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Broback mountain — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
 @Lachesis , I'm all yours bro.

For the longest time Askan feared things wouldn't get better, that he'd forever be stuck in limbo, an awful purgatory of one mistake after another. But things were getting better, Drestig was back and in good health, and from what Askan could tell his trip had gone well. Jessie seemed a little more mellow with her mate by her side, so much so that their punishments had more or less been lifted by this point. He wasn't sure whether it was the Old Man's doing or what, but frankly he was just relieved things were falling back into place, going back to the way they used to be.

Ever since they field had been struck by a pair of fiendish thieves, Askan had increased his patrols and had become evermore vigilant of the comings and goings of his fellow pack mates. It'd be shit awful luck if someone else tried to sneak into their lands again, but nonetheless Askan was careful. He marked the borders thoroughly, kicking about his scent before he embarked off into the Lowlands , intent to see if there was anything edible about.

Several hours passed and the tundra seemed the same as ever. Which was good, he supposed. No strange scents, no weird loners loitering about or looking suspicious. In fact, everything seemed in order and best of all, uneventful. Still, he'd at least hoped to stumble upon some old tracks, anything that would give him a general idea of where they local herds roamed.

Alas, it seemed not to be. Huffing in annoyance, Askan kicked at a pebble on the ground and watched it bound down the hill. His gaze followed the stone as it rolled further and further along, picking up speed and- wow it had actually gotten quite a bit of air. Like he'd punted it with all of his might. He hurried down the slope, eager to see where it landed only to see-just in time- it connect with a poor innocent white wolf who just happened to be standing there in the wrong place, at the wrong time.


It took him longer to admit, but as he slowed to a trot it dawned on him just who he'd hurled a stone at. Lachesis. You know, the not so bad know it all of Hearthwood River?

Oh no. Askan was the worst. This would be the end of the River/Field alliance. Jessie was going to eat his gonads for sure this time.

"Ah ummm...Sorry! I swear I didn't mean to! Didn't see you there, promise!" His apology was lame at best, but an attempt was made.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

After discussing things with Lilya it was time for the ghost to make his way through the lowlands over to their western neighbours. He had promised Reyes that he would be on his way to issue an apology to Jessie and discuss what had happened at their borders at the beginning of the month. While he was not happy with the way his scouts handled the situation, Lachesis also was not pleased with how they had been treated at the borders. He understood the concern coming from the Rye wolves. An unattended cub had shown up at their borders and nobody had shown up looking for it for several days. However, it was not the only place the scouts—or other river wolves—had been looking. It was also a lengthy journey over to the sea of gold, which only tacked on more time to Risaela’s absence. But they were worried for her well-being. Her mother had just suffered a horrific death and she was too young to cope with the overwhelming grief she was feeling. She was alone, scared, and not ready to come home to place where her mother had died. As much as the ghost wanted her home, he could not fault her for her decision to stay. He just wished Askan and Reyes had not been so aggressive about the length of time that had passed between her arrival and when the scouts had shown up.

It had been early in the morning when he had left the safety of the trees behind him, his pale figure streaking through the tundra with the other Artemieva at his side. When he had announced that he was leaving the second had volunteered to go with him, and XIX was not about to object to having some company. He trusted leaving the pack in Lilya’s care; despite her personal doubts the ghost knew she had everything under control. Prior to leaving he had lifted Inna and Lorcán of their puppy sitting duty, for he felt like they had suffered long enough at the tiny paws of the river children.

Laike and Lachesis had separated, briefly, to scout for something to eat. He had been sniffing around the base of a slope when something, hard, collided with his forehead, knocking the lanky leader to his rump. Am I under attack?! He thought, hurriedly, to himself as he gave his head a small shake, trying to get rid of the dull ache that started to form. Unable to regain focus immediately, the ghost’s shoulders sagged, his eyes nearly cross-eyed as he tried to figure out where the rock had come from.

Sorry! The voice called out with a feeble excuse attached to it. Lachesis blinked hard and gave his head another shake as the dark shape approached. “Shit Askan, why you kickin’ rocks? You ‘n Reyes still bickerin’ like an old married couple?” He offered the yellow-eyed male a teasing smile, his head tipped to the side despite the pain that was now throbbing in his forehead.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan didn't really have a good excuse as to why he'd been kicking stones around like a sulking teenager. He tried to think of one but rather than resort to gawping like a fish as he struggled to think of one, he cut his losses and shrugged, as sheepish as ever. Narrowing the space between them, Askan came to a stop once they stood at a conversational distance. From the frown on his face it seemed like it hurt, but at least his white coat wasn't tainted by the red of blood.

"Seemed like a fun thing to do at the time, by bad. Was feeling a little pissy, I guess. Been looking for a herd or something for the past few hours, but found nothing, zilch, nada."He kicked at the ground again, being careful not to hit Lachesis this time.

The rest of Lachesis' words were...something all right.

He'd wanted to maintain what little decorum he had earlier, but that thought went right out of the window as he stared at the River King with an obvious sense of huhhhh(?) radiating from him. How the heck did he know about them? Had Jessie mentioned it? No, that wasn't possible, she hadn't left the fields in a long while and she certainly didn't seem the type to gossip. So who then, Reyes? Gabriel had mentioned that he'd spoken to Lachesis, that he'd given him some advice which had let to the end of their awkwardness.

He owed this Old Man a lot but...That didn't stop Askan staring at him like he'd grown a third eye where he'd been hit by the stone.

He wasn't going to deny it, but shit this wasn't a conversation he thought he'd be having.

"Huh...Oh no, we're fine....And what about you, how's your baby mumma doing?" He asked, trying and failing to hide that cheeky gleam that flashed in his eyes. Two could play at this game Lachesis.

(This post was last modified: Aug 28, 2017, 01:07 AM by Askan. Edit Reason: added a bit )
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Something about being pissy. Something about looking for a head. Truthfully the ghost wasn’t fully listening as the dull ache in the middle of his forehead was blossoming into a full-blown headache and it was a little distracting. He nodded absently, his tongue laying still as he pushed himself into a stand, his shoulders shaking as he ruffled his coat. He was not as peeved as he appeared to be—he was just glad Askan had terrible aim and had not connected with one of his eyes. A scowl was still pressed against his dark lips as he watched the younger male approach, his tail slack between his legs. It was good to see the Rye wolf once again, even if he remained as grumpy as ever. XIX had been worried about him since he sent herbs over to tend to his wounds. Others had told the pale leader that Askan was doing better, but it was good to see it with his own eyes (especially since Askan hadn’t knocked one of them out with his stupid rock).

His grin only widened as the male’s expression changed, seemingly perplexed at how Lachesis knew about their relationship. What he wasn’t expecting was the clap back he received from the ebony male. His chartreuse eyes narrowed despite the bruise that had begun to form on his crown, but his grin did not falter. “She’s wonderful,” he cooed in response, his tail swaying gently behind him. Baby momma. That’s what she had been, in the beginning. Before the stubborn pair actually realized they harboured feelings for each other and confessed said feelings.

“Nice to see you out ’n about,” he added, his demeanour more relaxed. “Did you get a punishment from Jessie too?” His scarred mate had mentioned his punishment—the same one he had given his won scouts—but had not said whether Askan received one or not. Or, he hadn’t been listening, which was also entirely possible. That conversation was a blur to the willowy leader, for rage had consumed him and made it difficult for him to concentrate. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan squinted like he'd just licked something sour.

It wasn't quite a look of disgust, like the idea of Lachesis being-quite clearly- in love repulsed him.Rather, he looked more like a pup who'd just seen his parents kissing and decided the most appropriate course of action was to make a dramatic 'ewwww' face. It was rather hypocritical of him, of course, as it wasn't uncommon for him to make goo-goo eyes at his mate. But it wasn't like he was going to admit that, the last thing he wanted to do was give Lachesis more ammunition.

This man was clearly a dangerous opponent, he wasn't going to give him the upper paw if he could help it.

"Uh huuh."He arched a brow, and shot the River King a sort of 'I'm onto you' stare. "Well, try not to go falling, all right? I'm not sure you dad bod can handle it."Okay, he couldn't help but snigger at that. He didn't care what people thought, he was hilarious. Falling, falling in love, get it? Ah, whatever. At least he found it funny.

Lachesis had a point though, he hadn't seen him in a long while. Not since he'd booked it over here with those herbs to help ease his pain. The River King hadn't changed much, if at all in the time they'd been apart. Which, he was honestly relieved to see. Stress could do a number on a man, Askan was glad to see he was still holding on as strong as ever. Even despite all the shit that gone down as of late.

Speaking of, Askan shrugged. This wasn't his favourite topic but he wouldn't skirt around the question. Considering how unsavory he had been towards his subordinates the least he could do was be frank with him.

"Yeah, aside from having my intelligence brought into question." He huffed, still not happy about that. Even if she hadn't said that as such. "Had to sleep in the main den, look after the kids and double my patrols, which wasn't a big deal." Not like he minded anyway. Aside from the first part of course.

He was tempted to ask how much Inna and Lorcan had been roasted-to a crisp he hoped- but he quickly decided he didn't care. That he didn't want to ruin the mood by talking about them. He liked Lachesis, he wanted to keep things light.

"I've done a lot of thinking too. I've got my problems, I know. I'm not perfect, but I don't want to be either. Just need to try to be better and not let my feelings get in the way when it counts."

He flashed Lachesis a grin. Oh he was on a roll today.

"Besides, I'm already a damn fine specimen. I think perfection would be overkill, poor Reyes wouldn't be able to get anything done."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Falling. The corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement, a wicked grin sprawling across his dark lips as the ebony Guardian spoke. Dad bod? He snorted at the comment, his chartreuse eyes rolling so hard he was certain they would fall out of his skull. “Falling, huh? You and Reyes are in much deeper than I am, my friend,” he clapped back with a soft laugh, his tail lashing out behind him. “I can already see the dad bod forming on you…” His eyes squinted as he gave the male a quick jab to the shoulder with his nose, a single brow arched high into his forehead. Pestering Askan was definitely high on his favourite things to do—it had been too long since they had seen each other so Lachesis had a lot of pent up dad sass to unleash on the Guardian.

  “Doesn’t sound too awful,” the ghost commented as the male listed off his punishments. It could have been much worse. Jessie could have expelled the male from her pack (or Reyes), or prevented them from leaving the territory (as he had done with his own scouts). Regardless of their actions the queen of the golden sea seemed to put a lot of trust in her subordinates, despite their sharp tongues; XIX just wished he could do the same with his own scouts. It was his fault for sending them in his place, however. If he had gone himself the altercation would not have occurred, for the ghost understood why Risaela wanted to remain in the Fields (for now). He would not have put up a fight to bring her home before she was ready. Inna, unfortunately, was still grieving her mother's death; therefore, she had been too emotional in the meeting with Jessie and her subordinates. He understood why, as the little Tainn was her younger sister—one of the last remaining pieces of her mother—but she had gone about it in the wrong way. He just wished that the raven would see that, instead of being angry with him.

Again XIX couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling into the back of his skull at Askan’s words, his ears twitching with annoyance. “You say that as if Reyes gets stuff done now,” he snorted in response, his lips still curved upward. The younger male certainly brought out his inner cheekiness, for he was far more stoic and formal when in the company of his own packmates. Being a leader was so tedious.  

(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2017, 05:24 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan huffed at Lach's overly dramatic eye roll. If he wasn't careful they'd get stuck that way and then who'd find him handsome? None one, probably. Unless they were into that sort of thing, which was hard for Askan to imagine, but whatever. He was getting sidetracked.

Did the River King have a point though? It was hard to tell really. What he and Reyes had was pretty damn special, unlike anything else the Selwyn had ever seen or experienced. He'd seen his parents together of course, and he had always assumed they had gotten along well, through thick and thin. But even then this didn't seem to be the same sort of relationship. Gender aside, it felt more potent, like Gabriel really had turned his world upside down. Whilst his parents-fuck he missed them- came across as steady, like nothing had really changed.

It was hard to judge a relationships worth from the outside, especially considering his Father had always been so stoic and quiet, but the same went for Lachesis. How did he know how deep they were? Just what had Reyes said to him when they'd last spoken?

Askan snorted and shook his head as a smile tugged at his lips. He had a dad bod, really?

"I'm not sure about that, I'm not the one fluttering my eyelashes at the thought of my mate." He bumped into the River King's shoulder with a playful nudge. Almost like what he did with Reyes, but with none of the flirtatiousness on the side."Besides, I can't have a dad bod, it's impossible. I don't have kids. I imagine you've got plenty though, it shows."

Askan might be a bit of a distraction from time to time, but he was fairly certain Reyes didn't roll around and mourn his loss when he wasn't about. It was a funny thought though, imagining Reyes with a flair for the over dramatic really did bring a smile to his face. Even then.

"He tries, bless him. Can't ask for anymore than that."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Being so studious all the time was rather dull; it was a nice change of pace to forgo formalities. Especially just before he was about to meet with Askan’s queen and apologize for the actions of his scouts. Diplomacy had never been his strong suit, for he had always done better in the shadows, tending to his herbs and keeping his thoughts to himself. For the first portion of his life he had been a stutter mess, barely able to string a sentence together. Now he was forced to string a whole bunch of sentences together all the time, which was rather tedious. Lachesis tried to keep Hearthwood neutral, for they had already been pushed from their previous home due to a neighbouring back. Who had decided to set up camp right beside them. The river wolves weren’t going to run again.

The Kingswood was theirs to keep until there were none of them left. He would do his best to make sure of that.

“Fluttering my eyelashes?” He laughed, a single brow arched as he studied the younger male. “You’re practically drooling thinkin’ of him! You’re love sick, bro,” he added with a sharp wink, his tail swaying teasingly behind him. Poking fun at the ebony male was too easy, even if Askan did nothing but throw it right back at the cloud. “Um, why you looking at my dad bod? Don’t make me tell Reyes you’re checkin’ out other guys.” He wouldn’t dare because crossing the scarred male seemed like a very stupid idea. The alliance between the two packs was already frayed; he did not want to cause anymore damage.

“He tries his best,” he added with a solemn nod, his lips still curved in a sharp smile. Truthfully the ghost was quite fond of Askan’s other half and felt as though he was an admirable guardian. It was almost disappointing that both dark males were three days away from him, for he wouldn’t be opposed to spending more time with them. But distance did make the heart grow fonder, or something like that.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

It was true that in quieter moments, when it was just him and Gabriel, he might feel a little soft and squishy. That he'd put his stoic facade to the side for a moment and tell him what was really on his mind, that cheesy sort of shit that his sister's once got off on. But he was damn well sure he didn't let that part of him show outside of their den. Or at the very least if he did there was no one around to spread gossip like wildfire.

Sure, Jessie had gotten a damn good show, after all who knows how long she had been standing there? But-much to his relief-she was far from the sort who would stand at the top of The Lookout just to declare that Askan Sewlyn liked men. Or more accurately: Reyes, who just happened to have male parts.

Askan wasn't bothered by the fact that Lachesis knew the extent of their relationship, he was a good man through and through. But his claim that Askan was love sick and drooling over him, well he couldn't help but snort in obvious amusement. If the Old Man wasn't careful he'd get another pebble thrown at him. Nah, he was just kidding. Or was he?

"That so, bro? Is this your healers knowledge coming into play, or do you know about it from first paw experience? I can see it now, you laying prone on the floor, tears in the corner of your eyes, a pathetic sob shaking your chest. The moon is high in the sky as you scream WHY WON'T SHE LOVE ME into the night."He couldn't help it, he had to laugh. It was too much for him to take.

He was so fucking hilarious. Like laugh till his stomach hurt, sort of deal.

The mere idea of ogling Lachesis' dad bod just made him snigger all the more.

"You see the thing is, you're a great guy Lachesis, I'm sure. But uh...You got an arse flatter than a leaf. You're not the one for me." It wasn't like he had looked, or even thought to. It wasn't like the Selwyn had a habit of looking at butts in general, they were just for sitting. But Reyes'?Ahem

Moving swiftly on...

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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]