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Why don't you get a job? — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
RE:Marisol, a line of ducklings seem to have mistaken you for their mother.

Marisol had to admit there was something sort of cool about all these snapped and broken trees. It certainly stood out from the other parts of the forest, the parts that were just so dull, all that endless brown and green. At least here, she had things to climb on, vantage spots and the chance to feel tall for once in her damned life.

Yeah, she got it. Her Mamma had done her best, raising twins as a loner wasn't easy, even with Gabriel's help. Bla bla bla, she wasn't dumb she knew it was hard work. But really, Gabriel turned out well enough. He was pretty damn tall and heavy like he'd just swallowed a buffalo in one gulp. But Marisol and her sister? They were tiny in comparison, midgits,chiquitito like coyotes.

Mari wasn't so hung up on it as you'd think, size weren't everything in all. But she'd be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little bitter about it. Hell, she was bitter about most things in this world. Everything and everyone had a problem, weren't all they or it cracked up to be. There were no silver linings and if something seemed to be good to be true then it damn was.

She'd learnt that the hard way. And so had her sister, now that she thought about it.

Stupid Mariposa why did she have to screw up like that, not once , not twice but three fucking times! And here Marisol was, having to live with all this shitty weight on her shoulders as she stepped around the shattered pieces she'd left on the ground.

Huffing, Marisol jumped down from the fallen timbers and ambled her way towards the river. Least it was quiet here, with no Lord or Lady claiming they owned these parts just cause they pissed in certain spots. How could anyone claim to own this? The earth beneath her paws, the air in her lungs and the wind that bristled her coat. Nature was nature and they were just figures passing through, with next to no impact in the grand scheme of things.

Wow, how broody. So deep.

Mari scoffed and bent down to lap at the river, as it's water tickled the tips of her toes. Now weren't this nice? Or at least it would have been if a series of 'cheepy cheep cheeps' didn't draw her attention away from her afternoon drink.

For a moment she thought nothing of it, birds were birds no matter where you were. But the sound became louder, more instant, so much so that she had to pull her head up to see just what the fuss was about. And that's when she saw them four fuzzy little bodies who just wouldn't shut up. They stared up at her with ducky adoration, whilst Mari stared down at them with obvious distaste.

She'd seen this look before, blind goo-goo affection, the sort a child felt for their Mother.

"Oh no you don't. I ain't your Mamma, get outta here!"
(This post was last modified: Sep 07, 2017, 02:17 PM by Marisol.)
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

Oi, I ain’t your Momma!

Well, no duh, Little Crow thought unkindly – if she’d found her Mama, her adventure would be over. Or, this leg, anyways. At one point, she had thought she’d return to Crow’s Crossing as soon as she’d had her answers, but now… Well, she wasn’t certain how well Orin would take her absence, especially since it wasn’t like the thief had asked his permission to find her Ma, and now she actually had someone to spend time with. Big Buzzard wasn’t like that, but hell, things were so much easier when you weren’t all by your lonesome.

It took her a moment (several moments, in fact, and quite a few more than the yearling would ever admit) to realize the stranger wasn’t talking to her at all – the dark wolf was muttering to a…

“Are those ducks?” she asked dumbly, before she even realized what she said. They looked awful small – were they even near water? Of course they were ducks, she didn’t know what else waddled around like that…but what were baby ducks doing all the way out here? The only place worse for them would be the flatlands outside of Crow’s Crossing. “Uh – where’d you get those?”

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sort of Rated M for Mari glossing over adult topics?
Mari had hoped her sour attitude and icy glare would be enough to scare the little ones away.

But apparently not, if anything her efforts had only served to attract the attention of yet another youngster. Great, exactly what she'd wanted. It wasn't like Marisol hated pups, or babies or whatever tittle they went by. It was just the whole nurturing thing wasn't her thing.

She'd already seen it happen so many times. How a pretty boy with a nice smile could say the right words at the right time of year. And after a little bit of bumping and grinding the guy would leave, and the girl would just get bigger and bigger till out popped a litter of pups that no one had planned for or had even wanted.

The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth, after all that's how she and her sister had come to be. Gabi too, knowing Mamma and her inclination to spread her damn legs. Marisol was just another point on her Mamma's long list of mistakes. And yeah, it sucked being the result of such a 'fruitful' union, but what could she do about it now? All that was left for her to do was to ensure she didn't end up in the same mess as her Mamma and sister did.

Mari weren't gonna lift her tail for no man, of that she was certain.

Was that how these little things came into this world as well? A whole row of mistakes? Marisol grimaced and finally turned to the stranger, a sneer distorting her pretty feminine features.

"Course they are, what else would they be, puta?"

Not that she was implying this little miss slept around but...Her train of thought just happened to stop at that station and that's the insult that came out.Whatever, it's not like the stranger knew what she meant anyway. Hardly anyone did.

"'N I didn't get them anyway, won't leave me alone. Shoo!" She pushed one away with a paw, only to have it hobble back to her, like it was some sorta game.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

It was Namir’s turn to roll her eyes, a rough, stuttering noise escaping her muzzle. Her half mask peeled back to reveal a row of ivory knives – this woman was small, she wasn’t afraid. All bark; maybe she was like the fat man, maybe she’d be too slow to bite. Was it a risk worth taking? Or would she just let the loner have the ducklings? They’d be an easy bite, though some part of her stomach turned over at the idea. She was a bitch, but she wasn’t totally heartless – eating them seemed kinda sick, even for her. Would Buzzard eat them? Would Momma?

Would Orin?

She didn’t wanna be that gross man. Didn’t wanna be anything like him, no matter who had actually sired her litter of one. Guh. She wanted to vomit just thinking about him.

Okay, so definitely not eating the ducklings. This woman, though, she was a right bitch. “Calm yer damn teets, lady. They ain’t doin’ shit. They’ll figure out soon enough y’got too many legs and too much fur an’ go waddlin’ off. Ain’t no need for that.” She snorted, tail lashing behind her wildly. No need for names, either, but she’d get to that. “Why d’you care so much, anyways? Run fast enough an’ they can’t catch up.”

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mari couldn't help but scoff-loudly- at the loner's words.

This skinny mutt was all up in her face claiming she had a problem, when in reality it was clearly the other way around. Who was she? Some duck defender? Patron of the orphaned, or something equally as cliche? Tccht. Marisol wasn't impressed, nor was she buying whatever she was tryna sell.

If she was trying to convert her, or something along those lines, then she was going to have to do a lot better than that. Her words-for what they were worth- only served to amuse the cynic. She'd been told far worse by her Mamma and Gabi, if this runt wanted to make her feel bad about herself then she needed to aim lower, where it really hurt.

"Uh huh. If you wanna be their Mumma, they're all yours."With another push, she herded them towards the loner. Time to see just how much she liked being a single mum. "Make sure you get 'em in bed early and all that." She smirked, but there was very little humour in it. After all, she couldn't say she was particularly fond of this topic.

It was a joke, a mean one, but not very funny. Not even on her end.

"To me, it seems like you're the one who cares a little too much. Getting all stressed, leaping to their defence. Seems like overkill, seeing as I wasn't gonna hurt them anyway."

Talk down to them? Yeah. Get all broody and cynical about the nature of being a woman? Hell yeah! But take out her frustrations on these squeaky little things? Nah. She was mean, no denying that, but Mari weren't cruel. No more than most anyway.
(This post was last modified: Sep 12, 2017, 10:01 PM by Marisol.)
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

…that was a good point. Fucking annoying. But a good (fucking annoying) point. Namir growled softly under her breath, her bright eyes narrowed slightly as she sized up the dark female. She could probably take this asshole in a fight. And Saros probably wasn’t far off – if she got into any real trouble, she could send up a call and she was pretty certain the guy would come. Shit, he’d rolled in…well, shit when she said so, and he helped her with both successful and not when it came to thievery, so yeah. He’d probably come.

“Well. Some people are fuckin’ sick, okay. Jes’ wanted t’be sure y’weren’t one of ‘em.”

The young loner peeled her lips back in a snarl, not about to be intimidated by the older wolf. She said that now, but really, there was no reason to hold her breath – no reason to trust the woman just ‘cos she said she wouldn’t.

“So if y’ain’t gonna feed ‘em, an’ y’ain’t gonna get rid of ‘em, an’ y’ain’t gonna eat ‘em, then whatcha gonna do with ‘em, huh?”

It was a fair question. More than fair, in Little Crow’s (not very) humble opinion. Her little brows furrowed, tail lashing behind her as she looked from loner to ducklings.

[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lil bit of swearing ahead.
"Uh huh."

Marisol was well aware of what some people were like. She had seen it first hand, she didn't need a skinny mutt to tell her how the world worked. And yet, even when she'd claimed to just be checking her intentions, making sure that her precious ducklings were safe,  it seemed as though the stranger wasn't done glaring down at her from atop her high horse.

Really though, did she have to snarl like that? All angry and poofy like an agitated cat. Marisol hadn't done anything wrong, sure she might have gotten a bit snarky, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary and it certainly wasn't personal. She was just being her damn self, minding her own business before the line of ducks, and their 'valiant defender' came along.

But yeah, of course Marisol was the bad guy.

She made it sound as though she'd just slaughtered their Mamma and scooped them up out of their nest whilst her blood was still warm. She'd never asked for this, couldn't a gal have a drink without being bothered by little-uns with mummy issues? And yes, she was including the stranger in that group, because the topic clearly bothered her. Like she had a bee in her bonnet, or a bone she couldn't stop gnawing at.

Rolling her eyes, Mari plopped her butt on the floor-then in typical Reyes fashion- shot the stranger a dry, withering look. The sort that would make the prettiest flower shed all of it's petals. She wasn't really in the mood to explain and/or argue about her motivations. Because one, that wasn't something she went about and did all willy-nilly. Marisol was notorious for holding her cards close to her chest. And two, honestly she didn't even have a plan in mind.

Glancing out at the river, Marisol took a brief moment to consider her words. This would be her last attempt at being civil, if this bitch whined about the ducks anymore she'd throw in the damn towel.

"Nothing.Not my kids, not my problem."She turned to the straggly loner, her stare as heavy as steel."Like I said, if you're so eager to be their Mamma, lil calaca, then  you take 'em and stop dumping your fucking mummy-issues on me. Comprende?"
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Little Crow

Of course Marisol was the bad guy – everyone was guilty until proven innocent, Namir included. Anyone bigger, or meaner, or even just looked at her wrong would be subject to squinted eyes and crude words; really, who was this black wolf to judge? She might be older, but she was doing the same damn thing in all reality. After a moment of grinding her teeth, her tail lashed behind her, and the dusty loner took a step backwards. “Entiendo, imbécil.” Her yellow eyes narrowed to mere slits as she took another step, clearly aiming to put more distance between herself and the duckling-laden female. If she was gonna charge, Little Crow damn well wanted a head start.

“No creas que eres el único especial. Crow's Crossing también puede hablar el primer langauge.”

The loner sneered, pale muzzle crinkling as she showed off rows of white teeth. Where was Big Buzzard when she needed him, anyways? This was exactly the sort of situation a wolf could use a little back up. She should probably go. Pissing a wolf off was one thing, but Namir wasn’t in the position to win a fight – and losing a fight was something no one should sign up for.

Figure we can wrap up?
[Image: littlecrow_sig_by_becuffin-db81o80.png]

Played by Alice who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Of all the things ribby could have said, Marisol had not anticipated that.

Her ears twitched at the sound of her Mother tongue, it felt so good to hear it again and yet her words were still just as ugly as before. Shoving away that inkling of pleasure, relief,- honestly she wasn't even sure how she felt- Mari once again rolled her eyes as another line of spiteful words pressed against her closed lips.

"Se supone que estoy impresionada, puta?"If her words carried anymore venom she would have been a spitting cobra.

If that was the case then too bad. She'd never heard of Crows Crossing before, nor was she impressed by the name drop. There was nothing about this wolf that marked Mari as special or interesting. She was just another face in the crowd. Just another wolf who tried to pin their issues on Mari like it was her damn fault.

She could snap and snarl all she wanted, Mari weren't having any of it. She wasn't the sort who actively sought up brawls but shit, if this mutt poked at her anymore it'd probably turn into one anyway. Anything to get this mutt off her case. And yeah, maybe she'd been anything but tactful, but she'd already been in a pretty bad mood before these quackers and this bitch came along anyway. That wasn't to say that wasn't her usual mood state but...This was why she tried to avoid other wolves these days, they always seemed to clash.

Everyone-for reasons Mari refused to acknowledge- seemed to hate her.

"Fuck it, I'm outta here. Enjoy motherhood, perra."

And with that she turned and abandoned the river and the line of ducklings who cried and quacked as she faded into the shadows.
[Image: marisol_reyes_by_loccian_love-dc6n2r7.png]
Mari has left Relic Lore. I'm in the process of finishing off her threads, those I don't finish will be deaded!