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Goat Breath and Hellebore — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Pinn who has 44 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lana Tainn

Had Lana eye-rolled any harder at Cannon's comment, the Earth itself might have shifted out of orbit. She wasn't sure if he had inserted his question for comedic relief, or because he honestly didn't know, but either way, he was an idiot. An idiot she loved, but an idiot nonetheless. If they had been alone, she might have tackled him to the ground for being such a dunderhead, but woe is the lady who knows her place.

Her attention was easily swayed from her brother, to Kerberos as he spoke. Bright eyes filled with excitement at the thought of a hunt. She'd been dying to test out her skills under actual pressure. One could only feel satisfied with pre-killed prey for so long.

As the second question fell from the alpha's lips, Lana's eyes flew instinctively to Treyah. She had hoped to find answers there, but instead, she felt the sickly gnawing of dread swirl deep within the confines of her stomach. "Leave?" The question fell from her lips in a whisper, concern lacing her dark features. 'but mum..'

If they left, how would Naira know where to find them? What if she wasn't back before the scent trails fade? Not to mention the fact that the Tainn girl had never known life outside of the wildwood. She'd heard stories of Oak Tree Bend, herd tales of her silvery sister, but all of those were just stories. She wanted to leave the meeting, to run as fast as she could, and hole herself up in the den. She wanted to find her mom, but she couldn't. So with fear in her heart, she rooted herself to her seat, and waited.

(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2017, 06:40 AM by Lana.)
Played by Mimi who has 23 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lacey Rigel

She wanted to play! She didn't wanna go to her father's call just yet. There would be pleeeenty of time. Of course, after her mother's nudge and stern tone, Lacey knew she'd wind up in more trouble than it was worth. She came bounding onto the scene with more positive energy than the area had. Sure she had heard her dad talking but it was mostly like "blah, blah, blah, adult stuff". In one ear and out the other.

But once she looked around and heard what the others were saying - even Lana - her lips pulled down into a sharp frown. Wide eyes looked from one parent to another as she awkwardly settled near her mother's side. B-but why? She blurted out, eyes fixed on her mother for an answer. Lacey knew her mother would know why. Her mother wouldn't just let them leave, right? Lacey didn't wanna do what was best. She wanted to stay here in her home with her family and friends. It wasn't fair of her dad to even think about that! Why did he wanna leave? Her brows furrowed tightly together with thoughtful frustration. This was stupid. She knew she should have just stayed back at the den.

Played by becuffin who has 19 posts.
Inactive Pup
Suka Tainn
The things we left unsaid are only taking space up in our heads
Suka Tainn

Suka didn't have an answer for Kerberos's question. He watched in silence as his older sister carefully chose her words, his jaw closed tightly as something started to burn deep in his chest. She was upset. Treyah was never openly upset, especially not in front of them. She always dug out a smile and added even a forced bright tone to her voice when it came to dealing with her siblings.

Something was very wrong.

Lana echoed Treyah and Lacey joined the chorus of questions, but still Suka held his silence, his jaw clenching and unclenching then clenching again. Why would they leave? But his father hadn't spoken yet and so he turned to the dark Tainn, waiting to see what he might add to the discussion. He had nothing to say that hadn't already been said.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

Did Kerberos know how grateful he was? Maybe, he did. Maybe, he didn't. Well, he would make sure the Rigel knew without a  doubt how much he was. What it meant that he was still here through all of this, and trying to do the best he knew how.

Maybe, that was why staying grounded was suddenly easier than he had anticipated.  Especially, with his pups. Though it may seem like it was the smallest of things: them giving him a look, speaking, and plopping themselves in his reach. He didn't have to place a smile on his face. No. One rested steady on his lips even if it wasn't anything grand. He may not be the one in the habit of looking for the sunshine. But, he would hold onto what he saw.

After assured his children were listening, or trying to his fiery eye settled on Kerberos.  He didn't seem comfortable in the position that had been forced upon upon him. The Tainn may wish things were different, but a lot of good that did. He gave a simple nod, hoping to encourage him. Happy to see Maera and Lacy had arrived in time.

The mention of a hunt was not a surprise, it was a tradition to any pack. Eagerly he sought the faces of the youngest. They seemed to perk up, and he tried not to be overwhelmed with how on earth they would actually make it happen.  They would probably have a lot of starts. Maybe, that small herd of deer would be a good opportunity for them to try, and begin to figure how it all worked. They'd all have to learn to be still, and quiet.

The lightness of the atmosphere was stomped out along with the air in his chest, and the Tainn no longer wore a smile. "I'm happy with the Wildwood but I'm not opposed to...change..if it's wanted." He hadn't been ready for that. Hell had he ever been ready for anything? They weren't thriving, they were just getting by. Kerberos may only be speaking of change, but it was clear he thought it could be necessary, and  Maera mirrored it.

If there was one thing he could do it was keep his composure. Triell turned to Trey, because he didn't want to go against her. He'd already screwed up in that department. With a lot of thoughtfulness she said her piece. If they left here she wanted to return to the Bend. Which was logical. But, there was a lot she didn't say. What leaving would mean. Damn, he wanted to chase away their fears and anxieties. To sooth each and everyone of them they wouldn't have to.But, he didn't know that. No one did. What was he to say?

"No one said we are going any where. I know there are so many reasons we wouldn't want to." He had to swallow against the hard grip in his throat. His eyes briefly flicking to Kerb and Maera, for this was meant for them to. But, it was the younger ones his attention swiftly rested. Begging them to listen, to try to understand.

"Right now we can take care of each other. We have shelter, and we can find good things to eat. But, have you noticed the trees shedding their leaves and going to sleep? How good the sunshine feels instead of burning your coat? How when the wind blows it has a sharper bite?" His dark brows settled into a furrow over his bright eyes, another silent plea.

"Winter is coming, and it makes this whole world harder for us kids. Food can become scarce, and those stomachs growl much louder. Kerb,Maera, and I...we want to do whatever it takes to keep you fed. Keep you safe even if that means we might have to leave the Draw for a time." He could not see any more perish. He would do whatever it took to prevent that. It was with a half smile, he gently nosed at each one of his children."We will not be going any where now. But, we need to be ready if that is what needs to be done so we can stay together."

(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2017, 04:58 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn
Sorry for the wait!

The talk of winter and hunting definitely excited the rambunctious pup, but dang did that spark die fast. Cannon quite frankly didn't care what the adults decided to do with the pack, but seemingly he'd be the only one. There were quite a few upset faces, he'd notice that upon just quickly glancing around, but the sorrow that now seeped from his sister Lana, well, that was something he didn't have to look at to notice. No, he could definitely feel that. It hurt his chest knowing just how upset this conversation was making her. "..Hey, It's okay Lana..." the Tainn whispered, leaning into his kin as a gesture of comfort. He'd probably have to talk to her alone about this later, Gods knew she would need someone to vent to. 'Is it cuz' of mom..?'

[Image: N3fkDi5.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Last round! Try to get your exit replies in by November 5th (: @Triell @Treyah @Maera @Lana @Cannon

His head nodded softly at Treyah's words. It was selfish and unfair of him to ask his friends and family to start over, especially her the Tainns that they were left. Kerberos didn't know what to do though. Lately, he had gotten good at shoving everything to the pit of his stomach or back of his mind. But how much more room was left before he cracked? It was something he would think about later. Alone.

Kerberos felt guilt at Triell's words even if they were supposed to be something kind and hopeful. It was only a heavy reminder that the Rigel made had not been made to lead or speak to groups. The older Tainn had the experience needed for this job, it was why Kerb had always been so happy being a right-hand man. He wanted to say "I just want to help" or even "I'm sorry" but how would anyone believe him? Kerberos had brought it up for all so would they really take any apology he wanted to give? Even his own daughter seemed upset by his words.

"I appreciate everyone's input..." He started off, eyes briefly glancing around before looking down at his own paws and swallowing a lump in his throat. "Let's focus on one thing at a time for now. I'd like to make a small group of us for scouting out a possible herd for the hunt." Kerberos had no clue if they would find a herd lingering around the Wildwood but they needed to find something worth hunting.

He tried to remember how his step-father had wrapped these things up. Granted he was in no way the man his step-father was or wanted him to be. "But I believe we've touched the important things today. If anyone has anything they'd like to say, say so now or approach me privately." The Rigel spoke awkwardly, his head nodding to dismiss those ready to go. He would linger around until everyone left.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
what if it's you and not the world
Treyah Tainn

Her father's words were like a blow, telling Treyah that her words had been childish and selfish, but it was true. If she had to start over again it would be back with the family they had left behind last winter. She poured all of herself into this forest so that her siblings wouldn't have to have their young lives disrupted in the way hers had been. It was a subtle hardness that made its way to the edge of her eyes, set in place by the determination to do whatever was necessary to stay. She tried to smile at Kerberos's words but found herself unable to, so instead she made do with a short nod to the leaders and a quick glance thrown to her father she offered each of her siblings a press of her nose to their heads and left the clearing.

The walls were closing in and despite her near constant state of exhaustion she couldn't fight the desire to run and so she would, until she couldn't run anymore.

-Treyah's exit-
[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by becuffin who has 19 posts.
Inactive Pup
Suka Tainn
The things we left unsaid are only taking space up in our heads
Suka Tainn

The conversation quickly changed course and the boy considered the matter done. It wasn't a right now thing then, just a maybe in the future. He supposed, it always made sense to have a back up plan, just in case, so he offered Kerberos and his father both small smiles, though they may not have quite reached his eyes. The boy was growing bored. He lifted a lip at his sisters touch but took that to mean she was off again, he wondered how far she might go this time before considering what else Kerberos had mentioned scouting, and that meant being outside of the borders right? With permission to be there? "I'd like to scout!" He offered brightly with a thump of his tail for emphasis. Once their plans were made he would take his leave to get as much practice in before the main event as he could. He wasn't going to be shown up by his larger siblings.

-Suka exit-
Played by Pinn who has 44 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lana Tainn

Lana's heart broke for Treyah, who had already been through this once before. It broke for Cannon, Suka and Lacey who, like herself, only knew the draw. It broke for her mother, who was still out there somewhere lost, and confused. Probably wondering what happened to the Pass, or the Keep.

Even Cannon's comforting warmth, and her father's words weren't enough to sate the rolling in her stomach, but she had to put on a brave face. Not for herself, but for the others. Clenching her jaw, the girl nodded at her brother. "I know." That's when Treyah's movement drew her attention. Maybe she would try to find her later... but what could Lana even say that wouldn't make things harder on their sister? No. What she would do was take care of her siblings. Maybe that would be at least a little more weight off of the tawny woman's shoulders.

Played by Maeby who has 41 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cannon Tainn

Cannon's attention drifted slightly away from his glum sister and back toward Kerberos for a moment. Scouting for a hunt, huh? Well it sure sounded interesting. Actually, it sounded like it could be a whole lot of fun! Too bad he'd have to opt out of it though. At least this time. In his current state, the boy was too clumsy. Too loud. Joining a scouting group would only hinder any efforts they put in toward the actual hunt. It wouldn't do him any good putting himself in a situation like that, even if it bothered him that Suka would be doing it. 'Man, who's he suckin' up to?'

He looked back towards Lana, she seemed to be leaving. Well, with that in mind he'd take his leave too. Maybe he'd be able to talk things through with her a little, perk up that mood. Or accidentally make things worse. Either or.

-Cannon Exit-

[Image: N3fkDi5.png]