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in a quandary — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer
AW. Come tell Roman what the heck this thing is! Or bark at it with him.. || RE: An ominous formation of undulatus asperatus seems to bode ill for the residents of Relic Lore. || Early afternoon, Cloudy, 53 ° F, 12 ° C

[Image: 320px-Stratocumulus_stratiformis_opacus_...eritas.jpg]

Romanov was starting to accept the clouds in the sky. He didn't really like them but he couldn't reach up to the sky and move them out of the way of the sun. Yet when had left the den this morning fully expecting to see the same old fluffy batches of clouds lining the sky, he got a horrible surprise. Something had happened to the normal clouds that made them look menacing. At first, the Archer boy had thought he was just seeing it so he simply shrugged it off. He had wandered around the rocks and willow trees before taking a mid-morning nap. When he had awoken the clouds still lingered above his home.

With a loud huff, he had toddled off to find a clear area to look at the sky better. Lucky for Roman he even found a rock to climb on that would allow him to get the slightest bit closer to the sky. A deep frown cut into his features as his head tilted all the way back. Transitioning amber eyes staring up past his muzzle at the strange formation of clouds in the sky. What was it? Why was it here? Why did it have to look so dang creepy? A soft growl grew in the back of his throat. He wondered if he could scare it off. Roman knew he couldn't reach it to bite and claw at but he still had his developing voice to use in retaliations.

His tail lashed behind him as he opened his jaws to release a series of barks, vocalizing his displeasure with the unwelcome cloud finally.
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Teacher dem 1/3
She had woken this morning as any other, readying herself for a day's work. Now with knowing Sven was alive and well, Ravenna had become  happier. Ever day she missed her parents, every day she wondered of her sister in the afterlife and if Adele was guiding her as a little huntress. Though here on this plane of existence Ravenna decided she would do her best to make the best of it. She had padded out from the pack's communal den and headed straight for the borders to mark them before going off beyond and sniffing out for any herbs or something to hunt for the caches. Instead she was met with the snarls and barks of a very familiar wolf - Romanov. Both curious and worried for the pup, she rounded her trail towards the adolescent.

Seeing him perched on a rock, barking at the sky, her pale eyes quickly lifted to the clouds ahead and they widened, her ears perking and her tail lifting high in a dominant arousal.  She barked out once to the skies as Romanov had until she was close to the pup, nudging him at his shoulder in a playful nose jab. "Romanov look!" As though he was not already, as the clouds rolled and waved with life as though the waves of the ocean, a sight which only @Nicolò would have been able to compare too. "It must be a sign from the Gods." Ravenna could only think. "They bless your name, for you were given it after the son which they created from the very heavens." She told her little cousin, unknowing if her parents had ever explained to him yet how his name had been decided.
(This post was last modified: Aug 05, 2017, 10:04 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer
The boy's barks continued until his cousin came by his side, prodding her nose into his shoulder. He looked from her to the skies just like she had hollered. Romanov had been looking for some time now and he didn't understand the awful thing in the sky. What did she think it was? Of course, before he even asked his silver cousin practically read his mind.

He didn't understand all of the words that fell from Ravenna's mouth but his ears stayed alerted to catch them all anyway. His focus drifted from the clouds above to the large female by his side. "Gods?" Romanov mimicked the word softly as his head lowered and tilted to the side. Why this was starting to sound like a story that he had not yet heard from his mother or father at bedtime.

Wide-eyed he looked back up at the sky and its unwelcome cloud. Despite what Ravenna had just said, he still was not feeling very welcoming towards it. She had said everything without ill in her tone. He had no reason to not trust her or what she spoke for he knew his family wanted to best for him. Yet as he looked up at the strange cloud and its rolling appearance he couldn't help but feel that there was indeed something ill about it. Perhaps, for once, the adults were wrong about something.

"Tell more?" He asked the silver Archer in his childish tones, eager as ever to learn more about the figure in the sky.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Teacher dem 2/3
He was curious of the tale, even in his youth, as his ears perked into her direction and his eyes shown bright in wonder. Of course, his attention went back towards the sky in question and uncertainty. She could hardly blame him. Indeed they looked foreboding, like the sky could pour down rain at any moment, a heavy fall to drown the lands below. The way the sky waved, Ravenna thought as though the god's themselves might open their jaws and scoop up the wolves they so chose below to carry them into the afterlife far before their time would have otherwise been. The gods could both be loving and cruel, good and evil, light and dark. Though this story she could not tell her little cousin, not now, not to young and impressionable.

"Yes, Gods. Your father's sisters had mentioned them to me when I was a little girl." She did not know if he had been told of Adele or Elettra ether. If he had been spoken about of death. She would leave this up to his parents and so, moved on quickly with her little story. "They are called 'The Gods of Old'. There is the Sun God and the Moon Goddess, the God of Waters and Mother Earth... They are supposed to in great times of need offer us strength and guidance. You do not see them. You feel them within you." She spoke, trying to keep it as simple as possible. Ravenna believed blindly all which her mother and father had taught her growing up, though also remembered her mother very specifically saying that even the gods guidance was just this. Wherever you made it in life was by the strength of your own back and teeth. "The first Archer in our family was created by them. His name was Romanov too."

Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer

Romanov had to think for a moment that Ravenna had been a little girl. It gave him the briefest hope that perhaps he could grow big too. He was growing almost every day really but that didn't mean he'd get to be big like Mama, Dad or his cousins. For now, he could simply hope to grow as big as them, if not bigger.

There were lots of Gods it seemed. One for the moon and the sun, one for the waters and earth. When the silvery Archer-Lyall explained that Roman was supposed to feel them inside of him he gasped. Four Gods inside of him?! He should be much bigger than Mama, Dad, and Ravenna! Like much bigger.

His cousin's story didn't end there though. It seemed she had an extra tidbit of information for him. "Was I made by them too?" Wide puppy eyes looked up at Ravenna fully ready for her answer (little did he know..). Might explain why he shared a name with someone who was made by them. The whole thing was still a bit too advance for him to really understand but at least he could hold onto the words. He could perhaps share the story with his sisters tonight when he got ready for bed. Or maybe even ask Dad about them more.

Romanov was rather glad Ravenna was explaining all of this but one thing still wasn't sitting right. That darn cloud in the sky. The silver female had said it was a sign but what exactly did that mean?


sorry for the hold up @Ravenna
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Teacher Dem 3/3

Ravenna couldn't help but smile to the little gasp Romanov made when she went on with her little tale, or perhaps it was a history lesson? She was not sure, though tried to explain everything as simply as possible for the child and perhaps some day he would grow with a better understanding of such things. For now, if anything, it would keep the boy from worrying about the intimidating rolling clouds up above. Ravenna couldn't help but think it was foreboding looking too, she had never seen such a thing before, but hoped it did not mean further tragedy was to come. Signs from the gods could be so very tricky.

Then Romanov questioned if he, too, had come from the gods and Ravenna nodded without thought before explaining. "Well, we are decended from them, yes, but your mother and father are the ones who created you first-paw." Suddenly, the conversation swayed to a more awkward side for Ravenna. The last thing the wanted to do was to have a "the birds and the bees" conversation with her little cousin when in fact, she hasn't even done the deed before herself. "I'm sure your dad could explain it all better. You know I was told he was a good teacher back in our homeland." She spoke, making quick to turn the tables around to something else.
(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2017, 07:28 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer

Romanov Archer

His cousin's next words were rather interesting. Romanov was ready to ask a pawful of questions but the idea seemed to be quickly shut down by the idea that his father might know better. He was a good teacher back in their homelands. The only home that the young Archer had ever known of was the willow trees. Did his dad know these Gods of Old or the first Romanov? He figured the second question might be a bit more duh mentioning he had been named after this guy.

With all these bubbling thoughts in mind the cloud above had been almost forgotten about. Almost. "If dad was sucha good teacher do ya think he knows what it means?" The boy's head tipped back as amber eyes squinted at the cloud. Despite all that Ravenna had just informed him of, he still wasn't pleased with the cloud. From the Gods or not he wanted it to go away. At least loosen up and stop being so scary. Be better if maybe it headed over the mountain and away from his home.

He huffed and stood up on all four oversized paws. His tail began to whip behind him in minor frustration.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Just as she thought for a moment she might ease the boy's worry over the large, swirling cloud up above which covered the blue of the sky, the boy's head shot up once more. He bounced onto all four paws again, asking if his father might know for certain what this meant. Ravenna's silken gray ears perked, her eyes too following up to the sky above and her head tilting. She smiles, happy with the fact that her little cousin was to eager to learn. Turning her attention back down to him, her tail waves excitedly and she closes the space between them with a single long-legged stride and nudges him on the shoulder playfully. "If anyone will know about these things, your dad will." Or at least, so she hoped. After all, he knew of the lore of Torbine and about the gods which were believed in from their culture and whoever else might. "We can check around the borders for him?" Might as well make a little adventure out of it and do some pack work at the same time.

Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer

Romanov Archer

A smile spread across his face at his cousin's playful nudge. His tail gave a few whips behind his growing form. At her suggestion, he quickly moved off the stone onto the ground again. "Yeah!" The young boy chirped. Surely the cloud would still be there for his father to see and explain to them. It was so large and took up most of the sky! Romanov had no doubt about this plan his cousin had come up with so quickly.

He took a few small steps forward before turning his head over his shoulder, waiting for her to follow after or lead the way. She probably knew the borders better than him anyway.