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Immortality doesn't last — Lost Lake 
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
RE: Migrating geese are making quite the racket.

OOC: AW, hoping for someone from FTC! Feels good to bring Bastet back ;D

A dark figure stood still as a shadow; movement came only from her keen eyes. She couldn't quite remember being on this side of the Lore before but she realized, without a doubt, she liked it. Overhead loud migrating geese flapped toward the Southern end, hoping for warmer weather and the beauty watched them in silence while wondering for a moment what it must feel like to fly without a care in the world. It was a strange feeling--her desire to travel the expanse of the world-- but luckily for the pack she would eventually stumble upon, she had long since let that wandering side of her go and instead sought to finally settle down. She hoped the feeling would last the remainder of her elder years.

After watching the flapping geese a moment longer than she intended, she continued on and found herself at the Lost Lake where serene silence welcomed her closer, the soft lap of water against the shore was a sound she had missed the most while being a loner and vowed to visit this place again if only to recreate the fleeting moment. Her mismatched eyes seemed bright with desire, hungry for the unknown, and without a second thought she flung her head upward and called into the air. Her call would surely meet the ears of anyone nearby, nature designed it that way, and without further ado she lowered onto her haunches and waited for either a reply back or the presence of her company.
(This post was last modified: Nov 28, 2017, 06:53 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

His paws over his ears weren't helping to keep the sounds of the geese away as they traveled south for the winter. His Amber eyes went up to the sky as he saw the flock flying over head, they would be gone soon enough and the cove wolves would have peace, he hoped anyway. He wasn't one to sleep in but he also wasn't eager to go out into the cold either. With a huff he slipped out if his den and gave gave his pelt a shake before starting toward the lake.

He was halfway there when the call rang through the forest causing him to stop for a moment. It wasn't often they had calls to the border and especially not from the direction of the lake. The dark alpha was curious so he picked up his pace moving along the familiar trail once more. His gaze landed on the dark female as he stepped on to the shore. His posture showed his status and for a brief second he didn't speak as ye looked her over. “Is there something I can don't help you?” He asked politely before moving to the water's edge and getting the drink he'd come for. Once he'd finished he turned back to her, “I am Kajika Tallis leader of Fallen Tree Cove,” he introduced himself in case it was a wolf from the cove that she was calling.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Her company appeared within moments and her mix-matched eyes locked on the dark figure of Kajika, giving him the once over as he approached. She noticed that he was giving her the once over as well and she positioned herself in a way that he was given full view of her dark figure; she had filled out evenly this winter. Her dark coat was a varied shade of his own black but the white spot along his chest was noticeable even at the distance she stood, a easy way to recognize him if she were to meet this male again. The posture he took up, one of dominance, was a pleasant surprise and her eyebrow lifted accordingly before she spoke to him without missing a beat. "Do you know what this land is called?" she asked, more for small talk but her attitude switched when she realized he was the alpha of a pack. Perfect. "is this where you lead, is this Fallen Tree Cove?" she asked another question as her eyes roamed slowly over the calm lake; it was a beautiful land, perfect for any pack.

She hesitated to give her name, only because she was not certain whether it would matter but decided against it when she remembered that he had gone out of his way to give his own. He was friendly enough, but she was not foolish enough to trust this stranger completely. "I am Bastet, it's a pleasure Kajika." with her accent she had most likely butchered his name but she had given it the good ole try. "you're a prompt and attentive leader, I like that quality." she said, eyes seeming to burn with her characteristic fire and desire; something about this return felt right.
(This post was last modified: Nov 29, 2017, 09:17 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The call was unexpected but not unwelcome for the dark alpha, he rather enjoyed meeting visitors and seeing how he might be able to help. Since he'd already been on his way to the lake it didn't take him long to find their visitor. He took note as he looked her over that despite being a loner she seemed to be taking good care of herself. He wondered if that would last through the winter especially if it was as harsh as the previous year. Just as he finished his drink she had questions for him. “I do, this here is Lost Lake on the Mountain of Dire which resides in Relic Lore,” he told not knowing if she needed all of the information but he gave it anyway. He nodded at her next question, “I do indeed lead here and yes Fallen Tree Cove isn't far from here. You know of my pack?” He asked curiously. Kajika felt she might be looking for the cove in the way she was asking and was curious as to why.

He'd introduced himself hoping that it might help the female to feel more at ease with him if there was any nervousness on her part. His brow rose though when she didn't immediately return the gesture. He was rewarded with her name however after a short silence. He did have to smile at the way she said his name but he did not take offense and left it. “I am pleased to meet you as well Bastet,” he said instead of correcting her. What she said next however was a little perplexing to the cove alpha. “I don't like to keep my visitors waiting. You never know if they might have something very important for me to hear,” he stated head canting to the side slightly. “What has brought you here Bastet?”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She made mental note of the name of this lake, and nodded when he continued on with regard to where it was located and asked her of her inquiry of his pack. She couldn't recall ever knowing of a pack in the Cove, and if she did all memory of it had been wiped clean from her mind months ago; an opportunity to start over. "I have never heard of your pack." she said, shaking her head before continuing on, "but I am lucky to have run into you." she continued on with a smile. He had asked her what he could do for her, and it just so happened that he had all the power to do just what she needed.

"I am in need of a pack. Not a temporary shelter, as I have no intention to leave. I am proficient in nearly every skill aside from healing--plants do not interest me-- and unfortunately I am not much of a guardian." she said, assuring him that she would be willing to take on a job once she was settled into the pack. "I am not certain what your pack needs but I can learn and perfect any skill that is needed." she said, stepping a bit closer and bowing her head with hopes to seal the deal. "that is of course if you have room for another wolf in your ranks?" her mix-matched eyes found the beautiful color of his own that were amber and she found herself lost in his appeal. He was handsome, and punctual, both she could tell from this first meeting and hoped that there would be many more if he accepted her offer.
(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2017, 01:27 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He'd given her the information that she'd been looking for easily though he was unclear why she wanted to know. Kajika thought she might be lost and needed to know to regain her bearings to find her way. He wasn't surprised that she'd never heard of the cove. They usually kept to themselves on the mountain and word about them he'd found didn't get out much. She certainly was an intriguing girl he decided as she spoke of being glad to find him. “Well it's good I was able to answer your call so quickly.” He still didn't know why she was here or why she had called but most of all why it was so lucky she'd run into him.

Just as he was about to ask she provided the exact answer that he was looking for. He listened as she explained herself and why she had come. They did need more wolves and from the sounds of it she would be beneficial to the pack and she wanted to stay permanently. She sounded like a dream come true for the alpha. “What my pack needs right now is someone with your skills. With winter coming and a pup to get through it we need to be very prepared for the colder months.” They had plenty of room in the ranks and lost of all they needed a few more females to even things up a bit. “Room in the ranks won't be an issue,” he assured, “Before I offer you a place you need to answer me one question, Why Fallen Tree Cove?” He was curious as to why she had chosen his pack of the any he knew to exist.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2017, 06:17 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
It seemed that he was mostly on board, and for a moment she held the widest of smiles on her lips. She hadn't thought it would be so easy but then again the dark male didn't seem like one to beat around the bush and for that she was pleased. She needed to join a pack and she needed to join one soon, before winter had its complete grip on the land. In her condition, she wasn't sure whether she could survive the winter without the protection of a pack.

All seemed well until he asked her why she wanted to join the Cove and for a moment she thought long and hard about her answer. In all honesty she hadn't any reason not to join any pack, she was in desperate need and any pack would have done because of it, but then she reconsidered something and it made her heart lurch in her chest. She recalled his punctuality, and how honest and upfront he had been, she recalled how serene and quiet the lake was and how quickly she had grown to favor it and then she realized that the pack reminded her of a place she had called home on the first day she set foot on the Lore. Those were happier times and Bastet could do nothing but hold on to the memories that made her happy. 

"Something about you makes me feel safe and secure. I barely know you but your energy, your truth, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I don't want that to leave." she paused a moment, to study his handsome face and a smile crossed her lips once more. "I haven't been wrong in my judgement of character yet, am I right?" she questioned him with a cock of her dark head, her mix-matched eyes studied his face in silence. Would he really turn her away if she didn't give him the answer he was seeking?
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika was pleased that she wanted to join the cove, it needed more wolves and she seemed like a promising prospect. He did worry though that she would be like the rest, only seeking temporary shelter until warmer weather. It had happened many times before where a wolf had said they were seeking to stay permanently only to leave a few months later. He didn't want wolves like that in the pack. He would rather keep their numbers low then have wolves coming and going as they pleased. It wasn't good for his Godson and it wasn't good for the pack.

Before he accepted her there were a couple things that he wanted to know and to make clear. The first being a question of why she had chosen the cove pack for her home. There were plenty of packs in the lore so what was it about the cove that appealed to her. After asking the question he waited to hear her response and as it turned out it was him that had made her want to stay. His head canted to the side in thought as he gave her words and question some consideration. “I do not think so,” he finally said, “I do the best I can to protect this pack and be a fair leader for them.” He felt that her answer was sufficient, it was safety and security that she sought. He felt the cove could provide that for her. “One more thing before I accept you into the pack. In the past we have had many come and go. I want you to be sure that this is what you want because I don't want to wake up one morning and find you've deserted us as they have.”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
He needed a bit more convincing and the woman stared at him a moment or two before fixating her brows in deep thought. She wondered if it would matter much to admit to him that she had terrible fits of wanderlust in her past, it could prove to help solidify her words or hurt her chances of allowing her access into the pack. She thought that tossing him the information couldn't hurt if at one point or another she hadn't learned from her past. "At one point in time you could have worried about that," she started off, finding his handsome eyes and smiling softly. "not anymore."

If time had taught her anything it was that with age came greater responsibility, a fact that she was ready to accept not that she had seen much of the world and met plenty of wolves to boot. She was ready to settle down and the Cove felt like the excellent place to do so. "wanderlust has mostly if all, escaped me and I am ready to call a place my forever home. Will you allow me to serve your pack Kajika?" she said, finally growing silent.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity