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they said he was a rambling man. — Antler Ring 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mid-morning, foggy.  53F/12C.  Looking for @Piety if interested, but open for one or two!
RE: An ominous formation of undulatus asperatus seems to bode ill for the residents of Relic Lore.

It had been several weeks now – maybe even a moon or two – but what had happened to Askan when he’d gone due north to visit his uncle was never far from the gamma’s mind. The fur on the back of his ruff prickled even now at the mere thought. His legs moved a little faster, and Reyes continued to move through the Lowlands. Ultimately, his intention was to return to Wild Rye Fields (and the den he shared with his mate) before it was time to sleep, but curiosity was finally creeping back into the corners of his mind now that he had time to think about it again.

And he remembered what Rowan had said, back in the spring. And he remembered what had happened to Alek and his sister – even if the Baranski had wandered off again, it was a task that needed to be solved, and Reyes would be damned if he let some threads go untied.

So while he was heading towards Whitestone Monadnock in general, he couldn’t really be blamed when the dark clouds overhead started to make the wolf question his decisions. It wasn’t like the pack was liable to pick up and move and moment now – maybe, if he ran, he’d make it home before the rain. Reyes huffed through his nose, glancing around at the circle of antlers nearby. The sky growled. “Shit.”

(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2017, 04:59 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Some say he was an outlaw that roamed across the land
Piety Kael

She needed some time to herself. It was never because she didn't enjoy the Monadnock, it was simply that she wanted to be alone and stretch her legs. Sometimes it was merely tip-toeing out the borders and other times like today it was taking a brisk jog across the tundra.The pale mother made sure that it was only day trips at most. She had a family and pack to tend to. Tending to them was never a chore, though. She did it with love in her heart and the reward was usually love and mostly respect. The transition had taken time and sometimes she still pondered how she got where she was but she never once doubted it or wished for something different.

A dark figure against the dreary background sucked her out of her mind. She slowed her pace in order to not ambush or startle the wolf. While this area wasn't in the Monadnock's claim, it was still close enough for her to wonder what they were doing around here. Not to mention the weather that seemed to get worse with the minutes that passed.

Piety thought he looked familiar but for the moment she could not place a name to the rugged face for she had her own dark men at home to worry about. A soft woof left her as she stood a safe distance away, allowing him to either initiate more conversation or leave.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

If not for the soft announcement, the ghost of the woman might have startled him – in fact, for the briefest of moments, Reyes had to wonder if he had indeed spied a specter as the clouds growled overhead and storms threatened to roll in. But she stayed just where she was, eyes perfectly clear, and the wolf quickly realized he was staring back at a wolf as real as he was. Reyes offered a soft chuff of his own, facing her more properly as his ears laid out flat – clearly, he did not favor the foul turn in weather.

And then, he realized, he knew this wolf.

“Piety?” he rumbled, a bit flabbergasted to see the mild-mannered language paladin so far north – but then, should he be? He’d travelled almost as far since they’d met at the very beginning of winter; she’d been clever (or crazy, he still hadn’t quite decided) as she warmed herself in the hot springs near the mountains. “Well, shit. Didn’t even know you were in the area,” he rumbled, eyebrows up as he stared after her. “Don’t suppose you know anywhere to get out of this weather, huh? Not looking forward to the prospect of tryin’ to race this shit home.”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
some say he was an outlaw that roamed across the land
Piety Kael

As her name rolled off of his tongue she soon realized who she was talking to, a bit shocked honestly. What was he doing here? Instead of pondering on that too long she smiled softly. "Reyes, yes?" She asked despite knowing well enough it was him. The male who had taken her by surprise at the hot springs due to his likeness with her ex-lover.

"Same can be said about you." She chuckled softly and moved slightly closer, still leaving the male with enough personal space. A place to find shelter? Surely there ought to be some stones stacked that could provide cover. Her muddy eyes looked around before she motioned towards a set of stray stones off in the distance, partially blurred from view thanks to the morning fog. Silently she took off, expecting him to follow if he really wanted shelter. It would likely only be enough room for him but she didn't mind one bit. The rain, while a bit annoying, wasn't a major inconvenience to her.

As the distance was closed to their shelter she turned to look at Reyes. "What is it that has you up this way?" The pale mother asked with genuine curiosity. Had in been the area long? It wasn't like they were really friends or anything but having another familiar face in the area was welcomed.

this is kind of what im thinking of for the rock shelter but it's just a rough idea (:
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Yeah, well – wasn’t exactly planning on comin’ up here. Kinda turned up that way. And now I’m stuck.”

A pause.

“Willingly, I guess.” The corner of his mouth hitched, as if he was considering a smile – but that was neither here nor there, and that was not information needed. But she hadn’t answered his second question. Piety probably wanted an answer to his question, first. Judging by the thick stench of Whitestone Monadnock on her pale coat, she had an interest in the goings on in and about the pack grounds. He was awful close. The wolf twisted his mouth to one side and huffed, wondering exactly how much information he was willing to share.

How much would she be able to tell him? Or willing to tell him? He hadn’t exactly been kind the last time they’d met. “Long story – given the weather, I’m gonna try to keep this short. Friend of mine, his sister got pregnant. She won’t fess up who. But she smelled awful bad of Whitestone Monadnock. Given I got two younger sisters, I agreed t’help him, ‘cos frankly, I’d have a few words for someone who fucked my sister and left her high an’ dry, too.” He exhaled sharply through his nose, silver eyes studying her face. “And Rowan tol’ me it was only him an’ two other males ‘round breeding season, soooo – was trying to figure out who they were. Kinda a mystery, I guess.”

The sky growled again – hopefully Piety found that good enough to give him permission to shelter nearby, even if it was monadnock lands.

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 08:42 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
so to clear things, the plan is for Piety to lead him into WM lands for shelter from the storm. They'll be in a spare den at the bottom of the Monadnock.


"Strange," She hummed softly. "seems we have found ourselves in similar situations." Piety hadn't shared that her unexpected staying up here had turned into her unexpectedly (but willingly) leading the northern most pack. Her tail swayed softly behind her as she leads them onward through the lands towards her own stone home. The trip wouldn't be too far for the pair.

As the sky rumbled overhead again, her scarred face turned to look towards the dark pelted male. "Under my invitation we can seek shelter in the Monadnock lands. I'm sure my mate and co-leader won't protest to a visitor. The weather is becoming awful after all and I'd hate to leave someone out here." She explained in kind words with the hints of her rank amongst the Whitestone wolves. He was a smart one from what she gathered, he would be able to put the pieces together.

Her good ear flicked softly, listening intently to what he had to say. They caught her off-guard and the smile fell from her pale face. So there was a mystery bitch out there who had stunk of the Monadnock. Well, she certainly had a few words for that. "Well I'm unsure if you're familiar with the wolves amongst us or all the turmoil we've gone through the past few months." She started off and cast him a glance as they neared her borders. "Craw was our former leader but I doubt he went and knocked up a rogue female. He didn't even take care of his own wife." She didn't hide the distaste from her voice. Perhaps if he had been there for Morganna, Piety would still have her wife friend within the Monadnock's grasp. "Wraith is the leader now and my mate. I can personally testify he was too preoccupied to be out with other females." She really didn't need to go into more detail than that, did she? The pale Kael really hoped not. "We've lost most of our former members but there is one male who came back smelling of someone who was not amongst the Monadnock's ranks." She raised a brow softly as she turned to look to him.

Piety turned her body to gently lead them towards the spare den at the bottom of the monadnock. They could seek shelter there as the first droplets of the storm began to fall. She raised her head to alert the pack, mostly @Wraith, that they would have a visitor under her word. Once that was taken care of she looked back towards Reyes. "Rowan didn't 'knock up' a female under my watch, that much I know and the male who isn't Wraith didn't either. If they did that was outside of Whitestone Monadnock." As they came to the opening of the den she ushered softly. "Not much but make yourself comfortable."

"But this one male I told you about. I might need a bit more information in order to be sure if it was him. I won't label anyone guilty unless there is more evidence." The pale woman explained softly, hoping that her guest would understand. "Did your friend have any more information on him? Looks or a more distinct smell than just the Monadnock?" A pale brow arched above her muddy colored eyes. Even if there wasn't much she might just out the former healer. He had done wrong after all...and justice was justice.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It was a damn good thing this little dove didn’t hold grudges. Reyes would thank his lucky stars later, when the sky wasn’t raging overhead and the rain wasn’t starting to fall – but he was damn glad the woman had decided to allow him into Whitestone Monadnock territory to shelter until the weather passed. Heh. Askan was gonna be fuckin’ pissed when he found out about it – and Reyes couldn’t wait to tell him.

But that wasn’t now, not yet. And it seemed like Piety had a lot to say.

So once she was comfortable, the gamma made himself the same, tail folding around his hind limbs as he listened, both ears pricking forward intently as the woman slowly went through a laundry list of the wolves who’d been her subordinates during the breeding season. “Well…” His tail thumped once as he shifted, racking his memory for Aleksei’s description. “I know he didn’ see the guy – his sister made sure t’come back alone, y’know? But he said it was definitely Monadnock. Oh, yeah! Dust and plants, that’s what Alek said. She stunk real bad, didn’t bother to clean herself off – so y’know, uh, sex, but also Monadnock, dust, and plants. S’all I got. But I guess if I had more, I wouldn’t still be lookin’ three moons later.”

A wry grin slid across his face. “Sound like your missing man?”

(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2017, 12:02 AM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]