, Lorcan was careful to purposefully place himself in front of the den exit. Curling his body in a protective semi-circle around his daughter, the agouti male made himself comfortable. There was no way that he would let Oksana have the chance to leave the den, not now, not whilst her grandmother’s body still lay bloodied and lifeless within the territory.

Licking his lips awkwardly, he studied the dark pup with interest. “So, what would you and your mother normally do now?” He finally asked, even though he already knew the answer. He just needed to keep his daughter distracted.
(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2017, 05:20 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Lorc wasn't her mother but he was the next best thing and she wasn't alone anymore either. Oksana had been quick to go to him after he had come into the den, she didn't have to he sacred anymore because she knew he would take care of her like he always had. More than anything she was glad that he had come back to live with them.

Having him there was a comfort for her but she was still worried about where her mother was and why she hadn't returned yet. She had been hoping Lorc knew where her mum was and when she would be back. She looked into his face as he told her where her mother was and he didn't seem to be upset about her not being there. “Duties?” Oksana questioned not remembering if her mother had ever said that word. Maybe if she knew what that word meant she would feel better. And she had sent Lorc, she titled her head as he said those words, “Lorc stay with Sana?”

When he moved to come further into the den Oksana moved with him to give him more room. He didn't fit in the den like she did and needed more room. When he had finally settled the tiny Baranski placed herself between his front paws looking up into his golden eyes. She reached out and licked his nose, “Happy Lorc back,” she told him.

Only a moment passed before he was asking her a question about her and her mum. Oksana thought about what they did before they went to sleep. “Mum talk Sana day,” she told with a nod. It has something did every night and helped the pup sleep as she tried to tell her mum about all the things she did during the day.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Teacher demonstration 1/3
Fortunately for the inexperienced father, his daughter’s curious mind spurred her on to ask more questions and as a consequence kept her from wanting to go outside. As long as he kept her calm and busy, as Inna had instructed, everything would be okay.

Glancing down at those navy blue eyes, Lorcan tilted his slightly at her question before smiling. He was never sure how much the pup was able to understand at her age, as he had never raised a pup as young as her before, so he frequently found himself searching for simpler explanations to her questions. “Yes, like it is my duty to help wolves who are sick or injured, your mother has her own duties to fulfil when she is not spending time with you.” He explained, his thoughts suddenly returning to the fallen matriarch who he had been helpless to save, causing the smile to fade from his face.

He felt his heart sink again as he began to wonder how Inna was coping right then, what she was thinking, but his daughter’s second question snapped his thoughts back to the pup and a genuine smile swiftly returned to his handsome features as he nodded across to her.

Making himself comfortable at the very front of the den, or as comfortable as he could manage in such a cramped space, he observed Oksana with interest as she wondered towards him. He felt some of his anxiety melt away as the dark pup settled herself between his outstretched paws and gave a warm chuckle as she affectionately licked his nose. “Me too,” He began, returning the lick to her smaller face. “I missed you lots.” Lorcan admitted, moving his muzzle to tickle the soft fur of her neck.

When Oksana told him what her and Inna normally did at this time, Lorcan nodded in understanding. Lifting up one of his forelimbs, the father motioned for the pup to rest up against his soft undersides in an attempt to get her more comfortable and relaxed. “Okay, tell me all about what you did today. I want to know all the details.” He said warmly, interested to hear what she had been up to and hoping it would serve as a good distraction for them both.
(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2017, 08:27 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Since Lorc had gone away she was glad her mum had sent him to stay with her when she could not be there. She hadn't understood what was going on when she found her mother, uncle Lach, and Laike with Lorc but she was glad that it was now okay.

She'd asked about the word he'd used to describe what her mother was doing. She wondered if this word was why her mother often disappeared. Where she had been going that day that Oksana had lost her in the forest and been found by Rissy. The way he explained the word only made her think that what she had thought before was true. He mother had been going off to her duties but what he said had brought another question to Oksana's maw. “Lorc help s-s-sick?” She wasn't sure what sick meant and why would he need to help wolves that had sick.

After he went away the tiny Baranski had wondered where he had gone and what had kept him from her. Maybe it was the wolves who had sick that he needed to help, her head tilted at this thought as it passed through her mind. A small smile passed across her tiny maw when he nodded to show he would be staying with her. Then he moved and the thought was lost for the time being.

She made herself right at home between his paws where she watched him before she licked his nose and told him she was happy he was back. What made her even happier was when he said he was happy to be back and had missed her lots. “Lorc stay here mum and Sana?” She asked hoping he would say that he would stay with her and Inna but not like he had before. “Mum sad, miss Lorc too,” she told him. She giggled and fell to her side when he tickled her neck. She pawed at his nose as her head rested on his foreleg and more giggles left her.

After she had settled he'd asked her about what her and her mother did at this time of day. Oksana knew it was night time and time when she and her mother would usually settle down for the night. Her mother was very strict about when she needed to sleep but they always talked before. After she told him he lifted his leg as an invitation to rest against him. Oksana curled up against the soft fur of his chest as he told her he wanted to know what she'd done that day. “Sana splore forest mum,” she started, “See Rissy before nap.”

(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2017, 01:34 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Teacher demonstration 2/3
Lorcan’s head tilted to one side inquisitively as his small daughter questioned him about helping sick wolves, her voice stuttering over the word. The father nodded in agreement, presuming that @Oksana was just repeating his words as a way for her to solidify the information in her mind, but as he continued to gaze down at her cherub-like face he noticed the subtle signs of confusion in her expression. The father licked his muzzle awkwardly. “Sick..” He repeated. “Like if you have a tummy ache or feel extra sleepy and hot.” He explained, not wanting to explore the darker area of his profession with his daughter just yet.

The father was delighted to see his daughter smile when he confirmed that he would be staying with her. It was heart-warming to know that Oksana trusted him enough to look after her when her mother was no around – even without any knowledge of his true connection to her.

Whilst it delighted him that his own daughter was fond of him, it wasn’t until her next question that he began to wonder exactly how much he meant to Oksana. He had paid her a lot of attention, yes, and helped out as her caregiver whenever the opportunity arose, but he had always made sure to return to the communal den at night to avoid suspicion. So it pained him when his daughter then asked if they could all sleep in the den together – a completely innocent question – but one which truly broke his heart.

Russet ears fell flat against his head and his pale brows knitted together in a frown. “I… I can’t. This den is just for you and your mother. I’m not allowed to sleep over.” He admitted, nuzzling Oksana’s cheek gently. Only mates can sleep together.. Golden eyes widened as a thought hit him, but he immediately blinked it away. He wasn’t sure where things stood between him and Inna, especially after his absence – but then his daughter said something else and Lorcan couldn’t help but feel his stomach churn in excitement at the possibility. “She did?” He asked curiously, his ears perking up once more and the frown lifting from his features as he continued to tickle Oksana’s neck sending her into a fit of giggles. “How do you know?” He pressed, wondering how much his daughter really knew or if she was just saying it to get what she wanted.

Lorcan was both pleased and relieved when Oksana accepted his invitation to snuggle up against him. He didn’t want to keep her awake for too much longer, just in case Inna scolded him, so getting their daughter comfortable and relaxed was a good start. White brows lifted in surprise when the pup told him how she and Inna had explored the forest together and met up with Risaela. “Is Risaela your best friend?” He asked, flashing his daughter a teasing grin.
(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2017, 08:28 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

This whole concept of duties and that Lorc’s was different from the ones that his mother had interested the girl. She wondered what her mother's duties were that kept her away from the den. It was what he said about his duties that she wanted to know more about. She'd struggled with the word like she did some other words but he understood her. Even going so far as to repeat the word for her. Her head tilted as he spoke of tummy aches and sleepy and hot. A thoughtful look crossed her face as she considered his words. “How know?” She asked wanting to know how she would know if she was sick

Oksana was elated that Lorc would he staying with her until her mother returned. She'd missed him so much when he was gone. The tiny Baranski felt like things would be back to normal now that he was back. Her mother would be happy again and he would be outside the den like he always was. She didn't like seeing her mum so sad and even though she didn't understand all of it she did understand that it was Lorc’s going away that had made her sad.

When she'd asked her question about Lorc staying in the den with her and her mum she didn't understand what that could mean. Rissy stayed with them sometimes, she lived it when her friend stayed over. In her mind she didn't see why Lorc couldn't stay too since he was their friend and her mum cared a lot about him. She knew that or Inna wouldn't have been so sad.

Her features fell when he told her that he couldn't stay in the den, a tiny whimper was barely audible, “Why not?” She almost demanded of him. In her eyes it was simple, he was their friend he should be able to stay. Why could Rissy stay and he couldn't? She was sure her mother would.want Lorc to stay too, how could she not after all the things that she’d said to Oksana when he was gone. The tiny Baranski felt she need to make him understand so she told him her mother had been sad and that she'd missed him. She nodded when he questioned what she'd said, “Yes.” Then he wanted to know how she knew, “Mum tell Sana why sad,” she told him with confidence. She remembered all the talks with her mother in the den, that was the only place her mother ever spoke of how she felt about Lorc’s absence. So Oksana had taken that as her cue to only speak with Inna about it in the den.

Oksana made herself comfortable against Lorcam as she began to tell him about what she had done during the day. She remembered walking through the forest and playing with Rissy before they went back to the den for their nap. Her eyes meet his golden ones when he asked her about Rissy, “Very best, Sana and Rissy splore mum leave.” Her mind went back to the day Rissy had found her in the forest as she told him about her and Risaela exploring.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan watched as his daughter’s head tilted curiously as he tried to explain what sickness entailed, but he could tell that his answer had not quenched her thirst for knowledge as she gazed up at him with intrigue. Another question quickly followed, but as the father pondered how to explain the answer, he decided that the explanation would be too complicated for her inexperienced mind – not as this age when she was still yet to understand the meaning of things. “You will know if you get sick.” He said, offering the dark pup a dismissive smile.

Although the male had just started to understand that he meant a great deal to the pup, he did not expect to conjure such a passionate response from her after disclosing that he was not permitted to stay the night alongside her and her mother. Russet ears perked up and his golden eyes widened in surprise as the young girl raised her voice towards him, instantly recognising some of the fiery spirit of her mother in Oksana’s demanding tone. Lorcan leant over to place a warm lick upon her crown in an attempt to settle her like she had when she was younger.

“I have to sleep in the communal den with everybody else, just like you will have to when you are older.” He stated calmly. Besides, it wasn’t up to him or Oksana, it was up to Inna if she allowed him to sleep alongside her and their daughter. “It’s fine though,” He added light-heartedly, a smile pulling at his lips. “I’ll be back early in the morning to check on you.” He added, though truthfully he planned to return in the morning to check on Inna first and foremost – no doubt she would have a difficult night ahead of her.

Oksana’s mention of her mother’s feelings towards him caught his interest and Lorcan couldn’t help but probe the pup for more information. Inna could become cold and distant when she was upset, which could make her difficult to talk to at time, so having the chance to find out the woman felt about him before he attempted to approach her on the subject was an opportunity not to be missed. Maybe he could avoid making the situation worse by saying something wrong the next time they spoke. Lorcan nodded slowly in understanding as Oksana confirmed in her own words that’s Inna had been sad when he had been missing. This realisation caused his heart to sink and all over again he found himself regretting ever leaving the territory on that fateful day when the torrential rain had returned.

“I didn’t mean to go away, you understand that don’t you Sana?” He questioned, his brows furrowing into a serious frown as the guilt churned in his stomach.

With Oksana now settled comfortably at his side, Lorcan chose to divert their conversation onto more cheerful casual conversation. Asking about her playtimes with Risaela seemed like a harmless subject but then his daughter said something which made him take note. “You went exploring when your mother wasn’t around?” He asked seriously, just to make sure he was understanding her correctly. “That was very naughty of you Oksana. You should never go exploring without an adult with you..” He explained, not raising his voice, but using the tone of his voice to emphasise the seriousness of the situation. “You could get lost like I did, or get hurt.” He stated, holding her navy blue gaze for a moment, before he reached over to nuzzle her. “And then your mother and I would be very sad.” He added, curling his body protectively around her. “Promise me you won’t do it again, Oksana?” He whispered, before placing another tender lick on her head.
(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2017, 05:13 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together